辅导案例-CSE 13S-Assignment 5

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Assignment 5
Prof. Max Dunne
1 Introduction
Putting items into a sorted order is one of the most common tasks in Computer Science. As a result,
there are a myriad of library routines that will do this task for you, but that does not absolve you of the
obligation of understanding how it is done. In fact it behooves you to understand the various algorithms
in order to make wise choices.
The best execution time that can be accomplished, also referred to as the lower bound, for sorting
using comparisons is Ω(n logn), where n is the number is elements to be sorted. If the universe of ele-
ments to be sorted is small, then we can do better using a Count Sort or a Radix Sort both of which have
a time complexity ofO(n). The idea of Count Sort is to count the number of occurrences of each element
in an array. For Radix Sort, a digit by digit sort is done by starting from the least significant digit to the
most significant digit. It may also use Count Sort as a subroutine.
What is this O and Ω stuff? It’s how we talk about the execution time (or space used) by a program.
We will discuss it in class, and you will see it again in your Data Structures and Algorithms class.
The sorting algorithms that you are expected to implement are Bubble Sort, Shell Sort, Quick Sort and
Binary Insertion Sort. The purpose of this assignment is to get you fully familiarized with each sorting
algorithm. They are well-known sorts. You can use the Python pseudocode provided to you as guidelines.
Do not get the code for the sorts from the Internet or you will be referred to for cheating.
1.1 Bubble Sort
Bubble sort works by examining adjacent pairs of items. If the second item is smaller than the first, swap
them. As a result, the largest element falls to the bottom of the array in a single pass. Since it is in fact
the largest, we do not need to consider it again. So in the next pass, we only need to consider n−1 pairs
of items. The first pass requires n pairs to be examined; the second pass, n−1 pairs; the third pass n−2
pairs, and so forth. If you can pass over the entire array and no pairs are out of order, then the array is
Pre-lab Part 1
1. How many rounds of swapping do you think you will need to sort the numbers
8,22,7,9,31,5,13 in ascending order using Bubble Sort?
2. How many comparisons can we expect to see in the worse case scenario for Bubble Sort?
Hint: make a list of numbers and attempt to sort them using Bubble Sort.
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In 1784, when Carl Friedrich Gauss was only 7 years old, he was reported to have amazed his elemen-
tary school teacher by how quickly he summed up the integers from 1 to 100. The precocious little Gauss
produced the correct answer immediately after he quickly observed that the sum was actually 50 pairs of
numbers, with each pair summing to 101 totaling to 5,050. We can then see that:
n+ (n−1)+ (n−2)+ . . .+1= n(n+1)
So the worst case time complexity is O(n2). However, it could be much better if the list is already sorted.
If you haven’t seen the inductive proof for this yet, you will in the applied discrete math class.
1 def Bubble_Sort(arr):
2 for i in range(len(arr) - 1):
3 j = len(arr) - 1
4 while j > i:
5 if arr[j] < arr[j - 1]:
6 arr[j], arr[j - 1] = arr[j - 1], arr[j]
7 j -= 1
8 return
Bubble Sort (pseudocode)
1.2 Shell Sort
Shell Sort is a variation of insertion sort, which sorts pairs of elements which are far apart from each
other. The interval (or gap) between the compared items being sorted is continuously reduced. Shell
Sort starts with distant elements and moves out-of-place elements into position faster than a simple
nearest neighbor exchange. In the following code, an array of intervals is created by using gap(n) for an
unsorted list of n elements. For example, for n = 20 unsorted elements, the set of gaps is {9,4,1}.
What is the expected time complexity of Shell Sort? All this depends upon the gap sequence. The
number of elements in the gap sequence and their respective size scales with the number of elements n
being sorted. The first loop is executed len(s)-step times and that number decreases as the gap size
The following is the pseudocode for Shell Sort. Given the length of array n, the function gap(n)
produces an array of gaps. The rules is that if n ≤ 2, n = 1, else n = 5∗n//11, in which // dumps the digits
after the decimal. The array will be ranked from large to small. In the Shel l_Sor t (n), for each step in the
array of gaps, it compares all the pairs that are away from each other by step in index and switches the
elements in the pair if they are not sorted.
