程序代写案例-ICS 46 VM

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Getting started
Before you begin work on this project, there are a couple of chores you'll need to complete on your ICS 46 VM to get it set up to proceed.
Refreshing your ICS 46 VM environment
Even if you previously downloaded your ICS 46 VM, you will probably need to refresh its environment before proceeding with this project. Log
into your VM and issue the command ics46 version to see what version of the ICS 46 environment you currently have stored on your VM.
Note, in particular, the timestamp; if you see a version with a timestamp older than the one listed below, you'll want to refresh your environment
by running the command ics46 refresh to download the latest one before you proceed with this project.
2021-04-03 13:42:04
Project 1 template added
If you're unable to get outgoing network access to work on the ICS 46 VM — something that afflicts a handful of students each quarter — then
the ics46 refresh command won't work, but an alternative approach is to download the latest environment from the link below, then to upload
the file on to your ICS 46 VM using SCP. (See the Project #0 write-up for more details on using SCP.) Once the file is on your VM, you can run
the command ics46 refresh_local NAME_OF_ENVIRONMENT_FILE, replacing NAME_OF_ENVIRONMENT_FILE with the name of the file
you uploaded; note that you'd need to be in the same directory where the file is when you run the command.
Creating your project directory on your ICS 46 VM
A project template has been created specifically for this project, containing a similar structure to the basic template you saw in Project #0, but
including a fair amount of code (both source code and compiled libraries) that is being provided as a starting point. So you'll absolutely need to
use the project1 template for this project, as opposed to the basic one.
Decide on a name for your project directory, then issue the command ics46 start YOUR_CHOSEN_PROJECT_NAME project1 to create your
new project directory using the project1 template. (For example, if you wanted to call your project directory proj1, you would issue the
command ics46 start proj1 project1 to create it.) Now you're ready to proceed!
The project directory
Change into your project directory and take a look around, to be sure you're aware of what's already available. What you'll find will look a lot like
the basic and project0 project templates you've seen previously, and the ultimate result of building everything in your project will be three
separate programs you can run with a script called run.
./run app runs the application, a GUI that displays mazes and their solutions.
./run exp runs any experiments you want to write as you work. These are not required, but they may help you to isolate issues and
experiment with their solutions outside of the context of the GUI.
./run gtest runs any Google Test unit tests that you want to write as you work. As with the experiments, they are not required, but this is
another good tool for isolating issues, figuring out how to fix them, and then verifying that they're fixed.
As before, you'll be able to build just one of these programs by passing a parameter to the build script, e.g., ./build gtest, to save yourself the
time waiting for all three to build if you only actually want one of them.
More specifically, here's what you'll find in your project directory:
A directory called lib, in which there are two precompiled libraries that make up the part of the project that you won't be implementing
libdarkmaze.so contains implementations of maze-related concepts like mazes, maze solutions, verifiers, and so on.
libdarkui.so contains the implementation of the application's graphical user interface. You will not have to implement the GUI
yourself; it is being provided, in its entirety, in this library.
Note that these libraries are being provided in a compiled form without source code, though you'll find declarations of some of their
classes elsewhere (see below). (Note, also, that these libraries are likely only to be compatible with the ICS 46 VM, so you are unlikely to
be able to do your work anywhere except using the VM.)
A directory called include, in which you'll find three directories:
darkmaze, which contains declarations of classes exported by libdarkmaze.so. You will need to include some of these files in your
own header and source files, though you will not need all of them; it's up to you to decide which of these is relevant to your work.
darkui, which contains declarations of classes exported by libdarkui.so. This is not something you're likely to need, as the only
place this is likely to be useful is in the application's main() function, which has already been written.
ics46, which contains a broad-based ICS 46 Library, which will grow as we continue our work this quarter, providing tools that will
assist you (and also me!) in implementing your projects.
A directory called app, in which the application's main() function resides. This has already been completed; you shouldn't have to modify
A directory called core, in which you'll write your maze generators, maze solvers, and any additional code for this project.
