程序代写案例-CSSE1001/CSSE7030-Assignment 2

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End of Dayz
Assignment 2
Semester 1, 2021
Due date: 20:00 (AEST), 23 April, 2021
1 Introduction
In this assignment, you will implement a text-based zombie survival game, End of DayZ. In End of DayZ, the
player has to successfully evade zombies to reach the hospital and win the game.
This assignment is divided into three tasks of increasing difficulty. Each task builds on the previous task. It
is recommended that you implement one task at a time. After you finish implementing a task ensure that you
thoroughly test your implementation before moving onto the next task.
The game is played within a square grid. The contents of the grid (i.e. zombies, the player, the hospital, etc.)
are loaded from a map file. Map files are text files which store a grid, map files are explained in Section 4.
2 Getting Started
To start, download a2.zip from Blackboard and extract the contents. The a2.zip archive contains all the
necessary files to start this assignment.
Within the a2.zip archive you will find the following:
• a2.py: You are required to implement your assignment solution entirely within this file. This is the only
file that you will submit for this assignment, do not make changes to any other files.
• a2_support.py: This file contains code that you must use to assist you in implementing your assignment.
You are expected to read the code in this file and decide when it is appropriate to use it within your
• maps: A folder containing maps as text files that the user can load and play.
3 Terminology
In the context of this assignment:
• The grid is an n by n collection of squares.
• A position is the location of a square in the grid. A position is represented by (row, column) starting from
the top-left position of the grid, (0, 0).
• An entity is a general term for anything that can be found in the grid. An entity occupies exactly one
square of the grid.
• The player is an entity whose movement is controlled by the user playing the game. Each game has exactly
one player.
• A step is an event that is triggered by the user moving the player. A step event can trigger other entities
in the grid to react.
• The hospital is an entity that does not move but is at the position that the player is trying to reach. Each
game has exactly one hospital.
• A zombie is an entity that the player has to avoid. A game can have multiple zombie entities. Zombie
entities may move during every step event.
4 Map Encoding
A map is encoded as a text file. The map file specifies the position of every entity in the grid. Each line of the
file represents a row of the grid. Each square in the row is represented by a single character. Space characters
represent a tile that does not contain an entity and non-space characters represent the type of entity in that
position. Table 1 shows which character is used to encode each of the entity subclasses.
Character Entity
P Player
H Hospital
Z Zombie
Table 1: Characters used to encode each Entity subclass
Figure 1 is an example map encoding. Spaces in this map encoding are made explicit in this task sheet by ␣ ,
however they should just appear as a space in the actual map files. The player is in the position (2, 0). The
hospital is located in the position (1, 2). The zombie is located in the position (3, 3).
Figure 1: Map encoding of a 4 by 4 grid that contains a player, hospital and one zombie.
5 Gameplay
A game is started by prompting the user for a map file. The prompt should say ‘Map:␣’ and wait for the
user to enter the name of a file that contains a map encoding. The application requires the user to enter the
relative path of the map file (e.g. maps/basic.txt). You are not expected to handle the situation where the
file contains an invalid map encoding, or where the user enters an invalid path to a map file.
Once the map encoding is loaded, the grid should be printed. The grid should be surrounded by ‘#’ characters
on the top, bottom and sides. The ‘#’ character represents the border of a grid. An example of a 4 by 4 grid
is shown below.
# P #
# #
# H #
# Z#
Figure 2: Grid representing the map from Figure 1 displayed as it should be printed to the user.
The game loop includes the following steps, which are executed repeatedly until a step causes the game to
1. Prompt the user for an action. The prompt should say “Enter your next action:␣”.
2. Processing the action entered by the user:1
• If the entered action is a direction, and moving in the given direction would not move the player out
of bounds, move the player in that direction.
• If the entered direction would move the player out of bounds, the player remains in the same location.
• If the entered action is invalid, ignore the input.
• Regardless of what the player enters for the action, initiate the step event.
3. After the step event:
• If the game is over and the player has won, print “You win!”.
• If the game is over and the player has lost, print “You lose!”.
• If the game is not over, print the grid and repeat the game loop from the first step.
1Task 3 will ask you to extend the logic of this base game loop to include the fire action, the required extension is explained in
the implementation section of task 3.
6 Implementation
This section defines all of the classes and methods that you need to implement for your assignment.
Each class is listed with a description and a list of all methods required for the class. If the class has a
constructor, i.e. an __init__ method, that constructor will be described in a Constructor section.
Each method is listed with the name of the method, each parameter it takes, including the type hints2, and the
return type hint, if applicable.
Figure 3 on the successive page provides an overview of all the classes and methods that need to be implemented
to complete this assignment. Each box represents a class.
• Classes outlined in pink are supplied in the a2_support.py file.
• Classes outlined in green are to be implemented for task 1.
• Classes outlined in orange are to be implemented for task 2.
• Classes outlined in blue are to be implemented for task 3.
Below the name of a class is a list of the methods that need to be implemented by that class. An arrow from
one class to another means that the class being pointed at is a superclass and the other class inherits from it.
(i.e. the arrow from Player to Entity means that the Player class inherits from the Entity class.)
The tasks progressively implement the game. You should start working on task 1 and then progress to the
following tasks as you complete the previous task.
• Task 1 implements the core game environment in which the player can move around the grid and reach
the hospital. Upon reaching the hospital the player wins the game.
