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9 Credit Major Project Proposal
Blind Sight
COMP8045 – Major Project

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Table of Contents
1. Student Background .............................................................................................................................. 2
1.1. Education ...................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2. Work Experience ........................................................................................................................... 2
1.3. Volunteering Experience ............................................................................................................... 2
1.4. Related Projects ............................................................................................................................ 3
2. Project Description ................................................................................................................................ 3
3. Project Goals ......................................................................................................................................... 3
4. Methodology ......................................................................................................................................... 4
4.1 Technology .......................................................................................................................................... 4
4.2 Algorithms ........................................................................................................................................... 4
5. Challenges ............................................................................................................................................. 5
6. Innovation ............................................................................................................................................. 6
7. Scope and Depth ................................................................................................................................... 7
8. Test Plan ................................................................................................................................................ 7
9. System Architecture Diagram ............................................................................................................... 8
10. Development Schedule and Milestones ............................................................................................... 9
10.1 Time Estimates .................................................................................................................................. 9
10.2 Schedule .......................................................................................................................................... 11
11. Deliverables ......................................................................................................................................... 12
12. References .......................................................................................................................................... 12

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1. Student Background
John Doe is a game developer and computer technician recently graduated from BCIT with the
Diploma of Technology, Digital Processing Option in 2033. He has developed games using the Unity
Engine, XNA, OpenGL, SDL, and DirectX 11, and is experienced in programming in C, C++, C#, and
Java. John currently works at BCIT as a lab proctor and freelances as a computer and network

1.1. Education
2031 – 2033 BCIT
Computer Systems Technology (Digital Processing Option)

1.2. Work Experience
December 2028 – Present Lab Proctor, BCIT, Vancouver, BC
Setting up images and reimaging workstations each semester to keep
workstations up to date. Providing technical support for students and
instructors during class. Managing inventory to provide necessary
devices for students, such as mobile devices and game controllers.
2026 – Present Freelance Computer and Network Technicians
Home computer repairs, hardware and software, such as replacing
faulty computer parts, virus removal, and data recovery. Also included
setting up home networks to provide internet access to all home

1.3. Volunteering Experience
March 2020 Apprentice Network Admin, Burnaby North Secondary
Apprentice position under a professional network administrator.
Tasks includes workstation reimaging, virus removal, provide technical
support for teachers.
December 2019 Electronics Recycling, Free Geek
Recycling broken electronics and savaging functional ones from thrown
away computers. Building computers from savaged parts and installing
Ubuntu on them with the aim of supplying those without access to

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1.4. Related Projects
Fall 2035 – Spring 2036 TrebleBall & TrebleBallVR, BCIT & GDC
Techno-music themed baseball PC game featuring parkour-like
movement. Ported to virtual reality for GDC. Built in Unreal and
developed advanced shaders for this project.

April 2035 – May 2036 Dunk ‘N Spores, BCIT SoCAS Drop-in Café
A carnival virtual reality game where the player spores at static targets
to dunk bugs into a lake. A key component of the SoCAS Drop-In café.

2. Project Description
Blind Sight is a 3D action single player game that will provide players the unique spatial experiences of
the visually impaired. In this game, the players will be unable to see the world as normal, but instead
sees the world through visualized sound. In order to see their surroundings, the players will need to
make sounds within the world by either interacting with in-game objects, via a microphone, thereby
traversing the game world using echolocation.
At the start of the game, the players will wake up in a maze and hear fearsome monsters wandering
around. The players will need to find a way to escape this maze, but without the assistance of light-
based vision. By making sounds within the world, the players will “see” the world but the monsters will
be hungry and be searching for their next meal.
The game’s target platform will be Windows, and will be played using a mouse, keyboard, and
microphone. The game is being built using the Unity3D Engine to maintain the focus of development on
the visual and audio experiences of the game.

3. Project Goals
New Visual Experience
The main goal of this project is to provide a new visual experience for the players. The modern games
industry has largely been providing improved visual experiences by increasing the realism of the
graphics. A small portion of the games also provides new visual experiences through stylized artistic
designs. However, games have rarely attempted to portray the experiences of visual impairment.
Examples of such games include “A Blind Legend”, an audio only game without visuals, and
“Perception”, a game currently in development that limits the players’ vision unless in-game sounds
collide with the environment. “A Blind Legend” attempts to simulate the experience of visual

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impairment by forcing the player to play without visual aids, which, while enlightening, is difficult to
start playing due to the reliance of most players on visual aids. “Blind Sight” will attempt to provide the
experiences of visual impairment but also in an accessible way, by visualizing sound.

A New Form of Interaction
While “A Blind Legend” allows a player to experience playing a game without the assistance of sight, it
does not provide the interactivity of seeing through echolocation. Furthermore, the lack of visuals can
be daunting to many players. “Perception” is in line with the goals of this project, but it still lacks the
interactivity of echolocation, mainly the act of making a sound and “seeing” the results of the sounds
made. To provide this interactivity, a microphone will be supported as an input device for this game. The
role of microphones has mainly been merely as a tool for communication but they would also work well
for the second goal of “Blind Sight”: to create a new form of interaction with games.