1 def gap(n):
2 while n > 1:
3 n = 1 if n <= 2 else 5 * n // 11
4 yield n
gap (pseudocode)
1 def Shell_Sort(arr):
2 for step in gap(len(arr)):
3 for i in range(step , len(arr)):
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4 for j in range(i, step - 1, -step):
5 if arr[j] < arr[j - step]:
6 arr[j], arr[j - step] = arr[j - step], arr[j]
7 return
Shell Sort (pseudocode)
Pre-lab Part 2
1. The worst time complexity for Shell sort depends on the size of the gap. Investigate why this
is the case. How can you improve the time complexity of this sort by changing the gap size?
Cite any sources you used.
2. How would you improve the runtime of this sort without changing the gapp size?
1.3 Quicksort
Quicksort is a divide-and-conquer algorithm. It partitions arrays into two subarrays by selecting an el-
ement from the array and designating it as a pivot. Elements in the array that are less than the pivot go
to the left subarray, and elements in the array that are greater than or equal to the pivot go to the right
subarray. Note that Quicksort is an in-place algorithm, meaning it doesn’t allocate additional memory
for subarrays to hold partitioned elements. Instead, Quicksort utilizes a subroutine called Partition()
that places elements less than the pivot into the left side of the array and elements greater than or equal
to the pivot into the right side and returns the index that indicates the division between the partitioned
parts of the array. Quicksort is then run recursively on the partitioned parts of the array, thereby sorting
each array partition containing at least one element.
1 def Partition(arr , left , right):
2 pivot = arr[left]
3 lo = left + 1
4 hi = right
6 while True:
7 while lo <= hi and arr[hi] >= pivot:
8 hi -= 1
10 while lo <= hi and arr[lo] <= pivot:
11 lo += 1
13 if lo <= hi:
14 arr[lo], arr[hi] = arr[hi], arr[lo]
15 else:
16 break
18 arr[left], arr[hi] = arr[hi], arr[left]
19 return hi
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21 def Quick_Sort(arr , left , right):
22 if left < right:
23 index = Partition(arr , left , right)
24 Quick_Sort(arr , left , index - 1)
25 Quick_Sort(arr , index + 1, right)
26 return
Quicksort (pseudocode)
Pre-lab Part 3
1. Quicksort, with a worse case time complexity of O(n2), doesn’t seem to live up to its name.
Investigate and explain why Quicksort isn’t doomed by its worst case scenario. Make sure
to cite any sources you use.
1.4 Binary Insertion Sort
Binary Insertion Sort is a special type of insertion sort which uses the binary search algorithm to find the
correct position of an inserted element in an array. Insertion sort works by finding the correct position
of the element in the array and then inserting it into its correct position. Searching for an element using
binary search is much like searching for a book on a shelf that is sorted alphabetically. First, identify the
book sitting approximately at the midpoint between either end of the shelf. If it’s the book you’re looking
for, then great! If the book you’re looking for has a name that precedes the current book alphabetically,
you only need to consider the left half of the shelf. Else, you only need to consider the right half of the
shelf. Thus, it’s clear that we are halving the search space each time we do a comparison, hence the
name, binary search. Binary Insertion Sort uses binary search in order to determine where each element
should go, reducing the number of comparisons between array elements we would ordinarily need for
Insertion sort. For each element in the array, simply run a binary search through the elements to the left
of the current element in order to find the index in which it should go.
