辅导案例-5PM NOV

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DUE ON​ 5PM NOV 20, 2020
EECS 12 Fall 2020

In this assignment, you are required to use the knowledge acquired on lectures to construct an
animated scenic drawing program.

The scene is composed of a sun/moon, a cloud, mountains, a forest. The cloud is moving in the
breeze. There are five buttons for the user to click, each of which will affect different things on
the scene.

You will learn to create a window and then draw the sky, the ground, the sun, the cloud with
random shape, the mountains and the forest with trees at random positions and colors. You will
know how to display the message and draw buttons on the screen. In addition, you will need to
move the cloud and change the mode of the scene or stop the program once each of the
buttons is pressed. There are four modes: Sunny day, Moon Night, Sunny windy day, and Moon
windy night. The program always starts with a Sunny day. Four buttons provide the transition
between the four modes as the following graph.

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Day button makes only night modes like Moon Night and Moon Windy Night transit to day
modes, respectively. For example, from Moon Night to Sunny Day and from Moon Windy Night
to Sunny Windy Day. Reverse effects should be done for the Night button. For example, from
Sunny Windy Day to Moon Windy Night, and from Sunny Day to Moon Night.

Windy button makes the cloud move faster and transit to Windy modes, for example it
transforms from Sunny Day to Sunny Windy Day, or from Moon Night to Moon Windy Night.
Breeze button restores the normal cloud speed and transits to non-Windy mode like from Sunny
Windy Day or Moon Windy Night to Sunny Day or Moon Night, respectively.

You can find the template file on the canvas page and complete it by following the steps below.
The steps of this homework helps you to understand how to build this program from what was
provided, by following each step ​IN THE ORDER​, you would progressively understand how the
program works and complete this homework.
DUE ON​ 5PM NOV 20, 2020
Step 1: Window, Sky, Ground, Mountains, Sun, Moon, and Message.
First of all, you need to create a window of size 800 pixels x 600 pixels (width x height) and set
virtual coordinates of the window to run from (0, 0) in the lower-left corner to (40, 30) in the
upper-right corner. The following coordinates used in this document are based on the new
coordinate system instead of the old standard one with (0,0) at upper-left corner and (800, 600)
at bottom-right corner.

You need to draw the sky by the object of Rectangle covering the upper half of the window with
color “light blue”, draw the ground by the object of Rectangle covering the lower half of the
window with color “light green”, and draw the sun by the object of Circle at (20, 25) with radius 2
pixels and color “yellow” and outline color “yellow”.

Then you create the moon by two objects of Circle: one at (20, 25) with radius 2 pixels and color
“white” and outline color “white”, the other one at (20.75, 26) with radius 2 pixels and color
"navy" and outline color "navy". ​Make sure the moon does not show or block the sun for the
first time​.

You draw the mountains by implementing the two “dark green” objects of Polygon: one with
coordinates (0, 15), (15, 25), (35, 15) and the other one with coordinates (10, 15), (23, 23), (40,
15). For all these objects, call setFill and setOutline to set wanted colors. It is also important to
note that the order of drawing these objects to make sure anything will not be covered.

Finally, you draw the message by the object of Text at (20, 29) with bold and red font showing
“Sunny Day” for the first time. After you have completed the above, you should be able to see
the following screen:

DUE ON​ 5PM NOV 20, 2020
Step 2: Cloud

In this step, you implement a function to draw a cloud in front of the mountains and call the

drawCloud (win, x1,x2,y1,y2)
● You draw a cloud by several objects of Circle at different random positions.
● Using a loop statement, you are to randomly produce a point (Point(x,y)) in each iteration
as the center of the circle to draw a circle with radius of 2, color “white”, outline color
“white” and append that circle to a list.
● win ​is the window to draw the cloud. ​x1​, ​x2​, ​y1​, ​y2​ are coordinates on the lower and
upper limit of x coordinates and the lower and upper limit of y coordinates, respectively,
of the area where you randomly set the centers of the circles.
● This function should return a list of all circles.
After you have completed the above, You should be able to see something similar to the
following screenshot:

DUE ON​ 5PM NOV 20, 2020
Step 3: Forest
Given the function ​drawTree​(), you need to draw a forest by composing a function,
drawForest​() by calling ​drawTree​().

drawTree(x, y, color, unit, win)
● x​ and ​y​ are the coordinate of the center of the bottom of a tree trunk.
● color​ is the green-related color of the upper polygons (leaves)
○ The color of the trunk is “brown”.
● unit​ is the basic length to depend on to draw the objects.
● win​ is the window to draw.
● There is no return for the function.
● This function draws a tree by one object of Rectangle and three objects of Polygon. The
points are defined in the following specification:
○ Height of the trunk is 0.825 * unit
○ Distance from peak of the lowest polygon (triangle) to the bottom of the trunk is
3.125 * unit
○ Distance from peak of the middle polygon (triangle) to the bottom of the trunk is
4 * unit
○ Distance from peak of the highest polygon (triangle) to the bottom of the trunk is
4.575 * unit
○ Width of the lowest polygon (triangle) is 4 * unit
○ Width of the middle polygon (triangle) is 3 * unit
○ Width of the highest polygon (triangle) is 2.5 * unit

DUE ON​ 5PM NOV 20, 2020
You are supposed to draw a forest by calling ​drawTree​() repeatedly in the function
drawForest​(). First, you will need to randomly generate the x and y coordinates for each tree
with reasonable space between them. Thus, you define a rectangular area (like the drawing of
cloud), for example, between point (4, 3) and point (36, 13), where you want to draw the trees,
then you draw trees row by row (for example, 2 pixels between rows from y=13 to y=3, top to
bottom) so that they will be less likely covered by other trees. In the same row, you generate the
random x and y coordinates of the bottom of trunks by dividing the width of the area by the
numTreeInRow​ and adding random values to the divided values so that the trees are planted in
variations.. Additionally, you will be given a list of colors so every time you call ​drawTree​() you
randomly select a color from the following colors: "forestgreen", "darkolivegreen", "olivedrab",
"yellowgreen", "limegreen", "seagreen", "darkseagreen", "mediumseagreen", "lightseagreen",
"springgreen","greenyellow", and "lime".

