程序代写案例-CS 2212B

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CS 2212B
Introduction to Software Engineering

Project Description
Winter 2020-2021

1. Introduction
For this project you will specify, design, and implement a system that allows for a) retrieving
demographic and other data for one selected country from ƚhe World Bank Ɛ͛ daƚa repoƐiƚorLJ; b) processing, if
required, the data using different types of analyses, and c) rendering the retrieved data or the processed data
using appropriately selected visualization means such as bar charts, line graphs, scattered plots, and pie
charts. Example data which can be retrieved for a given country from the World Bank data repository is
health expenditures per 1,000 people, or percentage of population attended primary school.

In order to implement your system, you will need to retrieve data related a) to Environment and b) to Health.
Once the data are collected, they may have to be processed depending on the type of analysis you want
to perform. For example, you may want to compute the ratio of hospital beds per 1,000 people with
current health expenditures per capita, and then display the results on the UI. You will consider that
initially you have at your disposal different types of graphs to visualise your data, and you can select
every time which types of graphs can be used for your data to be displayed. Please note that your design
should allow for adding neǁ ͞ƚLJpeƐ͟ of graphs (or as we refer to them viewers). For example, you may
want to add histogram capabilities into your system, that is adding a new type of viewer. Your design
should allow for new types of viewers to be added or removed without modifying the existing viewers or
the functionality of the existing system.

The system will have a main User Interface (UI) where all selections of parameters and the rendering of
the data are performed. An example layout of a possible main UI and its different parts is depicted in
Figure 1 below.


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Figure 1. Sample Main UI for Word Bank Data Visualization System

2. Use Cases
The uses cases for your system are provided below:
UC1. The user logs into the system
When you start your system, the users are greeted with a login window or form, where they can input
their username and password. If the combination of username and password is not correct or no such
ƵƐer edžiƐƚƐ in ƚhe ƐLJƐƚem͛Ɛ database, a pop-up window or a notification in the form will notify them that
there is an error with the provided credentials and the application will terminate. You can store the
username-password pairs either in a database, or in a text file. If you use a simple text file to store the
username/password combinations, the format can be plain text, JSON or XML. If the username-
password combination is correct, then the main UI of the application is displayed.

Figure 2. Sample Login panel

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UC2. Selecting the analysis type to be performed
Once the user has selected the country for which they like to fetch, possibly process, and visualise data,
they can then select the specific type of analysis they wish to perform. The choice is obtained from a drop-
down menu of available types of analyses. You should implement 8 different types of analyses (2 per
member). Your design and implementation must be modular. For example, the data required for each
analysis type can be obtained in a modular way (i.e. by separate ͞reader͟ classes which read the specific
data from the appropriate web site) and the analyses themselves have to be performed in a modular way,
that is, each type of analysis has to be performed in its own class (i.e. as a strategy). Once an analysis type
that is different from the previous selection is chosen, the list with the viewers for this analysis type is
emptied. In case the user selects the same type, the list of viewers should remain intact. Figure 3 below
depicts the scenario of a user selecting the type of analysis they want to perform. In Figure 3, six types of
available analyses are shown: Mortality at birth (one series data), Mortality at birth vs Health Expenses per
1000 people (two series data), Mortality at birth vs Health Expenses per 1000 people vs. Hospital Beds per
1,000 people (three series data), Mortality at birth vs GDP (two series data), Percentage of Unemployment
vs GDP (two series data), and Percentage of Unemployment (one series data).

Figure 3. Selecting the Analysis Type.

UC3. Selecting a country to fetch and visualize data for
The users can use a list of countries to select the country for which they want to fetch (and optionally

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process) data. For this use case, the users can select a country from a drop-down menu. The drop-down
menu has a list of all the countries in the world. Your system must have the capability of restricting the
countries for which the chosen type of analysis is permitted. Therefore, once a country is selected, the
system will check whether this country is in the list of countries for which data can be fetched. You
decide for which countries you would like to be able to fetch and visualise data for. If analysis and
visualization is allowed for the selected country, then the data fetching can proceed, otherwise a
message is displayed that data fetching and or processing is not available for the selected country. For
example, you could have a text file that contains types of analysis and the countries for which the
analysis should not be available. You can choose whatever format you like for the text file (e.g. json,
config, plain text, etc.).

