程序代写案例-CS 486/686-Assignment 4

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CS 486/686 Assignment 4 (76 marks)
Alice Gao
Due Date: 11:59 PM ET on Wednesday, April 14, 2021 with an extension
with no penalty to 11:59 pm ET on Thursday, April 15, 2021
CS 486/686 Winter 2021 Assignment 4
Academic Integrity Statement
I declare the following statements to be true:
• The work I submit here is entirely my own.
• I have not shared and will not share any of my code with anyone at any point.
• I have not posted and will not post my code on any public or private forum or website.
• I have not discussed and will not discuss the contents of this assessment with anyone
at any point.
• I have not posted and will not post the contents of this assessment and its solutions
on any public or private forum or website.
• I will not search for assessment solutions online.
• I am aware that misconduct related to assessments can result in significant penalties,
possibly including failure in the course and suspension. This is covered in Policy 71:
Failure to accept the integrity policy will result in your assignment not being graded.
By typing or writing my full legal name below, I confirm that I have read and understood
the academic integrity statement above.
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CS 486/686 Winter 2021 Assignment 4
• Submit the assignment in the A4 Dropbox on Learn. No late assignment will be
accepted. This assignment is to be done individually.
• I strongly encourage you to complete your write-up in Latex, using this source file.
If you do, in your submission, please replace the author with your name and student
number. Please also remove the due date, the Instructions section, and the Learning
goals section.
• Lead TAs:
– Ethan Ward ([email protected])
The TAs’ office hours will be posted on MS Teams.
• Submit two files with the following names.
– writeup.pdf
∗ Include your name, email address and student ID in the writeup file.
∗ If you hand-write your solutions, make sure your handwriting is legible and
take good quality pictures. You may get a mark of 0 if we cannot read your
– code.zip
∗ This zip file includes any other relevant files for your submission.
Learning goals
Decision Networks
• Model a real-world problem as a decision network with sequential decisions.
• Given a decision network with sequential decisions, determine the optimal policy and
the expected utility of the optimal policy by applying the variable elimination algo-
Markov Decision Process
• Trace the execution of and implement the value iteration algorithm to solve a Markov
decision process.
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CS 486/686 Winter 2021 Assignment 4
1 Decision Network for “Monty Hall” (28 marks)
The Monty Hall Problem is stated as follows.
You are on a game show, and you are given the choice of three doors: Behind one door is a
car; behind the others, goats. The host knows what’s behind each door but you don’t.
• First, you pick a door, say Door 1.
• Second, the host opens another door, say Door 3, which has a goat behind it.
• Finally, the host says to you, “Do you want to pick Door 2?”
Is it to your advantage to switch your choice?
The host always opens a door with a goat behind it, but not the door you chose first,
regardless of which door you chose first. You “reserve” the right to open the door you chose
first, but can change to the remaining door after the host opens the door to reveal a goat.
You get as a price the item behind the final door you choose. You prefer cars over goats (cars
are worth 1 and goats are worth 0). The car is behind doors 1, 2, and 3 with probabilities
p1, p2 and 1− p1 − p2 respectively, and you know the values of p1 and p2.
Model this problem using a decision network using the following variables.
• CarDoor ∈ {1, 2, 3} is the door such that the car is behind it. This is a random variable.
• FirstChoice ∈ {1, 2, 3} is the index of the door you picked first. This is a decision
• HostChoice ∈ {smaller, bigger} is the index of the door picked by the host. The value
of this variable indicates whether the index of the door picked is the smaller or bigger
one of the two doors left after you made your first choice. This is a random variable.
• SecondChoice ∈ {stay, switch} indicates whether you stay with the door you picked
first or switch to the remaining door not opened by the host. This is a decision variable.
• Utility ∈ {0, 1} is 0 if you get a goat and 1 if you get a car.
Please complete the following tasks.
1. Complete the decision network in Figure 1 by drawing all the arcs. Show the probability
table for each random variable. Show the utility table for the utility node. You can
use p1 and p2 in your tables since you do not know their values yet.