drawForest (win, numTreeInRow)
● You draw a forest by calling the ​drawTree​() function iteratively. As stated in the previous
paragraph, within the area, you row-by-row randomly produce a point (Point(x,y)) for the
bottom of the trunk for the first two arguments of the ​drawTree​() function and randomly
pick a color from the green color list for the third argument and randomly set the unit
from 0.4 to 0.8 for the fourth argument.
● win​ is the window to draw
● numTreeInRow​ is the upper limit of the number of the tree in each row.
● This function doesn’t return.

After you have completed the above, you should be able to see something similar to the
following screenshot:

DUE ON​ 5PM NOV 20, 2020
Step 4: Create buttons: Day, Night, Windy, Breeze, and Exit.

● win ​is the window to draw the buttons.
● This function returns a list of the buttons in the same order of the given list of strings
“Day”, “Night”, “Windy”, “Breeze”, and “Exit.
● All buttons are of size 4 x 2 (width x height) with color “gray”. All text labels are bold
white fonts. It is ​better using a loop statement.
● Day button is composed of a rectangle with lower-left point (2, 2) and a text centered at
(4, 3)
● Night button is composed of a rectangle with lower-left point (7, 2) and a text centered at
(9, 3)
● Windy button is composed of a rectangle with lower-left point (12, 2) and a text centered
at (14, 3)
● Breeze button is composed of a rectangle with lower-left point (17, 2) and a text centered
at (19, 3)
● Exit button is composed of a rectangle with lower-left point (22, 2) and a text centered at
(24, 3)

After you have completed the above, you should be able to see something similar to the
following screenshot:

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Step 5: Move the cloud and button clicking handlers:

In ​main​(), you need to construct a forever-running loop statement to prevent the program stop.
Inside the infinite loop, you need to move the cloud by iterating through each of the circle
objects in the list and call their ​move​() functions one by one to let the cloud drift from left to right
each time with a fixed amount in a speed variable, for example, 0.05. Whenever a circle
reaches the right border of the window (hint: compare x coordinate of p1 to a value), you move it
back to the left border of the window so that the cloud can show again without generating a new
one. (​Note that move() function requires the relative offset instead of absolute

After you have completed the above, you should see the following examples:

Next, in the infinite loop, you need to capture the mouse event by using the ​checkMouse​()
function of the window object. The return value should be checked for ​None​ or the value should
be a point having the x and y attributes to access. You should check a clicked point is within
each of the buttons and perform the corresponding changes:
DUE ON​ 5PM NOV 20, 2020
● “​Day​” button: draw the sun, undraw the components of the moon, the sky should be
“light blue”, and the cloud should be of color “white” and outline color “white”. Set the
message to “Sunny Day” if either the “Breeze” button was clicked right before or the
window just started. Otherwise, display “Sunny Windy Day” if the “Windy” button was
clicked right before.
● “​Night​” button: draw the sun, undraw the components of the moon, the sky should be
“navy”, and the cloud should be of color “gray” and outline color “gray”. Set the message
to “Moon Night” if either the “Breeze” button was clicked right before or the window just
started. Otherwise, display “Moon Windy Night” if the “Windy” button was clicked right
● “​Windy​” button: change the variable controlling the speed of the cloud to be 4 times
faster. Set the message either from “Moon Night” to “Moon Windy Night” or from “Sunny
Day” to “Sunny Windy Day” depending on the day or night it is now.
● “​Breeze​” button: change the variable controlling the speed of the cloud to be original
normal one. Set the message to either from “Moon Windy Night” to “Moon Night” or from
“Sunny Windy Day” to “Sunny Day” depending on the day or night it is now.
● “​Exit​” button: your program should get out of the infinite loop and close the window and

One possible way to do this is to keep track of the state of the program, ​gameState​. You can
set it to 0 for sunny day, 1 for moon night, 2 for sunny windy day, and 3 for moon windy night.
For each button click, you check for the value of the gameState, and do the designated
graphical changes, and then set it to the next value of the gameState. For example, if a Day
button is clicked, if right now it is in moon night mode (gameState is 1), you need to undraw the
moons, draw the sun, set the background color and also the cloud colors, and finally set the
gameState to be 0 and change the message text according to the new gameState. Similar
actions should be done for moon windy night (gameState is 3) when the Day button click
occurs. Note that no action is needed for the sunny day (gameState is 0) or sunny windy day
(gameState is 2) since it is already in day time when you click on the Day button.

After you have completed all the above, you should see something similar to the following

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Sunny Day (Breeze) scene:

Moon Night (Breeze) scene:

Sunny Windy Day scene:

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Moon Windy Night scene:

Please come to your discussion and lab sections. TA will give you a demo and necessary
instructions for you to write your own code.

Grading criteria:
1. Step 1 (10 points)
2. Step 2 (10 points)
3. Step 3 (30 points)
4. Step 4 (10 points).
5. Step 5 (30 points)

● Submit your homework before the deadline to the canvas page.
● Submit only the Python source file (.py) with your UCI ID number appended to the
filename (for example, ”hw4-87654321.py”).
● Only Canvas submission is accepted. Late submission will be penalized as announced
in the first week of the quarter (80% before 5pm Saturday, 60% before 5pm Sunday, and
0% after 5pm Sunday)




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