辅导案例-Y86 ALU

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CS281, Computer Systems
Lab 9: Y86 ALU
1. The purpose of this laboratory is to:
• move from a programmer’s perspective to a hardware designer’s per-
• develop more expertise with Logisim.
2. This lab is to be completed with a partner. The lab is due by Monday,
November 4, 9:30am. You will only submit a copy of your logisim file;
the accompanying lab report is not required but may help document your
work if necessary when seeking partial credit.
3. The following ALU description specifies an Arithmetic and Logic Unit that
can serve the needs of our hardware realization of the Y86 CPU datapath. It
initially supports six operations (addl, subl, andl, xorl, two shifts) in a com-
binational circuit that calculates a 8-bit output based on two 8-bit inputs and
a 4-bit input (only 3 bits currently significant) specifying the ALU operation
to perform. The ALU also computes a Cout bit and three flag bits, ZF, SF,
and OF.
Func ALU Ctrl Semantics
addl 0000 F = B + A + Cin; Cout, ZF, SF, OF update
subl 0001 F = B + A + Cin; Cout, ZF, SF, OF update
andl 0010 F = A & B (bitwise AND); ZF, SF update, OF=0
xorl 0011 F = A ˆ B (bitwise XOR); ZF, SF update, OF=0
asrl 0100 F = A >> 1 (arithmetic); ZF, SF update, OF=0,
Cout= A0
lsll 0101 F = A << 1 (zero fill); ZF, SF update, OF=0, Cout
= A7
Table 1: Y86 Operations
4. Table 1 details the specification of the Y86 functional operations. Op is a
four bit wide input, so in Table 1 we give a mneumonic for the operation,
the bit pattern for Op, and then the computation specifying the F output in
terms of A, B, and Cin. Since we all know C/C++ bitwise operations now,
we will borrow that notation. Note that the addl and subl also add in the
value of Cin. Cin is also used as the bit to “fill in” for the shift right (as the
most significant bit) and shift left (as the least significant bit). The reason
for this design is to allow this ALU8 to be chained together with three more
ALU8 chips to build a 32 bit ALU. Note also that we do not need explicit
subtraction, because we can obtain that operation by using the subl operation
and setting Cin to 1, effectively getting the “complement and adding one”
semantics we need for two’s complement.
5. Table 2 gives the meanings for the three condition code flag bits.
Flag Width Description
ZF 1 Zero Flag: If the result of the current ALU operation is zero, then
Z is asserted. If the result of the operation is not zero, then Z is 0.
SF 1 Sign Flag: Reflects the most significant bit of the result of the cur-
rent ALU operation. When interpreted as 8-bit two’s complement,
the sign bit indicates a negative result.
OF 1 Overflow Flag: For arithmetic operations (addl and subl), this bit
is asserted if the current operation caused a two’s complement
overflow–either positive or negative, and is deasserted (0) other-
wise. For logical and shift operations (andl, xorl, asrl, lsll), this bit
is always deasserted.
Cout 1 Carry Flag: This bit is 1 if addition or subtraction caused a carry-
out from the most significant bit position, so an unsigned overflow.
For a right shift, this is the bit “shifted off” from operand A, aka
A0. For a left shift, this is the bit “shifted off“ from operand A,
aka A7. This bit is always 0 for the and and xor operations.
Table 2: Y86 Condition Codes
6. Using the Logisim digital logic design and simulator package, design and
implement the above-described Y86 ALU. You must package the ALU so
that it conforms to the interface given in Figure 1. In particular, the 8-bit A
and B inputs must come in from the left hand side, the 8-bit output, F, must
come out the right hand side, the condition codes must be in the correct order
across the top as single bit input pins, and the ALU function must come in
as a single 4-bit input at the bottom. Furthermore, your file should be named
ALU.circ and the name of the circuit itself should be ALU (not main). You
may define any other subordinate circuits that you wish to keep your design
clean and organized.
7. This lab will be graded based on a total of 50 points. 40 of the points will
Figure 1: ALU External Specification
derive from correct operation of the ALU for all of my test cases. I will
be grading for both the output F as well as all four condition codes over a
variety of test inputs, so make sure these are implemented correctly per the
specification given above. The final 10 points will be based on your circuit
design. Some of the grading criteria for the 10 points include these design
(a) Following conventions of inputs on the left, outputs on the right, and
being able to read the “flow” of the circuit from left to right.
(b) Abstraction — appropriate use of sub circuits with appropriate pin in-
terfaces and labels so that a problem’s decomposition is reflected in the
design and hierarchical use of circuits.
(c) Neatness — appropriate “clean” routing of wires and placement of sub
circuits to convey an organized and orderly design.
8. If you’re pressed for time: To allow prioritization of the elements of the
design and implementation, we give two levels of deliverables corresponding
roughly to B-level work versus A-level work. Both levels have in common
the 10 points for circuit design criteria.
(a) For the B-level work, 32 of the 40 correctness points will assess the
operation of add, sub, and, xor for the result F as well as the condition
codes appropriate to these operations.
(b) For the A-level work, the remaining 8 correctness points will assess
the operation of asr and lsl for the result F , and the condition codes
appropriate to these operations.
9. Hints
(a) Begin with a basic design that uses the built-in adder and subtractor
circuits within Logisim. The key is to get up and running with inputs
generating outputs, and then work on refining your design. Your final
design should include only and, or, not, xor, and multiplexing for this
step of ALU design. You are further allowed to use bit extensions
to increase the size of Cin, etc, where necessary. You will need to
use splitters (perhaps in subcircuits) to get from the 8-bit and 4-bit
inputs and/or values in your circuits to get at individual wires giving
you boolean 0/1 values.
(b) The Logisim circuit gates can be configured to have a large number
of inputs, up to 32. Each of those inputs can have more than one bit
(for instance, eight). Thinking beyond your ”2 single bit input” past
experience may reduce your design time.
(c) For the basic inputs-to-output design, consider the following: In se-
quential programming in C/C++, we would think about implementing
ALUfun as a chained conditional or a switch which, depending on the
value of ALUfun, would perform just one operation. In hardware, we
tend to think more parallel – go ahead and perform all six operations
generating six outputs and then use ALUfun to ”select” just one that
gets routed to the output.
(d) When working on the condition codes, take the time to enumerate the
input category combinations that result in different values of the con-
dition codes (particularly the OF bit). Then make sure you test these
combinations to make sure your circuit works for all of them. Most
students lose points here because they test one or two cases and are
then satisfied.




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