辅导案例-TRONICS 2

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Degrees of MEng, BEng, BSc and MSc in Engineering


Thursday 6 December 2018

Attempt ALL questions. Total 100 marks
The numbers in square brackets in the right-hand margin indicate the marks allotted to the
part of the question against which the mark is shown. These marks are for guidance only.
A Simple Guide to VHDL and some device data sheets are appended to this paper and
may be used in any question.

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Section A
Total marks for this section is 30, each question is worth 5
Q1 Figure Q1 shows the block diagram for a module ‘X’. Write the entity
statement in VHDL which would define the interface for X. All signals are
digital connections. Z is a three line bus. [5]
Module X

Figure Q1.

Q2 Describe the operation of the TC (sometimes called RCO) pin on the
74HC163 counter chip and give an example of its use. [5]

Q3 Sketch the combinational logic circuit described by this VHDL entity. [5]

entity Rip is
port (Ent : in std_logic;
Q : in std_logic_vector(3 down to 0);
RCO : out std_logic);
end Rip;

architecture struc of Rip is
signal MaxCnt : std_logic;
MaxCnt <= Q(1) and Q(2) and Q(3) and Q(4);
RCO <= MaxCnt and EnT;
end struc;
Q4 Figure Q4 depicts a generalised finite state machine. Copy and complete this
figure by labeling all the buses, and functional blocks. [5]



Figure Q4.
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Q5 Figure Q5 shows a logic circuit. Write a fragment of VHDL (entity,
architecture and signal statements not required) to implement this logic. [5]




Figure Q5.
Q6 Write a fragment of VHDL (entity definitions and architecture statements are
not required) which resets a 3 bit count to 0 asynchronously if input Rst goes
high. If Rst is not active (low) the count increments on the rising edge of a
clock pulse. On reaching the count “111” the counter rolls over in the usual
way back to “000” and continues. You can assume that Count is defined as: [5]

signal Count : unsigned(2 downto 0);
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Section B
Total marks for this section is 30, each question is worth 10
Q7 The VHDL in figure Q7 describes a system which takes in a 5 bit number and
outputs a modulated value. Draw the block diagram for the circuit, labelling
all the inputs, outputs and components. [8]
Given the names of the components, can you form a description of what
function this circuit is likely to be implementing? [2]

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

entity Modulator5bit is
port(Clock, Rst : std_logic;
PWM_value : in std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
COunt5out : out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
PWM_drive : out std_logic);
end Modulator5bit;

Architecture behaviour of Modulator5bit is
component comparator5bit is
port(A,B : in std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
AgrB : out std_logic);
end component;

component count5bit is
port(clock,rst : in std_logic;
count : out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0));
end component;

signal count5 : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
compare: comparator5bit
port map(PWM_value,Count5,PWM_Drive);

counter: count5bit
port map(clock,rst,count5);

count5out <= count5;
end Behaviour;

Figure Q7.

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Q8 Table Q8 is a transition table for a finite state machine which has one input,
named U. Draw the fully labelled state diagram. [10]

Present Next
state input state
number U
0 0 1
0 1 0
1 0 2
1 1 1
2 0 3
2 1 2
3 0 0
3 1 3

Table Q8.

Q9 A finite state machine is defined by the state diagram in figure Q9a. The clock
input is called ‘clk’ and there is an input ‘H’. If it starts in state S0 and receives
the sequence of inputs as shown in figure Q9b, draw a time trace of the
outputs which the machine will produce. Outputs are [X,Y,Z] and the machine
is positive edge triggered. [10]

H= 0
[010] H = 1

Figure Q9a.


Figure Q9b.

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Section C
Total marks for this section is 40, each question is worth 20

Q10 Figure Q10 shows the outline for a circuit which implements a 16 bit pseudo
random binary shift register. It is to be used to create a random pattern of
lights on 16 LEDs connected to the output bus LED_Out. This bus is made up
of the output of two 8 bit shift registers. The registers are connected in series
to create a full 16 bit unit. Feedback logic sends data back to the serial input.

8 bit shift register Serial in

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

8 bit shift register Serial in

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Figure Q10.
You are to outline VHDL for an architecture which could implement this logic
and write the appropriate entity statement. [20]

You can assume an 8 bit shift register function is available whose entity
statement is:

entity Shift8bit is
port(Clock, Load, Serial_in : in std_logic;
shiftQ8 : out std_logic_vector(1 to 8));
end shift8bit;

Q11 A signal ‘Q’ has to be derived from a master clock signal. The frequency of Q
has to be six times lower than the clock. Q does not need to be a symmetrical
square wave. Design a circuit to accomplish this. The circuit should be
capable of being implemented using 74 series logic devices and the devices
need to be identified. [20]

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Digital Electronics 2

Abbreviated data sheets

For exam use only.