• Task 2 introduces a simple zombie into the game. Players can now lose the game if a zombie catches them
before they reach the hospital.
• Task 3 adds an intelligent zombie that will hunt the player. Defense and attack items are also added in
this task. Players can pick up a defense item, a garlic, that protects them from a zombie for a limited
amount of time. Players can also pick up an attack item, a crossbow, that allows the player to fire at
zombies to remove the zombie from the grid.
You can achieve a passing mark in the assignment by just completing task 1. This requires that your code is
well structured and readable. Completing tasks 2 and 3 provides more functionality marks and the ability to
demonstrate understanding of more sophisticated object oriented programming techniques, such as polymorphism
and encapsulation.
2You may include the type hints in your code but type hints are not required for the assignment.
Figure 3: Class relationship diagram for the classes which need to be implemented for this assignment.
6.1 Task 1
Entity (class)
Entity is an abstract class that is used to represent anything that can appear on the game’s grid.
For example, the game grid will always have a player, so a player is considered a type of entity. A game grid
may also have a zombie, so a zombie is considered a type of entity.
step(self, position: Position, game: Game) -> None (method)
The step method is called on every entity in the game grid after each move made by the player, it controls
what actions an entity will perform during the step event.
The abstract Entity class will not perform any action during the step event. Therefore, this method should do
• position: The position of this entity when the step event is triggered.
• game: The current game being played.
display(self) -> str (method)
Return the character used to represent this entity in a text-based grid.
An instance of the abstract Entity class should never be placed in the grid, so this method should only be
implemented by subclasses of Entity.
To indicate that this method needs to be implemented by subclasses, this method should raise a NotImplementedError.
__repr__(self) -> str (method)
Return a representation of this entity.
By convention, the repr string of a class should look as close as possible to how the class is constructed. Since
entities do not take constructor parameters, the repr string will be the class name followed by parentheses,
For example, the representation of the Entity class will be Entity().
>>> repr(Entity())
>>> Entity().__repr__()
>>> entity = Entity()
>>> repr(entity)
Player (class)
Inherits from Entity
A player is a subclass of the entity class that represents the player that the user controls on the game grid.
>>> player = Player()
>>> repr(player)
>>> player.display()
display(self) -> str (method)
Return the character used to represent the player entity in a text-based grid.
A player should be represented by the ‘P’ character.
Hospital (class)
Inherits from Entity
A hospital is a subclass of the entity class that represents the hospital in the grid.
The hospital is the entity that the player has to reach in order to win the game.
>>> hospital = Hospital()
>>> repr(hospital)
>>> hospital.display()
display(self) -> str (method)
Return the character used to represent the hospital entity in a text-based grid.
A hospital should be represented by the ‘H’ character.
Grid (class)
The Grid class is used to represent the 2D grid of entities.
The grid can vary in size but it is always a square.
Each (x, y) position in the grid can only contain one entity at a time.
>>> grid = Grid(5)
>>> grid.get_size()
>>> grid.in_bounds(Position(2, 2))
>>> grid.in_bounds(Position(0, 6))
>>> grid.get_entities()
>>> grid.add_entity(Position(2, 2), Hospital())
>>> grid.get_entity(Position(2, 2))
>>> grid.get_entities()
>>> grid.serialize()
{(2, 2): 'H'}
Constructor (method)
A grid is constructed with a size that dictates the length and width of the grid.
Initially a grid does not contain any entities.
• size (int): The length and width of the grid.
get_size(self) -> int (method)
Returns the size of the grid.
in_bounds(self, position: Position) -> bool (method)
Return True if the given position is within the bounds of the grid.
For a position to be within the bounds of the grid, both the x and y coordinates have to be greater than or
equal to zero but less than the size of the grid.
• position: An (x, y) position that we want to check is within the bounds of the grid.
>>> grid5 = Grid(5)
>>> grid5.in_bounds(Position(0, 10))
>>> grid5.in_bounds(Position(0, 5))
>>> grid5.in_bounds(Position(0, 4))
>>> grid5.in_bounds(Position(-1, 4))
>>> grid10 = Grid(10)
>>> grid10.in_bounds(Position(9, 8))
>>> grid10.in_bounds(Position(9, 10))
add_entity(self, position: Position, entity: Entity) -> None (method)
Place a given entity at a given position of the grid.
If there is already an entity at the given position, the given entity will replace the existing entity.
If the given position is outside the bounds of the grid, the entity should not be added.
Hint: You may find it helpful to implement get_entity below at the same time as this method.
• position: An (x, y) position in the grid to place the entity.
• entity: The entity to place on the grid.
>>> grid = Grid(4)
>>> grid.add_entity(Position(0, 0), Player())
>>> grid.get_entity(Position(0, 0))
>>> grid.add_entity(Position(0, 0), Hospital())
>>> grid.get_entity(Position(0, 0))
>>> grid.add_entity(Position(-1, 0), Player())
>>> grid.get_entity(Position(-1, 0))
remove_entity(self, position: Position) -> None (method)
Remove the entity, if any, at the given position.
• position: An (x, y) position in the grid from which the entity is removed.
>>> grid = Grid(4)
>>> grid.add_entity(Position(0, 0), Player())
>>> grid.get_entity(Position(0, 0))
>>> grid.remove_entity(Position(0, 0))
>>> grid.get_entity(Position(0, 0))
get_entity(self, position: Position) -> Optional[Entity] (method)
Return the entity that is at the given position in the grid.
