辅导案例-STAT 441 /-Assignment 3

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Statistical Learning-Classification
STAT 441 / 841, CM 762
Assignment 3
Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science
University of Waterloo
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1. a) Write a program to fit an RBF network. In implementing RBF, you need to
cluster the data and find the center and spread of each cluster. You don’t need
to implement a clustering algorithm yourself. You can use any clustering al-
gorithmand any clustering routine in any programming language based on your
preference.For example you can use ’kmeans’ in Matlab.
b) Use the Ionosphere dataset (Ion.mat) . Use the Vanilla cross validation (ie. use
80% of data as training set and 20% as test set), Leave one out cross validation,
and Leave one out cross validation as expressed in (1) (The method explained in
Question 5 shows how LOO can be performed without iteration.) and find the
optimum number of basis function for each model. Compute the test error in each
case and complete the following table.
In this table
CV is vanilla cross validation
LOO is leave one out cross validation
CLOO is Leave one out cross validation as expressed in (1).
Target function
Method TrainingError TestError
2. Support Vector Machine
a) Write a function [b, b0] = HardMarg(X, y) which takes a d × n matrix X and
n × 1 vector of target labels y and returns: a d × 1 vector of weights b and a scalar
offset b0, corresponding to the maximum margin linear discriminant classifier.
b) Write a function [b, b0] = SoftMarg(X, y, γ) which takes an additional scalar
argument γ and returns b and b0 corresponding to the maximum soft margin linear
discriminant classifier.
c) Write a function [yhat] = classify(Xtest, b, b0) which takes a d × m matrix
Xtest, a d × 1 vector of weights b, and a scalar b0, and returns a m × 1 vector of
classifications yhat on the test patterns.
d) For each of the datasets linear, noisylinear, and quadratic on Piazza solve for
each kind of discriminant function: [bh, b0h] = HardMarg(X, y), [bs, b0s] = SoftMarg(X, y, 0.5),
produce a 2D plot of the training data and the two hypotheses corresponding to bh, b0h
and bs, b0s and report the mean misclassification error (i.e., the sum of misclassification
errors divided by the number of data points) that each of the two hypotheses obtained
on the training data and on the test data.
Hand in a plot and two tables for each dataset.
Note 1 : Your function must be able to handle arbitrary d, n, γ, and m.
Note 2: You cannot use a builtin SVM function. You need to implement SVM yourself.
In implementing SVM, you need to solve a quadratic program. You can use a built in
function for solving the quadratic programming.
3. Let fˆ be an estimator of the quantity f , show that its mean-squared error can be
decomposed as follows:
E(fˆ − f)2 = E[fˆ − E(fˆ)]2 + [E(fˆ)− f ]2
= V ar(fˆ) +Bias2(fˆ)
Only for Grad Students
4. Given a set of data points {xi}, we can define the convex hull to be the set of all points
x given by
x =

where αi ≥ 0 and

i αi = 1. Consider a second set of points {yi} together with
their corresponding convex hull. By definition, the two sets of points will be linearly
separable if there exist a vector wˆ and a scaler w0 such that wˆ
Txi + w0 > 0 for all xi,
and wˆTxi + w0 < 0 for all yi.
Show that if their convex hulls intersect, the two sets of points cannot be linearly
5. Leave-one-out cross validation. Consider the model yi = f(xi)+i. When f(xi) =
β0 +β
Txi. The parameters of this model can be found by ordinary least square (OLS).
Let H be the hat matrix associated with OLS(we solved similar model and had the
concept of hat matrix in RBF network). Show that
yi − fˆ (−i)(xi) = yi − fˆ(xi)
1−Hii (1)
where Hii denote the i-th diagonal element of H; and fˆ
(−i)(xi) denotes estimating
fˆ(xi) using an fˆ that is obtained without using the i-th observation. Thus show that
the leave-one-out cross validation can be computed without iteration.




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