
欢迎使用51辅导,51作业君孵化低价透明的学长辅导平台,服务保持优质,平均费用压低50%以上! 51fudao.top
Assignment 1INFO1110 / COMP9001
Money Tracker
Deadline: 23rd Sept 2019, 11:59pm AEST (Week 8, Monday)
Weighting: 10% of the final assessment mark
Brief Description
You will write a program that allows the user to manage their finances. The program will be able
to record the user's incomes and expenses, display how their balance has changed, etc. It will also
need to be able to handle regular incomes and expenses; for example, the user will be able to
specify that they have a $100 income every Sunday, or that they spend $40.50 every Thursday.
Implementation details
Your program will be written in Python 3. The only modules you may import are sys and the
function.py file which you will write yourself.
You will submit your code on the assignment page on Ed. To make a submission, you will need to
press the "Mark" button. You may submit as many times as you wish without penalty - we will
mark the last submission that you make. After each submission, the marking system will
automatically check your code against the public test cases.
Please ensure you carefully follow the assignment specification. Your program output must
exactly match the output shown in the examples.
Warning: Any attempts to deceive or disrupt the marking system will result in an immediate zero
for the entire assignment. Negative marks can be assigned if you do not properly follow the
assignment specifications, or your code is unnecessarily or deliberately obfuscated.
Help and feedback
You are encouraged to ask questions about the assignment during the Helpdesk and on the Ed
discussion board; however, remember that you should not be posting any assignment code
publicly, as this would constitute academic dishonesty.
The Program
Starting the Program
The program will be given 1 extra command line argument when it is run:
This will specify a file with information about regular incomes and expenses; see the
section on Regular Transactions for more information (it is recommended that you implement
this feature last).
After handling this file, the program will ask the user for their starting balance, like so:
The user will then fill out this field with their initial balance, for example:
If the starting value cannot be converted to a float, the program should print Error:
Cannot convert to float! and quit immediately.
If the starting value is negative or zero, the program should print Error: Must start with
positive balance! and quit immediately.
Once we have the regular payments and initial balance set up, we're good to go! The program
should now continually ask for input, like so:
Depending on what the user enters, the program will record new transactions, show some
statistics, etc. For example, if the user types transaction ...
...then the transaction operation (explained below) should execute. The program should
continue asking for more inputs indefinitely, and execute the appropriate code each time.
$ python3 tracker.py
Starting balance: $
Starting balance: $4.11
Starting balance: $cat
Error: Cannot convert to float!
Starting balance: $-5
Error: Must start with positive balance!
Enter command:
Enter command: transaction
Records a new income or expense transaction.
The program should ask the user how much money was involved in the transaction, like so:
The user should then be able to type in how much they earned or spent. Positive values represent
income, and negative values represent expenses.
This value should then be reflected in the user's balance; for example, if they originally had $5 but
made a transaction of -$3, the user would now have $2.
However, if the value the user types in cannot be converted to a float, the program should print
Error: Cannot convert to float! and ask for another command.
Advances to the next day, making sure the user is not in debt.
If the user has strictly less than $0, the program should print Oh no! You're in debt! and quit
immediately. Otherwise, it should print Going to the next day... and start a new day.
In this program, we start at day 0 and increase the day number by 1 every time the next
command is executed.
Enter amount: $
Enter amount: $5.95
Enter amount: $-2.35
Enter amount: $cat
Error: Cannot convert to float!
Enter command:
Displays a summary of how the day is going so far.
The program should print the following message:
is the current day number of the program. As explained above, this starts at
0 and increases by 1 for every day that passes.
is which weekday it currently is, abbeviated to three letters; Sun for Sunday,
Mon for Monday, etc. In this program, day 0 is always a Sunday, day 1 is a Monday, and so
on. Day 6 would be a Saturday and day 7 is a Sunday again. (The weekdays list in the
scaffold may be useful here.)
is the amount of money we had at the start of the day, before any
transactions (including regular transactions) were made. It should be displayed rounded to
exactly 2 decimal places.
is the amount of money we currently have, including all the
transactions we have made that day. It should be displayed rounded to exactly 2 decimal
If the current balance is greater than the starting balance, the program should also print Nice
work! You're in the black. . Conversely, if the current balance is less than the starting
balance, the program should print Be careful! You're in the red. . If the current balance is
the same as the starting balance, no extra message needs to be printed.
