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Lecture 2: Reactive Agents
Fangzhen Lin
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
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Agent is a term referring to entities that can perform certain tasks in
some environments autonomously.
An agent needs to have perception, can perform some actions, has
some purpose (goal).
We first study stimulus-response agents, then consider adding states
to these agents.
We consider how to control these agents using rules, neural networks,
and genetic algorithms, and whether the programs are desiged or
learned (evolved).
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Stimulus-Response Agents
Stimulus-Response (S-R) agents are machines without internal states that
simply react to immediate stimuli in their environments.
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A Boundary-Following Robot
A robot in a two-dimensional grid world:
The robot senses whether
the eight surrounding cells
are free for it to occupy
A robot starting here will
go clockwise around the
inside of the outer boundary
A robot starting here will go
counterclockwise around the
outside boundary of the object
s1 s2 s3
s8 s4
s7 s6 s5
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Sensors and Actions
Sensors: eight of them s1 - s8. si = 1 if the corresponding cell is occupied,
it equals to 0 otherwise.
Actions: the robot can move to an adjacent free cell. There are four of
1 north - moves the robot one cell up.
2 east - moves the robot one cell to the right.
3 south - moves the robot one cell down.
4 west - moves the robot one cell to the left.
All of them have their indicated effects unless the robot attempts to move
to a cell that is not free; in that case, it have no effect.
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Controling a robot
We now have a model of the problem: an environment modeled by a
two-dimensional grid world, an agent with sensors to check if any of the
nearby cells is occupied, a collection of actions for moving around the
world, and the task of following the boundary of the first obstacle that it
comes into.
We now need an algorithm to control the robot:
Designing a production system to control it;
Learn a control function;
Evolve a program to control it.
We start with the manual design approach.
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Basic Architecture
Designer’s job: specify a function of the sensory inputs that selects actions
appropriate for the task at the hand (boundry-following in our example).
In general, it is often convenient to divide the function into two
components: perceptual processing and action function:
input Action
vector, X
Next to wall
In a corner
Designer’s intended
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The robot has 8 sensory inputs s1,...,s8.
There are 28 = 256 different combinations of these values.
Although some of the combinations are not legal because of our
restriction against tight spaces (spaces between objects and
boundaries that are only one cell wide), there are still many legal ones.
For the task at the hand, we only need four binary-valued features
about the sensor: x1, x2, x3, x4:
x1 x2 x3 x4
In each diagram, the indicated feature has value 1 if and only if at least one of the shaded
cells is not free.
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Given the four features, we can specify a function of these features that
will select the right action for boundary-following as follows:
if none of the four features equal to 1, then move north (it could be
any direction).
if x1 = 1 and x2 = 0, then move east;
if x2 = 1 and x3 = 0, then move south;
if x3 = 1 and x4 = 0, then move west;
if x4 = 1 and x1 = 0, then move north.
We now need to represent and implement perception and action functions.
To that end, we briefly review Boolean algebra below.
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Boolean Algebra
A Boolean function maps an n tuple of (0, 1) values to {0, 1};
Boolean algebra is a convenient notation for representing Boolean
functions using · (and, often omitted), + (or), and − (negation):
1 + 1 = 1, 1 + 0 = 1, 0 + 0 = 0,
1 · 1 = 1, 1 · 0 = 0, 0 · 0 = 0,
1 = 0, 0 = 1
The two binary operators are commutative and associative.
Examples: x4 is s1 + s8; the condition for the robot moving north is
x1x2x3x4 + x4x1.
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Production Systems
One convenient representation for an action function is production
A production system is a sequence of productions, which are rules of
the form:
c → a
meaning if condition c is true, then do a. Here a could be a primitive
action, a call to a procedure, or a set of actions to be executed
When there are more than one productions can be fired (their
condition parts are true), then the first one is applied.
The following is a production system representation of the action
function for our boundary-following robot:
x4x1 → north, x3x4 → west,
x2x3 → south, x1x2 → east,
1→ north.
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Here is a production system for getting the robot to a corner:
inCorner → nil ,
1 → bf ,
where inCorner is a feature of the sensory input corresponding to
detecting a corner, nil is the do-nothing action, and bf is the action
that the above boundary-folliwng production system will produce.
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Learning Action Function - Supervised Learning
with TLUs
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Supervised Learning
Given a training set consisting of
a set Σ of n-dimensional vectors (these vectors could be the vectors
of the robot’s sensory inputs, or they might be the feature vectors
computed by the perceptual processing component);
for each vector in Σ, an associated action called label of the vector
(this action could be the one that the learner observed performed by
the teacher, or simply the desired action given by the designer of a
the task of learning is to compute a function that responds ”acceptably”
to the members of the training set: this usually means that the function
agrees with as many members of the training set as possible.
What functions to learn is crucial. Here we consider a class of simple linear
weighted functions called TLUs.
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Example - When to Move East
A training set for learning when to move east:
Input Sensory x1x2
number vector (move east)
1 00001100 0
2 11100000 1
3 00100000 1
4 00000000 0
5 00001000 0
6 01100000 1
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Boolean functions, thus those production systems whose conditions
are Boolean functions can be implemented easily as programs. They
can also be implemented directly as circuits.
A type of circuits of particular interest in AI is threshold logic unit
(TLU), also called perceptron:
Σ x wi ii=1
Weighted sum
Output, f
Threshold, θ
f = 1 if
= 0 otherwise
x wi i ≥ θ
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Not all Boolean functions can be implemented as TLUs - those can are
called linearly separable functions. Here are two examples:
x1x2 x3
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0.5 x1x2
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A single production rule can sometimes be encoded as a TLU.
A production system needs a network of TLUs to implements.
Such networks are often called an (artificial) neural netwroks, which
can be used to represent any Boolean function.
