程序代写案例-COMP 2150-Assignment 3

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COMP 2150 - Winter 2021 - Assignment 3

Due April 1 at 11:59 PM

Mar 13: added note on number of cards.
Mar 15: clarified that cards are created in main, not in Model.
Mar 16: modified description of receiveInfo() and canAnswer() methods to use Players


In this assignment you will be implementing "whodunit?", a game that involves deduction to
determine the “who, where and how” of a murder. Each player makes guesses about the crime,
and then other players refute that guess, if possible, based on information they have on cards
that have been dealt to them. The game "whodunit?" is mildly similar to a well-known
boardgame called "Clue". For a three-minute introduction to the board game Clue, please see
this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sg_57S4l5Ng

You will implement the game in Java using interfaces and proper object-oriented programing. It
will be a text-based game that allows one human player to play against a group of computer

Game Simplifications:
"whodunit?" is simpler than Clue. Most notably, there will not be a game board or dice in
"whodunit?", so there is no movement in the game. Additionally, the players do not take on
character identities in the game – players and suspects are separate in "whodunit?". The game
will thus consist of players taking turns making guesses about the identity of the murderer, the
weapon and the location of the murder. The first person to guess correctly wins the game. Also
in "whodunit?", a turn consists of either a suggestion and an accusation (not both).

Major Assignment Parts
There are three major parts to the game.
1. Players: you must create two classes for game players. You are responsible for
implementing one class for human players and one class for a computer player. These
two player classes should use IPlayer interface to implement a specific set of methods.
The Player interface represents the methods necessary for players of the game.

Note: You must use the IPlayer interface and your players must satisfy the interface.
Additionally, you should not use additional methods to access the player classes outside
of the interface methods – your project must work identically if other (working) player
classes are substituted for your classes. Failure to do so may result in lost marks. You
cannot modify the interface.

2. The Model: this class manages all of the players of the game, all the cards in the game,
and the turns of the board.

3. The main method: This will create the players, the cards and the model and then call the
model to start the game. The game should allow one human player to play against a
group of computer players. This can all be static code. The main method should ask
how many computer opponents are desired before starting the work of the model.

Note: the number of cards is not fixed – the model should be able to work for any
non-zero number of cards of each category. Your final submission should set a
moderate number of cards for each of the three categories (typically, 5-8 cards per
category). These Card objects (see below) should be created automatically
without asking the user in the main method.

Basic Classes
You should write two basic classes that help the game:

1. Card: a card is one of the cards of the game. It has two fields: a type (Weapon, Suspect
or Location) and a value.
2. Guess: a guess is made by a player when they want to learn more information about the
game. A guess consists of three cards, and a boolean variable for whether the guess is a
suggestion or an accusation. (An accusation is the final guess of the game for a player – if
they are correct, they win the game. If they are incorrect, they are eliminated from the

These classes should have constructors that accept the required information. They should also
have getters for the information, but no setters.

The model is the portion of the program that stores the players and the cards, and runs the
game. The model will give all players a number between 0 and n-1 where n is the total number
of players. Players are arranged in order 0 through n-1 around the table. That is, after player i's
turn, it will be player (i+1)%n's turn.

The model will receive the cards from the main method, and then shuffle and distribute all of the
cards to the players, as well as holding the three “answer” cards (the who-where-how cards).

The model should receive info from the main method: it should get all the players and all the
cards from the main method. No other setup should be done by the main method – all of the
game initialization should happen in the Model.

The model must, during set up, “seat” the players at the table. That is, the model should assign
indices to each of the players (see #1 below in the description of Player methods). Indices can
be arbitrarily assigned. The model is also responsible for choosing the answer for the game (the
perpetrator, the location and the weapon) and then distribute all remaining cards to the players.
Similar to the original board game, cards are distributed to players based on their index (i.e.,
player 0, then player 1, then player 2, … ) and it is ok if some players receive one more card
than other players. All cards given to players are combined and distributed, not distributed
separately by type (Weapon, Suspect, Location). This means that some players may not receive
any cards of a type, which is ok.

