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Programming (COMP4008-PRG)
4th exercise
Thorsten Altenkirch and Isaac Triguero
November 9, 2020
This exercise is about object oriented programming in Python. Your task is
to use objects to implement a representation of Boolean expressions which can
be printed and evaluated. On top of this, you should implement a method to
produce truth tables and a tautology checker which determines whether the
expression is true for every assignment of truth values.
1. In particular you are supposed to implement the following classes:
Expr superclass for all boolean expressions,
Not represents logical negation,
And represents logical and,
Or represents logical or,
Eq represents logical equivalence,
Var represents logical variables
with constructors, so that, we can define the following expression trees:
e1 = Or(Var("x"),Not(Var("x")))
e2 = Eq(Var("x"),Not(Not(Var("x"))))
e3 = Eq(Not(And(Var("x"),Var("y"))),Or(Not(Var("x")),Not(Var("y"))))
e4 = Eq(Not(And(Var("x"),Var("y"))),And(Not(Var("x")),Not(Var("y"))))
Note that variables may have names consisting of several characters.
2. Each class should implement an __str__ method, so that, the above ex-
pressions print as follows:
It is ok but not perfect if you implement a version that prints too many
brackets (that is better than printing not enough).
To minimise the number of brackets you should take into account that:
(a) Not (!) binds stronger than And (&), e.g.
>>> print(And(Not(Var("p")),Var("q")))
>>> print(Not(And(Var("p"),Var("q"))))
(b) And (&) binds stronger than Or (|),e.g.
>>> print(Or(And(Var("p"),Var("q")),Var("r")))
>>> print(And(Var("p"),Or(Var("q"),Var("r"))))
(c) Or (|) binds stronger than Eq (==),e.g.
>>> print(Eq(Or(Var("p"),Var("q")),Var("r")))
>>> print(Or(Var("p"),Eq(Var("q"),Var("r"))))
This order is transitive, e.g. ! binds stronger than | and ==, and so on.
All binary operations (including ==) are associative, hence there is no need
to use brackets when only one kind of operation is used. E.g.
>>> print (And(Var("x"),And(Var("y"),Var("z"))))
>>> print (And(And(Var("x"),Var("y")),Var("z")))
3. Implement a method make tt which returns the truthtable as a string.
That is for example print(e4.make_tt()) should produce the following
y | x | !(x&y)==!x&!y
True | True | True
False | True | False
True | False | False
False | False | True
The order in which you produce the lines doesn’t matter.
The method should work for any collections of variables, not just for two
called x and y.
4. A proposition is called a tautology if it is always true. That is, the
truthtable contains only True| in the last column. Implement a method
isTauto which determines whether the proposition is a tautology. E.g.
>>> e1.isTauto()
>>> e4.isTauto()
As above, this method should work correctly for propositions with any
collection of variables.
Test your code with the test in test04.py which can be downloaded from
Moodle. However, it should also work for other examples.
To get full marks your program should work, be well documented, not be
unnecessarily complicated and you should use inheritance to avoid code dupli-
Important notes:
• Use only the operations that have been introduced in the lectures.
• Make sure you note down the name of the demonstrator.
• We will not give you the marks immediately.
• Submission deadline: 23rd of November.




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