A directory called exp, in which you'll write any experiments that you'd like to write outside of the context of the GUI. The
file expmain.cpp is the entry point for the experiments (which you run with the command ./run exp).
A directory called gtest, in which you'll write any unit tests that you'd like to write. The file gtestmain.cpp is the entry point and has
already been written; all you need to do is create new source files and place them in the gtest directory, then rebuild, and they will be
executed automatically when you issue the command ./run gtest.
The application
Your work on this project begins with an already-existing, already-working application with a graphical user interface (GUI) that can display a
maze and its solution, and can also animate the process of generating and solving a maze. The GUI window looks like this:
The large area with a white background is where a maze and its solution are drawn. Initially, this will be an empty area with a white background;
when you generate or a solve a maze, the result will appear within that area. In the example above, both a maze and its solution are displayed.
Along the right-hand side of the window are a set of controls, allowing you to:
Choose the width and height of the maze you'd like to generate. The range, not shown numerically, is from 10-50 cells wide and 10-50
cells tall.
Choose what algorithm you'd like to use to generate a maze. There are three algorithms provided (and you'll write one or more additional
Depth-First (Provided), which is a recursive, depth-first maze generator like one that you'll be building.
Kruskal's Algorithm (Provided), which uses a well-known algorithm called Kruskal's algorithm to randomly remove walls so long
as they do not cause the maze to become imperfect (i.e., introduce two separate paths connecting any two cells).
Boo's Algorithm (Provided), which uses a newly-invented algorithm called Boo's algorithm to generate a maze that, while not
technically perfect, looks pretty good nonetheless.
Generate a new maze, which will clear out any existing maze and its solution.
Choose what algorithm you'd like to use to solve a maze. There are two algorithms provided (and you'll write one or more additional
Breadth-First (Provided), which uses a breadth-first approach to solving a maze.
Depth-First (Provided), which uses a recursive, depth-first algorithm for solving a maze like one that you'll be building.
Control whether or not the process of generating and solving mazes will be animated (i.e., each step will be shown individually, as
opposed to only seeing the final result) and, if so, at what speed the animation will progress.
Just below the display of the maze and its solution is a line of text that displays various messages. When you first start the program, it
says Welcome!. When a maze generator or maze solver finishes, this message will tell you about the result — in particular, whether a
generated maze is perfect, and whether a solution is complete and correct — which is a good way to verify that your algorithms are doing what
you expect them to do.
Note, also, that you can stop a maze generator or maze solver while it's running by clicking the X at the top-right corner of the window. Normally,
that X closes the window, but if a maze generator or maze solver is running, it simply cancels the operation in progress instead.
The requirements
This project requires you to complete two tasks:
Write a maze generator that uses a recursive, depth-first algorithm to randomly generate a maze of arbitrary size, with the result required
to be a perfect maze.
You can also optionally write as many additional maze generators as you'd like, with no limitations on what algorithms or techniques
you use, and with no limitation that the result be a perfect maze. Feel free to do anything you'd like and let your creativity run wild.
Write a maze solver that uses a recursive, depth-first algorithm to traverse and solve a maze of arbitrary size, with the solution extending
from the maze's starting cell to its ending cell without crossing any walls.
You can also optionally write as many additional maze solvers as you'd like, with no limitations on what algorithms or techniques
you use, and with no limitation that the result be a correct, complete maze solution. Feel free to do anything you'd like and let your
creativity run wild.
Note that you are not required to write any code in exp or gtest, but you are welcome to write anything you'd like that helps you to isolate issues
and test your work.
A quick note about extra credit
While we encourage you to explore as many maze generators and maze solvers as you'd like, be aware that we are not offering extra credit for
generators or solvers beyond the one of each that you are required to implement. You can receive a perfect score on this project while
implementing only a single maze generator and a single maze solver, and writing additional ones will not improve your score, but they can be a
lot of fun to build!
Generating a maze
Each maze generator needs to be written in its own class. So, to write a maze generator, create a new class in the core directory of your project
directory, declaring the class in a header file and defining its member functions (and other source code) in a corresponding source file.