4. Methodology
4.1 Technology
Blind Sight will be developed on top of the Unity3D engine and the target platform will be Windows. The
code will mostly be in C#, with the possibility of C++ for developing external libraries for use as Unity
plugins. Other software that will be used for development include Visual Studio Community 2017 for the
code and Autodesk Maya 2015 Student Edition for the 3D assets. Other assets such as sound and 2D
assets will be borrowed from free resources online.
4.2 Algorithms
The two main algorithms in this project are Fast Fourier Transform and a custom shader for visualizing
the effects of echolocation. Fast Fourier Transform will be used for sampling the sounds from the
player’s microphone and determining the amplitudes of various frequency bands. Not unlike sonar
technology, higher frequency sounds will provide higher visual resolution, but cannot provide long
distance visuals, while lower frequencies will allow for farther visual range at the cost of visual clarity.

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5. Challenges
The primary difficulty of the project is the visualization of sound in the 3D game world. The first task for
this process will involve deciding on the best visual representation of sound. A representation currently
being considered is similar to that of a depth map (see Figure 1 below) added with some form of blur to
reduce the resolution to simulate the inaccuracies of echolocation. When the player makes sounds,
sound waves will be simulated in the game and the objects the sound waves collide with will light up
briefly. This should provide similar results to that of sonar, though more research into this area will be
required during the project.

Figure 1. Depth map of an office.

Though the developer has learned some 3D shading techniques via the projects of the Bachelor’s Degree
courses, these projects only provided limited basic shading knowledge. The shaders for this project will
be custom to this project, since very few games have attempted to visualize the world in this way. The
developer has never designed his own shading techniques before, so this will be a technical challenge.
While experienced with implementing Discrete Fourier Transform in the past, the developer has never
implemented Fast Fourier Transform in the past. Therefore, another challenge of the project will be the
implementation of Fast Fourier Transform.

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6. Innovation
The primary innovative component of this game is the simulation of echolocation in order to convey the
experiences of someone who, despite their visual impairment, sees the world using this uncommon
technique. Few media, especially games, have attempted to do this, though it is an intriguing way to see
the world. A notable person who employs echolocation is Daniel Kish, who sees the world by making
palatal clicks with his tongue and listening to the echoes. Daniel Kish is able to lead other blind
teenagers on hiking and even mountain-biking trips in the wilderness using this technique, showing just
how much of the world can be perceived using echolocation. He personally said, “The sense of imagery
is very rich for an experienced user. One can get a sense of beauty or starkness or whatever – from
sound as well as echo”. One of the goals of the project is to try to simulate this way of seeing the world,
at least the mechanical aspect of it, and this goal serves as an innovative component.

The secondary innovative component is the additional form of interaction during gameplay using the
microphone. Microphones are primarily a communications device, but has potential as an extra input
device during gameplay. Prior examples of game environments that takes advantage of this added input
include “Nintendogs”, a pet simulation game on the Nintendo DS portable game console. After naming
the pet, the player can call the dog’s name to get its attention and give the pet commands such as “sit”
or “roll over”, all by speaking into the microphone. There are also games that simply requires the player
to blow into the microphone, such as “The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks”, an action-adventure game
also on the DS in which the player must blow into the microphone to activate an in-game flute.
However, none of these games utilizes the microphone as an instrument to see the game world, as they
do not aim to simulate echolocation. As such, this new form of gameplay is one of the innovative
components of this project.

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7. Scope and Depth
The scope of this project is limited to a basic game that achieves the two goals: providing a new visual
experience through simulation of echolocation, and providing a new form of visual interaction using the
microphone. In order to achieve the first goal, a custom 3D shader, a complete level/map, and basic
player controls such as movement and camera controls are required. Additional requirements to
complete the second goal include input parsing from a microphone, implementation of Fast Fourier
Transform to analyze the audio input, and additional features to the custom 3D shader to determine
whether a pixel pertaining to an in-game object should be displayed or not based on collisions with
simulated sound waves.

Any additional content will not be vital to the project and are therefore stretch goals. These goals
include features such as the monsters/enemies of the game and objects with which the player can
interact. The scope of the project does not include the requirements of a release-ready game, and
therefore will not be required to contain multiple levels/maps, appealing 3D models, optimizations, and
various other quality of life features common to games on the market.

8. Test Plan
Due to the independent nature of the project, there will be no dedicated QA testers for this project.
Therefore, testing will have to be in the form of code-driven tests, such as test harnesses that checks
that the outputs of various functions are as expected. The overall approach for testing in this project
will therefore be task based, meaning that each of the tasks mentioned under Section 10.1 (labeled with
a T## number) will need to be verified right after its completion.

The first major project part, the Fast Fourier Transform, will be tested with a separate testing harness
built as a separate C# Form application to expedite testing and build times, bypassing the build times of
Unity3D engine. This is mainly due to the number of tests that will be required for each small part of the
complex FFT algorithm. Numerous sample inputs with correct outputs will be compared against to verify
that the algorithm works.