The data sheets in this section are a selection from 74 series logic chips from both Texas and Philips.

Function Chip 74xx
NAND, 2 input 00
NOR, 2 input 02
NOT 04
Binary counter, 4 bit 163
Shift register, bidirectional, 4 bit 194
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Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering
The University of Glasgow
Digital Electronics 2
(Very) Simple Guide to VHDL

VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Language) is a comprehensive language for describing
and defining logical circuitry. Here is a VERY simple guide to the most basic of VHDL
constructs. No attempt is made here to be elegant or describe all possibilities in detail, the
minimum to get by is all there is!
VHDL is written as a series of modules, each if which is like a circuit block. Often in
schematic diagrams such functions would be shown as simple rectangles with input and
output connections as named pins, or connectors. This fundamental building block of VHDL
is called an entity. The entity defines the connections in and out of the block, within the entity
the internal workings of the function are described and defined.
VHDL entities are the ‘chunks’ from which bigger circuits can be built. The entity has two
parts, the port description and the architecture. Note that the ‘begins’ and ‘ends’ and the
structure of the various names and their placement are mandatory. If libraries are referenced,
links must also be included. The overall structure is as follows:
Library references to libraries being used;
Entity A_something is
Port ( definitions of the inputs and outputs );
End A_something;
Architecture behaviour of A_something is
Lines describing what the entity does
End behaviour;
The port statement defines the ‘connector’ with the outside world, the ins and outs. The
architecture describes how the entity implements its function. Here is an example of a simple
‘And’ gate. The code has references to libraries, a basic port with two inputs and one output,
and the architecture has one processing statement, the actual AND action.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity simple_gate is
port(A,B : in std_logic;
Q : out Std_logic);
end simple_gate;
architecture behaviour of simple_gate is
Q <= A and B;
end behaviour;

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Simple Guide to VHDL
The only libraries used in this basic document are shown below. These have to be added
before all entities which require it.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
The architecture holds the actual VHDL which implements the workings of the entity. It is the
working section. The architecture body has two segments:
- The bit between architecture heading and ‘begin’.
- The bit between ‘begin’ and ‘end’.
The architecture heading
The architecture line has two names, the first is often put in as ‘behaviour’. This name is user
defined and comes into play when one entity can have different architectures (– so here we
don’t use it and generally leave it as simply ‘behaviour’!). This name has to correspond with
the one on the ‘end’ statement. The second name is the name of the entity with which this
architecture is associated. The form is therefore:
architecture My_behaviour of My_entity is
.. heading definitions ..
.. working statements ..
end My_behaviour;
Heading statements
The heading part contains any definitions which will be used in the body part. These are
signals which define internal connections within the architecture and also definitions which
describe other entities that this architecture uses. This example shows two internal signals
being defined and one other entity ‘snark’ being referenced via a component statement.
architecture behaviour of kersplonk is
component snark
port (A,B : in std_logic;
Cout : out std_logic);
end component;
signal C_Int : unsigned(3 downto 0);
signal RCO_int : std_logic;
Architecture body part
The body part contains the working statements. Any named item has to have been previously
defined, either as a ‘signal’, a ‘component’, or in the entity’s port definition. Some statements

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Simple Guide to VHDL
are compound and complex items in their own right e.g. processes. An example of an
architecture body is given below:
architecture behaviour of L_dim is
.. definitions ..
Count <= COunt_int; -- direct assignment
Mark <= Mark_int;
compnt1: inc_dec_counter
port map(clock,M_int); -- using a component
procs1 : process ) -- using a process (clock,Rst
.. process statements ..
end Process;
end behaviour;
Ports and Signals
A port defines the connectors to an entity. It has to define whether signals are either input or
output, and what type they are. The code word signal is for defining connections and values
within an entity and thus are used in the architecture heading. Examples:
entity counter163 is
port(clock,EnT,EnP : in std_logic;
D : in std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
Count : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
end Counter163;
RCO : out Std_logic);
architecture behaviour of counter163 is
signal Count_Int : unsigned(3 downto 0);
signal RCO_int : std_logic;
.. Lines describing what the entity does ..
Signal definitions and types
Signals define the nature and type of connections. Essentially they describe wires or busses.
They may be between entities or within architectures. Between entities signals must have a
direction viz. ‘in’ or ‘out’ (bidirectional signals e.g. busses can use ‘inout’). The actual values
that are allowed depend on the libraries in use. The definitions here depend on the IEEE
libraries. For ‘std_logic’, the basic logical signal, the values allowed are:
U Undefined.
X Unknown.
0 Logic Zero.
1 Logic One.
Z High Impedance.
W Weak Unknown.
L Weak Zero.
H Weak One.
- Don't Care.