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A neuron is an electrically excitable cell that processes and transmits
information through electrical and chemical signals via synapses.
Neurons when connect to each other form neural networks, and are
the core components of the nervous system.
The number of neurons in the brain varies dramatically from species
to species.
One estimate (published in 1988) puts the human brain at about 100
billion (1011) neurons and 100 trillion (1014) synapses.
The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, a common subject in biological
experiments, has around 100,000 neurons and exhibits many complex
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Learning TLUs
Recall that a TLU is determined by:
number of inputs;
for each input an associated number called its weight;
a number called the threshold.
We know the number of inputs from the training set; we can assume that
the threshold is always o by introducing a new input with its weight set to
be the negative of the original threshold, and its input always set to 1.
So what we need to learn is the vector of weights.
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The Error-Correction Procedure
Given a vector X from the training set (augmented by the n + 1th special
input 1), let d be the label (desired output) of this input, and f the actual
output of the old TLU, the weight change rule is:
W←W + c(d − f )X,
where c, a number, is called the learning rate.
To use this rule to learn a TLU: start with a random initial weight vector,
choose a learning rate c , and then iterate through the set of training set
repeatedly until it becomes stable.
If the traning set can be captured by a linearly separable Boolean function,
then this procedure will terminate. The exact number of steps needed
depends on:
Initial weight values
Learning rate in weight updating rule
Order of presentation of training examples
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Learning action functions with genetic
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Machine Evolution
Human becomes what we are now through millions of years evolution
from apes.
Presumably, we could simulate this evolution process to evolve smart
machines as well.
Evolution has two key components:
I reproduction (how do parents produce descendants); and
I survival of the fittest (how to select which of these descendants are
going to reproduce more descendants).
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Genetic Programming (GP)
GP is about evolving programs to solve specific problems.
The first issue is what the representation is for programs: the
techniques for evolving C programs would be different from that for
ML programs. The general idea is:
I decide what the legal programs are;
I define a fitness function;
I select a set of legal programs as generation 0;
I produce the next generation until a desired program is produced.
Three common techniques for producing the next generations are:
I copy (clone a good gene to the next generation);
I crossover (mix-up two parent’s genes);
I mutation (mutate a gene)
I will illustrate the idea using the boundary-following robot.
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The Task
Wall-following in the following grid-world (we have to fix the environment):
nw n ne
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Program Representation
We shall assume that the program that we are looking for can be
constructed from the primitives ones (east, west, etc) by Boolean ops and
conditionals. The example in the following slide represent a program that
does the same thing as the following production system:
(n + ne)e → east,
(e + se)s → south,
(s + sw)w → west,
1 → north.
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n ne e
e se s
s sw w
(IF (AND (OR (n) (ne)) (NOT (e)))
(IF (AND (OR (e) (se)) (NOT (s)))
(IF (AND (OR (s) (sw)) (NOT (w)))
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Fitness Function
Given a program, and a starting position for the robot, we run it until
it has carried out 60 steps, and then count the number of cells next
to the wall that are visited during these 60 steps. (Max=32, Min=0.)
For a given program, we do ten of these runs with the robot starting
at ten randomly chosen starting positions. The total count of the
next-to-the-wall cels visited is taken as the fitness of the program.
(Max = 320, Min=0.)
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The GP Process
Generation 0: 5000 random programs.
Procedure for producing generation (n+1) from generation n:
Copy 10% of the programs from generation n to generation n+1.
These programs are chosen by the following tournament selection
process: 7 programs are randomly selected from the population, and
the most fit of these seven is chosen.
The rest (90%) are produced from generation n by a crossover
operation as follows: a mother and a father is chosen from generation
n by the tournament selection process, and a randomly chosen
subtree of the father is used to replace a randomly selected subtree of
the mother. See next page for an example.
Sometimes a mutation operator is also used: it selects a member
from generation n by the tournament selection process, and then a
randomly chosen subtree of it is deleted and replaced by a random
tree. When used, the mutation operation is used sparingly (maybe
1% rate).
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An Example of Crossover Operation
se IF AND OR se
NOT s OR se NOT nwe
west w south north
se IF
NOTwest se
Mother program Father program Child program
Randomly chosen
crossover points
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Performance of GP
The performance of GP depends on:
the size of generation 0;
the copy rate, crossover rate, and mutation rate;
the parameters used in the tournament selection process.
For the wall-following example, it will generate a perfect one after about
10 generations:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Generation number
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State Machines
Recall that S-R agents have no memory; they just respond to the
current stimuli.
Often one needs more powerful agents. State machines are agents
who can remember the action that they have just done, and the state
that the previous environment is in, and can have some mental states.
Action function of a state machine is then a mapping of the current
sensory inputs, the state of the environment at the previous time step,
the action that the machine has just taken, and the current mental
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Basic Architecture of State Machines
(previous feature
vector and
previous action)
Feature vector, Xt
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Sensory-Impaired Bounday-Following Robot
Consider again our boundary-following robot, assume now that it’s
somewhat sensory-impaired: its sensory inputs are only (s2, s4, s6, s8).
Can you design an S-R agent for following a bounday based only on these
four sensors?
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Let w1 − w8 be the features defined as:
wi = si when i = 2, 4, 6, 8;
w1 = 1 iff at the previous time step, w2 = 1, and the robot moved
w3 = 1 iff at the previous time step, w4 = 1, and the robot moved
w5 = 1 iff at the previous time step, w6 = 1, and the robot moved
w7 = 1 iff at the previous time step, w8 = 1, and the robot moved
Using these features, the following production system will do the job:
w2w4→ east, w4w6→ south,
w6w8→ west, w8w2→ north,
w1 → north, w3 → east,
w5 → south, w7 → west,
1→ north
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