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CS 486/686 Winter 2021 Assignment 4
Hint: When you are deciding whether node A should be a parent of node B (a decision
variable), think of the following. If node A is a parent of node B, then the optimal
policy may be of a form that: if A has value a, then B should be b. Otherwise, if node
A is not a parent of node B, the optimal policy for B cannot depend on the value of
A. In other worlds, adding an edge in the network increases the set of possible policies
that we would consider.
Figure 1: The Monty Hall Problem
Marking Scheme:
(10 marks)
• (4 marks) Correct parent nodes.
• (3 marks) Correct probability tables.
• (3 marks) Correct utility table.
2. Assume that p1 = 1/3 and p2 = 1/3.
Compute the optimal policy for the decision network by applying the variable elimi-
nation algorithm. Show all your work including all the intermediate factors created.
Clearly indicate the optimal policy and the expected utility of the agent following the
optimal policy.
Marking Scheme:
(9 marks)
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CS 486/686 Winter 2021 Assignment 4
• (4 marks) Sum out variables in the correct order.
• (2 marks) Correct optimal policy for FirstChoice.
• (2 marks) Correct optimal policy for SecondChoice.
• (1 mark) Correct value of the expected utility of the optimal policy.
3. Consider a different case where p1 = 0.7 and p2 = 0.2. The car is much more likely to
be behind door 1 than to be behind door 2 or 3. The car is slightly more likely to be
behind door 2 than to be behind door 3.
Compute the optimal policy for the decision network by using the variable elimination
algorithm. Show all your work including all the intermediate factors created. Clearly
indicate the optimal policy and the expected utility of the agent following the optimal
Marking Scheme:
(9 marks)
• (4 marks) Sum out variables in the correct order.
• (2 marks) Correct optimal policy for FirstChoice.
• (2 marks) Correct optimal policy for SecondChoice.
• (1 mark) Correct value of the expected utility of the optimal policy.
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CS 486/686 Winter 2021 Assignment 4
2 Reinforcement Learning (48 marks)
You will explore two grid worlds similar to the one discussed in lecture by running the active
version of the adaptive dynamic programming algorithm.
We will test your program on two grid worlds. See their descriptions in section 2.1.
Implement the adaptive dynamic programming algorithm for active reinforcement
learning. Check section 2.2 for details and tips on implementing the active ADP algorithm.
What to submit:
• In your writeup.pdf, include the long-term utility values and the optimal policy for
both worlds.
• In your code.zip, include a bash script a4.sh. When the TA runs bash a4.sh, the
script should run active ADP on both the lecture world and the a4 world and print
out the long-term utility values and the optimal policy for both worlds.
Please complete the following tasks.
1. For the lecture world, report the long-term utility values for all the states learned
by the active ADP algorithm.
Because of randomness in the problem, your answers do not have to match our answers
exactly. We will determine a range of acceptable values. As long as your values are
within this range, you will get full marks.
Marking Scheme: (12 marks)
• (6 marks) The TA can run your program to reproduce the long-term utility
values within a minute.
• (6 marks) The reproduced long-term utility values are within the accept-
able range.
2. For the lecture world, report the optimal policy given the long-term utility values.
Similar to the previous part, we will mark your answers based on whether they match
multiple possible answers.
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CS 486/686 Winter 2021 Assignment 4
Marking Scheme: (12 marks)
• (6 marks) The TA can run your program to reproduce an optimal policy
within a minute.
• (6 marks) The reproduced optimal policy matches a possible answer.
3. For the a4 grid world, report the long-term utility values for all the states learned
by the active ADP algorithm.
Similar to the previous parts, we will mark your answers based on whether they fall
within the acceptable range of values.
Marking Scheme: (12 marks)
• (6 marks) The TA can run your program to reproduce the long-term utility
values within a minute.
• (6 marks) The reproduced long-term utility values are within the accept-
able range.