The GUI automatically displays all of the maze generators that are compiled into the program, but only if you follow a couple of rules to help the
GUI find and create them:
You must derive your class from the abstract base class MazeGenerator, which is declared in a
file MazeGenerator.hpp in include/darkmaze. (You can include this file by simply saying #include "MazeGenerator.hpp", since the
compiler has already been configured to look in the include/darkmaze directory for header files.) Deriving from this class obligates you to
provide an override for this virtual member function (which is declared as a pure virtual function in MazeGenerator):
void generateMaze(Maze& maze) override;
where Maze is declared in the file Maze.hpp, also in the include/darkmaze directory.
You must be sure that your class has a default constructor (i.e., a constructor that takes no parameters). Most likely, you won't implement
a constructor in your class at all, since the default is probably going to be fine; if you do implement your own constructor, though, be sure
you implement at least one that takes no parameters.
In the source file — not in the header file, as it's important that this only be executed once — you'll need to do two things:
Write this include directive near the top:
Write this line of code somewhere after that include directive (and somewhere after you've included the header file corresponding to
your source file, so that the declaration of your class will have been seen already):
ICS46_DYNAMIC_FACTORY_REGISTER(MazeGenerator, name of your class, "display name");
substituting the name of your class where name of your class appears and the name you'd like to see in the GUI for your maze
generator where display name appears. For example, my KruskalMazeGenerator.cpp file (whose source code has not been
provided, but is compiled into the libdarkmaze.so library) has this line near the top:
ICS46_DYNAMIC_FACTORY_REGISTER(MazeGenerator, KruskalMazeGenerator, "Kruskal's Algorithm (Provided)");
The required algorithm
The required algorithm must generate a perfect maze. Viewing a maze as a two-dimensional matrix of square cells, a perfect maze is one in
which any two cells are connected by a single unique path. An important consequence of a maze being perfect is that all cells in a perfect maze
are reachable from the starting point by some unique path, meaning that perfect mazes are guaranteed to have a solution. They're also
guaranteed to have a unique solution, which makes them more interesting to solve.
To generate a perfect maze, you'll use a recursive algorithm to "dig tunnels" of various lengths. It starts with a maze in which all of the possible
walls exist (i.e., a wall exists on every side of every cell), then continues removing walls until a perfect maze has been constructed. Naturally, it
requires some care not to remove walls that would cause the maze to be imperfect; in our tunnel-digging algorithm, we have to be sure we stop
digging before we knock out walls that would lead to places we've already been.
The algorithm works, then, by starting at a particular cell (and it doesn't matter, ultimately, which cell you start from), and does the following:
Mark the current cell as "visited."
While the current cell has any adjacent cells that have not yet been visited...
Choose one of the unvisited adjacent cells at random. Randomness is important here, or your algorithm will always generate the
same maze.
Remove the wall between the current cell and the cell you just chose.
Recursively call this algorithm, with the chosen cell becoming the current cell.
As you generate your maze, you'll need to call member functions on the Maze object that was provided as a parameter. Don't assume anything
in particular about that Maze object, other than it has the correct width and height; make any changes you need to make in order to achieve the
correct result, and make sure it works regardless of what walls are in place (or not in place) when your algorithm is called.
The animation in the GUI is automatic; if animation is selected in the GUI, any change you make to your maze will result in the GUI window
being redrawn, so you won't need to do anything special to accommodate that feature. (Among other things, this will help you to visualize your
own algorithm's progress, which might help you to determine whether it's correct, and also to debug it.)
You can write as many other maze generators as you'd like, by following the same steps (i.e., creating a separate class that derives
from MazeGenerator, registering it with the DynamicFactory, giving it a display name, etc.). All of the maze generators you write should show
up in the GUI if you set them up right.
