辅导案例-TERM 2020

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All changes from the original version circulated on Thursday 5th week are in red.
November 2020
This assignment must be submitted before
noon (12:00) Friday 7th Week (27 November 2020)
by uploading to SAMS.
This is individual work.
All solutions must be submitted by the due date and time.
Do not include your name on your submission.
Candidates should answer all questions.
Length: 4 pages (suggested); 5 pages (maximum). Material on pages 6+ will not be assessed.
The limit does not include the cover sheet, academic honesty declaration, or submitted code files.
All material, including figures, equations, and explanatory text, must fit within 5 pages.
All changes from the original version circulated on Thursday 5th week are in red.
This assignment is assessed in 3 parts:
• 67% - Report. This report should focus on analysis and synthesis and not code or the numerical values
of the problems. Tell a convincing story.
• 33% - Autograder. 2 functions must be submitted to compute the required outputs using the inputs.
The signature of each function is provided as part of the problem. You must exactly match the function
name. Submissions must be in Python and must be in a single Python file (some_filename.py) containing
all functions. IPython notebooks are not accepted. If using Python, pay close attention to the input
and output dimensions. All data should be pandas DataFrames or Series, as indicated in the program
description. Note: Please run your code in the function you submit to ensure that it does not produce an
error. A function that produces an error is given a mark of 0. The autograder uses loose criteria when
judging correctness and so any value within about 1% of the reference will be marked as correct. See the
example file solutions.py for the structure of the file expected by the autograder.
2 turn over
• Download daily data on the Value-Weighted Market, size, value, and momentum factors from Ken
French’s website. Use data from the beginning of the common sample to the end of 2019.
• Download daily data for the DAX, the Korea Composite Stock Price Index, and the Bovespa Index from
Yahoo! Finance using the maximum date available.
• Download daily data for two important currency pairs from FRED that are available from 1975 to the end
of 2019. Your two pairs should involve four currencies. Hint: If needed, you can make rates by diving
FX1/USD by FX2/USD to get FX1/FX2.
• Download daily data for VBTLX from Yahoo Finance using the maximum date available.
1. Characterize the first four moments of these series at the daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual
frequency. Focus on the similarities and differences across asset classes and sampling frequency.
2. Using 10-year subsamples, revisit your analysis in the previous problem for daily, weekly, monthly, and
quarterly. Are your conclusion stable across sub-periods?
3. Using the full sample of data, estimate the degree of freedom parameter for a standardized Student’s t
distribution for daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly frequencies. Comment on how your estimates differ
across frequency and asset class. You can either use Maximum Likelihood to jointly estimate the mean,
variance, and degree-of-freedom (see the companion course for details) or moment-based estimators
noting that the kurtosis of a Student’s tν is
ν = 3
κ−4 , κ > 4.
Note: There was a bad typo in the formula above where κ and ν were switched in an earlier version of this
problem set.
You can convert an arbitrary time series of returns to an as if price series using the relationship
Pt =
1+Rt t = 1,2 . . .
where the initial price P0 = 1. The pandas methods resample, last (used with resample), and pct_change
should simplify calculating across different frequencies substantially.
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Code Problems
Summary Statistics for Different Sampling Intervals
Produce a function that will compute the annualized mean, annualized standard deviation, skewness, and kurto-
sis of a single pandas Series across sampling frequencies: daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly. Use the factors
252, 52, 12, and 4 to annualize daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly statistics to annual, respectively.
stats = summary_statistics(prices)
• stats - A pandas DataFrame with rows “mean”, “std”, “skew”, and “kurt” and columns “Daily”,
“Weekly” (using Friday prices), “Monthly” (using end-of-month prices), and “Quarterly” (using end-
of-quarter prices). The output should resemble:
Daily Weekly Monthly Quarterly
mean # # # #
std # # # #
skew # # # #
kurt # # # #
• prices - A pandas Series with shape n. The input data will be daily price data.
Student’s t Degree of Freedom Calculation
Estimate the degree of freedom parameter ν using MLE and the moment-based estimator given the mean is 0
and the variance is 1.
mle, moment = students_dof(returns)
• mle - Scalar float. The MLE of the degree of freedom parameter. If you are unsure how to compute this
value, return NaN for partial credit on this problem.
• moment - Scalar float. The moment-based estimator of the degree of freedom parameter. If the kurtosis
is less than or equal to 4, you should return inf.
• returns - A pandas Series with shape n. The returns will have been standardized to have mean 0 and
variance 1.
4 turn over
The MLE can be calculated by evaluating the log-likelihood on a fine grid of values for ν (i.e., every 0.01), and
then reporting the value that maximizes the log-likelihood. Alternatively, you can follow the companion course
and estimate the parameter using numerical methods where the mean is fixed to 0, and the variance is set to 1.
You should use the standardized Student’s t likelihood in this problem. This version of the Student’s t has three
parameters, the mean, the variance and the degree of freedom. The usual Student’s t only has a single degree
of freedom parameter ν that determines all even moments. The mean and all odd moments are 0 (when they
are finite).
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