If there is no entity at the given position, returns None. If the given position is out of bounds, returns
See the above add_entity method for examples.
• position: The (x, y) position in the grid to check for an entity.
get_mapping(self) -> Dict[Position, Entity] (method)
Return a dictionary with position instances as the keys and entity instances as the values.
For every position in the grid that has an entity, the returned dictionary should contain an entry with the
position instance mapped to the entity instance.
Updating the returned dictionary should have no side-effects. It would not modify the grid.
>>> grid = Grid(4)
>>> grid.add_entity(Position(0, 0), Player())
>>> grid.add_entity(Position(3, 3), Hospital())
>>> grid.get_mapping()
{Position(0, 0): Player(), Position(3, 3): Hospital()}
get_entities(self) -> List[Entity] (method)
Return a list of all the entities in the grid.
Updating the returned list should have no side-effects. It would not modify the grid.
# The example below shows a grid with multiple hospitals this should
# never occur in practice but isn’t prohibited
>>> grid = Grid(5)
>>> grid.add_entity(Position(0, 0), Hospital())
>>> grid.add_entity(Position(0, 1), Player())
>>> grid.add_entity(Position(2, 2), Hospital())
>>> grid.add_entity(Position(4, 4), Hospital())
>>> grid.get_entities()
[Hospital(), Player(), Hospital(), Hospital()]
move_entity(self, start: Position, end: Position) -> None (method)
Move an entity from the given start position to the given end position.
• If the end position or start position is out of the grid bounds, do not attempt to move.
• If there is no entity at the given start position, do not attempt to move.
• If there is an entity at the given end position, replace that entity with the entity from the start position.
The start position should not have an entity after moving.
• start: The position the entity is in initially.
• end: The position to which the entity will be moved.
>>> grid = Grid(10)
>>> grid.add_entity(Position(1, 2), Player())
>>> grid.move_entity(Position(1, 2), Position(3, 5))
>>> grid.get_entity(Position(1, 2))
>>> grid.get_entity(Position(3, 5))
find_player(self) -> Optional[Position] (method)
Return the position of the player within the grid.
Return None if there is no player in the grid.
If the grid has multiple players (which it should not), returning any of the player positions is sufficient.
>>> grid = Grid(10)
>>> grid.add_entity(Position(4, 6), Player())
>>> grid.find_player()
Position(4, 6)
serialize(self) -> Dict[Tuple[int, int], str] (method)
Serialize the grid into a dictionary that maps tuples to characters.
The tuples should have two values, the x and y coordinate representing a postion. The characters are the display
representation of the entity at that position. i.e. ‘P’ for player, ‘H’ for hospital.
Only positions that have an entity should exist in the dictionary.
>>> grid = Grid(50)
>>> grid.add_entity(Position(3, 8), Player())
>>> grid.add_entity(Position(3, 20), Hospital())
>>> grid.serialize()
{(3, 8): 'P’, (3, 20): ’H'}
MapLoader (class)
The MapLoader class is used to read a map file and create an appropriate Grid instance which stores all the
map file entities.
The MapLoader class is an abstract class to allow for extensible map definitions. The BasicMapLoader class
described below is a very simple implementation of the MapLoader which only handles the player and hospital
load(self, filename: str) -> Grid (method)
Load a new Grid instance from a map file.
Load will open the map file and read each line to find all the entities in the grid and add them to the new Grid
The create_entity method below is used to turn a character in the map file into an Entity instance.
Hint: The load_map function in the support code may be helpful.
• filename: Path where the map file should be found.
create_entity(self, token: str) -> Entity (method)
Create and return a new instance of the Entity class based on the provided token.
For example, if the given token is ‘P’ a Player instance will be returned.
The abstract MapLoader class does not support any entities, when this method is called, it should raise a
• token: Character representing the Entity subtype.
BasicMapLoader (class)
Inherits from MapLoader
BasicMapLoader is a subclass of MapLoader which can handle loading map files which include the following
• Player
• Hospital
create_entity(self, token: str) -> Entity (method)
Create and return a new instance of the Entity class based on the provided token.
For example, if the given token is ‘P’ a Player instance will be returned.
The BasicMapLoader class only supports the Player and Hospital entities.
When a token is provided that does not represent the Player or Hospital, this method should raise a ValueError.
• token: Character representing the Entity subtype.
Game (class)
The Game handles some of the logic for controlling the actions of the player within the grid.
The Game class stores an instance of the Grid and keeps track of the player within the grid so that the player
can be controlled.
Constructor (method)
The construction of a Game instance takes the grid upon which the game is being played.
Preconditions: The grid has a player, i.e. grid.find_player() is not None.
• grid (Grid): The game’s grid.
get_grid(self) -> Grid (method)
Return the grid on which this game is being played.
get_player(self) -> Optional[Player] (method)
Return the instance of the Player class in the grid.
If there is no player in the grid, return None.
If there are multiple players in the grid, returning any player is sufficient.
step(self) -> None (method)
The step method of the game will be called after every action performed by the player.
This method triggers the step event by calling the step method of every entity in the grid. When the entity‘s
step method is called, it should pass the entity’s current position and this game as parameters.
Note: Do not call this method in the move_player method.
get_steps(self) -> int (method)
Return the amount of steps made in the game, i.e. how many times the step method has been called.
move_player(self, offset: Position) -> None (method)
Move the player entity in the grid by a given offset.