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Simple Guide to VHDL
The various codes allowed for std_logic clearly model real logic. When they have to be
combined, such as in logical expressions, there is a matrix which defines whether say a ‘1’
overcomes an ‘L’ and so on.
Single values can be assigned or defined as the value codes e.g. X <= ‘1’ or, IF (Q = ‘Z’).
Groupings of logical signals can be made describe busses viz.:
Std_logic_vector(X downto Y) a bus of X-Y+1 std_logic lines, with the most
significant being the Xth.
Std_logic_vector(X to Y) same as above, but most significant line is Y.
Literals, are lists of values enclosed between “… ”. They are the way to define values for
std_logic_vector: e.g.
D <= “0010”; If (X = “01ZZ”) then …
Constants can be defined. The example below defines a two bit vector of value 01.
Constant S1 : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := “01”;
Other types of signal can be defined. Another used in this guide is. ‘unsigned’.
Unsigned(X downto Y) a collection of signals which communicate an
unsigned binary integer of length X-Y+1 bits.
Basic arithmetic is allowed between unsigned signals e.g. ‘+’ and ‘-‘;
Basic VHDL code is implemented in a series of statements. These generally end with a ‘;’.
Some statements are compound, e.g. ‘IF’ clauses and ‘case’ statements. Some can only be
used within processes (see later).
Statement lines can optionally have an identifier (before a ‘:’). Examples are:
Line1 : Q <= X or Y;
Count1 : process( ..etc..
Comments can be inserted behind a ‘--‘ e.g.
Line1 : Q <= X or Y; -- here is a comment
Processing of statements
The processing of working statements is not as per normal programming languages. VHDL is
intended to simulate the workings of real circuitry. Since real circuits are constantly active,
VHDL has also to be reactive to all changes and at all times. Thus, though VHDL may look
like familiar sequential programming languages e.g. C++ it does not execute in the same way.
It essentially reacts to a series of events. When an event occurs (say an input changing state,
or a clock tick) its resulting consequences are dealt with by repeatedly recalculating all the
statements in the architecture until any changes settle down to a steady state. The event can be
described as being dealt with in ‘zero time’. Once one event has settled, the execution moves
on to the next event. In this way the VHDL code can simulate the constantly reactive real

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Simple Guide to VHDL
circuit. The net effect is that all statements in an architecture body appear to work in parallel.
(Well - nearly all - process statements differ, see later.)
Assignment Statements
The symbol for assignment is: ‘<=’
Example: X <= Y;
This is the most basic statement. The statement X <= Y should be read as ‘X becomes the
current value of Y’. The right hand side of the assignment can be a complex thing. It can use
operators to combine many signals. The operators need to be interpreted depending on the
type of signals in use. Common operators are:
‘+’, ‘-‘ if signals are numeric (e.g. unsigned)
AND, OR, NOT, NOR, NAND, XOR if signals are logical.
Q <= (X OR Y) AND (NOT(Z));
Count <= Count + 1;
Components allow entities defined elsewhere to be invoked locally and used as encapsulated
units within an architecture. This is the basic way of implementing circuits using assemblies
of modules.
The component statement describes the interface of the entity so that the local architecture
knows what it links with. The component statement must have the same name and details as
the entity to which it refers. Example:
If the entity to be used as a component has the port definition:
entity test_gate is
port(A,B : in std_logic; Q : out std_logic);
end test_gate;
This entity would be referenced in the architecture using it by the component statement as
below where also an example of its being used is included.
architecture behaviour of tester is
component test_gate
port (A,B : in std_logic;
Q : out std_logic);
end component;
signal lcl_A,Lcl_B,Lcl_Q : std_logic;
g1 : test_gate
port map(lcl_A,Lcl_B,Lcl_Q);
…… etc …
End behaviour;
The component is invoked by using its name within the processing statements of the
architecture. The ‘port map’ clause makes the link between names in the local architecture
and the interface signals of the entity. The port map takes each signal position from left to
right and maps it to the signals in the entity’s port definition also from left to right.

