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Sp21 CS F002C 02W Adv Data Struct/Algrm In C++ ⻚⾯ Big-O! Search...
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If you haven't read the Binary Search notes, read those first.
A Problem Big-O solves
Here's the problem we're going to solve with big-O: We want some way to describe how fast an algorithm is for large inputs and we want
it to be...
as simple as possible to calculate
simple and easy to describe
the same, no ma!er which computer we're talking about
When we looked at Linear Search, we saw that when there were n words in our input list, we might have to search through all n words
one at a "me. In the best case scenario, the word we're looking for is right at the beginning of the list but in the worst case scenario, the
word we're looking for is all the way at the end or not in the list at all so we have to loop n "mes.
bool contains_word_linear(const vector& words, const string& word) {
// In the worse case, this loop runs n == words.size() times.
// Inside the loop, the only thing that happens is this comparison.
// If comparing takes constant time, then this algorithm takes
// "on the order of n" steps to run. It's O(n)
for (const auto& w : words) {
if (w == word) {
return true;
return false;
When we looked at Binary Search, we saw that when there were n words in our input list, we might have to eliminate half of the possible
words un"l we get to 0 or 1 words. If there are n words, that's log base 2 of n (rounded up) "mes in the worst case scenario.
bool _contains_word_bs(
const vector& words, const string& word, int low, int high) {
// Base case: Could not find the word
if (low == high) {
return false;
const int middle = low + (high - low) / 2;
const string& mid_word = words[middle];
if (mid_word == word) {
// Base case: Found the word!
return true;
} else if (word < mid_word) {
high = middle;
} else { // if (word > mid_word)
low = middle + 1;
// Recursive case: We've narrowed down the search to the left or right half.
return _contains_word_bs(words, word, low, high);
bool contains_word_bs(const vector& words, const string& word) {
return _contains_word_bs(words, word, 0, words.size());
We could "me each algorithm on a par"cular computer but the "ming on my computer might be different than your computer.
Let's try coun"ng the number of different steps by looking at the code. For example, in the worst case contains_word_linear loops n
"mes (so even if there's nothing in the loop, that's s"ll n steps) and checks if (w == word) n "mes (once per loop) for a total of n loop
itera"ons and n equality checks.
For a more complicated example, let's approximate the number of steps in contains_word_bs :
bool _contains_word_bs(
const vector& words, const string& word, int low, int high) {
// 1 comparison
if (low == high) {
return false;
// 1 subtraction
// 1 addition
// 1 division
// 1 assignment (middle = ...)
const int middle = low + (high - low) / 2;
// 1 vector lookup
// 1 assignment
const string& mid_word = words[middle];
// 1 comparison
if (mid_word == word) {
// Base case: Found the word!
return true;
// 1 comparison
} else if (word < mid_word) {
// 1 assignment
high = middle;
} else { // if (word > mid_word)
// 1 addition
// 1 assignment
low = middle + 1;
// 1 function call
// and... however many steps in the recursive case...
return _contains_word_bs(words, word, low, high);
bool contains_word_bs(const vector& words, const string& word) {
// 1 method call to words.size()
// 1 function call
return _contains_word_bs(words, word, 0, words.size());
For the worst case I counted 2 steps plus 12, for every call to _contains_word_bs . We also know that _contains_word_bs will be called at
most ceil(log2(n)) "mes for n words so our total number of steps should be ≤ 12 * ceil(log2(n)) + 2. There are "on the order of" log(n) or
O(log(n)) steps. This is really tedious and if we actually count up all the different kinds of steps it would be difficult to describe how fast
Binary Search is or to compare it to other searching algorithms. We can make things a li!le be!er by just coun"ng the number of steps.
Addi"onally, we'd like some way to ignore the "+ 2" since those steps won't have a big impact when we're searching through large inputs.