Figure 4. Selecting a country from the list of countries to fetch and visualise data for

UC4. Selecting the years for which the analysis type is to be performed
Once the user has selected the type of analysis, the user can then select the start and end year of the data
to be fetched (see Figure 5). Each analysis type can be associated with a period for which data for the
analysis is available. The system must check whether the start and end year are valid selections for the
selected type of analysis. If the years selected are not valid for the chosen type of analysis, a message is
displayed, and the user is prompted to select different start and end years.

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Figure 5. Selecting the Years to fetch data for.

UC5 and UC6. Adding and Removing visualization graphs to display the obtained/computed data
The user can add new or remove existing graphs (we refer to then as viewers). Those graphs are used to
visualise the obtained or computed data (see Figure 6). For this use case, the user can select a viewer
from a drop-down menu of viewers and then select the ͞add͟ ;or ͞н͟Ϳ or ƚhe ͞remoǀe͟ ;or ƚhe ͞-͟Ϳ
button to add or remove the viewer from the list of the viewers that are responsible for visualising the
data. The system should perform checks when adding or removing viewers. More specifically, make sure
viewers to be added are compatible with the analysis chosen and viewers to be removed are already in
the list of viewers. In either case, if the criteria are not met, the user should receive a message.
As mentioned in UC3, every time a different analysis is selected, the list of viewers is emptied. That is,
the list of viewers needs to be initially populated when the system is first run and subsequently
repopulated every time a new type of analysis is chosen. The list remains intact if the user only changes
the country and/or the start and end years.

Please note that it is not a correct design to create all possible graphs and then decide which ones to
display. The correct design is to select and attach the different types of viewers for each analysis you run
before you fetch, optionally analyse, the data. The selected viewers will then be the only ones to be
notified once the data become available for visualization. As mentioned before, not all types of graphs
are appropriate for all types of analyses. For example, pie-charts are good for data that sum up to 100%.
Checking when adding viewers ensures that only the appropriate viewers are utilized.

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Figure 6. Adding and removing viewers (i.e. the types visualization graphs to be used) for a selected type of

UC7. Performing the analysis
Once the user has selected the country, the type of analysis they want to perform, the years, and the
viewers they want to use in order to display the results, then they can initiate the analysis by pressing
the ͞RecalcƵlaƚe͟ button. The preƐƐing of ƚhe ͞RecalcƵlaƚe͟ bƵƚƚon ǁill perform the following:
a) Get the country that has been chosen by the user.
b) Get the start and end years for the analysis chosen by the user.
c) Get the analysis type to be performed as chosen by the user.
d) Initiate the algorithm (we refer to is as strategy) corresponding to the chosen type of analysis selected (see
the Strategy design pattern), and supply the information acquired in steps a-c.
Once the strategy is initiated, it should in turn perform the following actions:
a) initiate the identification and retrieval of the individual pieces of data that are required for the type of
analysis selected. For example, if we want to calculate the ratio of GDP per person for a given country for a
given year(s), we need to collect two pieces of data; first the GDP for the given year(s), and second the
population for a given year(s). These tǁo read operaƚionƐ conƐƚiƚƵƚe a ͞ǁorkfloǁ ͟ ;Ɛee ƚhe Façade design
pattern). Note you will need different types of readers which populate and return different types depending on
the type of data you are retrieving. The obtained data will then become available to the calling strategy. The way
to extract the data and the format of the data are shown in detail in Appendix I.A.