Add the offset to the current position of the player, move the player entity within the grid to the new
If the new position is outside the bounds of the grid, or there is no player in the grid, this method should not
move the player.
• offset: A position to add to the player’s current position to produce the player’s new desired position.
direction_to_offset(self, direction: str) -> Optional[Position] (method)
Convert a direction, as a string, to a offset position.
The offset position can be added to a position to move in the given direction.
If the given direction is not valid, this method should return None.
• direction: Character representing the direction in which the player should be moved.
>>> game = Game(Grid(5))
>>> game.direction_to_offset("W")
Position(0, -1)
>>> game.direction_to_offset("S")
Position(0, 1)
>>> game.direction_to_offset("A")
Position(-1, 0)
>>> game.direction_to_offset("D")
Position(1, 0)
>>> game.direction_to_offset("N")
>>> game.direction_to_offset("that way!")
has_won(self) -> bool (method)
Return true if the player has won the game.
The player wins the game by stepping onto the hospital. When the player steps on the hospital, there will be
no hospital entity in the grid.
has_lost(self) -> bool (method)
Return true if the player has lost the game.
Currently there is no way for the player to lose the game so this method should always return false.
TextInterface (class)
Inherits from GameInterface
A text-based interface between the user and the game instance.
This class handles all input collection from the user and printing to the console.
Constructor (method)
The text-interface is constructed knowing the size of the game to be played, this allows the draw method to
correctly print the right sized grid.
• size (int): The size of the game to be displayed and played.
draw(self, game: Game) -> None (method)
The draw method should print out the given game surrounded by ‘#’ characters representing the border of the
• game: An instance of the game class that is to be displayed to the user by printing the grid.
>>> grid = Grid(4)
>>> grid.add_entity(Position(2, 2), Player())
>>> game = Game(grid)
>>> interface = TextInterface(4)
>>> interface.draw(game)
# #
# #
# P #
# #
play(self, game: Game) -> None (method)
The play method implements the game loop, constantly prompting the user for their action, performing the
action and printing the game until the game is over.
Hint: Refer to the Gameplay section for a detailed explanation of the game loop.
• game: The game to start playing.
handle_action(self, game: Game, action: str) -> None (method)
The handle_action method is used to process the actions entered by the user during the game loop in the play
The handle_action method should be able to handle all movement actions, i.e. ‘W’, ’A’, ’S’, ’D’.
If the given action is not a direction, this method should do nothing.
Hint: Refer to the Gameplay section for a detailed explanation of the game loop.
• game: The game that is currently being played.
• action: An action entered by the player during the game loop.
6.2 Task 2
VulnerablePlayer (class)
Inherits from Player
The VulnerablePlayer class is a subclass of the Player, this class extends the player by allowing them to become
>>> player = VulnerablePlayer()
>>> player.is_infected()
>>> player.infect()
>>> player.is_infected()
>>> player.infect()
>>> player.is_infected()
Constructor (method)
When an object of the VulnerablePlayer class is constructed, the player should not be infected
infect(self) -> None (method)
When the infect method is called, the player becomes infected and subsequent calls to is_infected return
is_infected(self) -> bool (method)
Return the current infected state of the player.
Zombie (class)
Inherits from Entity
The Zombie entity will wander the grid at random.
The movement of a zombie is triggered by the player performing an action, i.e. the zombie moves during each
step event.
step(self, position: Position, game: Game) -> None (method)
The step method for the zombie entity will move the zombie in a random direction.
To implement this, generate a list of the possible directions to move in a random order by calling the random_directions
function from the support code. Check each of the directions to see if the resultant position is available. The
resultant position is the position you reach from moving in a direction.
To be available, a position must be in the bounds of the grid and not already contain an entity.
i.e. if random_directions returns [(1, 0), (0, 1), (-1, 0), (0, -1)]
1. check the current position + (1, 0), if that position is available, move there and stop looking.
2. check the current position + (0, 1), if that position is available, move there and stop looking.
3. check the current position + (-1, 0), if that position is available, move there and stop looking.
4. check the current position + (0, -1), if that position is available, move there and stop looking.
If none of the resultant positions are available, do not move the zombie.
If the position the zombie is going to move to contains the player, the zombie should infect the player but not
move to that position.
• position: The position of this zombie when the step event is triggered.
• game: The current game being played.
display(self) -> str (method)
Return the character used to represent the zombie entity in a text-based grid.
A zombie should be represented by the ‘Z’ character.
IntermediateGame (class)
Inherits from Game
An intermediate game extends some of the functionality of the basic game.
Specifically, the intermediate game includes the ability for the player to lose the game when they become
has_lost(self) -> bool (method)
Return true if the player has lost the game.
The player loses the game if they become infected by a zombie.
IntermediateMapLoader (class)
Inherits from BasicMapLoader
The IntermediateMapLoader class extends BasicMapLoader to add support for new entities that are added in
task 2 of the assignment.
When a player token, ‘P’, is found, a VulnerablePlayer instance should be created instead of a Player.
In addition to the entities handled by the BasicMapLoader, the IntermediateMapLoader should be able to load
the following entities:
• Zombie
6.3 Task 3
TrackingZombie (class)
Inherits from Zombie
The TrackingZombie is a more intelligent type of zombie which is able to see the player and move towards
step(self, position: Position, game: Game) -> None (method)
The step method for the tracking zombie will move the tracking zombie in the best possible direction to move
closer to the player.