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Simple Guide to VHDL
Processes and statements within processes
Within a process, the statements execute in sequential order. Thus, not like statements in the
main architecture body. The process itself as a whole however executes in parallel with any
other processes and statements in the architecture. Thus a process is like a compound
statement. Processes are defined, and lie within, an architecture body. A process is defined by
using the process statement viz.
process(…sensitivity list…)
end process;
statements of the process..
Processes are activated only when an event occurs to any of the signals in their ‘sensitivity
list’. Although all signals in the architecture are available for use within a process, only
changes to those in the sensitivity list will cause it to execute.
Process statements
Processes differ from architectures in that their statements run sequentially. Many
statements are only valid within a process.
Normal assignment e.g. A <= X and Z; is allowed within processes.
IF statement, this can only be used within a process.
Example if EnP ='1' then
<< statements done if test is true >>
<< statements done if test is false >>>
end if;
If the result of the test part is true the first group of statements is executed, if the
statement is false, the (optional) second group is executed. IF statements can be nested
and tests can be compound e.g.
if (EnP ='1') and (Rst =’0’) then
if x = ’0’ then
y <= z or X;
y <= Z and X;
end if;
end if;
The tests here are shown as tests against the std_logic values, of ‘1’ and ‘0’.
‘Else if’ is allowed as : IF … then…elsif …then … else… end if;
Case statement, only to be used within a process.
Looking at the skeleton below, the statements on the right hand side of the ‘=>’ are executed
if the pattern or values on the left hand side match the value of the subject of the case. Nesting
is allowed, so the right hand side can be more case or IF statements. In the example ‘count’ is
a 4 bit vector.

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Simple Guide to VHDL
case Count is
when "0000" => XY <= "000";
when "0100" => if z = ’0’ then XY <= "010";
else XY <= "111"; End if;
when others => XY <= "000";
end case;
The ‘others’ clause is not mandatory, but is generally safer. It must be remembered that ‘1’
and ‘0’ are not the only values for std_logic, the others e.g. ‘Z’ etc. need to be catered for. The
‘others’ line deals with all those values not explicitly described.
Working with groups of bits:
A basic pattern of bits is written in quotes as: “1”, “10101” etc.
Testing a group of bits: IF bus4 = "0000" then ..
Concatenating patterns and signals can be done using the operator ‘&’. e.g. if A, B
and C are std_logic, then A&B&C is a three bit group. This construct can be useful in
test expressions e.g.
If A&B&C = "101" then ..
If a sub group of a vector is needed, signals can be described specifically using
indexes in brackets or as groups. Taking the example signal vector,
bus4 : std_logic(3 downto 0),
then individual and groups of bits can be referenced by:
Bus4(1) -- bit 1 of the 4 bit bus
Bus4(3 downto 1); -- the upper three bits of the vector
Types and type conversion
VHDL is a strongly typed language. It will not allow you to assign signals of one kind to
another type. Here are the basic ones:
Bits of std_logic_vector can be assigned to signals of std_logic e.g.
Abit <= Bus4(2);
Bus4 <= Abit & Bbit & Cbit & Dbit;
Signals of ‘unsigned’ need to be type changed before assigning to std_logic and lengths ought
to match. Using the following signal definitions:
signal C : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal C_us : unsigned(3 downto 0);
The type cast is:
C <= std_logic_vector(C_us);
Numeric values such as constants need first to be converted to unsigned then to std_logic viz.
C <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(11,4));
Interpret this line as: ‘take the number ‘11’ convert it to an unsigned number of 4 bits then
assign that to a std_logic_vector of 4 bits.

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Simple Guide to VHDL
Defining ones own types.
VHDL supports enumerated and user defined types. These must be defined in the
architecture header where they are used. The statement is:
type type_name is (..list of labels ..);
e.g. type my_type is (S0,S1,S2,S3);
The example defines a type with four values viz. S0, S1, S2, S3. These can be used in case
statements etc. They can not be assigned to std_logic or ‘unsigned’ directly. In order to get
these enumerated types out as logical signals (say on a PLD) a nested set of type conversions
need to be performed. In the example below, Y is of the ‘my_type’ and X is
std_logic_vector(3 downto 0):
X <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(My_type'pos(Y),4));
This line is interpreted as: ‘take the current value of ‘Y’, find its position in the type definition
list as a number (using signal attribute: ‘pos), convert the number to a 4 bit unsigned, convert
the 4 bit unsigned to a 4 bit std_logic_vector.
Synchronous and asynchronous working
VHDL describes any logical circuit. A ‘clock’ signal is just another logical signal to VHDL.
The basic VHDL constructs are asynchronous, in fact the language is driven by events and
these (e.g. a change of level) can be on any of the signals in use. To design a function which
is synchronous, clauses need to be used which pick out the events on the clock signal and use
those to drive the synchronous portions. It is possible, therefore, that a function can
implement both synchronous and asynchronous instructions.
Triggering on events such as clock edges
Since any circuit has to work on events, such as input changes or clock edges, it is necessary
to be able to detect and check on signal states and events. In this basic case the clock is where
edge events are most useful. To pick out and synchronize processing on clock edges, an
attribute qualifier needs to be used on the clock signal. This qualifier is coded as a “ ‘event “
following the signal name.
There are two ways to detect a clock event.
The basic VHDL way:
If clock’event and (clock = ’1’) then
.. statements done on the rising edge of the clock ..
Or (which may be dependant on the compiler in use as it relies on a function):
If rising_edge(clock) then
The “ ‘event ” qualifier to the clock signal test denotes an ‘attribute’ of the signal and it
triggers when the signal has an event such as a rising edge. The rising edge is ascertained by
looking for the (clock = ‘1’). So for a falling edge, use:
if clock’event and (clock =’0’) then