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b) Trigger the computation of the specific analysis using all the required individual pieces of data which
have been collected in step a. If no processing is needed (i.e. the data can be displayed as they have been
retrieved), then the strategy just populates a result object which has the same data as the ones read. If
processing is required (e.g. you need to compute a ratio), then the strategy does the computation and populates
the result object with the computed value. We refer to the result object that holds the data to be displayed as
the model or the subject (see the Observer design pattern). For example, as mentioned above, if we want
to calculate the ratio of GDP per person for a given country for a given year(s), once these two
pieces of data are collected, a division (i.e. GDP/population) iƐ all ƚhaƚ͛Ɛ reqƵired to compute the
result for this desired type of analysis. If all the data required for the computation of the selected type
of analysis is not available (e.g. values are missing), a message must displayed to the user indicating
that the analysis is not possible. If some of the data are available (i.e. data are available only for
some of the years selected) then the computation proceeds only for these years. If the analysis
proceeds (even for some of the selected years) then the result object is populated so that the results
can be displayed (see UC6).

Figure 7. Triggering the analysis; that is a) fetching of data, b) performing any
computations (if needed), and c) visualising the results by notifying the
viewers selected

UC8. Displaying the results
Once the data have been fetched, and any required computation (if needed) is completed and results
have been calculated, then the system renders the results on the selected viewers. The viewers should
identify, based on the analysis, the number of series of data that need to be visualized. For some types of
analysis only one series of data is produced (see Figure 8a), while other types of analysis yield two series (see
Figure 8.b) or even three series of data (see Figure 8.c).

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Figure 8.a. Figure 8.b.
One-series data visualization (Fig. 8a) and two-series data visualization (fig.

Figure 8.c. Figure 8d
Three-series data visualization (Fig. 8c) and use of pie charts (Fig. 8.d)

For information on rendering the results, please see Section 5 ͞Rendering ƚhe ReƐƵlƚƐ͟ beloǁ and also
Appendix I.C .

3. Suggested Types of Analyses
You are free to pick your own data (i.e. indicators) and types of analyses. Here we suggest a few based on
the following categories (see the corresponding indicators on the right).

Total Population SP.POP.TOTL
CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita) EN.ATM.CO2E.PC
PM2.5 air pollution, mean annual exposure (micrograms per cubic meter) EN.ATM.PM25.MC.M3
Forest area (% of land area) AG.LND.FRST.ZS

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Energy use (kg of oil equivalent per capita) EG.USE.PCAP.KG.OE
GDP per capita (current US$) NY.GDP.PCAP.CD

Hospital beds (per 1,000 people) SH.MED.BEDS.ZS
Government expenditure on education, total (% of GDP) SE.XPD.TOTL.GD.ZS
Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) SH.STA.MMRT
Current health expenditure per capita (current US$) SH.XPD.CHEX.PC.CD
Current health expenditure (% of GDP) SH.XPD.CHEX.GD.ZS
Mortality rate, infant (per 1,000 live births) SP.DYN.IMRT.IN

These are just suggested indicators. Use the list of indicators in:
http://api.worldbank.org/v2/source/75/indicators and in
to get additional types of data if you want to provide other types analyses. For your system you
should have 8 different types of analyses (2 per group member) and be able to discuss/demonstrate
the way to add in your system new analyses and types of visualisation graphs (i.e. how modular and
extensible your design is).

The suggested types of analyses for your system are:
1. CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita) vs Energy use (kg of oil equivalent per capita) vs PM2.5 air
pollution, mean annual exposure (micrograms per cubic meter) (3-series graph)
2. PM2.5 air pollution, mean annual exposure (micrograms per cubic meter) vs Forest area (% of land
area) (2-series graphs)
3. Ratio of CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita) and GDP per capita (current US$)
4. Average Forest area (% of land area) for the selected years (1-series graphs ʹ you can use a pie-
chart here)
5. Average of Government expenditure on education, total (% of GDP) for the selected years (1-
series graphs ʹ you can use a pie-chart here)
6. Ratio of Hospital beds (per 1,000 people) and Current health expenditure (per 1,000 people) (2-
series graphs). Note the computations needed here.
7. Current health expenditure per capita (current US$) vs Mortality rate, infant (per 1,000 live births)
(2-series graphs)
8. Ratio of Government expenditure on education, total (% of GDP) vs Current health expenditure (%
of GDP).

