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Applied Mathematics 4817B
Methods of Applied Mathematics
Course Outline: Winter 2021
Version 2
Important Notice:
This course outline is a living document that may be updated throughout the
course. Such updates will be announced and the latest version will be posted on
http: // owl. uwo. ca . The version number can be found at the bottom of each
page. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have the most recent version
of this document. All students registered in AM4817B are expected to have read
this course outline carefully.
1 General Course Information
Course Information: (0.5 course:) Fourier, Laplace and Hankel transforms
with applications to partial differential equations; integral equations; and signal
processing and imaging; asymptotic methods with application to integrals and
differential equations.
Prerequisite(s): Applied Mathematics 3815A/B. Pre-or Corequisite(s):
Applied Mathematics 3811A/B.
2 Timetable
All course content and evaluations will be done online, i.e. there is no face to
face (in person) component to this course. The course material will be delivered
using a combinations of methods involving both synchronous lectures over Zoom
which will be recorded with links to the session posted on OWL, as well as
asynchronous materials such as notes, videos and supplemental readings posted
on OWL.
This is an outline of when the class meets:
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Lectures 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
on Zoom Thursday
4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Office Hours Tuesday
on Zoom 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
(or by appointment)
Note: First class is on Tuesday, January 12th.
3 Instructor Information
Instructor: Prof. Trichtchenko
email: [email protected]
The simplest way to reach me is by email. Students must use their Western
(@uwo.ca) email addresses when contacting their instructors.
4 Resources
Lectures: The instructor will hold live lectures (synchronous) on Zoom which
will be recorded. These will have accompanying notes in pdf format and the
recordings will be posted.
Textbook: There is no required textbook for this class. Notes will be posted on
OWL and additional select references from textbooks will be posted as course
readings through the Western library services on OWL.
Homework: These will be posted on Gradescope roughly every other week for
a total of 4 homework assignments.
4.1 Online Tools:
Aside from built in OWL tools, we will use the following tools with links available
from the OWL sites:
1. VoiceThread: Instructional videos with course content will be posted on
VoiceThread to facilitate comments and questions.
2. Gradescope: Homework assignments will be submitted and returned
using Gradescope.
3. Zoom: Lectures will take place on Zoom synchronously and will be
Students should check OWL (http://owl.uwo.ca) on a regular basis for news,
updates, as well as a calendar and weekly checklist. This is the primary method
by which information will be disseminated to all students in the class.
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Note: Please contact the course instructor if you require material in an alter-
nate format or if you require any other arrangements to make this course more
accessible to you.
5 Methods of Evaluation
Your final grade in this course will be computed using the following scheme:
Assignments (4) 30%
Project 10%
Midterm Exam 25%
Final Exam 30%
Participation 5%
Assignments: These will be posted online approximately every other week,
for a total of 4 assignments. Assignments not submitted by the due date will be
lose 15% for every 24 hours after the due date and time it is due, unless the in-
structor is provided with a valid excuse. Please submit individual answers
and do not plagiarise.
Note: If the answers that are uploaded cannot be read or the right answer is
not marked and easily found, these answers will not be assigned points. Please
make sure your assignment is complete and legible before finishing your upload
to Gradescope.
Project: Students will complete an individual project illustrating how one
of the methods discussed in class is used in current research/literature, elabo-
rating on needed extensions of the method or the unique applications.
Midterm exam: The midterm exam will be a timed 2 hour exam. It will
take place during one of the two hour classes, proctored over Zoom.
Special Accommodations for timed tests: Please contact me if you re-
quire special accommodations for exams and tests.
Final exam: The final exam will be a 3 hour online exam, proctored over
Participation: Students are encouraged to attend live lectures and ask ques-
tions in class as well as post comments and answers on OWL Forums and
VoiceThread. These will be moderated by the instructor.
The schedule of evaluations is as follows
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Type Date
Assignment 1 February 5, 2021 at 11:50 p.m.
Assignment 2 February 22, 2021 at 11:50 p.m.
Midterm February 25, 2021 at 11:50 p.m.
Assignment 3 March 19, 2021 at 11:50 p.m.
Assignment 4 April 5, 2021 at 11:50 p.m.
Project April 12, 2021 at 11:50 p.m.
Final To be scheduled centrally
where dates can be subject to change depending on unforeseen circumstances.
