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Penn CIS 553 Homeworks
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configs 2021-02-21 everything configurable from topolo…
utils 2 days ago bugfixes
.gitignore 36 B 2021-02-21 everything configurable from topolo…
Makefile 1.05 KB 2020-05-08 fix makefile indents
README.md 12.51 KB 2021-03-16 Completed revamp of instructions
control_plane.py 4.17 KB 2 days ago bug in the ordering
data_plane.p4 7.82 KB 2021-03-16 Completed revamp of instructions
tail_pcap.sh 156 B 2020-03-23 Spring 2020
topology2.json 2 B 2021-03-16 Completed revamp of instructions
topology3.json 2 B 2021-03-16 Completed revamp of instructions
Project 4: Finishing
Our Router
This project is to be done individually.
Please refer to Canvas for the deadline.

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In HW2, you implemented a simple 'static'
router. The router could act as a layer-2
endpoint, demultiplex to layer-3, forward
IPv4 packets, and handle ARP requests.
However, all of those behaviors were
statically configured in the control plane. In
HW3, we saw how routers actually
implement dynamic behavior like the
distributed computation of routing tables.
In this project, you will take your HW2 and
HW3 implementations and complete a full
implementation of an Internet router.
Specifically, you will begin with your HW2
implementation and iteratively replace all
of the hardcoded values until the router is
able to take a simple local configuration
file (with local IP, MAC address, etc.) and fill
in the rest automatically with the help of
Distance Vector and ARP protocols.
Part A: Cloning the
Updated Framework
You can clone and build the framework
exactly as you did in HW0 - HW2. For now,
the topology that we will use in this
homework is identical to HW2:
Eventually, you will want to start copying
pieces of your HW2 data_plane.p4 and
control_plane.py code into this new
codebase. Before you do that, however,
note some important changes that we have
made to the framework.
One set of changes supports bi-directional
packet communication between the data
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and control plane. Think about the types of
packets in your HW3 implementation.
Traceroute packets were handled entirely
with your routing/forwarding tables; these
correspond in real networks to normal IP
packets. Routing packets required a bit
more computation; in real networks, these
are sent up to the control plane and the
control plane will send routing updates
back down to the data plane. Digests can
be used to ship information from the data
plane to the control plane, but thus far, we
have not seen a mechanism to ship packets
back to the data plane -- only commands
to configure it. The updated framework has
support for sending packets directly to the
data plane.
Another set of changes supports
configuration of the topology. Rather than
relying on the "triangle" topology that
we've been using so far, you can now
modify the configs/topology.json file to
add hosts, routers, and links. Rather than
hardcode the configuration of these
elements into the control plane, relevant
information is instead passed as
parameters into control_plane.py . By the
end of the project we should be able to
copy/paste an arbitrary topology.json file
into your repository and your control
planes should be able to configure each
router seamlessly.
Finally, note that we've refactored some
elements of the data plane P4 program to
be compatible with the additional
functionality of this homework, and to
make the purpose of the functions more
clear. You'll need to map your HW2
implemention onto the new skeleton code.
Sending packets to and from
the data plane
switch.py includes a new function
SendPacketOut(payload) that can be used
to send packets to the data plane. The
payload parameter to this function should
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be a sequence of bytes represented as a
Python string. The data plane receives this
payload as a raw frame from ingress port
255 ( CPU_PORT ). The term raw frame
indicates that the switch will treat the
message as a single packet with no
additional encapsulation. Thus, if you
wanted to send an Ethernet/IPv4 packet to
the data plane, you would need to
generate both headers manually before
calling this function.
Data plane support
To help you out, we have defined a simple
distance vector packet format in
data_plane.p4 . The packet has a fixed size
(2064 bits):
bit<32> src;
bit<16> length;
bit<2016> data;
The data field is where the actual vector is
contained, with each distance vector
element consisting of 48 bits:
bit<32> prefix
bit<8> pfx_length
bit<8> cost
With a fixed size of 2016 bits, the data
portion of the packet can contain up to 42
distance vector entries, but these entries
are not parsed by the data plane, which
instead treats these 2016 bits as just a
payload. The top-level length field specifies
the number of actual entries in the packet;
any of the remaining space in the data
portion should not be accessed as its value
is undefined. Note that real protocols
generally do not pad packets with unused
bits in this way. Instead, they would use
something like a stacked header (see IP
Options) or variable-sized bitstrings (see
TCP/UDP length fields). While the P4
language does include support for both of
these features, the current version of the
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P4 runtime does not so we must resort to
fixed-length packets.
Distance vector messages are parsed in the
parser's parse_routing state. You can
deduce the valid header combinations
involving this format from the parser code.
Specifically, take a look at (1) the select
statement of the parser's start state, and
(2) the select statement of the
parse_ethernet state. You should be able
to answer these questions on your own:
For frames coming from the local
control plane, what do the frames
contain? Do they have any
For frames coming from other
routers in the network, what is the
sequence of headers?
Control plane support
For convenience, we have provided a
function called buildRoutingPayload(ip,
distance_vector) in helper.py . The
function takes an array of [destination,
cost] tuples and packs them into a payload
that can be sent to the data plane using
the SendPacketOut function. It also takes
the current IP and includes it in the src
field of the distance vector routing packet.