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4. Data Acquisition
Your analyses and visualizations will require data to either be retrieved from one or more data pools from
ƚhe World Bank͛Ɛ daƚa baƐe remote issuing http GET requests from your Java application. The different
topics for which the World Bank provides data for can be found in
documentation. The retrieved data can be in xml or json formats. The formaƚ of ƚhe World Bank͛Ɛ API
(i.e. how to call the API and get a response) and the indicator IDs (i.e. what data to retrieve) are provide in
Appendix I.A below. An example on ow to programmatically fetch the data is shown in Appendix I.B.

For example, an http request to:
ǁill proǀide in jƐon formaƚ ;Ɛee ƚhe ͞formaƚ͟ parameƚer in ƚhe URL above) the total population (see the
indicaƚor ͞SP͘POP͘TOTL͟ in ƚhe UR aboǀeͿ of Canada ;Ɛee ƚhe ͞can͟ Ɛecƚion of ƚhe URL aboǀeͿ in LJearƐ
ϮϬϬϬ and ϮϬϬϭ ;Ɛee ƚhe ͞daƚe͟ parameƚer in ƚhe UR aboǀeͿ͘
Sample Java code on how to issue programmatically from within your java program a call to a URL as the
one shown above is provided in Appendix I.B below. This sample code is provided to you as a Maven
Eclipse project. You can find it on the Supporting Resources section in OWL. Once you download the
archive and unzip it, this sample code can be imported in Eclipse as a Maven Project
(FileÆImportÆMavenÆExisting Maven Projects). Make sure after you import it, to right click on the
project and select Maven Æ Update Project to import all necessary libraries.

Make sure that the design of your system is modular. An example of modularity is that you have different
͞reader͟ componenƚƐ for differenƚ daƚa ƐoƵrceƐ͘

5. Rendering the Results
Once the necessary data have been fetched for the selected type of analysis (see the Façade design
pattern), then the data need either to be directly displayed or processed. Notes on the UI are provided in
Appendix I.C.
1. If the analysis type selected (i.e. the algorithm or as we refer to is the strategy ) (see the Strategy
design pattern) does not require any data processing, then the algorithm (i.e. the strategy) will
not do any processing, and its job is to just pass the data to the model (i.e. the object that holds
the data to be displayed) which in turn will notify the viewers (graphs) (see the Observer design
pattern). An example of analysis type that requires processing is # 2 above (PM2.5 air pollution,
mean annual exposure (micrograms per cubic meter) vs Forest area (% of land area)) where the
data can directly be displayed after the model notifies the viewers.
2. If the analysis type selected (i.e. the algorithm or as we refer to it as the strategy ) (see the
Strategy design pattern) require some data processing, then the algorithm (i.e. the strategy) will
do the necessary processing, and it will pass the result of this processing to the model (i.e. the
object that holds the data to be displayed) which in turn will notify the viewers (graphs) (see the
Observer design pattern). An example of analysis type that requires processing is #4 above
(Average Forest area (% of land area) for the selected years) where you need to collect the forest
area per year for all selected years and then compute the average, and #6 where a ratio must be

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6. Design and Implementation Notes
The design and implementation of your system have to exhibit the following properties:
1. The architecture must be modular and conform to one or more of the architectural styles you learn
in class.
2. The architecture must exhibit the properties of high cohesion and low coupling. Here high cohesion
means that packages are designed to contain classes that perform a specific functionality of the
system (e.g. a package that contains all classes that perform the different analysis strategies).
3. Your code must correctly implement several design patterns. The design patterns which are applicable
to this system are: Proxy, Façade, Chain of Responsibility, Strategy, Observer, Singleton and, Factory
Method. For example, the Proxy design pattern can be used for login services, the Façade design
pattern for coordinating activities between the UI and the backend services (e.g. retrieving data,
rendering images, checking for proper country names etc.).
4. You may create your project as a Maven project or convert it afterwards (see
https://crunchify.com/how-to-convert-existing-java-project-to-maven-in-eclipse/). This will allow
you to automatically download and install in your project any external libraries. An example pom.xml
file which is needed for such a Maven project can be found in the Supporting Resources section in
5. For your collaboration you are expected to use bitBucket as your source code repository where you
will be regularly committing your code changes and any supporting documents. We will provide
bitbucket accounts for each team. For communication with your fellow team members you are
expected to use Microsoft Teams. You should provide a trace record of the code commits each one
of you performed throughout the term.