To implement this, sort a list of possible directions to minimize the distance between the resultant position
and the player’s position. The resultant position is the position resulting from moving the tracking zombie in
a direction.
If there are multiple directions that result in being the same distance from the player, the direction should be
picked in preference order picking ‘W’ first followed by ‘S’, ‘N’, and finally ‘E’.
i.e. if the zombie is at (1, 1) and the player is at (2, 4)
• Moving ‘N’ will give a resultant position of (1, 0) which is a distance of 5 from the player
• Moving ‘E’ will give a resultant position of (2, 1) which is a distance of 3 from the player
• Moving ‘W’ will give a resultant position of (0, 1) which is a distance of 5 from the player
• Moving ‘S’ will give a resultant position of (1, 2) which is a distance of 3 from the player
In this situation ‘S’ and ‘E’ compete for best direction so ‘S’ is picked, ‘W’ and ‘N’ are also equidistant so ‘W’
is picked, causing an order of ‘S’, ‘E’, ‘W’, ‘N’ to be chosen.
Similar to the zombie’s step method, this method should check each of the possible directions in order, and
move the zombie to the first available position.
To be available, a position must be in the bounds of the grid and not already contain an entity.
If none of the resultant positions are available, do not move the zombie.
If the position the zombie is going to move to contains the player, the zombie should infect the player but not
move to that position.
• position: The position of this zombie when the step event is triggered.
• game: The current game being played.
display(self) -> str (method)
Return the character used to represent the tracking zombie entity in a text-based grid.
A tracking zombie should be represented by the ‘T’ character.
Pickup (class)
Inherits from Entity
A Pickup is a special type of entity that the player is able to pickup and hold in their inventory.
The Pickup class is an abstract class.
Constructor (method)
When a Pickup entity is created, the lifetime of the entity should be equal to its maximum lifetime (durability).
get_durability(self) -> int (method)
Return the maximum amount of steps the player is able to take while holding this item. After the player takes
this many steps, the item disappears.
The abstract Pickup class should never be placed in the grid, so this method should be implemented by the
subclasses of Pickup only.
To indicate that this method needs to be implemented by subclasses, this method should raise a NotImplementedError.
get_lifetime(self) -> int (method)
Return the remaining steps a player can take with this instance of the item before the item disappears from the
player’s inventory.
hold(self) -> None (method)
The hold method is called on every pickup entity that the player is holding each time the player takes a
This will result in the remaining lifetime of the pickup entity decreasing by one.
__repr__(self) -> str (method)
Return a string that represents the entity, the representation contains the type of the pickup entity and the
amount of remaining steps.
Garlic (class)
Inherits from Pickup
Garlic is an entity which the player can pickup.
While the player is holding a garlic entity they cannot be infected by a zombie.
get_durability(self) -> int (method)
Return the durability of a garlic.
A player can only hold a garlic entity for 10 steps.
display(self) -> str (method)
Return the character used to represent the garlic entity in a text-based grid.
A garlic should be represented by the ‘G’ character.
Crossbow (class)
Inherits from Pickup
Crossbow is an entity which the player can pickup.
While the player is holding a crossbow entity they are able to use the fire action to launch a protectile in a
given direction, removing the first zombie in that direction.
get_durability(self) -> int (method)
Return the durability of a crossbow.
A player can only hold a crossbow entity for 5 steps.
display(self) -> str (method)
Return the character used to represent the crossbow entity in a text-based grid.
A crossbow should be represented by the ‘C’ character.
Inventory (class)
An inventory holds a collection of entities which the player can pickup, i.e. Pickup subclasses.
The player is only able to hold any given item for a limited duration, this is the lifetime of the item. Once the
lifetime is exceeded the item will be destroyed by being removed from the inventory.
>>> crossbow = Crossbow()
>>> garlic = Garlic()
>>> inventory = Inventory()
>>> inventory.get_items()
>>> inventory.add_item(crossbow)
>>> inventory.add_item(garlic)
>>> inventory.get_items()
[Crossbow(5), Garlic(10)]
>>> inventory.step()
>>> inventory.step()
>>> inventory.step()
>>> inventory.get_items()
[Crossbow(2), Garlic(7)]
>>> inventory.step()
>>> inventory.get_items()
[Crossbow(1), Garlic(6)]
>>> inventory.step()
>>> inventory.get_items()
>>> for _ in range(30): inventory.step()
>>> inventory.get_items()
Constructor (method)
When an inventory is constructed, it should not contain any items.
step(self) -> None (method)
The step method should be called every time the player steps as a part of the player’s step method.
When this method is called, the lifetime of every item stored within the inventory should decrease. Any items
in the inventory that have exceeded their lifetime should be removed.
add_item(self, item: Pickup) -> None (method)
This method should take a pickup entity and add it to the inventory.
• item: The pickup entity to add to the inventory.
get_items(self) -> List[Pickup] (method)
Return the pickup entity instances currently stored in the inventory.
Updating the returned list should have no side-effects. It is not possible to add items to the inventory by adding
to the returned list.
contains(self, pickup_id: str) -> bool (method)
Return true if the inventory contains any entities which return the given pickup_id from the entity’s display
>>> inventory = Inventory()
>>> inventory.add_item(Garlic())
>>> inventory.contains("C")
>>> inventory.contains("G")
HoldingPlayer (class)
Inherits from VulnerablePlayer
The HoldingPlayer is a subclass of VulnerablePlayer that extends the existing functionality of the player.
