程序代写案例-EC602-Assignment 2

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Assignment 2: Modeling with Classes: Complex
and Polynomials
EC602 Design by Software
Spring 2021
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Assignment Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Due Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Submission Link . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.4 Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2 Background: Modeling data with Classes 2
2.1 Classes and Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3 Example: Polynomials 3
4 Example: Complex Numbers 3
4.1 The Complex class. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
5 The assignment 5
5.1 Assignment Checker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
6 Notes and Hints 7
6.1 Output and testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
6.2 Dealing with negative polynomials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
6.3 Dealing with missing exponents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
6.4 About sequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1 Introduction
1.1 Assignment Goals
The assignment goals are to
• illustrate the advantages of modeling data using classes
• introduce complex numbers
• introduce python’s class mechanism
For this assignment, the maximum group size is 2.
1.2 Due Date
This assignment is due 2021-03-06 at 11:59.
Late assignments will be accepted through a grace period of H = 21 hours.
The grade will be scaled on a linear scale from 100% at the deadline to 50% at
the end of the grade period.
If the natural grade on the assignment is g, the number of hours late is h, and
the grace period is H, then the grade is
grade = (h > H) ? 0 : g * (1- h/(2*H));
in C++ or
grade = 0 if h>H else g * (1- h/(2*H))
in python.
If the same assignment is submitted ontime and late, the grade for that compo-
nent will be the maximum of the ontime submission grade and the scaled late
submission grade.
1.3 Submission Link
Assignment Two Submission Page
Please use the checker locally before submitting.
1.4 Points
This assignment is worth 5 points.
2 Background: Modeling data with Classes
The idea of a class is useful not only as a way of structuring code, but as a way
of thinking about:
• modeling
• abstraction
• defining specifications
• defining expectations
• defining requirements
• organization
• relationships between parts of a larger system
More concretely, we can use classes to
• organize and collect related information
• define methods that operate on the object
• allow for integration into the language using operators.
In Python’s standard library most code is provided in the form of families of
related classes.
2.1 Classes and Objects
A class is like a type.
An object is like a variable.
In python, everything is an object.
3 Example: Polynomials
In the last assignment, we developed code that worked with polynomials.
However, our model for a polynomial (using a list or vector) has several issues
• the ordering needs to be understood by the caller of add_poly() and
• there is no way to represent negative powers of x
• inefficient in the case of sparse polynomials like 2x10001 + 1
• functions are all separate and un-organized.
• can’t type C = A + B , or D = A * B
4 Example: Complex Numbers
In python, the built in class complex models complex numbers.
You may use j as the imaginary number (not i), like this:
c = 3 + 4j
d = 4.3 + 4.2j
or define using the initializer
f = complex(3,4)
4.1 The Complex class.
Read this section (and the code provided) carefully and fully: it will be necessary
to complete the assignment.
Here is a python re-implementation of the built-in complex class.
The new class is called Complex.
The functions starting with two underscores __ are special names that allow
python to map operations to them. So, for example, if z1 and z2 are of type
Complex, then
total = z1 + z2
is equivalent to
total = z1.__add__(z2)
and is also equivalent to
total = Complex.__add__(z1,z2)
Some people call this syntactic sugar since it makes the code sweeter.
Two underscores is pronounced dunder in the python world, short for Double
Note that the class Complex is incomplete. Some operations have not been
class Complex():
"Complex(real,[imag]) -> a complex number"
def __init__(self,real=0,imag=0):
def __abs__(self):
return (self.real**2 +self.imag**2)**0.5
def __add__(self,value):
"Return self+value."
if hasattr(value,'imag'):
return Complex(self.real+value.real,self.imag+value.imag)
return Complex(self.real+value,self.imag)
def __mul__(s,v):
"Return s*v."
if hasattr(v,'imag'):
x = s.real * v.real - s.imag * v.imag
y = s.real * v.imag + v.real * s.imag
return Complex(x,y)
return Complex(v*s.real,v*s.imag)
def __rmul__(s,v):
"Return s*v"
if hasattr(v,'imag'):
x = s.real * v.real - s.imag * v.imag
y = s.real * v.imag + v.real * s.imag
return Complex(x,y)
return Complex(v*s.real,v*s.imag)
def __radd__(self,value):
"Return self+value"
if hasattr(value,'imag'):
return Complex(self.real+value.real,self.imag+value.imag)
return Complex(self.real+value,self.imag)
def __str__(self):
if self.real==0:
return "{}j".format(self.imag)
sign="-" if self.imag<0 else "+"
return "({}{}{}j)".format(self.real,sign,abs(self.imag))
def __repr__(self):
return str(self)
def __pow__(self,value):
"Return self ** value"
raise NotImplementedError('not done yet')
The full program along with some test code is here: model_complex.py
Another test program is provided here: fancy_tester.py
5 The assignment
Write a python program that implements polynomials by defining a class Poly-
You may not import any modules.
Here are the requirements:
• implement a constructor which takes a sequence and assigns the coefficients
in the natural (descending order). So Polynomial([4,-9,5.6]) should
make 4x2 − 9x+ 5.6
• implement addition and subtraction of polynomials using + and -
• implement multiplication of polynomials using *
• implement testing for equality of polynomials using ==
• implement an efficient mechanism for handling sparse polynomials
• implement negative powers in the polynomial, i.e. you should be able to
handle p(x) = x−1
• implement evaluation of the polynomial using a eval method, like this:
• implement accessing and modifying the coefficients using []. So p[2]
should be the coefficient of x2 and p[8] = 12 should set the coefficent of
x8 to 12.
• implement a derivative method p.deriv() which returns the derivative of
the polynomial.
During testing, the coefficients and variable x may be integers, float, or complex.
All three cases should work.
Your program should be importable which means it does absolutely nothing
when imported except define the class Polynomial.
Here is the basic template for doing this: modeling_template.py shown below:
class Polynomial():
def main():
if __name__=="__main__":
Your program should be called model_poly.py
When we test your code, it will be done like this:
from model_poly import Polynomial
and so no code gets executed except that the class Polynomial will be defined.
5.1 Assignment Checker
You can check your work prior to submission using the assignment checker, which
is a python program.
• poly_checker.py
The current version of the checker is 1.0, and it uses version 1.4 of cargrdlib.py
which it will automatically download if necessary.
6 Notes and Hints
6.1 Output and testing
You do not need to implement any output facilities for your class, but it will be
very difficult for you to test your own code if you do not.
Furthermore, the checker will use the functions str and repr (which you can
implement with __str__ and __repr__) to provide you with useful information
about what is or is not working.
6.2 Dealing with negative polynomials.
The constructor does not provide any mechanism for creating a Polynomial with
negative exponents. This can only be done using [], like this
q = Polynomial( [] )
q[-2] = 5.1
The first line creates q, a Polynomial with no values. Hence q(x) = 0. The
second line sets the coefficient of x−2 to 5.1, so q(x) = 5.1x−2
6.3 Dealing with missing exponents.
Using the constructor, you must specify missing coefficients by adding zeros to
the sequence. For example, to construct 3.1x2, you could use
p = Polynomial([3.1, 0, 0])
p = Polynomial([])
p[2] = 3.1
6.4 About sequences
In python, a sequence is any collection that has elements that can be accessed
by index starting at 0 all the way up to N-1 where N is the length of the list.
Examples of sequences are
• string
• list
• tuple
• numpy.ndarray
If s is a sequence, then s[i] is the element at position i, the valid values for
i being 0 through N-1. Negative numbers are also allowed, they specify count
from the end. So s[-1] is the last element in the sequence.
The input to the constructor of Polynomial must be a sequence with numeric




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