7. Tools
You can use the following tools to proceed with the deliverables of your project:
Drawing UML Diagrams:
a. UMLet (https://www.umlet.com/) This tool has a very wide spectrum of UML symbols
b. MS-Visio (download the UML stencils)
https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/uml- diagrams-in-visio-ca4e3ae9-d413-

Automatically compiling class diagrams from your source code (useful for acquiring a visual overview of
your system in terms of your source code classes):
1. ObjectAid (https://www.objectaid.com/home). Outstanding tool. Read the short instructions how
to use within Eclipse in the link provided above

8. Notes
x An SRS and an SDD example for a sample project can be found on the Supporting Resources
section on OWL. You can use another format of your choice if you want.

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Appendix I.A - The structure of the World BaŶk͛Ɛ API
The World Bank͛Ɛ daƚa Ɛeƚ proǀideƐ a ǁealƚh of daƚa form differenƚ repoƐiƚorieƐ͘ The World Bank provides
for most data sets a unified API using REST calls. The format of the REST-API is provided can be found at
https://datahelpdesk.worldbank.org/knowledgebase/articles/898581. An example call is given below for
extracting the information regarding the total population of Canada for the years 200 to 2001. The
request uses the indicaƚor ͞can͟ ƚo denoƚe ƚhaƚ daƚa for Canada are required, the Indicator
͞SP.POP.TOTL͟ ƚo denote that the total population is required (for Canada), the date parameter to
denote the range of years for which data are required (here 2000 and 2001), and the format parameter
to denote the output format (here json). The call in this respect looks like:

For your project you can use the indicators (data) and the types of analyses provided in Section 3.

For LJoƵr informaƚion͕ ƚhe liƐƚ of all daƚa caƚegorieƐ ǁhich are aǀailable in World BankƐ͛ repoƐiƚorLJ can be
found in

You can select a specific category of data and then find the available indicators. For example, in:
http://api.worldbank.org/v2/source/75/indicators you can see the first indicator AG.LND.AGRI.ZS which
refers to Agricultural land (% of land area).

In this respect, the call to the following URL will return the agricultural land in Canada as a percentage of
the total land in years 2000 and 2001. Try the call to see the result.

Note the similarity of this call with the call above related to total population (i.e.
http://api.worldbank.org/v2/country/can/indicator/SP.POP.TOTL?date=2000:2001&format=json). Here
only the indicator is changing as we request data for the same country and years.

In this respect, the result of calling


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{"indicator":{"id":"AG.LND.AGRI.ZS","value":"Agricultural land (% of land area)"},
"indicator":{"id":"AG.LND.AGRI.ZS","value":"Agricultural land (% of land area)"},

The result above shows that in 2001, 7. 4230962521622% of the land in Canada was agricultural land. Try
that for 2016! The value is 6.89183824507808%. There are no data available after 2016. Try for 2019 and
you will see that the value filed iƐ ͞nƵll͘͟

For another data category (e.g. Health Nutrition And Population Statistics By Wealth Quintile in
the API file is located under the (Data&Resources tab Î API Documentation). This API file can be found
on https://api.worldbank.org/v2/sources/39/indicators

The list of country codes according to the ISO standard can be found and downloaded on


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Appendix I.B ʹ Using the API from your Java program
The request for retrieving in JSON format the total population of Canada for the years 200 to 2001 is
;ƚhe Indicaƚor iƐ ͞SP.POP.TOTL͟ for ƚoƚal popƵlaƚion and ƚhe coƵnƚrLJ code ͞can͟ for Canada͘ The LJearƐ
selected are 2000 and 2001, and the output format be json.

