程序代写案例-STAT3622 DATA-Assignment 3

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Assignment 3, due on April 12

Use R for Question 1 and Python for Question 2. Attach all the
1. For each question, first show the plots and then interpret them.
(a) Use the R package “rvest” to scrape tables of the global 100 brands
from 2011 to 2021 (https://brandirectory.com/rankings/global/table).
(b) Show the interactive pie chart of number of brands by country in
(c) Show the animated pie chart of number of brands by country from
2011 to 2021.
(d) Show the interactive bubble chart of the brand ranking in 2020
versus 2021, where the size of the bubble represents the brand
value. Fill bubbles with colors according to “Sector”.
(e) Use the R package “dygraphs” to show the interactive time series
plots of values of Apple, Google, Amazon, and Microsoft from
2011 to 2021.
2. Use Dash to develop an APP with similar layouts and functions as
shown in Figures 1–5.
(a) Complete the “layout” part of the python file (hw3 starter code.py).
Show your name and ID in the APP.
(b) Complete the “callback” part of the file (hw3 starter code.py).
The APP should include two key functions. First, users can choose
different years and attributes for geographical visualization. Sec-
ond, users can specify the data for the Bar chart by selecting
different regions in the choropleth map.
Please attach the python file (.py) and also embed the code into a pdf
file along with five screenshots of the APP to illustrate the layouts or
functions. Note that you need to distinguish your solution from the
picture given below. For example, you can change the color of the bars
to different color.

Figure 1: Illustration of the APP layout

Figure 2: Illustration of the APP layout

Figure 3: Illustration of the APP layout

Figure 4: Illustration of the APP function 1

Figure 5: Illustration of the APP function 2




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