In particular, a holding player will now keep an inventory.
get_inventory(self) -> Inventory (method)
Return the instance of the Inventory class that represents the player’s inventory.
infect(self) -> None (method)
Extend the existing infect method so that the player is immune to becoming infected if they are holding
step(self, position: Position, game: Game) -> None (method)
The step method for a holding player will notify its inventory that a step event has occurred.
• position: The position of this entity when the step event is triggered.
• game: The current game being played.
AdvancedGame (class)
Inherits from IntermediateGame
The AdvancedGame class extends IntermediateGame to add support for the player picking up a Pickup item
when they come into contact with it.
move_player(self, offset: Position) -> None (method)
Move the player entity in the grid by a given offset.
If the player moves onto a Pickup item, it should be added to the player’s inventory and removed from the
• offset: A position to add to the player’s current position to produce the player’s new desired position.
AdvancedMapLoader (class)
Inherits from IntermediateMapLoader
The AdvancedMapLoader class extends IntermediateMapLoader to add support for new entities that are added
in task 3 of the assignment.
When a player token, ‘P’, is found, a HoldingPlayer instance should be created instead of a Player or VulnerablePlayer.
In addition to the entities handled by the IntermediateMapLoader, the AdvancedMapLoader should be able to
load the following entities:
• TrackingZombie
• Garlic
• Crossbow
AdvancedTextInterface (class)
Inherits from TextInterface
A text-based interface between the user and the game instance.
This class extends the existing functionality of TextInterface to include displaying the state of the player’s
inventory and a firing action.
draw(self, game: Game) -> None (method)
The draw method should print out the given game surrounded by ‘#’ characters representing the border of the
This method should behave in the same way as the super class except if a player is currently holding items in
their inventory.
If the player is holding items in their inventory, ‘The player is currently holding:’ should be printed after the
grid, followed by the representation of each item in the inventory on separate lines. See the examples for more
• game: An instance of the game class that is to be displayed to the user by printing the grid.
>>> grid = Grid(4)
>>> grid.add_entity(Position(2, 2), HoldingPlayer())
>>> game = Game(grid)
>>> interface = AdvancedTextInterface(4)
>>> interface.draw(game)
# #
# #
# P #
# #
>>> game.get_player().get_inventory().add_item(Garlic())
>>> game.get_player().get_inventory().add_item(Crossbow())
>>> interface.draw(game)
# #
# #
# P #
# #
The player is currently holding:
handle_action(self, game: Game, action: str) -> None (method)
The handle_action method for AdvancedTextInterface should extend the interface to be able to handle the fire
action for a crossbow.
If the user enters, ‘F’ for fire take the following actions:
1. Check that the user has something to fire, i.e. a crossbow, if they do not hold a crossbow, print ‘You are
not holding anything to fire!’
2. Prompt the user to enter a direction in which to fire, with ‘Direction to fire:␣’
3. If the direction is not one of ‘W’, ‘A’, ‘S’ or ‘D’, print ‘Invalid firing direction entered!’
4. Find the first entity, starting from the player’s position in the direction specified.
5. If there are no entities in that direction, or if the first entity is not a zombie, (zombies include tracking
zombies), then print ‘No zombie in that direction!’
6. If the first entity in that direction is a zombie, remove the zombie.
7. Trigger the step event.
If the action is not fire, this method should behave the same as TextInterface.handle_action.
• game: The game that is currently being played.
• action: An action entered by the player during the game loop.
7 Marking and Submission
This assignment assesses course learning objectives:
1. apply program constructs such as variables, selection, iteration and sub-routines,
2. apply basic object-oriented concepts such as classes, instances and methods,
3. read and analyse code written by others,
4. analyse a problem and design an algorithmic solution to the problem,
5. read and analyse a design and be able to translate the design into a working program, and
6. apply techniques for testing and debugging.
7.1 Functionality
Your program’s functionality will be marked out of a total of 8 marks. Your assignment will be automatically
executed and tested. The test results will be used to calculate your functionality mark for the assignment.
You need to perform your own testing of your program to make sure that it meets all specifications given in
the assignment. Only relying on the provided tests is likely to result in your program failing in some cases and
you losing some functionality marks. Note: Functionality tests are automated, so string outputs need to match
exactly what is expected.
Your program must run in the Python interpreter (the IDLE environment). Partial solutions will be marked
but if there are errors in your code that cause the interpreter to fail to execute your program, you will get zero
for functionality marks. If there is a part of your code that causes the interpreter to fail, comment out the code
so that the remainder can run. Your program must run using the Python 3.9 interpreter. If it runs in another
environment (e.g. Python 3.8 or PyCharm) but not in the Python 3.9 interpreter, you will get zero for the
functionality mark.
7.2 Code Style and Structure
The style and structure of your assignment code will be assessed by a tutor. Style and structure will be marked
according to the provided rubric. The style and structure mark will be out of 7.
The key consideration in marking your code style is whether the code is easy to understand. Code style will be
assessed against the following criteria.
• Readability
– Program Structure: Layout of code makes it easier to read and follow its logic. This includes using
whitespace to highlight blocks of logic.
– Descriptive Identifier Names: Variable, constant, function, class and method names clearly describe
what they represent in the program’s logic. Do not use what is called the Hungarian Notation for
identifiers. In short, this means do not include the identifier’s type in its name (e.g. item_list),
rather make the name meaningful. (e.g. Use items, where plural informs the reader it is a collection
of items and it can easily be changed to be some other collection and not a list.) The main reason
for this restriction is that most people who follow the Hungarian Notation convention, use it poorly
(including Microsoft).