1 def Binary_Insertion_Sort(arr):
2 for i in range(1, len(arr)):
3 value = arr[i]
4 left = 0
5 right = i
7 while left < right:
8 mid = left + ((right - left) // 2)
10 if value >= arr[mid]:
11 left = mid + 1
12 else:
13 right = mid
15 for j in range(i, left , -1):
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16 arr[j - 1], arr[j] = arr[j], arr[j - 1]
18 return
Binary Insertion Sort (pseudocode)
Each round in insertion sort involves picking a single element from the input array and finding a
location in the sorted array where it can be placed. In the Binary Insertion Sort algorithm, this location
is found using the binary search algorithm.
Pre-lab Part 4
1. Can you figure out what effect the binary search algorithm has on the complexity when it is
combined with the insertion sort algorithm?
2 Your Task
For this assignment you have 3 tasks:
• Task 1: Implement a testing harness for sorting algorithms. You will do this using getopt.
• Task 2: Implement the four sorting algorithms Bubble Sort, Shell Sort, Quicksort and Binary Inser-
tion Sort, whose pseudocode have been provided in the above section.
• Task 3: Gather statistics about each sort and its performance such as the size of the array, the
number of moves required, and the number of comparisons required (comparisons for elements,
not for the logic).
3 Specifics
You must use getopt to parse the command line arguments. To get you started, here is a hint.
1 while ((c = getopt(argc , argv , "Absqip:r:n:")) != -1)
• -A means employ all sorting algorithms.
• -b means enable Bubble Sort.
• -s means enable Shell Sort.
• -q means enable QuickSort.
• -i means enable Binary Insertion Sort.
• -p n means print the first n elements of the array. However if the -p n flag is not specified, your
program should print the first 100 elements. The default n value is 100.
• -r s means set the random seed to s. The default s value is 8222022.
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• -n c means set the array size to c. The default c value is 100.
It is important to read this carefully. None of these options are exclusive of any other (you may specify
any number of them, including zero). The most natural data structure for this problem is a set.
• Your random numbers should be 30 bits, no larger (230−1= 1073741823). (Hint: bit masking will
help you here.)
• You must use rand() and srand().
• Your program must be able to sort any number of random integers up to the memory limit of the
computer. That means that you will need to dynamically allocate the array using calloc().
• Your program should have no memory leaks. Make sure you free before exiting. Valgrind should
build without any errors.
• Your program must pass infer cleanly. Fix or explain any complaints by infer in your README.
• The executable file produced by the compiler must be called sorting.
• Your algorithms must correctly sort. If it does not sort, then for that sort you receive a zero.
A large part of this assignment is understanding and comparing the performance of various sorting
algorithms. You essentially conducting an experiment. Consequently, you must collect some simple
statistics on each algorithm. In particular,
• The size of the array,
• The number of moves required (each time you transfer an element in the array, that counts), and
• The number of comparisons required (comparisons only count for elements, not for logic).
Pre-lab Part 5
1. Explain how you plan on keeping track of the number of moves and comparisons since each
sort will reside within its own file.
4 Deliverables
You will need to turn in:
1. Your program must have the followingsource and header files:
• Each sorting method will have its own pair of header file and source file.
– bubble.h specifies the interface to bubble.c.
– bubble.c implements Bubble Sort.
– shell.h specifies the interface to shell.c.
– shell.c implements Shell Sort.
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– quick.h specifies the interface to quick.c.
– quick.c implements Quicksort.
– binary.h specifies the interface to binary.c.
– binary.c implements Binary Insertion Sort.
• sorting.c contains main() and may contain any other functions necessary to complete the
You will likely have other source and header files, but do not try to be overly clever.
2. Makefile: This is a file that will allow the grader to type make to compile your program. Typing
make must build your program and ./sorting alone as well as flags must run your program.
• CFLAGS=-Wall -Wextra -Werror -Wpedantic -std=c99 must be included.
• CC=clang must be specified.
• make clean must remove all files that are compiler generated.
• make valgrind must build your program to check for memory mismanagement errors.
• make infer must build and run infer on your program, passing without errors. Again, any
errors that you cannot fix should be documented in your README.