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Simple Guide to VHDL
Mixing synchronous and asynchronous statements.
Asynchronous statements need only be placed in the area of the code which is not
encapsulated by a clock event IF. The skeleton here shows the form. Further examples are
given later. Of course, IF statements need to be within a process.
.. statements done asynchronously ..
If clock’event and (clock = ’1’) then
End if;
statements done on the rising edge of the clock ..
.. stat
End Process;
ements done asynchronously ..
Finite State Machines
Finite state machines are best written in VHDL as separate processes which correspond to the
fundamental blocks in Mealy and Moore machines viz. ‘next state logic’, ‘state memory’ and
‘output logic’. The state variable can be defined as std_logic_vector, or unsigned or, in the
most flexible form, as a user defined state type. The architecture body should therefore take
the form:
Next_state_logic: process(inputs, current_state)
.. next state logic statements ..
End process;
State_memory: Process(clock)
memory latch .. .. state
End Process;
Out_put_logic: Process(Current_state, inputs)
.. output logic statements ..
end process;
Although counters are FSMs, since they rely on incrementing or decrementing numerical
values, they can often be more simply written with numeric type assignments and not use the
more general FSM form above. See the examples later.
Specifying and modelling real circuits using delays
Signal assignments can be made realistic by specifying a delay between inputs and outputs.
This is done by including a timing parameter using the reserved word ‘after’. Here is an
example for the assignment of signals within a simple AND gate:
Y <= A and B after 10ns;
Here the result Y is assigned 10ns after any changes in A or B. Here we have used VHDL’s
default type of delay, called ‘inertial’ delay which models the operation of logical gates. This

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Simple Guide to VHDL
inertial delay will not allow any input changes of faster than 10ns to pass through to Y.
VHDL, of course, does allow more complex specification of delays, but for those, refer to a
proper reference text.
Considerations when fitting the VHDL design to a PLD.
When fitting a VHDL coded function to a PLD the pins of the device need to be assigned.
The fitter can be left to choose its own pins, or alternatively, specific pins can be assigned by
the designer so that the device will match to the circuit under construction.
The fitting of a VHDL design to a PLD will depend on both the VHDL development
environment and target PLD in use. For some environments, the fitter can make use of
‘attribute’ statements to let it know which pins to use. These statements are placed after the
Port definition in the entity header. Here we show the attributes recognised by Orcad (now
rather old) and by Lattice Lever fitters:
Entity thing is
Port( … );
-- for ORcad Demo PLD fitter
attribute PLDtype string; :
attribute PLDtype of clock : signal is "clock";
attribute PLdtype of POR : signal is "in";
attribute PLDtype of Count : signal is "IO";
attribute PLDPIN : string;
attribute PLDPIN of D : signal is "18,19,22,23";
Lattice Lever 22V10 fitter -- for
attribute LOC : string;
attribute LOC of width : signal is "8";
attribute LOC of phase_time : signal is "20,21,22,23";
Describing tri-state outputs
A basic tri-state buffer has the schematic:
When enabled, the output Y follows the input D. When enable is inactive, Y has a high
impedance which, in VHDL std_logic, is a value Z. The following scrap of VHDL describes
this function.
if (en = '1') then
Y <= D;
Y <= 'Z';
end process;
end if;

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Digital Electronics 2
Simple Guide to VHDL
Circuit chunks
Most circuits are made from known configurations and basic gates. Here are some basic
fragments of VHDL for these elements. NOTE these may not be complete VHDL.
D type latch: A positive edge triggered D type latch (input ‘data’, output Q).
Data, clock and Q are std_logic.
if rising_edge(clock) then
Q <= d
end if;
end process;
Shift register: (8 bit parallel out ‘Q’):
architecture behaviour of shift_8 is
signal Regs : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
if rising_edge(clock)then
Regs <= Regs(6 downto 0)& SerIn; -- shift
end if;
end process;
Q <= regs; -- output
End behaviour;
Counter; 4 bit up counter counter, positive edge triggered:
signal count : unsigned(3 downto 0);
if rising_edge(clock) then
count <= count + 1;
end if;
end Process;
Counter: 4 bit down counter, negative edge triggered with asynchronous reset.
if Reset = '1' then -- asynchronous reset
Count <= "1111"; -- reset to ff
if clock’event and (clock =’0’) then
Count <= Count - 1; -- down count on –ve edge
end if;
end process;
end if