– Named Constants: All non-trivial fixed values (literal constants) in the code are represented by
descriptive named (symbolic) constants.
• Documentation
– Comment Clarity: Comments provide meaningful descriptions of the code. They should not repeat
what is already obvious by reading the code (e.g. # Setting variable to 0.). Comments should
not be verbose or excessive, as this can make it difficult to follow the code.
– Informative Docstrings: Every class, method and function should have a docstring that summarises
its purpose. This includes describing parameters and return values so that others can understand
how to use the method or function correctly.
– Description of Logic: All significant blocks of code should have a comment to explain how the
logic works. For a small method or function, the logic should usually be clear from the code and
docstring. For long or complex methods or functions, each logical block should have an in-line
comment describing its logic.
Structure will be assessed as to how well your code design conforms to good object-oriented programming
• Object-Oriented Program Structure
– Classes & Instances: Objects are used as entities to which messages are sent, demonstrating understanding
of the differences between classes and instances.
– Encapsulation: Classes are designed as independent modules with state and behaviour. Methods
only directly access the state of the object on which they were invoked. Methods never update the
state of another object.
– Inheritance & Polymorphism: Subclasses are designed as specialised versions of their superclasses.
Subclasses extend the behaviour of their superclass without re-implementing behaviour, or breaking
the superclass behaviour or design. Subclasses redefine behaviour of appropriate methods to extend
the superclasses’ type. Subclasses do not break their superclass’ interface.
• Algorithmic Logic
– Single Instance of Logic: Blocks of code should not be duplicated in your program. Any code that
needs to be used multiple times should be implemented as a method or function.
– Variable Scope: Variables should be declared locally in the method or function in which they are
needed. Attributes should be declared clearly within the __init__ method. Class variables are
avoided, except where they simplify program logic. Global variables should not be used.
– Control Structures: Logic is structured simply and clearly through good use of control structures
(e.g. loops and conditional statements).
7.3 Assignment Submission
You must submit your assignment electronically via Gradescope (https://gradescope.com/). You must use
your UQ email address which is based on your student number (e.g. [email protected]) as your
Gradescope submission account.
When you login to Gradescope you may be presented with a list of courses. Select CSSE1001/CSSE7030. You
will see a list of assignments. Choose Assignment 2. You will be prompted to choose a file to upload. The
prompt may say that you can upload any files, including zip files. You must submit your assignment as a
single Python file called a2.py (use this name – all lower case), and nothing else. Your submission will be
automatically run to determine the functionality mark. If you submit a file with a different name, the tests
will fail and you will get zero for functionality. Do not submit the a2_support.py file or maps directory. Do
not submit any sort of archive file (e.g. zip, rar, 7z, etc.).
Upload an initial version of your assignment at least one week before the due date. Do this even if it is just the
initial code provided with the assignment. If you are unable access to the course on Gradescope, contact course
staff immediately to ensure that your email address is registered. Excuses, such as you were not able to login
or were unable to upload a file will not be accepted as reasons for granting an extension.
When you upload your assignment it will run a subset of the functionality autograder tests on your submission.
It will show you the results of these tests. It is your responsibility to ensure that your uploaded assignment file
runs and that it passes the tests you expect it to pass.
Late submissions of the assignment will not be marked. Do not wait until the last minute to submit your
assignment, as the time to upload it may make it late. Multiple submissions are allowed, so ensure that you
have submitted an almost complete version of the assignment well before the submission deadline of 20:00. Your
latest, on time, submission will be marked. Ensure that you submit the correct version of your assignment.
In the event of exceptional personal or medical circumstances that prevent you from handing in the assignment
on time, you may submit a request for an extension. See the course profile for details of how to apply for an
Requests for extensions must be made before the submission deadline. The application and supporting
documentation (e.g. medical certificate) must be submitted via my.UQ. You must retain the original documentation
for a minimum period of six months to provide as verification, should you be requested to do so.
7.4 Plagiarism
This assignment must be your own individual work. By submitting the assignment you are claiming it is entirely
your own work. You may discuss general ideas about the solution approach with other students. Describing
details of how you implement a function or sharing part of your code with another student is considered to be
collusion and will be counted as plagiarism. You may not copy fragments of code that you find on the Internet
to use in your assignment.
You may find ideas of how to solve problems in the assignment through external resources (e.g. textbooks,
websites, ...). If you use these ideas in designing your solution you must cite them. To cite a resource, provide
the full bibliographic reference for the resource in the module’s docstring. For example:
"""Module for some code ...
[1] Dijkstra, E. W. (1968), Go To Statement Considered Harmful. Communications of the
ACM, 11(3), 147-148. Accessed on Mar. 26, 2021. [Online]. Available:
[2] John Zelle (2016), Python Programming: an Introduction to Computer Science (third
edition). Franklin Beedle and Associates, USA.
[3] Stack Overflow, How to print without newline or space?, Jan. 29, 2009. Accessed
on Mar. 28, 2021. [Online]. Available:
In the code where you use the idea, cite the reference. For example:
def myFunc1():
What myFunc1 does.
[1] Used a function to avoid gotos in my logic.
[2] Algorithm based on figure 13.4.
def myFunc2():
"""What myFunc2 does."""
print("myFunc2", end="") # [3] Print without generating a new line.