6 Course Content
Here are some of the topics we will cover in this class (not necessarily in this
order). Whenever needed, supplementary readings will be provided as required.
1. Review
• Complex variables
• ODEs
• PDEs
2. Special functions
• Green’s functions in ODEs and PDEs
• Bessel, Hermite, etc∗
3. Integral Transforms
• Laplace transforms
• Fourier transforms
• Hankle transforms
• Unified transform method∗
4. Optional Content
• Dimensional analysis∗
• Perturbation theory∗
• Asymptotic analysis∗
Whenever possible, we will discuss the application in physics, engineering, medicine
or other fields.
Based on student backgrounds and interest, the timing for the topics will be
adjusted (for example, review can be faster or slower depending on student
comfort level). Topics with a ∗ are optional and will be covered based on time
constraints and student interest.
We may also illustrate some methods using software such as Maple (can be used
for free through a virtual license) or Python which is freely available.
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7 Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course, the students will be able to
1. Review and recognise where previously learned theory works and where it
2. Contextualise how mathematical methods introduced in this class can add
to analysis of mathematical equations
3. Understand where different methods covered in this class are applicable
and where they can fail
4. Understand the application and importance of the methods discussed in
class to fields outside of mathematics
5. Understand how differential and integral equations are related through
different transforms
6. Recognise that in certain applications, the only available methods for anal-
ysis of differential equations are approximate methods and what their lim-
itations are
7. Learn about how some of these methods are implemented in computational
8. Relate the course material to current research in applied mathematics
8 Accommodation and Accessibility
8.1 Accommodation Policies
Students with disabilities work with Accessible Education (formerly SSD) which
provides recommendations for accommodation based on medical documentation
or psychological and cognitive testing. The accommodation policy can be found
here: https://www.uwo.ca/univsec/pdf/academic_policies/appeals/AcademicAccommodation_
8.2 Academic Consideration for Student Absence
Students will have up to two (2) opportunities during the regular academic year
to use an on-line portal to self-report an absence during the term, provided the
following conditions are met: the absence is no more than 48 hours in duration,
and the assessment for which consideration is being sought is worth 30 % or less
of the students final grade. Students are expected to contact their instructors
within 24 hours of the end of the period of the self-reported absence, unless
noted on the syllabus. Students are not able to use the self-reporting option in
the following circumstances:
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• for exams scheduled by the Office of the Registrar (e.g., December and
April exams)
• absence of a duration greater than 48 hours,
• assessments worth more than 30 % of the students final grade,
• if a student has already used the self-reporting portal twice during the
academic year
If the conditions for a Self-Reported Absence are not met, students will need
to provide a Student Medical Certificate if the absence is medical, or provide
appropriate documentation if there are compassionate grounds for the absence in
question. Students are encouraged to contact their Faculty academic counselling
office to obtain more information about the relevant documentation.
Students should also note that individual instructors are not permitted to
receive documentation directly from a student, whether in support of an applica-
tion for consideration on medical grounds, or for other reasons. All documen-
tation required for absences that are not covered by the Self-Reported
Absence Policy must be submitted to the Academic Counselling office
of a student’s Home Faculty.
For policy on Academic Consideration for Student Absences - Undergraduate
Students in First Entry Programs, see: https://www.uwo.ca/univsec/pdf/
academic_policies/appeals/Academic_Consideration_for_absences.pdf and
for the Student Medical Certificate (SMC), see: http://www.uwo.ca/univsec/
8.3 Religious Accommodation
Students should consult the University’s list of recognized religious holidays, and
should give reasonable notice in writing, prior to the holiday, to the Instructor
and an Academic Counsellor if their course requirements will be affected by a re-
ligious observance. Additional information is given in the Western Multicultural
9 Academic Policies
9.1 Scholastic Offenses
are taken seriously and students are directed to read the appropriate policy,
specifically, the definition of what constitutes a Scholastic Offence, at the follow-
ing Web site: http://www.uwo.ca/univsec/pdf/academic_policies/appeals/
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9.2 Academic Integrity
When completing online exams, please abide by the rules and regulations out-
lined by the instructor, i.e. complete the exam on your own only using the
resources allowed for the exam or test.