• make should build your program, as should make all.
• Your program executable must be named sorting.
3. README.md: Thismust be inmarkdown. This must describe how to use your program and Makefile.
4. DESIGN.pdf: This must be a PDF. The design document should contain answers to the pre-lab
questions at the beginning and describe your design for your program with enough detail that
a sufficiently knowledgeable programmer would be able to replicate your implementation. This
does not mean copying your entire program in verbatim. You should instead describe how your
program works with supporting pseudo-code.
You must push the DESIGN.pdf before you push any code.
5. WRITEUP.pdf: This document must be a PDF. The writeup must include the following:
• Identify the respective time complexity for each sort and include what you have to say about
the constant.
• What you learned from the different sorting algorithms.
• How you experimented with the sorts.
Points will be assigned according to the difficulty of the sort involved.
• 10% – Bubble sort
• 15% – Shell Sort
• 20% – Quick Sort
• 20% – Binary Insertion Sort
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A sort is not considered to be implemented if it does not sort correctly every time. If it does not sort
correctly then that sort receives a zero. Additional criteria are:
• 10% – Code quality: this includes passing infer and consistent style.
• 10% – Completeness: which includes things like the Makefile.
• 15% – Supporting Documents: This includes your WRITEUP.pdf, DESIGN.pdf, and README.md.
5 Submission
To submit your assignment, refer back to assignment0 for the steps on how to submit your assignment
through git. Remember: add, commit, and push!
Your assignment is turned in only after you have pushed and submitted the commit ID on Canvas. If
you forget to push, you have not turned in your assignment and you will get a zero. “I forgot to push” is
not a valid excuse. It is highly recommended to commit and push your changes often.
6 Supplemental Readings
• The C Programming Language by Kernighan & Ritchie
– Chapter 1 §1.10
– Chapter 4 §4.10–4.11
– Chapter 5 §5.1–5.3
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7 Examples
1 Bubble Sort
2 100 elements , 7452 moves , 4719 compares
3 10082911 18153700 22843242 23697734 29553441 38052897 44478931
4 58259291 83652098 107339740 119606591 122505356 128482584 133174074
5 152392365 157404040 162744176 167486952 177653006 185587419 203647439
6 221470759 221799112 223917017 230126174 245913732 253688452 253836378
7 266129371 274591444 276603325 301761273 323333023 348216944 350888642
8 354977520 360020565 369319325 374301717 379203153 382318962 383359992
9 392401874 401157507 401813975 443672663 449561171 451596934 479858723
10 511625306 517911620 526281514 526980462 536065320 537120013 542896028
11 546690105 555345520 559888826 577782095 594464376 595935795 612036800
12 628002262 634320203 664661635 679591136 683671633 703194465 713225074
13 729155563 737493003 741751481 747673396 748522478 749128208 763243235
14 765449215 766813045 779567302 790808465 813589681 816107544 823174992
15 829988357 842281350 855632649 885055806 900311299 910923528 917841580
16 925326402 936095037 971590414 975069295 976541634 987816519 990600411
17 1010659761 1061448831
./sequence -s -n 100
1 Binary Insertion Sort
2 1000 elements , 769875 moves , 8595 compares
3 2416949 5156682 6072641 6939507 7432408 7684930 8936987
4 10901063 11614769 11671338
5 Quick Sort
6 1000 elements , 776886 moves , 22929 compares
7 2416949 5156682 6072641 6939507 7432408 7684930 8936987
8 10901063 11614769 11671338
9 Shell Sort
10 1000 elements , 796857 moves , 795285 compares
11 2416949 5156682 6072641 6939507 7432408 7684930 8936987
12 10901063 11614769 11671338
13 Bubble Sort
14 1000 elements , 1566732 moves , 1294379 compares
15 2416949 5156682 6072641 6939507 7432408 7684930 8936987
16 10901063 11614769 11671338
./sorting -n 1000 -p 10 -r 1 -A




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