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Simple Guide to VHDL
Decoder: 2 to 4 line decoder with active low signal on output vector D.
entity Decoder_2_To_4 is
port A : in std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);(
D : out std_logic_vector (3 downto 0));
end Decoder_2_To_4;
architecture As_Case of Decode_2_To_4 is
process )(A
case A is

when "01" => D <= "1101";
when "00" => D <= "1110";
when "10" => D <= "1011";
when "11" => D <= "0111";
when others => D <= "1111";
end case;
end As_Case;
end process;
Multiplexer: 4 input (‘D’) multiplexer with a 2 bit select (‘S’) and one bit output ‘Y’:
entity Multiplexer is
port (S : in std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
D : in std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
end Multiplexer;
Y : out std_logic);
architecture behaviour of Multiplexer is
process (S,D)
case S is
when "00" => Y <= D(0);
when "01" => Y <= D(1);
when "10" => Y <= D(2);
when "11" => Y <= D(3);
when others => Y <= D(0);
end case;
end process;
end behaviour;

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Simple Guide to VHDL
Full examples
These are full working VHDL entities which show examples of the basic constructs as
described in the preceding manual.
Assemblies of simple logic gates:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_11 all;64.
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity Simp_logic_1 is
port (A1,B1,A2,B2,A3,B3,A4,A5,B5,A6,B6 : in std_logic;
Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4,Y5,Y6 : out std_logic);
end Simp_logic_1;
architecture behaviour of Simple_logic_1 is
Y1 <= A1 and B1;
Y2 <= A2 or B2;
Y3 <= xor B3; A3
Y4 <= not A4;
Y5 <= A5 nand B5;
end behaviour;
6 <= A6 nor B6;
A more complex assembly, using intermediate signals, which implements the circuit diagram
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity Intermediate_variables is
port (A,B,C,D : in std_logic;
Y,T3EXT : out std_logic);
end Intermediate_variables;
architecture behaviour of Intermediate_variables is
signal T1,T2,T3 :std_logic;
T2 <= A and T1;
T1 <= B or C;
Y <= T2 or T3;
T3 <= T1 and D;
T3EXT <= T3;
end behaviour;

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Simple Guide to VHDL
Complex combinational circuit making use of components.
4 bit adder. This circuit uses an entity for a one bit full adder as components to build a four
bit full adder. The simple one bit full adder, uses the basic Boolean equations. The VHDL is:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity add_as_expressions is
port( a,b,Cin : IN std_logic;
S,Cout : out Std_Logic);
end add_as_expressions;
architecture behaviour of add_as_expressions is
s <= A xor B xor Cin;
Cout <= (A and B) or (Cin and B) or (Cin and A);
end behaviour;
The full 4 bit circuit is built from the one bit component. The links between components are
shown on the circuit diagram below:
A0 B0
A1 B1
A2 B2
A3 B3
CoutS0 S1 S2 S3
The VHDL is:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity four_bit_adder is
port (a,b : in std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
Cin : in std_logic;
s : out d_logic_vector (3 downto 0); st
Cout : out std_logic);
end four_bit_adder;
architecture behaviour of four_bit_adder is
component full_adder
port (A, B, Cin : in std_logic;
S, Cout : out std_logic);
end component;
C : st
signal d_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
Bit0: full_adder
port map (a(0),b(0),Cin,S(0),C(0));
Bit1: full_adder
port map (a(1),b(1),C(0),S(1),C(1));
Bit2: full_adder
port map (a(2),b(2),C(1),S(2),C(2));
Bit3: full_adder
port map (a(3),b(3),C(2),S(3),C(3));
BitOut: Cout <= C(3);
end behaviour;

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Simple Guide to VHDL
Complex combinational circuit making use of components and processes.
A 4 to 16 line decoder composed of 4 x 2 to 4 line decoders. In this implementation of a 2 to 4
line decoder the VHDL makes use of a case statement. The decoder has also an active low
enable ‘Ebar’. (the IEEE libraries are omitted to save space):
entity Decoder_2_To_4 is
port (A : in std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
EBar in std_logic ;
D : out std_logic_vector (3 downto 0));
end Decoder_2_To_4;
architecture behaviour of Decoder_2_To_4 is
process(Ebar, A)
if (Ebar = '0') then
case A is
when "00" => D <= "1110";
when "01" => D <= "1101";
when "10" => D <= "1011";
when "11" => D <= "0111";
when others => D <= "1111";
end case;
D <= "1111";
end if;
end process;
end behaviour;
The full 4 to 16 line decoder is composed of five 2 to 4 decoders connected as in the diagram.
The VHDL shows assignment of parts of vectors:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity Decoder_4_To_16 is
port (A : in std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
EBar : in std_logic;
D : out std_logic_vector (15 downto 0));
end Decoder_4_To_16;
architecture behaviour of Decoder_4_To_16 is
component Decoder_2_To_4 is
port (A : in std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
EBar : in std_logic ;
D : out std_logic_vector (3 downto 0));
end component;
signal EInt : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
Decode_Master: Decoder_2_To_4
port map (A(3 downto 2), EBar, EInt);
Decode_0: Decoder_2_To_4
port map (A(1 downto 0), EInt(0) , D(3 downto 0));
Decode_1: Decoder_2_To_4
port map (A(1 downto 0), EInt(1) , D(7 downto 4));
Decode_2: Decoder_2_To_4
port map (A(1 downto 0), EInt(2) , D(11 downto 8));
Decode_3: Decoder_2_To_4
port map (A(1 downto 0), EInt(3) , D(15 downto 12));
end behaviour;

