程序代写案例-CSCI 485

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2021/4/20 : Quiz Submissions - Quiz 3 - CSCI 485: TOPICS IN SYSTEMS - S21 N01 N02 - Vancouver Island University
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Quiz Submissions - Quiz 3
Xiaofeng Gu (username: VIUD2L_1035567)
Attempt 1
Written: Mar 3, 2021 7:29 AM - Mar 3, 2021 8:18 AM
Submission View
Released: Mar 8, 2021 3:22 PM
Question 1 7 / 10 points
In the current labs for the course, variables must be declared before they are used.
Suppose we were to change the language specifications so that variables could be used before
they are declared, as long as a suitable declaration follows at some point in an accessible scope.
Outline a solution you would adopt, detailing the specific kinds of changes this would involve in
your .lex and .yacc files, and the specific type and scope checking issues you expect to
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The main idea is that we need an additional table to store the type information and variable
information we need to check against. And we perform the check only after the whole file is
.lex will be fine.
But in .yacc, we won't be able to perform the type check and scope checking, right after each
grammer rule is applied. Since in the original .yacc, we checked against the symbol table which
only contains variables already declared. We need to store the information instead of checking
right away and perform checking after the file is scanned.
Definitely on the right track, but very vague - see some of the thoughts below.
Sample solution:
In our current lab, we have no type conversions possible and we only have global scope, so if we
see an undeclared variable used we can identify from its enclosing expression what kind of
variable it should be, and we can add it to the symbol table, BUT we should add an extra flag to
the symbol table that indicates (for each variable) if we have seen an explicit declaration for the
variable. In this case, the flag would be set to false.
If we see a variable declaration for a variable that is not yet in the symbol table then we treat it
2021/4/20 : Quiz Submissions - Quiz 3 - CSCI 485: TOPICS IN SYSTEMS - S21 N01 N02 - Vancouver Island University
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Question 2 8 / 10 points
For the HLL code segment below, provide a translation to a one-address code representation,
and briefly describe each of the one-address operations you used (e.g. how many operands it
expects and in what order on the top of the stack)
x = 13 - y
y = 7 + x * y / 100

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Question 3 10 / 10 points
For the HLL code segment below, provide a translation to a three-address code representation,
and briefly describe each of the operations you used.
x = 13 - y
y = 7 + x * y / 100
If we see a variable declaration for a variable that has been added to the symbol table but has
not yet been explicitly declared then we check the data type is correct (error if not) and change
the explicit declaration flag to true.
If we get to the end of the program and the table contains variables that are lacking an explicit
declaration then we generate an appropriate error message.
push y
push 13
sub(pop 13, y, performs -, push result as x)
push y
mul(pop y, x, perform *, push result)
push 100
div(pop result of x * y, pop 100, perform /, push result)
push 7
add(pop 7, result of x * y / 100, perform +, push result)
pop x (pops result off stack into x)
mul, div, add all take 2 operands and top of stack as first and second top of stack as second.
2021/4/20 : Quiz Submissions - Quiz 3 - CSCI 485: TOPICS IN SYSTEMS - S21 N01 N02 - Vancouver Island University
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Question 4 9.5 / 10 points
For the HLL statement given below, assuming it was to be represented using a syntax graph:
(i) identify the common subtrees that could be used in reducing the graph size. (Assume
standard arithmetic precedence and associativity rules.)
(ii) based on your DAG from (i), if we assumed a value-number array-based implementation, how
many leaves and how many nodes would actually be stored in the resulting array?
x = a + x * y - a + x * y - x * y + x + x * y
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Question 5 6 / 10 points
We discussed the use of control flow graphs together with linear codes to model possible
execution flows in a program. If we were to apply a similar idea with the HLL code segment
R1 = 13
R2 = y
R3 = R1 - R2 (subtract as result of 13 - y)
X = R3 (copy result back to program variables)
R4 = R3 * R2 (multiply as result of x * y)
R5 = 100
R6 = R4 / R5 (division as result of x * y / 100)
R7 = 7
R8 = R7 + R6 (add as the result of 7 + x * y / 100)
Y = R8 (copy result back to program variables)
common subtrees: t1 = x * y, t2 =a, t3 = y, t4 = x.
leaves: 3
nodes: 7
2021/4/20 : Quiz Submissions - Quiz 3 - CSCI 485: TOPICS IN SYSTEMS - S21 N01 N02 - Vancouver Island University
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below, identify the statements that would be identified as leaders, and for each leader identify
the statement that would be last in its associated block and briefly justify your choice of that
leader/endpoint pair.
int f(int a, float b){
if (a < 0)
a = -a;
do {
a += a;
} while (a < b);
return a;

float g(int c){
c *= 2.5;
return 7.0 - c;

int i;
float j;

int main(){
i = 27;
j = 1.3;
while (i < g(i)) {
i = f(i,j);
j *= 0.5;
j = g(i);
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leader/endpoint pairs:
in function main:
l: i = 27; e: j = 1.3; (before the while loop)
l: i = f(i,j); e: j *= 0.5; (in the while loop)
j = g(i)l (after the while loop)
in function f:
l: a = -a; e:a = -a; (first branch of if)
l: a += a; e:a += a; (inside do block)
l:return a; e:return a;(after the do block)
in function g:
l: c *= 2.5; e:return 7.0 - c; (g only have single block)
The "justification" part not provided.
Sample solution:
2021/4/20 : Quiz Submissions - Quiz 3 - CSCI 485: TOPICS IN SYSTEMS - S21 N01 N02 - Vancouver Island University
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Attempt Score: 40.5 / 50 - 81 %
Overall Grade (highest attempt): 40.5 / 50 - 81 %
Here we're still faced with the basic problem of unique entry and exit points to blocks. One we
identify what qualifies as a leader to each block then we can identify the exit points as well.
If statements and while statements are tricky, since they involve both a test and a possible
branch, so I'm going to treat an "if (expr)" as both an entry and exit point, where branches would
go to the first statement in the block or the first statement after the block. While statements
will be treated similarly.
Function call/return is even worse, since there is a clear transfer of control, and they can
actually occur in the midst of any of our other statements. For the discussion below I'll actually
treat the function call as an exit point, and the return as the leader to a subsequent block. [This
is why we usually think of this process in conjunction with something like a three-address code,
where the point of transfer can be clearly separated from the rest of the operations.]
With that as a pre-amble, lets establish our set of leaders and, based on that, their exit points
1. f's if statement: leader and exit point
2. f's do block: leader and only statement is the a += a
3. f's while statement: leader and exit point
4. f's return statement: leader and exit point
5. g's c += 2.5: leader, exit point is the return statement
6. main: leader is i=27, exit point is the j=1.3
7. main's while statement: leader and exit point is the call to g(i) in the test condition
8. main's while body: leader the (i < ...) on return from the call in 7, exit point is the call to f
9. rest of main's while: leader is the i=... on return from the call in 8, exit is j+=0.5 (where
control would go back to 7)
10. post-while: leader and exit point is the call to g(i)
11. finale: leader is the j=... on return from call in 10, is also the exit point (ignoring an implied
return 0 at the end of main)




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