One of the challenges in concurrently
receiving from and sending to the data
plane is that GetDigest is a blocking
operation. If the routing update sends were
in the same thread as the GetDigest call,
updates may never be sent out. Instead, we
have provided some skeleton code in
control_plane.py that demonstrates how
to send packets and receive digests
simultaneously using a separate update
thread. Take care that multiple threads
within the same control plane potentially
introduces concurrency issues -- you
should use locks to handle this. We have
provided a simple Python threading lock
dvLock that you can use for this purpose.
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Custom topologies
Take a look at configs/topology.json ,
which specifies the topology of HW2 in the
updated format. The file contains three
This section specifies the hosts of the
topology along with any necessary local
configuration information. Hosts are
assumed to have a single interface through
which they access the network. Included in
their local configuration is their:
IP address of the host
prefix length of the attached LAN
gateway router
MAC address of the host's interface
These configurations are pieces of
information that would be available to any
real host on the Internet: the first three are
traditionally obtained through DHCP
(although they can be manually configured
as well), and the last is written onto the
interface by its manufacturer.
You can add, remove, and rename hosts as
you'd like -- the framework will
automatically take the contents of this
section and configure the mininet hosts
accordingly. The one restriction is that the
names of these hosts should start with the
letter 'h'. If you're curious, you can see the
effects of these configurations by running
commands like ifconfig or ip route on
the mininet hosts.
This section specifies the routers of the
topology and their per-port configurations.
Every port has the following configurations:
IP address of the interface
prefix length of the attached LAN
MAC address
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port number (make sure that these
are unique on a given router)
Again, these are precisely the
configurations that a real router on the
Internet would need for each interface in
order to function properly. In the Internet,
the first two values are often manually
configured by the network operator, and
the latter two values are intrinsic to the
Router configurations are provided to your
control plane implementations as a
parameter to the updated
RunControlPlane function. The format of
that function parameter is exactly the value
of the router configuration you see in the
topology.json file. For example, in the
provided JSON file, router "r1" has the
following configuration:
meaning that r1's RunControlPlane
function will receive as its second
parameter an array of three elements,
where each element is a dictionary with the
keys ip , prefix_len , mac , and port . You
should be able to configure everything on
your router with only these pieces of
The last section of the configuration file
specifies the connections between hosts
and routers. Each link has two endpoints
(represented as a two-element array) and
the order does not matter, either within the
tuple or across tuples. If an endpoint is a
host, just put the name of the host as one
of the elements in the tuple. If the
endpoint is a router port, put the name of
the router and the number of the port
[{"ip": "", "prefix_len":
{"ip": "", "prefix_len":
{"ip": "", "prefix_len":
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separated by a colon, e.g., "r1:1" is router
r1 port 1.
Note that the framework does not support
using a single port in more than one link or
connecting two hosts directly to each
Part B: Finishing your
Your goal in this project is to take your
code from HW2 and remove all hardcoded
values to that point that we can drop in a
different (but well-formed) topology.json
and everything should still work. There are
several changes that you will need to make
to your implementations to accomplish
this. The two biggest will be (1) an
implementation of a distance vector
routing protocol (based on HW3) to
automatically configure the routing tables,
and (2) an implementation of ARP lookups
and requests, in addition to the responses
that you implemented in HW2.
For the distance vector protocol, we are
making a simplification that all links have
cost 1, including links to hosts. In effect,
our definition of "shortest path" in this
network only depends on hop count.
For ARP lookups, we are making the
simplification that you do not need to
buffer packets that are waiting on an ARP
request. Technically, real implementations
should send the entirety of any packet that
suffers an ARP miss to the control plane
where it will be buffered while we wait for
a response to the ARP request; however,
this makes the control/data-plane
communication much more complex.
Instead, it's okay if you convert those
packets into ARP Requests directly.
Tip #1: This is the first project in which we
are dealing with threading. You should take
care as there is a large class of bugs that
can arise due to concurrency issues.
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Common mistakes include not locking
access to shared objects. They also include
misconceptions about Python parameter
passing semantics. Python uses pass-by-
reference which means that modifications
can be observed in both the control plane
thread and update thread. Reassigning the
reference will break this connection, e.g.,
distanceVector = [] in the update thread.
Tip #2: In addition to modifying the fields
of headers, P4 allows you to add/remove
headers from packets. For example, to add
an IP header to a packet that did not
previously have one, we just need to call
hdr.ipv4.setValid(); . Similarly, to
remove the IP header, we can call
hdr.ipv4.setInvalid(); .
Part C: Testing on
different topologies
A critical part of HW will be creating your
own topologies and configurations. Not
only will this help you to test your router
implementations, it will also force you to
think carefully about how to correctly
configure an L3 network, e.g., which
parameters need to match and which need
to be unique. You will need to turn in two
additional JSON topology files
( topology2.json and topology3.json )
that are structurally distinct from each
other and the provided topology (e.g.,
don't try to turn in two topologies where
one is a subgraph of the other). Both
topologies should have a minimum of 5
hosts each.
Submission and Grading
Submit your data_plane.p4 ,
control_plane.py , topology2.json , and
topology3.json to Canvas. Make sure to
Indicate your name and PennKey in a
comment at the top of the first two
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As always, start early and feel free to ask
questions on Piazza and in office hours.




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