The other major part, the Audio Visualization Shader, will be verified at each stage of its development as
well by rendering a basic scene and verifying the rendered image. Due to the experimental aspect of this

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portion of the project, exact stages cannot currently be defined, but an example of such would be the
rendering of a depth map of a scene similar to Figure 1 above.

The remain parts, the UI and game logic features, will have to be tested via gameplay testing as each
task is completed, verifying that inputs produce the expected results. All testing will be aided by the
tools provided by Unity3D and Visual Studio, such as the debugger, variable displays in the editor, and
the profiler.

9. System Architecture Diagram
Input HandlingInput Device States
Game Logic
Fast Fourier Transform Library
SoundWave Simulator
Audio Visualization Shader3D Renderer
Audio Output
Audio Device Input

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10. Development Schedule and Milestones
10.1 Time Estimates
All Time Estimates Include Testing due to Test Methodology
Audio (Includes Integration into game)
# Description Hours
T01 Getting Microphone Input Data 4
T02 Playing Sound Effects/Background Music 4
T03 Player Footstep SFX 5
T04 Player Dying SFX 5
T05 Monster Idle SFX 5
T06 Monster Moving SFX 5
T07 Monster Attacking SFX 5
T08 Bell SFX 3
T09 Creak Board SFX 3
T10 In-Game Background Music 6
T11 Menu Music 6
T12 Loading Music 6
Total 57

Fast Fourier Transform
# Description Hours
T13 Research and Learning Fast Fourier Transform 10
T14 Fast Fourier Transform Data Structures 8
T15 Fast Fourier Transform Data Decomposition 10
T16 Fast Fourier Transform Algorithm 28
Total 56

Sound Wave Simulator
# Description Hours
T17 Research Basic Sound Wave Physics 6
T18 Sound Wave Colliders 6
T19 Sound Wave Emitter 8
T20 Sound Wave Behavior 8
Total 28

Audio Visualization Shader (Experimental Estimates)
# Description Hours
T21 Research prior in-game sonar-like simulations 8
T22 Shader Design 12
T23 Shader development 30
Total 50

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Scene Management/User Interfaces
# Description Hours
T24 Main Menu Scene & Assets 6
T25 Loading Screen (Multithreaded) & Assets 8
T26 Player Controls Display & Assets 8
T27 Win Screen & Assets 8
T28 Lose Screen & Assets 8
T29 Scene Transitions 4
T30 UI Assets (Buttons, Logos, Icons, etc) 8
Total 50

Game Logic/Input Handling
# Description Hours
T31 First-Person Camera 5
T32 Player Movement 8
T33 Player Attacking 8
T34 Player Dying & Respawning 8
T35 In-Game Menus 6
T36 Sound Object Interaction 6
T37 Sound Emitting Bell 4
T38 Creak Boards 4
T39 Monster Behaviors 14
T40 Monster Pathfinding with A* 20
T41 Monster Vision 10
Total 93

Game Level
# Description Hours
T42 Level 1 Design 6
T43 Level 1 Assets 12
T44 Level 1 Building 16
T45 Tutorial Level Design 4
T46 Tutorial Level Building 10
Total 48

3D Assets
# Description Hours
T48 Player 3D Model & Animation 12
T49 Bell 3D Assets 6
T50 Creak Board Assets 6
T51 Monsters 3D Model & Animation 12
Total 36

Total Development Time: 418 Hours

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10.2 Schedule
Week 1
 Microphone Input
 Fast Fourier Research
 Fast Fourier Data Structures
 Fast Fourier Data Decomposition
Week 2
 Fast Fourier Algorithm
 Research Audio Wave Physics
 Audio Wave Colliders, Emitter
Week 3
 Audio Wave Behaviors
 Level 1 Design
 Level 1 Assets
Week 4
 Level 1 Building
 Audio Visualization Research
 Audio Visualization Shader Design
Week 5
 Audio Visualization Shader Development
 First-Person Camera
 Player Movement
Week 6
 Monster Behaviors
 Monster Pathfinding with A*
 Monster Vision
Week 7
 Main Menu Scene
 Loading Screen
 Win & Lose Screen
 Scene Transitions
Week 8
 Player Dying & Respawning
 Player Attacking
 In-Game Menus
Week 9
 Sound Emitting Bell
 Creak Boards
 In-Game Menus
Week 10
 All Audio SFX & Music
Week 11
 All 3D Models & Animations

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Week 12
 Tutorial Level
 Player Control Displays
Week 13
 Buffer Time

11. Deliverables
The deliverables for this project include the source code, art assets, executable files, all documentations,
and the final report.
The source code and art assets will be included in the structure of a buildable Unity project. An
executable build for the Windows platform will also be included. The documentations will include
information on design decisions, such as software design documentations, as well as any other
necessary information vital to the operation and development of the game. The final report, as required
for the practicum, will also be a deliverable for this project.

12. References
[1] http://devernay.free.fr/vision/focus/office/




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