4. For the a4 world, report the optimal policy given the long-term utility values.
Similar to the previous parts, we will mark your answers based on whether they match
multiple possible answers.
Marking Scheme: (12 marks)
• (6 marks) The TA can run your program to reproduce an optimal policy
within a minute.
• (6 marks) The reproduced optimal policy matches a possible answer.
2.1 The two grid worlds
We will test your program on two grid worlds. The lecture world is a version of the grid
world discussed in lecture. The a4 world is created for this assignment.
The lecture grid world
The grid world discussed in lecture is given below. S00 is the initial state. S13 and S23 are
goal states. S11 is a wall.
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CS 486/686 Winter 2021 Assignment 4
0 1 2 3
1 X -1
2 +1
For this world, you can assume the following.
• The immediate reward of entering any non-goal state is −0.04.
• The transition probabilities: The agent moves in the intended direction with probabil-
ity 0.8, moves to the left of the intended direction with probability 0.1, and moves to
the right of the intended direction with probability 0.1.
• The discount factor is 1.
The a4 grid world
• Each grid world has 4 columns and 3 rows.
• Each world has at least one goal state. Entering any goal state causes the agent to
exit the world.
• The reward of entering a goal state is 1 or −1.
• In a given world, there is a fixed immediate reward of entering any non-goal state. The
immediate reward for entering every non-goal state is the same.
• In each state, there are four available actions: up, down, left, and right.
• If the agent moves in a direction and hits a wall, the agent will stay in the same square.
• By taking an action, it is possible for the agent to reach any of the four neighbouring
squares (if there is a wall on any side, the neighbouring square is the current square
the agent is in.).
The information for both grid worlds is provided through run_world.pyc. The run_world.pyc
was produced with Python 3.7.6. The file includes the following functions. The world
string can be lecture or a4.
Do not decompile run_world.pyc and look at the code. That defeats the purpose
of providing the pyc file. You should treat the grid world as a black box and
build your program based on that.
• get_gamma(world): Returns the discount factor given the world string.
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CS 486/686 Winter 2021 Assignment 4
• get_reward(world): Returns the immediate reward of entering any non-goal state
given the world string.
• read_grid(world): Returns a numpy array representing the grid given the world
In the grid, the meanings of the symbols are as follows.
– S is the initial state.
– * is any other non-goal state.
– X is a wall.
– If the state is 1 or -1, it is a goal state with the number as the reward of entering
the goal state.
• make_move(grid, curr_state, dir_intended, world): Given the grid, the current
state, the intended direction and the world string, make a move based on the transition
probabilities and return the next state.
A state is encoded as a tuple (i,j) where i is the row index (0 ≤ i ≤ 2) and j is the
column index (0 ≤ j ≤ 3).
The intended direction is 0 for up, 1 for right, 2 for down, and 3 for left.
In addition, run_world.pyc has a few other helper functions that you can use:
• get_next_states(grid, curr_state): Given a grid and the current state, return the
next states for all actions. The returned array contains the next states for the actions
up, right, down, and left, in this order. For example, the third element of the array is
the next state if the agent ends up going down from the current state.
• is_goal(grid, state): Returns true if the given state is a goal state and false other-
wise. The grid parameter needs to be the one returned by read_grid. This function
checks whether the given state (i, j) is 1 or -1.
• is_wall(grid, state): Returns true if the given state is a wall and false otherwise.
The grid parameter needs to be the one returned by read_grid. This function checks
whether the given state (i, j) is X.
• not_goal_and_wall(grid, state): Returns true if the given state is not a goal state
and nor a wall.
• pretty_print_policy(grid, policy): Prints a policy in a readable format where
the actions are printed as up, right, down, and left. The grid parameter needs to be
the one returned by read_grid.
The policy is a grid of the same shape except that each value is one of 0, 1, 2, 3 and
represents an action (0 is up, 1 is right, 2 is down, and 3 is left.). To display the policy
properly, make sure that you create the grid with dtype=np.int
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CS 486/686 Winter 2021 Assignment 4
2.2 Tips for implementing active ADP
A high-level summary of the the active ADP algorithm is described below.