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Simple Guide to VHDL
Combinational circuit with latching
The VHDL example shows a BCD to 7 segment decoder with a D latch to hold the BCD
value. It mimics the 4511 MSI chip. It has lamp test and blanking inputs also.
Library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_11 all;64.
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity Seven_Segment_Display_latched is
port(Count : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
LatchBar,LTBar,BLBar : in Std_logic;
end Seven_Segment_Display_latched;
a,b,c,d,e,f,g : out std_logic);
architecture behaviour of Seven_Segment_Display_latched is
signal Seven_Segments : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
signal std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);BCDInt :
if LAtchBar = '1' then -- latching via transparent latch
BCdInt <= Count;
BCDInt <= BcdInt;
end if;
end process;
if (LTBar = '0') then -- lamp test
Seven_segments <= "1111111";
if BLBar = '0' then -- blanking
seven_segments <= "0000000";
case BcdInt is
when "0000" => Seven_Segments <= "1111110"; -- 0
when "0001" => Seven_Segments <= "0110000"; -- 1
when "0010" => Seven_Segments <= "1101101"; -- 2
when "0011" => Seven_Segments <= "1111001"; -- 3
when "0100" => Seven_Segments <= "0110011"; -- 4
when "0101" => Seven_Segments <= "1011011"; -- 5
when "0110" => Seven_Segments <= "0011111"; -- 6
when "0111" => Seven_Segments <= "1110000"; -- 7
when "1000" => Seven_Segments <= "1111111"; -- 8
when "1001" => Seven_Segments <= "1110011"; -- 9
when "1010" => Seven_Segments <= "1110111"; -- A
when "1011" => Seven_Segments <= "0011111"; -- b
when "1100" => Seven_Segments <= "1001110"; -- C
when "1101" => Seven_Segments <= "0111101"; -- d
when "1110" => Seven_Segments <= "1001111"; -- E
when "1111" => Seven_Segments <= "1000111"; -- F
when others => Seven_Segments <= "0000000"; -- blank
end case;
end if;
end if;
end process;
a <= Seven_Segments(6); -- assignment of LED signals
b <= Seven_Segments(5);
c <= Seven_Segments(4);
d <= Seven_Segments(3);
e <= Seven_Segments(2);
f <= Seven_Segments(1);
g <= Seven_Segments(0);
end behaviour;

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Simple Guide to VHDL
A four bit counter similar in function to the 74163 MSI chip. It has synchronous clear to 0,
synchronous parallel load, two enables EnT, EnP, and one output ‘RCO’ which is active on
the last count of 15.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity counter163 is
port(clock,EnT,EnP,LoadBar,ClrBar : in std_logic;
D : in std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
Count : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
RCO : out Std_logic);
end Counter163;
architecture behaviour of counter163 is
signal Count_Int : unsigned(3 downto 0);
signal RCO_int : std_logic;
Counter: process(clock,EnP,EnT,LoadBar,ClrBar)
if then rising_edge(clock)
if Clrbar = '0' then
Count_Int <= "0000"; -- reset to zero
if LoadBar = '0' then
COunt_Int <= D; -- parallel load from inputs;
if (EnP ='1') and (EnT ='1') then
COunt_int <= Count_int +1;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process; -- of doing counter stuff
Outputs: process(Count_int, EnT) -- deal with output of RCO
if (count_int = 15) and (Ent = '1') then
RCO <= '1';
RCO <= '0';
end if;
end Process;
end behaviour;
Ount <= std_logic_vector(Count_Int); -- assign count

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Simple Guide to VHDL
A 5-bit count down timer with wait on 0, asynchronous load, and enable. The count sequence
is count down but it does not roll past zero. The load is asynchronous, that is it does not wait
for a rising clock edge, it loads the counter immediately from the data on ‘delay’.
Library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_11 all;64.
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity timer is
port(Clock,En,LoadB : in Std_logic;
Delay : in std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
end timer;
time_out : out std_logic);
architecture behaviour of timer is
signal Count : unsigned(5 downto 0);
Count_down: Process(clock,En,LoadB)
if LoadB = '0' then -- asynchronous load of data
count <= Delay; -- set delay value
if rising_edge(clock) and (En = '1')then
if count = "000000" then
count <= "000000"; -- hold at zero
end if;
<= count - 1; -- count down
count <= count; -- wait for enable
end if;
end Process;
end if;
outputs : process(count,En)
if (count = "0000") and (en = '1')then
Time_out <= '1';
Time_out <= '0';
end if;
end behaviour;
end process;

