程序代写案例-CITS 3002

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CITS 3002
Computer Networks
Lab 1: Error Correction

Worth: 2% of the unit
1. Tasks
Hamming Distance (HDist) can be used to measure the distance between two codewords (see Lecture 2
Physical Layer). By doing so, if we are working with a set of known codewords, then we can decide the closest
codeword the received data may be, if there is an error. In this task, we will implement a function named
hamming_distance(codeword1, codeword2) which takes 2 input parameters codeword1 and
codeword2 in the form of binary values (e.g., codeword1= '0100101'), and return the HDist
between the two input codewords.

Now that our HDist is working correctly, we will use it to identify the actual codeword from the given list of
received data. Write another function checking_codewords(codewords, received_data) to
determine the correct codeword IFF there are any errors in received data (i.e., the output is the corrected
codeword string). Here, codewords is a list of codewords (e.g., ['1111', '0000']), and received_data
is a string of received codeword. You can assume the length of the codeword will always match. For example
we have

codewords = ['0000000000', '1111100000', '0000011111', '1111111111']
received_data = '0000000010'

Then it will correct it to '0000000000''

Note that if the received_data cannot be corrected, then the function returns a string 'error detected'.

Another approach is to use Hamming Code (HCode), which is useful when we don't have an agreed set of
codewords. In this task, we will write HCode (although a good idea to write a general HCode for any length
of codeword, you are welcome to specifically write for (11, 7) HCode, just like the example we used in the
lectures). Write two functions: hamming_code_generator(codeword) for generating the HCode
with the given input codeword, and hamming_code_error_detection(received_data) for
checking if there are any errors in the received codeword received_data.

Note, this task can be a bit challenging if solving for general purpose HCode. Do utilise various online
resources if you are implementing that.

CITS 3002
Computer Networks
Cyclic redundancy check (CRC) is a common technique used to provide error detection. An example
implementation (in Python) for CRC16 is provided to you in task3.py, as well as the data corruption
function corrupt_data(data). In this task, we will be designing a test to examine robust the CRC
algorithm is. Here are the steps taken to do so.
1. Write a code random_message(n) to generate a random byte message of length n.
2. Generate the checksum value using CRC code provided.
3. Run the corruption on the generated message.
4. Check whether the checksum is different or not.
5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 for a large number of times (e.g., 10000) and see how often an error (i.e., the
corruption) goes unnoticed.

Note: see how the performance (speed and accuracy) changes with respect to different variables (e.g.,
message length, corruption rate, the number of runs in step 5 etc.).

Now we will implement a trivial checksum function, which simply adds the value of each character (in bytes,
so ASCII values) in a given message.
Then, carry out the same experiment you did in Task 3 to check the robustness of this checksum. This about
why this checksum is more robust (or not).
4. Quiz on LMS
To gain 2% allocated mark for this lab, please ensure that you solve lab questions on LMS by the deadline.




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