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COMP3018 Coursework 1- Exercise 1: Fingerpainter

In this exercise you are required to build an Android painting application. This is an assessed
exercise and will account for 15% of your final module mark. This is an individual coursework,
and your submission must be entirely your own work – please pay particular attention to the
section of this document regarding plagiarism. This document sets out the requirements of
and broad instructions for developing the application.

Your application should be submitted no later than:

• 3pm on the 6th of November 2020

Submissions should be made electronically via Moodle. Standard penalties of 5% per working
day will be applied to late submissions.

Your application should be submitted as a .zip or .tar.gz file containing all relevant source
code, configuration and related files, and a compiled .apk file – i.e. the contents of the
directory containing your Android Studio project after a clean rebuild. Do not submit RAR

You should create an application to support a simple drawing / painting task, where the user
can draw onto a canvas using their finger in a variety of colours and with brushes of different
sizes and shapes. The user should either begin with a blank canvas or be able to navigate from
an existing image in the device’s Downloads folder that will be loaded by the application.

Your application must consist of three Activity components:

• An Activity presenting the FingerPainter interface for the user to draw onto
• An Activity allowing the user to select the colour with which to draw
• An Activity allowing the user to select the shape and size of the drawing brush

Furthermore, the application should:

• Integrate with other applications to allow the user to draw on existing images as part
of the drawing task
• Support appropriate lifecycle persistence of Activity UI state

A custom painting View is provided that must form the basis of the application. It is left up to
you to decide how best to design and implement layouts and other views within these

Your application must be written in Java or Kotlin and make use of the Android SDK. There
are no requirements to target a specific Android API version, however you can assume that
your application will be tested on an emulated device running Android API version 29
(Android 10.0). The compatibility of the UI to portrait/landscape modes and different device
resolutions is also part of the assessment criteria. For instance, it is not a good practice if
some of the UI components overlap or fall outside the view when the phone is rotated, or the
application is running in a device with a different screen resolution.

You should consider the following when implementing your application:

• Decomposition of the task into discrete Activity components
• Appropriate use of Intents, communication between Activities and appreciation of the
Activity life-cycle
• Appropriate use of Widgets and ViewGroups for layouts that support devices of
differing screen sizes and resolutions
• Appropriate architectural best practice
• Your application is expected to have appropriate comments and variable / class
names, so that a reader can easily understand how it works if necessary

Assessment Criteria
As this is a constrained exercise marks are awarded for achieving specific functionality as
follows. For these elements either 0 or full marks are awarded as appropriate. Additional
marks are awarded for consideration of good practice. There are no additional marks
available for additional functionality in this exercise:

Basic Functionality
The application has an Activity that allows the user to paint onto a blank canvas 2
The main Activity allows the user to draw with different colours and brush sizes
and shapes
A second Activity allows the user to select one of at least 5 colours 1
A third Activity allows the user to select the shape and size of the brush 1
The currently chosen colour is passed to and displayed by the colour choosing
The current shape and size of the brush are passed to and displayed by the
brush choosing Activity
The painting Activity maintains colour and brush state throughout its expected
lifecycle (e.g. when phone is rotated or when another application is in use, i.e.
receiving a phone call)
The application can be opened from and displays an image saved elsewhere on
the device for painting
Best Practice
The application demonstrates good architectural design and device portability 6
Total 15

N.B. Use of third party assets (tutorials, images, example code, libraries etc.) MUST be
credited and referenced, and you MUST be able to demonstrate that they are available
under a license that allows their reuse.

Making significant use of tutorial code while referencing it is poor academic practice, and
will result in a lower mark that reflects the significance of your own original contribution.

Copying code from other students, from previous students, from any other source, or
soliciting code from online sources and submitting it as your own is plagiarism and will be
penalized as such. FAILING TO ATTRIBUTE a source will result in a mark of zero – and can
potentially result in failure of coursework, module or degree.

All submissions are checked using both plagiarism detection software and manually for
signs of cheating. If you have any doubts, then please ask.

Finger Painting
Begin by creating a new application in Android Studio as usual.

Add the custom view FingerPainterView to your app project. This class is available on Moodle
or at the URL below:


You can either copy the file directly into your project’s source directory
(projectname/app/src/main/java/…) or create a new FingerPainterView Java class in your
project and copy / paste the code into it, updating the package qualifier accordingly.