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Digital Electronics 2
Simple Guide to VHDL
Finite State machines
The first example is a state machine (of type Moore) which produces a burst of outputs on
W,X,Y when triggered by an input signal. The state diagram is:
T = 1
T = 0

The VHDL code follows the FSM pattern of having processes for next state logic, state
memory and output logic. The state coding is explicit. A case statement is used to model the
state transition table.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_11 all;64.
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity T_seq is
port(clock,T : in std_logic;
State_out : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
W,X,Y : out Std_logic);
end T_Seq;
architecture behaviour of T_Seq is
signal unsigned(1 downto 0); Ccurrent,Cnext :
State_register : process(clock)
if _edge(clock) then Ccurrent <= Cnext; end if; rising
end process;
Next_state : process(Ccurrent,T)
case Ccurrent is
when "00" => Cnext <= "01";
when "01" => Cnext <= "10";
when "10" => Cnext <= "11";
when "11" => if T = '0' then Cnext <= "11"; -- wait
else Cnext <= "00"; -- trigger
end if;
when others => Cnext <= "11"; -- safety assignment
end case;
end process;
Outputs : process(CCurrent)
case Ccurrent is
when "00" => W <= '1'; X <= '0'; Y <= '0';
when "01" => W <= '1'; X <= '1'; Y <= '1';
when "10" => W <= '1'; X <= '1'; Y <= '0';
when "11" => W <= '0'; X <= '0'; Y <= '0';
when others => W <= '0'; X <= '0'; Y <= '0';
end case;
end process;
State_out <= std_logic_vector(Ccurrent); -- state output
end behaviour;

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Simple Guide to VHDL
Finite state machine with both Moore and Mealy type outputs.
This example implements the state diagram below. It is a sequence detector detecting the
sequence 0101 in the input ‘I’ which is assumed to be a serial data stream. Explicit state
assignment has not been used, instead a user defined enumerated type called ‘State_type’ has
been defined which uses the state names as labels. The VHDL can model the machine without
having explicit state assignments. Deciding on the state assignment can be done at the fitting
stage when the design has to be realised in hardware such as a PLD.
R= 0 /11
I = 0 /01
R = 1 /00
I = 1 /00
I = 0 /01
I = 1 /00
I = 1 /01 I = 0 /01 I = 1 /11
I = 0 /01
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity Sequence_detector is
port(Clock,I,R : in std_logic;
Mealy_X,Moore_Y : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0));
end Sequence_detector;
architecture behaviour of Sequence_detector is
type tate_type is (armed,Got_0,Got_01,Got_010,Gotcha); S
signal S_Current, S_Next : state_type;
signal X,Y : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
Stat process(clock)e_mem :
if rising_edge(clock) then
S_current <= S_next;
end if;
end process;
Next process(S_current,I,R)_logic :
case S_current is
when armed => if I = '1' then S_next <= armed;
end if;
Else S_next <= got_0;
when got_0 => if I = '1' then S_next <= got_01;
Else S_next <= got_0;
end if;
when got_01 => if I = '1' then S_next <= armed;

end if;
else S_next <= got_010;
when got_010 => if I = '1' then S_next <= gotcha;
end if;
else S_next <= got_0;
when gotcha => if R = '1' then S_next <= armed; -- reset
else S_next <= gotcha;
end if;
when others => S_next <= armed;
end process;
end case;

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Simple Guide to VHDL

outputs_Moore : process(s_current)
case S_current is
when armed => Y <= "00";
when got_0 => Y <= "01";
when got_01 => Y <= "01";
when got_010 => Y <= "01";
when gotcha => Y <= "11";
when others => Y <= "00";
end case;
end process;
outputs_Mealy: process(S_current,I,R)
case S_current is
when armed => if I = '1' then X <= "00";

end if;
else X <= "01";
when got_0 => if I = '1' then X <= "01";
else X <= "01";
end if;
when got_01 => if I = '1' then X <= "00";

end if;
else X <= "01";
when got_010 => if I = '1' then X <= "11";
else X <= "01";
end if;
when gotcha => if R = '1' then X <= "00"; -- reset
else X <= "11";
end if;
when others => X <= "00";
end case;
end process;
Mealy_X <= X;
Moore_Y <= Y;
end behaviour;
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