If you try the above URL you will get as a result the following Json which is an array of two objects. The
Ɛecond objecƚ iƐ an arraLJ of objecƚƐ͕ and each objecƚ haƐ a field ͞ǀalƵe͟ ǁiƚh ƚhe deƐired ǀalƵe ǁe ǁanƚ͘
Note a Json object is enclosed in {} and an array of objects in [].

{"indicator":{"id":"SP.POP.TOTL","value":"Population, total"},
{"indicator":{"id":"SP.POP.TOTL","value":"Population, total"},
The result shows that In 2001 Canada had a population of 31,020,902 and in 2000, 30,685,730 people.

You can find below the Java code that programmatically issues the request above, gets the result as a
single line, gets the second object (the array of size two i.e. for years 2000 and 2001) and then for each
objecƚ in ƚhe arraLJ geƚƐ ƚhe ǀalƵe of ƚhe ͞ǀalƵe͟ field. It is best to try is as a Maven project (File->New-
>Maven Project). The pom.xml file to fetch all the required libraries used in the code below looks like:

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xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 https://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">

Java.net Repository for Maven


And here is the sample Java code:

package httpTest;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.HttpURLConnection;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.Scanner;
import com.google.gson.JsonArray;
import com.google.gson.JsonParser;


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public class GetData {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String urlString =
POP.TOTL?date=2000:2001&format=json", "can");
int populationForYear = 0;
int cumulativePopulation = 0;
try {
URL url = new URL(urlString);
HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
int responsecode = conn.getResponseCode();
if (responsecode == 200) {
String inline = "";
Scanner sc = new Scanner(url.openStream());
while (sc.hasNext()) {
inline += sc.nextLine();
JsonArray jsonArray = new
int size = jsonArray.size();
int sizeOfResults = jsonArray.get(1).getAsJsonArray().size();
int year = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < sizeOfResults; i++) {
year =
populationForYear = 0;
ŵŵ ũ˜ƒŽ—‡Ū FIELD
populationForYear =

System.out.println("Population for : " + year + " is " +
cumulativePopulation =
cumulativePopulation + populationForYear;
System.out.println("The average population over the selected years
is " + cumulativePopulation / sizeOfResults);

} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace();



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This code is available on the Supporting Resources section at OWL. You can import the sample code above
as a Maven Eclipse project in your Eclipse IDE. You can find the code in the Supporting Resources section
at OWL. Here is a quick summary (Fig. 9 ʹ 14) how to load the project as a Maven project in Eclipse :

Figure 9.

Figure 10.

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Figure 11.

Figure 12.


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Figure 13.

Figure 14.


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Appendix I.C ʹ Rendering the results
The results can be rendered by any appropriate Java library of your choice. The library we suggest is
jfreechart. We have also uploaded on OWL, a sample Java project which renders the UI presented above
ƵƐing Ɛome ͞Ɛƚaƚic͟ hardcoded daƚa for demonƐƚraƚion pƵrpoƐeƐ onlLJ͕ Ɛo ƚhaƚ LJoƵ can Ɛee ƚhe ƵƐe of ƚhe
jfreechart toolkit.

Please note: The provided code is only to demonstrate how to use the jfreechart toolkit. THIS SAMPLE
IMPLEMENTATION. For example, the different graphs have to implemented as different viewers, each
time appropriately attached to the model (i.e. ƚhe daƚa or ͞ƚhe ƐƵbjecƚ͟Ϳ aƐ a collecƚion of observers. Every
time the model (i͘e͘ ƚhe daƚa or ͞ƚhe ƐƵbjecƚ͟Ϳ geƚƐ neǁ ǀalƵeƐ͕ ƚhen ƚhe aƚƚached ƚo iƚ viewers (i.e.
observers) have to be notified.

You can import the sample code provided as a Maven Project. The steps (Fig. 15 ʹ 19) are provided below.

Figure 15.


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Figure 16.

Figure 17.

In this step make sure you expand the Advanced Tab and fill in the values GuiDemo, GuiDemoCode.


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Figure 18.

Figure 19.




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