Naming your required maze generator so we can find it
Each of your maze generators has a display name, given as a string literal as the third parameter in the call to
the ICS46_DYNAMIC_FACTORY_REGISTER macro. So we know which one of your maze generators is the required one (and, thus, the one
we should grade), you must choose a display name for your required maze generator that has the parenthesized word (Required) on the end of
it (similar to how the provided generators have the parenthesized word (Provided) on the end of their names); capitalization and the
parentheses are important here.
Otherwise, you can name your required generator anything you'd like, and you can name any other generators in any way you'd like, except
they should not have the word (Required) on the end of them. And, of course, none of your generators should have the word (Provided) on the
end of their names, since none of yours were provided to you by us.
Solving a maze
Each maze solver needs to be written in its own class. So, to write a maze solver, create a new class in the core directory of your project
directory, declaring the class in a header file and defining its member functions (and other source code) in a corresponding source file.
The GUI automatically displays all of the maze solvers that are compiled into the program, but only if you follow similar rules to those you
followed for your generators:
You must derive your class from the abstract base class MazeSolver, which is declared in a file MazeSolver.hpp in include/darkmaze.
(You can include this file by simply saying #include "MazeSolver.hpp", since the compiler has already been configured to look in
the include/darkmaze directory for header files.) Deriving from this class obligates you to provide an override for this virtual member
function (which is declared as a pure virtual function in MazeSolver):
void solveMaze(const Maze& maze, MazeSolution& mazeSolution) override;
where Maze is declared in the file Maze.hpp and MazeSolution is declared in the file MazeSolution.hpp, also in
the include/darkmazedirectory.
You must be sure that your class has a default constructor (i.e., a constructor that takes no parameters). Most likely, you won't implement
a constructor in your class at all, since the default is probably going to be fine; if you do implement your own constructor, though, be sure
you implement at least one that takes no parameters.
Register your class with the ICS 46 DynamicFactory, just as you did with your maze solver:
ICS46_DYNAMIC_FACTORY_REGISTER(MazeSolver, name of your class, "display name");
substituting the name of your class where name of your class appears and the name you'd like to see in the GUI for your maze solver
where display name appears.
The required algorithm
The required algorithm must solve the maze using a recursive algorithm with backtracking. A backtracking algorithm is one that recursively
investigates all of the possibilities by moving down a path that hopefully leads to a solution and then, if that path fails, backing up to the nearest
place where some untried alternative is available and trying another path. While you could potentially implement an algorithm like this iteratively,
it turns out to be a lot less work to do so recursively, as the process of recursion will naturally and automatically manage details that you would
otherwise have to manage yourself.
I'll leave the details of this algorithm as an exercise for you to figure out. If you understand the maze-generating algorithm above, it should not
be a big step to design the maze-solving algorithm.
As your algorithm seeks a solution, you'll need to call member functions on the Maze and MazeSolution objects that were provided as
parameters, though note that the Maze has been passed as a constant (because you shouldn't have to change a maze in order to solve it).
The animation in the GUI is automatic; if animation is selected in the GUI, any change you make to your maze solution will result in the GUI
window being redrawn, so you won't need to do anything special to accommodate that feature. (Among other things, this will help you to
visualize your own algorithm's progress, which might help you to determine whether it's correct, and also to debug it.)
You can write as many other maze solvers as you'd like, by following the same steps (i.e., creating a separate class that derives
from MazeSolver, registering it with the DynamicFactory, giving it a display name, etc.). All of the maze solvers you write should show up in
the GUI if you set them up right.
Naming your required maze solver so we can find it
Each of your maze generators has a display name, given as a string literal as the third parameter in the call to
the ICS46_DYNAMIC_FACTORY_REGISTER macro. So we know which one of your maze solvers is the required one, you must choose a
display name for your required maze solver that has the parenthesized word (Required) on the end of it (similar to how the provided solvers
have the parenthesized word (Provided) on the end of their names); capitalization and the parentheses are important here.
Otherwise, you can name your required solver anything you'd like, and you can name any other solvers in any way you'd like, except they
should not have the word (Required) on the end of them. And, of course, none of your solvers should have the word (Provided) on the end of
their names, since none of yours were provided to you by us.




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