辅导案例-COMP 3015 -Assignment 2

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COMP 3015
Introduction to Web Applications
with PHP

Assignment 2

Assignment 2

Start with the starter kit for Assignment 2. This is essentially the solution to Assignment 1.

index.php and thankyou.php
No changes required.
• if a cookie for error_message is set, display this message
o after displaying this message, expire this cookie

• if a cookie for error_message is set, display this message
o after displaying this message, expire this cookie

• if the login validation fails,
o create an error message indicating so and set that as a cookie with the name
o the cookie expires immediately
o redirect to login.php
• if the signup validation fails,
o create an error message indicating so and set that as a cookie with the name
o the cookie expires immediately
o redirect to signup.php
• if login or signup validation passes,
o start a session
o set a session variable to flag the user is logged in
o set a session variable to hold the user’s username
• instead working with a text file, work with a MySQL database – a users table
profiles.php is protected by sessions. This page allows the logged in user to submit a new
profile picture and view existing users
• if the session flag for a logged in user is not set, redirect to index.php
• read all rows from the profiles table. Each row represents a profile to be displayed;
for each row in the table, display a profile panel
• there are already 3 example panels in the template. Be sure to remove these 3 examples
before you submit
o replace Username with the username from the row
o replace Profile Picture with an of the picture from the table row
o update the delete.php link with the id from the table row
§ this link only shows up if the logged in user is the same as the post author
• populate the username input box with the session variable for username
• update the input form to POST to profiles.php
• upon a POST,
o validate the input field for picture to be JPGs only and under 4 megabytes
§ store pictures in profiles/ folder
§ give a unique name for each uploaded picture
o if validation is successful, save the data to the profiles table
§ the username is from the session
§ the picture field is the filename of the uploaded picture
• use an absolute path, take a 0; store only the filename
• if the session flag for a logged in user is not set, redirect to index.php
• grab the id from the GET parameter
o validate this id
• grab the username from the session
• check if the profiles table has an entry where
o the id matches the id from the GET parameter
o the username matches the session username
o if both are matched, remove this entry from profiles table
o redirect to profiles.php

• destroy all sessions and cookies
• redirect to index.php

Database schema
create table users (
id bigint primary key auto_increment,
username varchar(15),
password varchar(60)
create table profiles (
id bigint primary key auto_increment,
username varchar(15),
picture varchar(60)

Got time? Deal with duplicates – prevent users from submitting multiple profiles, prevent
duplicate usernames. +1 bonus mark.

Zip up all your files and submit it to the D2L dropbox. (http://learn.bcit.ca)




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