• Learn the transition probabilities using the observed transitions.
• Solve for the long-term utility values of the states iteratively by using the Bellman
equations (given the immediate reward values and the estimated transition probabili-
• Solve for the optimal policy given the estimated long-term utility values of the states.
• Move the agent and determine the next state based on the optimal policy for the
current state.
• Repeat the steps above until the long-term utility values converge.
Your active ADP algorithm should keep track of the following information.
• N(s, a): the number of times that we have visited a given state-action pair.
• N(s, a, s′): the number of times we have reached state s′ by taking action a in state s.
• V (s): The long-term expected utility of state s. Use a 2D numpy array to store the
long-term utility value for each state in the grid world.
A detailed description of the active ADP algorithm is given below.
1. Given the grid, the current utility estimates, the current state, and the counts N(s, a)
and N(s, a, s′), determine the best action as follows.
arg max
P (s′|s, a)V (s′), N(s, a)
f(u, n) =
R+, if n < Ne
u, otherwise.
The meanings of some expressions are explained below.
• V (s) is the long-term total expected reward of entering state s and following the
optimal policy thereafter.
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CS 486/686 Winter 2021 Assignment 4
• P (s′|s, a) is the probability of transitioning to state s′ if the agent executes action
a in state s. The transition probability P (s′|s, a) can be estimated as N(s, a, s
N(s, a)
If N(s, a) = 0, set P (s′|s, a) = 0.
• N(s, a) is the number of times that the agent has executed action a in state s.
• R+ is the maximum immediate reward that we can obtain in any state.
• Ne is a fixed parameter. This update equation ensures that the agent will try
each state-action pair at least Ne times. We recommend setting Ne to be at least
f (

s′ P (s
′|s, a)V (s′), N(s, a)) are called the optimistic estimates of the long-term util-
ity values. If we have not tried a state-action pair (s,a) for at least Ne times, the
algorithm will assume that the expected utility of the state-action pair is R+, which
is the maximum immediate reward obtainable in any state. This ensures that we will
try each state-action pair at least Ne times.
2. Make a move and determine the next state based on the current state, the best action,
and the transition probabilities. You can do this by calling the make_move function in
3. Update N(s, a) and N(s, a, s′).
4. Update the utility values V (s) by performing value iteration updates until the values
The value iteration updates are as follows. Note that we are still using the optimistic
utility estimates.
V (s)← R(s) + γmax
P (s′|s, a)V (s′), N(s, a)
f(u, n) =
R+, if n < Ne
u, otherwise.
where R(s) is the immediate reward of entering state s.
5. Repeat the steps above until
(1) each state-action pair has been visited at least Ne times, and
(2) once every state-action pair has been visited at least Ne times, the change in the
long-term utility value of each state over two consecutive iterations is small enough.
We suggest that you implement the following helper functions. These are suggestions only
and you don’t have to follow them.
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CS 486/686 Winter 2021 Assignment 4
• explore(u, n): Determine the value of the exploration function f given u and n.
• get_prob(n_sa, n_sas, curr_state, dir_intended, next_state): Determine the
transition probability based on counts. curr_state is s. dir_intended is +a+.
next_state is s’.
• exp_utils(grid, utils, curr_state, n_sa, n_sas): Calculate the expected util-

P (s′|s, a)V (s′) for all four actions and return a list containing the four values.
• optimistic_exp_utils(grid, utils, curr_state, n_sa, n_sas): Return the op-
timistic expected utilities f
P (s′|s, a)V (s′), N(s, a)
for all four actions and re-
turn a list containing the four values.
• update_utils(grid, utils, n_sa, n_sas, gamma): Perform value iteration updates
to the long-term expected utility estimates until the estimates converge.
• utils_to_policy(grid, utils, n_sa, n_sas): Determine the optimal policy given
the current long-term utility value for each state.
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