Here are some examples:
Day ()
Starting balance: $
Current balance: $
Day 0 (Sun)
Starting balance: $5.00
Current balance: $6.00
Nice work! You're in the black.
Day 5 (Fri)
Starting balance: $55.00
Current balance: $54.50
Be careful! You're in the red.
Day 30 (Tue)
Starting balance: $120.00
Current balance: $120.00
Displays a summary of the regular transactions.
Please see the section on "Regular Transactions" to see how these values will be specified.
The program should print Regular Transactions: ; then, for every weekday, the program
should show a summary of the regular transactions in the following format:
is the weekday abbreviated to three letters.
is the income the user regularly earns for that weekday. It should be
displayed rounded to exactly 2 decimal places.
is the expense the user regularly has for that weekday. It should be
displayed rounded to exactly 2 decimal places.
Here is an example:
Shows a list of availabile commands.
The program should print the following message:
: +$ -$
Regular Transactions:
Sun: +$5.00 -$4.00
Mon: +$3.00 -$2.00
Tue: +$7.35 -$1.00
Wed: +$0.00 -$0.00
Thu: +$14.90 -$5.00
Fri: +$6.00 -$3.00
Sat: +$6.00 -$5.00
The available commands are:
"transaction": Record a new income or expense
"next": Move on to the next day
"status": Show a summary of how you're doing today
"regular": Show a summary of your regular transactions
"help": Show this help message
"quit": Quit the program
The program should print Bye! and quit.
Anything else
If any command other than those specified above is entered, the program should simply print the
following message:
The program should then continue prompting for commands.
Regular Transactions
Regular transactions are incomes and expenses that are automatically made on specific days of
the week - for example, the user might always earn $100 on Sundays and spend $40.50 on
Thursdays, which the program should automatically process. To implement these regular
transactions, you need to follow these three steps:
Step 1: Write the function process_file in the function.py file. This function should take one
string as an argument, open the file specified by this string and read the details of the regular
transactions described in this file. You can assume that the file will always be in the following
format, with exactly 14 lines and each line being convertible to a float without error:
All values in this file will be given as positive values; so if the user had a regular income of $100 on
Sundays and a regular expense of $40.50 on Thursdays, our file would look like this:
Enter command: quit
Command not found.
Use the "help" command for a list of available commands


The function should return a tuple of two lists, both of length 7; the first one being the regular
incomes throughout the week, and the second one being the regular expenses throughout the
For example, if the string given to the function specified the file above, it should return ([100.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 40.5, 0.0, 0.0]) . Make sure
your tuple contains lists of floats, not lists of strings.
If the file specified by the parameter doesn't exist, the function should raise a ValueError
with the content of that error being the message Error: String does not represent a
valid file! .
Step 2: At the start of your main code, use the process_file function to get the 2 lists
containing the details of the regular incomes and expenses. The filename to be used as the
parameter for this function will be specified as a command line argument when running the
You will need to make sure you include the line from function import process_file at the
top of your main code so that you can use the process_file function you wrote in part 1.
If the required command line argument is not given, the program should print Error: Not
enough command line arguments! and quit immediately.
If the process_file function raises a ValueError, the program should print Error: File
not found! and quit immediately.
Step 3: Ensure your program automatically adds the regular income and subtracts the regular
expenses for the appropriate weekday at the start of every day.
$ python3 tracker.py
Regular Transaction Files
no_regular_transactions.txt :
sample_regular_transactions.txt :
Program Executions
Normal Case 1:
$ python3 tracker.py no_regular_transactions.txt
Starting balance: $100.50
Enter command: transaction
Enter amount: $10
Enter command: status
Day 0 (Sun)
Starting balance: $100.50
Current balance: $110.50
Nice work! You're in the black.
Enter command: next
Going to the next day...
Enter command: status
Day 1 (Mon)
Starting balance: $110.50
Current balance: $110.50
Enter command: regular
Regular Transactions:
Sun: +$0.00 -$0.00
Mon: +$0.00 -$0.00
Tue: +$0.00 -$0.00
Wed: +$0.00 -$0.00
Thu: +$0.00 -$0.00
Fri: +$0.00 -$0.00
Sat: +$0.00 -$0.00
Enter command: transaction
Enter amount: $-3
Enter command: transaction
Enter amount: $-10.2
Enter command: status
Day 1 (Mon)
Starting balance: $110.50
Current balance: $97.30
Be careful! You're in the red.
