辅导案例-CO 372

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Nov 10, 2020 CO 372: Assignment 3 DUE: Nov 19, 10PM (Wat. Time)

Assignment Guidelines: The current TA, the current course instructor, the course notes, and the
lectures, are your sources for help. THIS ASSIGNMENT IS TO BE DONE ALONE,

1. Let ( ) : n nF x   be a continuously differentiable mapping and suppose *x is a local
minimizer to the problem:
2 2
min { ( )} where ( ) ( ) .x f x f x F x True or false: Either
*( ) 0F x  or the rows of *( )J x are linearly dependent. Justify your answer. [6 pts]

2. Assume 1: nf   is twice continuously differentiable and assume we are using a
descent direction algorithm .

a. Show that if ( ) 0kf x  and the direction kd is obtained by solving
( )k k kB d f x  where
n n
 is SPD, then kd is a descent direction for f at
kx [ 3 pts]
b. Show that if
kB is symmetric, but not positive definite, then kd may not be a
descent direction even if ( )k k kB d f x  . [3 pts]

3. a. True or False: If  kx is a sequence of n-vectors converging to a point *x at a
quadratic rate then  kx converges to *x at a linear rate with a (positive) linear contraction
L  . Explain. [3 pts]

b. Let :
nf   be twice continuously differentiable. True or False: The Newton
process for minimization generates descent directions. That is, if
2 ( ) ( )k kf x s f x   ,
and ( ) 0,kf x  then s is (necessarily) a descent direction for f at kx . Explain.
[5 pts]

4. Let
 1
( ) , : 0 .T Tq x g x x Hx x x   

Suppose satisfies 0 .x x Further, let d be a vector such that ( ) 0, 0T Tq x d d Hd   .
What’s a formula for computing

* argmin{ ( ) : 0, }q x d x d        ? [10 pts]
Nov 10, 2020 CO 372: Assignment 3 DUE: Nov 19, 10PM (Wat. Time)

5. Function msine2 is available to you on LEARN.

function [f,g,h] = msine2(x,varargin)
%MSINE2. continuously diff function joining a sine fcn with a Gaussian
%(joined at x = -12).
% x: the single variable
% varargin:a cell array.Problem variables(just 2 cells used in msine2)
% f: the function value at x
% g: the derivative value at x
% h: the 2nd derivative value at x

NOTE 1: In this problem assign problem parameters: varargin{1}=1, varargin{2}=.95
NOTE 2: Output parameter h is not required by either your bisection method (part a.), or
Newton method (part b.).
a. Implement your own bisection method and use it to search for a zero of f on
[a,b] – i.e., determine a point *x where
*| ( ) | 10f x
 . For each problem record
your final values * *, ( )x f x , the number of iterations required to get to *x , and a
flag indicating one of three things: a zero was found, there is no zero in [a,b], no
zero found but there may or may not be a zero in [a,b]. Record these results in a
very NEAT and CLEAR table. Try with [ , ] [ 18,20], [ 18,13], [ 18,2]a b     .
Observations on your results? [5 pts]

b. Implement your own pure Newton method (without safeguards) and attempt to
solve this problem starting from the 4 starting points :
10, 8, 12, 17.378925x   Be sure to restrict the total number of iterations to
less than 50, and also terminate if 10 10
* *| ( ) | 10 or | ( ) | 10f x f x
   .Record the
final value of the function, its derivative, the number of iterations, and a flag
indicating if a zero was successfully located or not. Observations? [7 pts]

c. There are actually 5 distinct zeros of this function on [-18,20] . Using either or
both of your zero finders developed above, perhaps in coordination with a 1-D
minimizer such as the MATLAB function FMINBND, or another, locate as many
zeros as you can .List for each found zero * ,x the computed function value
* *( ) along with f x x and succinctly describe (in English) your strategy
(combining your bisection function, your Newton function, and possibly a
minimizer) . [8 pts]
Please include your documented MATLAB code with your answer.

[Total: 50 points]




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