辅导案例-COM1003-Assignment 1

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COM1003 Java Programming
Autumn Semester 2020-21
Programming Assignment 1
Dr Siobhán North
Department of Computer Science, The University of Sheffield
Learning outcomes
This assignment will assess your ability to:
ˆ Write a program from a specification;
ˆ Write clear, good quality program code;
ˆ Use numbers and strings in Java;
ˆ Use the sheffield package.
This assignment is worth 12% of your mark for the first semester of the mod-
ule and must be submitted by Monday 26th October. You will find information
about the exact deadline, the marking scheme and how you must submit your
work at the end of this document.
You do not need to do everything described below to hand in your work and
get marks for it. The marks will be awarded depending on how much you have
achieved (see below for details) but if you hand in a program it must compile
and run to get any marks. So a well written program that does something is
always better than a program which would have done more if it had worked.
The specification below is quite precise in telling you what sort of input you
should expect and what you must output but usually does not tell you how to
get from one to the other. This is deliberate and part of the test. However it is
not meant to be ambiguous so if there is something you don't understand you
can ask questions, ideally by email. I will put all the email questions and their
answers on an FAQ page as they come in. Even if you think you understand
everything it is a good idea to check this page before you submit.
In the days before COVID 19 it was possible to pay for shopping in cash.
This assignment relates to that lost world.
COM1003 Java Programming Assignment 1
The First Task
Write a program called Change.java that asks the user how much their shopping
cost, how much cash they offered to pay for it and tells the user what their change
should be.
An example of what could appear in the command window is given below
How much is your shopping? 12.34
How much cash did you offer? 20
Your change should be 7.66
Please note name of the program and the format and wording of the output
and input is part of the specification and you will lose marks if you don't follow
it exactly including the spelling, capitalization and punctuation. Do not add
your own headings or blank lines, just stick to the specification above because
your work will be checked by computer. For full marks the change you output
should be a real number expressed to two decimal places. You are required to
use the sheffield package for both input and output in this assignment and
no marks are available for using anything else.
You can assume that
ˆ The user will type in a positive number less than 1000 for both the price
and the money offered and nothing else
ˆ The price and cash offered could be either an integer or a real number to
two decimal places but nothing else
ˆ The price of the shopping will be less than or equal to the money offered
If you get this far with a perfect program you can expect to get 30%. Once
you have got this to work save a copy of your program in case of accidents before
modifying it to attempt the rest of the assignment.
The Second Task
Extend your program to calculate and display how the change should be made
up. So the output, should you do this task as well, could look like this.
How much is your shopping? 123.45
How much cash did you offer? 140
Your change should be 16.55
Made up of
10 pound notes: 1
5 pound notes: 1
2 pound coins: 0
1 pound coins: 1
50 pence coins: 1
20 pence coins: 0
10 pence coins: 0
5 pence coins: 1
2 pence coins: 0
1 pence coins: 0
COM1003 Java Programming Assignment 1
This is quite repetitive so the bulk of the marks will be for getting the first
2 lines right. After that do as many of the subsequent lines as you have time
for but do them in the order shown.
The assumptions mentioned above still hold but you can also assume that
the cash offered will not be inappropriate given that ¿20 is the largest note in
common circulations so the cash offered will not be at most ¿19.99 more than
the price.
Hint: Work out what the change is in pence and use that value for the
If you get this far with a perfect program you can expect to get 60%. Once
you have got this to work save a copy of your program in case of accidents before
modifying it to attempt the rest of the assignment.
The Third Task
Extend your program to ask the user for the name of a file. Your program
should then open the file, which will contain six real numbers, one to a line,
to two decimal places. They represent the price and amount offered for three
items of shopping in the order price, cash offered, price, cash.... Your program
should read them in from the file and display them in a table with a header
followed by three lines, one for each price, cash pair but the output lines should
contain three values; the price, the cash and the change. The output should be
arranged neatly in right justified columns.
So if you had a file called "input.txt" which contained the values 12.34,
15.00, 34.56, 35.00, 56.78, 60.00 each on a line by itself with no commas then
the output would end with a table like this.
Price Paid Change
12.34 15.00 2.66
34.56 35.00 0.44
56.78 60.00 3.22
This should follow the output from the tasks above so the whole thing is
shown overleaf.
You have been provided with the file input.txt to practice with. Save it
in the same directory as your program. Your program will be tested with a
file with a different name containing six different values but all the assumptions
mentioned above will still hold, so the amount offered will be greater than or
equal to the price and the numbers will be between 0.00 and 999.99
If you get this far with a perfect program you can expect to get 100%.
The third task is independent of the second task so, if you can't do that
task, you can still do the 3rd task but if you do both the 2nd and the 3rd you
must do them in that order.
COM1003 Java Programming Assignment 1
How much is your shopping? 123.45
How much cash did you offer? 140
Your change should be 16.55
Made up of
10 pound notes: 1
5 pound notes: 1
2 pound coins: 0
1 pound coins: 1
50 pence coins: 1
20 pence coins: 0
10 pence coins: 0
5 pence coins: 1
2 pence coins: 0
1 pence coins: 0
What is the name of your file? input.txt
Price Paid Change
12.34 15.00 2.66
34.56 35.00 0.44
56.78 60.00 3.22
Submission and deadline
You must submit a file called Change.java via the submission point on Black-
board by 3pm on Monday 26th October. Do not submit anything else and do
not submit it in any other format. Blackboard is very bad at displaying Java
programs so you may think that Blackboard has messed up the layout of your
program but I will download the program text and the layout will be preserved.
Late work will be penalised using the standard University scale (a penalty
of 5% per working day late; work will be awarded a mark of zero if it is more
than 5 working days late).
This is an individual assignment. You must work on it alone and hand in
your own work. If you work collaboratively and then pretend you did the work
alone we will find out (we have a very good plagiarism checker and all submitted
work will go through it) and, as you have already been told or are about to be
told during your first group tutorial, we take the use of unfair means in the
assignment process very seriously. Don't even think about handing in work you
didn't do yourself.
COM1003 Java Programming Assignment 1
The Marking Scheme
You will get two, equally weighted, marks for this assignment, one for the work-
ing version and one for programming style.
The Working Program
Task 1 2(start) 2(last 7 lines) 3
Use of EasyReader 9% 17%
Use of EasyWriter 10% 4% 21%
Calculation 2% 10% 7%
Meets specification* 9% 2% 7% 2%
Total 30% 16% 14% 40%
* The mark for following the specification means the specification as far as
the program is completed so incomplete programs will not be penalized under
this heading.
Program Style
The Programming Style mark will be calculated as follows and scaled to the
Correct use of variables 25
Correct use of types 10
Correct use of constants 15
Indention and layout 25
Comments 25
maximum for whatever version you submit.
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