辅导案例-CMPUT 328-Assignment 6

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CMPUT 328 Fall 2020
Assignment 6
Classification and Detection on MNIST Double Digits Dataset
In this assignment, you are going to do classification on the MNIST Double Digits (MNISTDD) dataset. This dataset contains
gray scale images of size 64 × 64. Each image has two MNIST digits (from 0 to 9) randomly placed inside it as in this

Figure 1: Visualization of the first 64 images in the MNISTDD training set. Each image is 64 × 64. Please note that the digits in
these images are not taken directly from MNIST, but rather generated by a Generative Adversarial Network trained on it.
Two digits in an image may partially or completely overlap each other as shown in Figure 1 (for example, see the last image in
3rd row) though complete overlap only happens in a small fraction of images. Most images do not have digits overlapping or
only partially overlapping. Two digits in an image may also be of the same class.
Your task in this assignment is to tell which digits are contained in each image and where are they located.
The MNISTDD dataset is divided in to 3 subsets: train, validation and test containing 55K, 5K and 10K samples respectively. A
sample consists of:
• Image: A 64 × 64 image that has been vectorized to a 4096-dimensional vector.
• Labels: A 2-dimensional vector that has two numbers in the range [0, 9] which are the two digits in the image. Note that
these two numbers are always in ascending order. For example, if digits 7 and 5 are in a image, then this two-vector will
be [5, 7] and not [7, 5].
• Bounding boxes: A 2 × 4 matrix which contains two bounding boxes that mark the locations of the two digits in the
image. The first row contain location for the first digit in labels and the second row for the second one. Each row of the
matrix has 4 numbers which represent [row of the top left corner, column of the top left corner, row of the bottom right
corner, column of the bottom right corner] in this exact order. Note: it is always the case that row of the bottom right
corner - row of the top left corner = column of the bottom right corner - column of the top left corner = 28. This means
that each bounding box has a size of 28 × 28 no matter how large or small the digit inside that box is.
As an example, consider the following 64 × 64 image that contains the digits 5 and 2:

• Image will be the above image but flattened to a 4096-dimensional vector.
• Labels will be [2, 5]
• Bounding boxes will be a matrix with the first row: [11, 27, 39, 55] and the second row: [6, 2, 34, 30]. This means that
the digit 2 is located between the 11th and 39th rows and between 27th and 55th columns of the image. Same goes for
digit 5 - it is located between the 6th and 34th rows and between 2nd and 30th columns of the image.
Each set comprises 3 npy files which can each be read using numpy.load to obtain the corresponding matrix stored as a
numpy.ndarray. Following are detailed descriptions of the 3 files where {SET_NAME} denotes the name of the subset (train,
valid or test) and is the number of samples:
• {SET_NAME}_X.npy: 2D matrix with dimension [, 4096] and containing the vectorized images Each row is a single
vectorized image.
• {SET_NAME}_Y.npy: 2D matrix with dimension [, 2] and containing the labels. Note that the labels are always in
ascending order in each row.
• {SET_NAME}_bboxes.npy: 3D matrix with dimension [, 2, 4] and containing the bounding boxes. For more
information, see the description of bounding boxes above.
For example, following are the dimensions of the numpy.ndarray in 3 files of the train set:
• train_X.npy: [55000, 4096]
• train_Y.npy: [55000, 2]
• train_bboxes.npy: [55000, 2, 4]
You are provided with the train and valid sets that can be downloaded from e-class in a zip file named
MNISTDD_train_valid.zip. This contains 6 files: train_X.npy, train_Y.npy, train_bboxes.npy, valid_X.npy, valid_Y.npy,
The test set is NOT released.
You are also provided two python files: A6_main.py and A6_submission.py. The latter has a single function
classify_and_detect that you need to complete. It takes a single matrix containing all test (or validation) images as input and
returns two numpy arrays pred_class and pred_bboxes containing the classification labels and detection bounding boxes
respectively in the same format as described above.
To reiterate, the two digits in each row of pred_class must be in ascending order and the two rows in pred_bboxes
corresponding to that image must match this ordering too.
A6_main.py can be run to evaluate the performance of your method as in terms of the classification accuracy (% of digits
classified correctly) and Intersection over Union (IOU) of the detection boxes with the ground truth boxes.
You are free to add any other functions or classes you need including those in other files imported from A6_submission.py. Just
make sure to submit all files needed to run your code.
You can use any machine learning method to solve this problem. There is no restriction or guideline as to what algorithm you
can or should use. The only constraint is that image information must be used in some meaningful way for both classification
and detection. Simply returning random or fixed values in either of the arrays will disqualify the submission.
You do not need to include training code in your submission.
This assignment uses relative marking where all qualifying submissions will be ranked by each of the following metrics
1. Classification Accuracy (higher is better)
2. Detection IOU (higher is better)
3. Test Runtime (lower is better)
A linear scaling from 50 – 100 will then be used for lowest to highest ranked submissions to generate a score for each metric.
The overall score will be the average of the three.
There are no documentation marks for this assignment.
What to Submit
You need to submit a single zip file containing the modified A6_submission.py along with any other files or checkpoints needed
to run it on the test set. Testing will be done by running the main function in A6_main.py and it is your responsibility to ensure
that your code can be imported and run without errors. Apart from correct functioning, there are two more qualifying
performance criteria for inclusion in the ranking process:
1. Classification accuracy and detection box IOU should both exceed 50%
2. Test time should not exceed 2000 seconds on Colab CPU.
Any submission not satisfying either of these will get no marks for this assignment.
Check before submitting:
All submissions will be used in an automated evaluation system and any failure to run, for whatever reason, will be
heavily penalized and might lead to the submission being disqualified from ranking and getting a zero.
• Make sure that your code runs without errors on Colab whether GPU is enabled or disabled
• Remove any Colab specific lines (e.g. mounting Google drive) or any other code that can produce an error when it is
• Do not submit A6_main.py or any of the npy files. Your code needs to run without requiring any changes in
• Do not rename A6_submission.py to anything else (including changing any part of it to upper or lowercase).
• Training and validation files will not be available during testing so make sure to remove any code that loads these.
• Set paths for loading weights (if any) relative to A6_submission.py in your submitted zip file.
• Make sure to keep the testing batch size small enough to not run out of memory on Colab.
• All included files and folders must be in the root of the zip file (instead of being contained inside another folder).
• Submit a zip file instead of any other archive format (e.g. rar, tar or tar.gz)
• Eclass has a maximum upload size limit of 400 MB so your submission must be small enough to fit in this size. Google
Drive (or any cloud) links for any part of it will not be accepted.

Submission deadline is November 27, 11:59 PM




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