Enter command: quit
Normal Case 2:
Invalid Command:
$ python3 tracker.py sample_regular_transactions.txt
Starting balance: $10.00
Enter command: next
Going to the next day...
Enter command: next
Going to the next day...
Enter command: next
Going to the next day...
Enter command: next
Going to the next day...
Enter command: status
Day 4 (Thu)
Starting balance: $18.35
Current balance: $28.25
Nice work! You're in the black.
Enter command: transaction
Enter amount: $100
Enter command: quit
$ python3 tracker.py no_regular_transactions.txt
Starting balance: $5
Enter command: STATUS
Command not found.
Use the "help" command for a list of available commands
Enter command: exit
Command not found.
Use the "help" command for a list of available commands
Enter command: quit
Going into Debt:
Non-existent File
$ python3 tracker.py no_regular_transactions.txt
Starting balance: $5
Enter command: transaction
Enter amount: $-10
Enter command: status
Day 0 (Sun)
Starting balance: $5.00
Current balance: $-5.00
Be careful! You're in the red.
Enter command: transaction
Enter amount: $6
Enter command: status
Day 0 (Sun)
Starting balance: $5.00
Current balance: $1.00
Be careful! You're in the red.
Enter command: next
Going to the next day...
Enter command: transaction
Enter amount: $-10
Enter command: status
Day 1 (Mon)
Starting balance: $1.00
Current balance: $-9.00
Be careful! You're in the red.
Enter command: next
Oh no! You're in debt!
$ python3 tracker.py nonexistent.txt
Error: File not found!
Unable to Interpret Transaction as Float
Hints and Extra Information
You should always print an empty line directly before asking the user for a command.
Commands are case-sensitive. For example, quit is valid, but QUIT is invalid.
To print a string containing single quotes, enclose it in double quotes, and vice versa (or put
a backslash before it).
Use the modulo operator ( % ) to your advantage. It can help you keep track of weekdays!
For the purposes of this assignment, you can treat all monetary values as floats - none of the
test cases will cause floating point errors.
$ python3 tracker.py no_regular_transactions.txt
Starting balance: $10.50
Enter command: transaction
Enter amount: $cat
Error: Cannot convert to float!
Enter command: quit
7 marks will be given for passing the automated test cases. There are a total of 28 tests, and
you will receive 0.5 marks for every 2 that you pass (quarter marks will not be given).
3 marks will be given for a manual inspection of code. You should ensure that your code
uses meaningful variable names, good structure, and helpful and concise comments to
clarify the intentions of the code.
Late Submissions
Late submissions have a hard cap of 25% of the total possible marks per day late. For example, if
your submission is 1 hour late, you can only receive a maximum of 75% for this assessment. If
your submission is 48 hours late, you can only receive a maximum of 50% for this assessment.
Do not make any submissions after the deadline unless you want it to be counted as late.
Remember, we will be marking the last submission you make.
Academic declaration
By submitting this assignment, you declare the following:
I declare that I have read and understood the University of Sydney Student Plagiarism: Coursework
Policy and Procedure, and except where specifically acknowledged, the work contained in this
assignment/project is my own work, and has not been copied from other sources or been previously
submitted for award or assessment.
I understand that failure to comply with the Student Plagiarism: Coursework Policy and Procedure can
lead to severe penalties as outlined under Chapter 8 of the University of Sydney By-Law 1999 (as
amended). These penalties may be imposed in cases where any significant portion of my submitted
work has been copied without proper acknowledgment from other sources, including published works,
the Internet, existing programs, the work of other students, or work previously submitted for other
awards or assessments.
I realise that I may be asked to identify those portions of the work contributed by me and required to
demonstrate my knowledge of the relevant material by answering oral questions or by undertaking
supplementary work, either written or in the laboratory, in order to arrive at the final assessment mark.
I acknowledge that the School of Computer Science, in assessing this assignment, may reproduce it
entirely, may provide a copy to another member of faculty, and/or communicate a copy of this
assignment to a plagiarism checking service or in-house computer program, and that a copy of the
assignment may be maintained by the service or the School of Computer Science for the purpose of
future plagiarism checking.



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