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Lecture 1: Exploratory Data Analysis of Multivariate Data
1.1 Data organisation
1.2 Basic summaries
1.3 Visualisation
1.4 Software
UNSW MATH5855 2020T3 Lecture 1 Slide 1
1. Exploratory Data Analysis of Multivariate Data
1.1 Data organisation
1.2 Basic summaries
1.3 Visualisation
1.4 Software
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case (a.k.a. item, individual, or experimental trial) p ≥ 1 variables
recorded on each unit of analysis
xij ith (of p) variable observed on jth (of n) case
data matrix:
X =
x11 x12 · · · x1j · · · x1n
x21 x22 · · · x2j · · · x2n
. . .
. . .
xi1 xi2 · · · xij · · · xin
. . .
. . .
xp1 xp2 · · · xpj · · · xpn
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1. Exploratory Data Analysis of Multivariate Data
1.1 Data organisation
1.2 Basic summaries
1.3 Visualisation
1.4 Software
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Univariate summaries
sample mean (of variable i) x¯i = 1n
j=1 xij
sample variance (of variable i) s2i =
j=1(xij − x¯i )2
I Sometimes, we will use divisor of n − 1 instead.
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Bivariate summaries
sample covariance (of variables i and k)
sik =
j=1(xij − x¯i )(xkj − x¯k)
I Linear association only!
I Symmetric: sik ≡ ski .
sample correlation (of variables i and k) rik = sik√sii√skk ≡
si sk
I A unitless measure.
I Also symmetric.
I Cauchy–Bunyakovsky–Schwartz Inequality =⇒ |rik | ≤ 1.
I Also linear; can use quotient correlation instead for nonlinear.
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Calculations on matrix data
The descriptive statistics that we discussed until now are usually
organised into arrays, namely:
Vector of sample means x¯ =
x¯1 x¯2 · · · x¯p
Matrix of sample variances and covariances
S =
s11 s12 · · · s1p
s21 s22 · · · s2p
. . .
sp1 sp2 · · · spp
 (1.2)
Matrix of sample correlations
R =
1 r12 · · · r1p
r21 1 · · · r2p
. . .
rp1 rp2 · · · 1
 (1.3)
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1. Exploratory Data Analysis of Multivariate Data
1.1 Data organisation
1.2 Basic summaries
1.3 Visualisation
1.4 Software
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Graphical representations
Some simple characteristics of the data are worth studying before
the actual multivariate analysis would begin:
I drawing scatterplot of the data;
I calculating simple univariate descriptive statistics for each
I calculating sample correlation and covariance coefficients; and
I linking multiple two-dimensional scatterplots.
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1. Exploratory Data Analysis of Multivariate Data
1.1 Data organisation
1.2 Basic summaries
1.3 Visualisation
1.4 Software
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SAS In SAS, the procedures that are used for this purpose are
called proc means, proc plot and proc corr. Please study
their short description in the included SAS handout.
R In R, these are implemented in base::rowMeans,
base::colMeans, stats::cor, graphics::plot,
graphics::pairs, GGally::ggpairs. Here, the format is
PACKAGE::FUNCTION, and you can learn more by running
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