Further, the start of the game should be initiated by the main method by calling a method from
the Model class. See the pseudocode in the Game Pseudocode section below to see how the
game is run. Once a game is played, the main program should terminate.
A specific set of methods are declared in the IPlayer interface. Both Player classes (Human and
Computer) should implement all the methods declared in IPlayer interface.

public interface IPlayer {
public void setUp( int numPlayers, int index, ArrayList ppl,
ArrayList places, ArrayList weapons);

public void setCard (Card c);

public int getIndex();

public Card canAnswer(Guess g, IPlayer ip);

public Guess getGuess();

public void receiveInfo(IPlayer ip, Card c);

The six methods work as follow:

1. A method setup that receives five parameters: the number of players in the game, the
index of the current player (what player number am I?), a list of all the suspects, a list of
all the locations and a list of all the weapons.
2. A method setCard that indicates that the player has been dealt a particular card.
3. A method getIndex that returns the index of the player (e.g., I am player 2).
4. A method canAnswer which has two parameters: a player i (not an index) and a guess
g. This method represents that player i (which is different from the current player) has
made guess g. The current player is responsible for “answering” that guess, if possible.
The method should either return a card (which the current player must have in their
hand) or null, to represent that the current player cannot answer that guess.
5. A method getGuess (no parameters). If this method is called, it indicates that it is the
current player’s turn. The method should return the current player’s guess for that turn.
The guess may be a suggestion or an accusation.
6. A method receiveInfo which has two parameters: a player ip (not an index) and a card
c. This represents that the current player has made a guess (previously) and the player
ip (not an index) has one of the cards of the guess, c. If no player can answer any
information about the current player’s previous guess, then c is null and ip is null.
Otherwise, c is guaranteed to be a card from the current player’s previous guess and ip
is a valid player. This method is guaranteed to only be called after a call to getGuess by
the current player.

The human player class must prompt the user for information when appropriate. For instance,
the method canAnswer should show the human player the current guess and the player’s
number i, show the player the cards they have that they can show player i and ask which card
they wish to show. The program is not responsible for managing the human player’s deduction
(i.e., it does not need to track which cards they have been show by other players, etc.).

You must also implement a computer player. The computer players should make reasonable
guesses. To ensure this, the computer players must pass the Junit tests described below.
Beyond the requirements below, any behaviour of the computer player that follows the basic
rules of the game is acceptable, except that computer players should never make accusations
unless they are sure that the accusation is correct.

Unit Tests
To ensure that the computer player is making reasonable guesses, you must write a JUnit test
file that demonstrates the following facts:
1. If a computer player has no cards, then canAnswer should return null.
2. If a computer player has exactly one card from a guess, canAnswer should return that
3. If a computer player has more than one card from a guess, canAnswer should return
one of the cards.
4. If a computer player is given all but n cards (for some number n > 2 that you should
choose) from the set of cards, a call to getGuess should return a guess that does not
contain any of the cards that the player has been given. That is, an initial guess from a
computer player must consist of cards it does not have.
5. If a computer player is given all but three cards from the set of cards, a call to
getGuess should return the correct accusation (not a suggestion).
6. If a computer player is given all but four cards from the set of cards, a call to getGuess
should not return an accusation. However, if receiveInfo is called with one of the four
cards, then after that, a second call to getGuess should return the correct accusation.
7. If a human player is given some cards, and then canAnswer is called with a guess that
includes one (or more) of the cards the player has, the method must return one of
those cards (that is, the human player cannot give a card that they do not have in their
hand – this will be achieved through input validation in your implementation).

For these tests, you should use a non-trivial set of cards (for people, places and weapons). You
should also use a setup method. In JUnit, you should annotate one method with @BeforeEach
with code that should be done (individually) before each method.

Each test (1-7) should be a separate method. You must use assertions to establish the
statements above – no output should be produced other than output from the assertions. Name
each method as testX with X from 1 to 7 for ease of verification.

You may write additional tests if you like, but are not required to.

Game Pseudocode
Here is the pseudocode for how the game progresses. Note that this pseudocode does not
include details on every call to methods of the players.

while game is not over:
ask active player for their guess
if guess is an accusation:
test if accusation is correct:
if correct, game is over, active player is the winner.
if not correct, active player is removed from the game.
(game is over if there is only one player remaining. active player can be human)
ask players if they can respond to the guess.
(starting with next player after active player, including removed players)
if another player can answer the guess:
provide answer to active player
report that no answer is possible to the active player
if game has not ended:
move to next active player.
inform all players about the outcome of the game
(player and guess if someone guessed correctly, player only if all other players are

Data Structures
In this assignment, you are not required to build you own data structures. You should use
ArrayLists (with types) to store the information, as illustrated in the Interface.

You may find the Collections.shuffle() method helpful for shuffling ArrayLists of cards.


A file of prompts that you can use for the human player have been included.


Submit all your source code for all classes you implement. For ease of compilation, you must
provide copies of all classes and the interface in a zip file. You should also submit a readme.txt
file (in the zip file) that describes exactly how to compile and run your code from the command
line, and how to run the JUnit test file on aviary. The markers will be using these instructions
exactly and if your code does not compile directly, you will lose marks. Each class must be in its
own file.

You MUST submit all of your files in a zip file. Submit all files on UM Learn.




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