Add an instance of the FingerPainterView to the layout of your main activity. You can do this
either statically through its XML layout resource (Container->view->FingerPainterView or
search for FingerPainterView):

Or add it to an appropriate ViewGroup programmatically when the activity is created:

FingerPainterView myFingerPainterView = new FingerPainterView(this);

Note in either case the FingerPainterView must have an ID, otherwise the view will not receive
the cascaded save state calls (if a view does not have an ID the OS doesn’t know where it
should restore the view to on restore).

If adding the FingerPainterView programmatically (that is, not via the XML layout but at run-
time) you will need to create a static ID resource in res/values/strings.xml and assign it to the
view on creation, otherwise the view will not receive cascaded save state calls correctly:


If adding the FingerPainterView via the XML layout you must also remember to specify an ID
to the view as using the attributes panel. You should retrieve and maintain a reference to this
View in the same way as the other views in lab exercise one (findViewById(…) if you’re
instantiating it via the layout resource).

You may find it useful to nest the FingerPainterView inside a FrameLayout as in the code
above, with its width and height matching that of the parent FrameLayout.

FingerPainterView should automatically create a square paintable canvas that fills the view
space that it is given, and responds to touch (“mouse”) events by drawing lines onto its
internal bitmap. This bitmap is automatically persisted to a cache file.

The class has a few public set / get methods for managing the colour and shape of the brush:

public void setColour(int colour)

…sets the colour of the brush, where colour is of the form 0xAARRGGBB for setting alpha, red,
green and blue values respectively. Alpha should always be 255, i.e. 0xFF. For example, to set
the drawing colour to green:



import android.graphics.Color;


To set the shape of the brush:

public void setBrush(Paint.Cap brush)

Where brush is either round or square, defined by the Paint.Cap enum:

import android.graphics.Paint;


To set the width of the brush:

public void setBrushWidth(int width)

Where width is an integer value in pixels.

The equivalent get methods allow you to retrieve the current state of these values. They are
not persisted by the view between instances.

The Task

Create two new activities to allow the user to specify the colour, and size and shape of the
brush respectively.

Each of these activities should be passed the current colour and brush size / shape
respectively – i.e. the colour selection activity should know and display that the user is
currently is painting in red. It is left up to you to create appropriate interfaces to allow the
user to select a colour and brush (they need to input either a SQUARE or ROUND brush, and
a width in pixels) and return these values to the main activity.

FingerPainterView takes care of persisting its own internal bitmap state if it happens to be
destroyed – it saves the current picture to a cache file – however the state of other
components, for example the current colour and brush selection are not persisted. You
should handle the activity lifecycle for your activities to ensure a coherent user experience if,
for example, the device is rotated.

Implicit Intent
Finally, as in the task diagram above, the user should be able to select an image in another
application and choose to open it with your FingerPainter app. To support this our application
should respond to implicit Intents that conform to something that we can open – in particular
the user attempting to view a file that happens to be an image.

Note that you can load files onto the emulator by downloading via the in-emulator web
browser, pushing files onto the sd card via the Device File Explorer (View->Tool Windows-
>Device File Explorer), or on the command line using adb. Downloaded files are stored in
/sdcard/Download/ on the device.

zahn:platform-tools pszmdf$ ./adb push cats.jpg /sdcard/Download/cats.jpg
cats.jpg: 1 file pushed. 21.6 MB/s (251024 bytes in 0.011s)
zahn:platform-tools pszmdf$

The aim here is to, when browsing through their files using the Files application, give the user
the option of opening a file in our FingerPainter as opposed to other applications, such as the
Picture Viewer. We should do this by registering our application as being able to receive the
appropriate intents.

Add a second intent-filter to the main activity in the AndroidManifest – so that the application
can either be started via the launcher or by an intent sent by another application.

This filter should accept intents with an action of android.intent.action.VIEW, category of
android.intent.category.DEFAULT, and data of mimeType image/*

android:mimeType="image/*" />

The location of the image to load will be delivered to the main activity via its intent, with the
URI of the image being included in the data field of the intent. FingerPainterView will attempt
to load an image by URI when called from the onCreate method:


If successful, you can test this by opening an image from the Downloads or Files apps on the
device, which should give you the option of your app to open the image with, as well as other
installed applications.

You can edit FingerPainterView.java as you see fit.

FingerPainterView has inherent limitations regarding how it supports resizing. You do not
need to fix these.

Your application will be tested by pushing the apk contained within your submission onto a
device and running it, and as such you should ensure that a) there is an apk included and b)
that it works as intended when deployed and run as such.








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