The best solu"on so far is to count the number of steps but it is s"ll tedious and has more informa"on than we need. The thing that
makes Binary Search so much be!er than Linear Search is how it cuts the number of possible words in half and we'd like to describe that
Even if Binary Search took 1,000 * ceil(log2(n)) + 1,000 steps, it would s"ll be faster than Linear Search's 2 * n steps when n is large
enough (specifically when n > 7,000).
Big-O as a Solu"on
We know that for big inputs, it's only the leading term that ma!ers, like the "12 * ceil(log2(n))" in "12 * ceil(log2(n)) + 2". The "+ 2" would
be insignificant for large n even if it was "+ 1,000,000". We also know that the "12" coefficient on "12 * ceil(log2(n))" doesn't ma!er.
Finally, we know that the ceiling doesn't ma!er since that's just the same as adding something between [0, 1) to "log2(n)".
In the end, what ma!ers is log2(n). When n is large enough, even the slowest Binary Search takes O(log2(n)) "me. Similarly, Linear Search
takes O(n) "me.
Note: We can actually simplify this even further to O(log(n)) "me since log2(n) == log(n) / log(2). In other words, the difference between
log(n) and log2(n) is just a coefficient.
How to Calculate Big-O
Here's a rough idea of how to calculate the big-O running "me of some code.
First thing's first: O(1). Any code that takes the same amount of "me, no ma!er what, is O(1). This includes things like adding or
mul"plying two int s or comparing two double s. Note that if you have some constant number of O(1) opera"ons done one a&er
another, they're s"ll O(1). For example, for a couple int s, x and y , x + y is O(1) and x * y is O(1) and so is x + y - x * y . O(2) =
O(1) and O(1) + O(1) = O(1).
Next is loops. It's very common to have a loop that loops n "mes. In that case, the big-O of the whole loop is O(n * whatever is in the loop).
For example, a loop like for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {} by itself is already O(n) because there's s"ll some O(1) stuff happening (e.g. ++i )
even though there's "nothing" in the loop.
What do you think the big-O is for the following code snippets?
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
vector words = ...;
const int n = words.size();
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
std::binary_search(words.begin(), words.end(), words[i]);
Formal Defini"on
f(n) ∈ O(g(n)) if there exists some constants c and n0 such that f(n) ≤ c * g(n) for all n > n0.
Please read through Big-O Nota"on Explained with Examples by Vineet Choudhary.
For example: 2 * n ∈ O(n):
f(n) ∈ O(g(n))
2 * n = O(n)
2 * n ≤ c * n
2 ≤ c
Let c = 3 (or any other number bigger than 2)
2 ≤ 3
Another example: 1,000 * ceil(log2(n)) + 1,000 ∈ O(log(n)):
f(n) ∈ O(g(n))
1,000 * ceil(log2(n)) + 1,000 ∈ O(log(n))
1,000 * ceil(log2(n)) + 1,000 ≤ c * log(n)
Since log2(n) + 1 ≥ ceil(log2(n)), proving that log2(n) + 1 ≤ X means that ceil(log2(n)) ≤ X
1,000 * (log2(n) + 1) + 1,000 ≤ c * log(n)
1,000 * log2(n) + 2,000 ≤ c * log(n)
Change of base for log:
1,000 * (log(n) / log(2)) + 2,000 ≤ c * log(n)
1,000 * log(n) + 1,000 / log(2) + 2,000 ≤ c * log(n)
1,000 + 1,000 / (log(2) * log(n)) + 2,000 / log(n) ≤ c
1,000 + (1,000 / log(2) + 2,000) / log(n) ≤ c
Let n0 = e (so that log(n0) == 1)
We know that log(n) ≥ 1 for all n > n0
Since X / log(n) ≤ X for all n > n0, we can subs"tute (1,000 / log(2) + 2,000) / log(n)
1,000 + 1,000 / log(2) + 2,000 ≤ c
3,000 + 1,000 / log(2) ≤ c
Now we pick any constant c that's bigger than 3,000 + 1,000 / log(2)
Recommended Video
I recommend watching
What Is Big O Nota"on?
by Reducible.
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