9.3 Online Etiquette
Some components of this course will involve online interactions. To ensure the
best experience for both you and your classmates, please honour the following
rules of etiquette:
• arrive to class on time
• use your computer and/or laptop if possible (as opposed to a cell phone
or tablet)
• ensure that you are in a private location to protect the confidentiality
of discussions in the event that a class discussion deals with sensitive or
personal material
• to minimize background noise, mute your microphone for the entire class
until you are invited to speak, unless directed otherwise
• When in a larger course, in order to give us optimum bandwidth and
web quality, turn off your video camera for the entire class unless you are
invited to speak
• please be prepared to turn your video camera off at the instructors request
if the internet connection becomes unstable
• unless invited by your instructor, do not share your screen in the meeting
The course instructor will act as moderator for the class and will deal with any
questions from participants. To participate please consider the following:
• If you wish to speak, use the raise hand function and wait for the instructor
to acknowledge you before beginning your comment or question.
• Please remember to unmute your microphone and turn on your video
camera before speaking.
• Self-identify when speaking.
• Please remember to mute your mic and turn off your video camera after
speaking (unless directed otherwise).
General considerations of netiquette:
• Keep in mind the different cultural and linguistic backgrounds of the stu-
dents in the course.
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• Be courteous toward the instructor, your colleagues, and authors whose
work you are discussing.
• Be respectful of the diversity of viewpoints that you will encounter in the
class and in your readings. The exchange of diverse ideas and opinions is
part of the scholarly environment. Flaming is never appropriate.
• Be professional and scholarly in all online postings. Use proper grammar
and spelling. Cite the ideas of others appropriately.
Note that disruptive behaviour of any type during online classes, including in-
appropriate use of the chat function, is unacceptable. Students found guilty
of Zoom-bombing a class or of other serious online offenses may be subject to
disciplinary measures under the Code of Student Conduct.
9.4 Internet
Completion of this course will require you to have a reliable internet connection
and a device that meets the system requirements for Zoom. Information about
the system requirements are available at the following link: https://support.
Please note that Zoom servers are located outside Canada. If you would
prefer to use only your first name or a nickname to login to Zoom, please provide
this information to the instructor in advance of the test or examination.
9.5 Recordings
All of the remote learning sessions for this course may be recorded. The data
captured during these recordings may include your image, voice recordings, chat
logs and personal identifiers (name displayed on the screen). The recordings
will be used for educational purposes related to this course, including eval-
uations. The recordings may be disclosed to other individuals under special
circumstances. Please contact the instructor if you have any concerns related
to session recordings.
Participants in this course are not permitted to record the sessions, except
where recording is an approved accommodation, or the participant has the prior
written permission of the instructor.
10 Zoom Proctoring of Exams
Examinations in this course will be conducted using Zoom. You will be required
to keep your camera on for the entire session, and share your screen with the
invigilator if asked to do so at any time during the exam. The exam session will
not be recorded.
More information about the use of Zoom for exam invigilation is available
in the Online Proctoring Guidelines at the following link: https://www.uwo.
Version 2
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Completion of this course will require you to have a reliable internet con-
nection and a device that meets the system requirements for Zoom. Informa-
tion about the system requirements are available at the following link: https:
Please note that Zoom servers are located outside Canada. If you would
prefer to use only your first name or a nickname to login to Zoom, please discuss
this with your instructor in advance of the test or examination.
11 Support Services
Please visit the Science & Basic Medical Sciences Academic Counselling web-
page for information on add/drop courses, academic considerations for ab-
sences, appeals, exam conflicts, and many other academic related matters:
Please contact the course instructor if you require lecture or printed material
in an alternate format or if any other arrangements can make this course more
accessible to you. You may also wish to contact Student Accessibility Services
(SAS) at (519) 661-2147 if you have any questions regarding accommodations.
Western University is committed to a thriving campus as we deliver our
courses in the mixed model of both virtual and face-to-face formats. We en-
courage you to check out the Digital Student Experience website to manage
your academics and well-being: https://www.uwo.ca/se/digital/.
Learning-skills counsellors at the Student Development Centre (http://
www.sdc.uwo.ca) are ready to help you improve your learning skills. They of-
fer presentations on strategies for improving time management, multiple-choice
exam preparation/writing, textbook reading, and more. Individual support is
offered throughout the Fall/Winter terms in the drop-in Learning Help Centre,
and year-round through individual counselling.
Students who are in emotional/mental distress should refer to
Mental Health@Western http://www.health.uwo.ca/mental_health
for a complete list of options about how to obtain help.
Version 2




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