Please read the section in the course profile about plagiarism. You are encouraged to complete both parts
A and B of the academic integrity modules before starting this assignment. Submitted assignments will be
electronically checked for potential cases of plagiarism.
7.5 Marking Rubric
Criteria Standard
Readabilty Proficient Competent Novice
Program Structure Modular blocks are used to highlightcode logic, making it easy to understand
Some modular blocks are used to highlight code
logic, along with some less clear code structure.
Poor code structure is used, which makes
the code difficult to read.
Identifier Names All identifier names are informative, and wellchosen, increasing readability of the code.
Most identifier names are informative,
aiding code readability to some extent.
Some identifier names are not informative,
detracting from code readability.
Symbolic Constants
All, non-trivial, literal constants in the
code are represented by informative,
and well named, symbolic constants.
Most, non-trivial, literal constants in the code
are represented by informative symbolic
Only some, non-trivial, literal constants in
the code are represented by informative
symbolic constants.
Comment Clarity
Almost all comments enhance the
comprehensibility of the code.
Comments never repeat information
already apparent in the code, nor are
they verbose.
A few comments are unnecessary to the
comprehension of the code. Alternatively,
a few comments are overly verbose,
reducing the ease with which code can be
Many comments are unnecessary to the
comprehension of the code. Alternatively,
some comments are overly verbose,
reducing the ease with which the code
can be comprehended.
All docstrings are accurate and informative,
and clearly show how parameters and
return values should be used.
Almost all docstrings are accurate and
reasonably clear descriptions of how the
code is to be used. Almost all parameters
and return values are described clearly.
A few docstrings are inaccurate, unclear or
absent. Some parameters and return values
are unclear.
Description of Logic
All important or complex blocks of logic
are clearly explained or summarised.
No stating of the obvious.
Most important or complex blocks of logic are
usually clearly explained or summarised.
Almost no stating of the obvious.
Some important or complex blocks of logic
are explained or summarised poorly.
Alternatively, some unimportant blocks of
code are given excessive coverage.
Object-Oriented Program Structure
Classes & Instances
System behaviour is implemented in terms
of objects sending messages to each other,
demonstrating a very good understanding
of the differences between classes and
Most behaviour is implemented in terms of
objects sending messages to each other,
demonstrating a fairly good understanding
of the differences between classes and instances.
Method implementations depend on external
logic or variables, or directly access attributes
of other objects, demonstrating a poor
understanding of the differences between
classes and instances.
All classes are implemented as independent
modules with private state and public
behaviour. Methods only directly access
state of the object on which they were
invoked and never modify the state of
another object.
Most classes are implemented as independent
modules with private state and public behaviour.
Methods rarely access or modify the state of
other objects.
Some classes are implemented as modules of
functional code with little protection of state.
Several methods access or modify state of
other objects.
Criteria Standard
Readabilty Proficient Competent Novice
Inheritance &
All subclasses are implemented as
specialised versions of their superclass,
extending behaviour without duplicating
implementation or breaking the superclass’
design. No subclass breaks its superclass’
Most subclasses are implemented as specialised
versions of their superclass, extending behaviour
but may at times duplicate implementation.
No subclass breaks its superclass’ interface.
Some subclasses have different characteristics
to their superclass or break the superclass’
interface, demonstrating poor understanding
of inheritance or polymorphism.
Algorithmic Logic
Single Instance
of Logic
Almost no code has been duplicated in
your program. You have well designed
methods with appropriate parameters to
modularise your code.
Some code has been duplicated in your
program. You have used some methods
or functions to modularise your code.
Large amounts of code are duplicated in your
program. You have made poor use of methods
or functions to modularise your code.
Variable Scope
Variables are declared locally in the
methods where they are needed.
Global variables have not been used.
All attributes are necessary components
of the class’ abstraction. Class variables
have been avoided or simplify program logic.
At most one global variable has been used.
Or, there are a few unnecessary local variables
in methods. Almost all attributes are necessary
components of the class’ abstraction. Class
variables have been avoided or add benefit to
the class.
Global variables have been used, reducing the
clarity of your logic. Some attributes are
unnecessary additions to the class’ abstraction.
Class variables have been used like modular
global variables.
Control Structures Logic is structured simply and clearlythrough good use of control structures.
A small number of control structures are
unnecessarily complex.
Many control structures are poorly designed
(e.g. excessive nesting or branching, overly
complex conditional logic, loops with multiple
unnecessary exit points, ...).
8 Updates
8.1 Version 1.1
• Corrected entity positions in Section 4
– Player position of (0, 2) changed to (2, 0).
– Hospital position of (2, 1) changed to (1, 2).
• Corrected resultant positions in TrackingZombie examples
– Resultant position of moving north changed from (1, 2) to (1, 0).
– Resultant position of moving south changed from (1, 0) to (1, 2).
– Order of preferred directions updated to match new resultant positions.
8.2 Version 1.2
• If a player moves into a square occupied by a zombie, the zombie should be removed from the game. This
is the case of the player “sneaking up behind a zombie”. This information was originally described in post
#981 on the discussion forum, and referenced in the assignment two FAQ.
• The description of the Garlic class’ behaviour has been simplified so that it only describes providing
immunity from infection.
– The description of a zombie perishing if a player collides with it has been removed from the docstring
of the Garlic class. This is to make it clearer that a zombie only perishes if a player moves into the
square occupied by the zombie, as described in the point above.




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