辅导案例-ENGGEN 131

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ENGGEN 131, Semester Two, 2020 - 1 - C Programming Project
ENGGEN 131 – Semester Two – 2020

C Programming Project

Traffic Jam

Deadline: 11:59pm, Saturday 31st October
Worth: 12% of your final grade

ENGGEN 131, Semester Two, 2020 - 2 - C Programming Project
A note before we begin…

Welcome to the C Programming project for ENGGEN131 2020!

This project is organized around a series of tasks. For each task there is a problem description,
and you must implement one function to solve that problem. In addition to the required function,
you may define other functions which the required function calls upon (i.e. so-called helper
functions). Using helper functions is often a useful way to organize your code, as several
simpler functions can be easier to read and understand than one complex function.

Do your very best, but don’t worry if you cannot complete every task. You will get credit for
each task that you do solve (and you may get partial credit for tasks solved partially).

IMPORTANT - Read carefully
This project is an assessment for the ENGGEN131 course. It is an individual project. You do
not need to complete all of the tasks, but the tasks you do complete should be an accurate
reflection of your capability. You may discuss ideas in general with other students, but writing
code must be done by yourself. No exceptions. You must not give any other student a copy of
your code in any form – and you must not receive code from any other student in any form.
There are absolutely NO EXCEPTIONS to this rule.

Please follow this advice while working on the project – the penalties for plagiarism (which
include your name being recorded on the misconduct register for the duration of your degree,
and/or a period of suspension from Engineering) are simply not worth the risk.

Acceptable Unacceptable
 Describing problems you are having to someone else,
either in person or on Piazza, without revealing any code
you have written
 Asking for advice on how to solve a problem, where the
advice received is general in nature and does not include
any code
 Discussing with a friend, away from a computer, ideas or
general approaches for the algorithms that you plan to
implement (but not working on the code together)
 Drawing diagrams that are illustrative of the approach
you are planning to take to solve a particular problem
(but not writing source code with someone else)

 Working at a computer
with another student
 Writing code on paper or at
a computer, and sharing
that code in any way with
anyone else
 Giving or receiving any
amount of code from
anyone else in any form
 Code sharing = NO

The rules are simple - write the code yourself!

OK, now, on with the project…
ENGGEN 131, Semester Two, 2020 - 3 - C Programming Project
Task One: “Build it and they will come” (10 marks)

It’s time to build the road!

The road is represented by a 2-dimensional grid. The size of the grid is given by two constants:
NUM_ROWS and NUM_COLS. As the names of these constants suggest, the first constant
indicates how many rows the grid contains, and the second constant indicates the number of
columns. Initially, these two constants are set to the following values:

#define NUM_ROWS 8
#define NUM_COLS 8

In addition, there are three other constants that have been defined:

#define SPACE 0
#define WALL -1
#define EXIT -2

These three constants represent possible states for a particular location on the grid.

For this task, you should define a function that initializes the grid. The grid should be initialized
according to the following three rules:

1) Every element on the outer border of the grid should be a wall
2) Every element within the grid should be an empty space
3) There should be one special element, somewhere on the wall, which is the exit

The prototype declaration of this function is as follows:

void InitialiseRoad(int road[NUM_ROWS][NUM_COLS],
char side, int pos)

The function takes three inputs:

 A two-dimensional array that represents the road – this is the array that should be
initialized by the function (i.e. the function should modify the array). Typically, the array
would be declared in the main() function for the program (i.e. that is where the space
would be allocated), and then passed to the InitialiseRoad() function as input.
 A character that indicates which of the four walls should contain the exit (this character
will be ‘N’, ‘E’, ‘W’ or ‘S’ representing the four compass directions).
 An integer that indicates how many rows down from the top (or columns across from the
left) the exit position should be placed on the specified wall.

ENGGEN 131, Semester Two, 2020 - 4 - C Programming Project
For example, if the InitialiseRoad() function was called as follows:

InitialiseRoad(road, 'E', 3);

then the two-dimensional array (called road) should be initialized to contain the following

{ { -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 },
{ -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1 },
{ -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1 },
{ -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2 },
{ -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1 },
{ -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1 },
{ -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1 },
{ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 } }

Notice how every internal value is 0, and how every value on the outer border is -1. In addition,
the value -2 appears exactly 3 rows down from the top (counting from 0) on the eastern wall of
the grid.

You can assume that the input values to the function will be sensible. That is, the array will
already have been declared, the direction will be a capital letter that is either ‘N’, ‘E’, ‘W’ or ‘S’,
and the position of the exit will be a valid value such that the exit is positioned on one of the
walls (note – it will not be in a corner, such as row 0 and column 0).

ENGGEN 131, Semester Two, 2020 - 5 - C Programming Project
Task Two: “Bird’s eye view” (10 marks)

Now that you are able to initialize the road, it is time to display it. For this task you should
define a function that prints the grid. It won’t look very nice to print out the numbers that are
stored in the array, so they should be stylized appropriately.

The prototype declaration of this function is as follows:

void PrintRoad(int road[NUM_ROWS][NUM_COLS])

The function takes just one input, which is the two-dimensional array containing the data for the
road. When displaying the grid, you should use the ‘#’ character to represent a wall, the ‘ ’
(space) character to represent a space and the ‘O’ (capital O) character to represent the exit. Each
row of the grid that is printed out should be followed by a single newline character. You should
not print any additional spaces either before or after a row.

For example, the following code which initializes and then prints the grid:

InitialiseRoad(road, 'N', 6);

should produce the following output:

# #
# #
# #
# #
# #
# #

Notice that the exit is positioned on the North wall, and in column 6 (counting from 0).

ENGGEN 131, Semester Two, 2020 - 6 - C Programming Project
Task Three: “Grid lock” (10 marks)

It will be useful to have some measure of how bad the traffic is. One possible measure would be
the percentage of usable road space that is currently occupied by cars. For this task, you should
define a function to compute this percentage.

Now, because we haven’t yet added any cars to the road, the percentage will be 0%. However,
when we start adding cars to the road, this percentage will increase. If all available space on the
road is occupied by a car, then the percentage will be 100%.

The prototype declaration of this function is as follows:

double PercentUsed(int road[NUM_ROWS][NUM_COLS])

The function takes just one input, which is the two-dimensional array containing the data for the
road. This will be more interesting once we have cars on the road, however let’s look at an
example now.

For example, consider the following code which initializes and then prints the grid, and then
calls the PercentUsed() function:

InitialiseRoad(road, 'S', 2);
printf("Percent used: %f\n", PercentUsed(road));

The code above should produce the following output:

# #
# #
# #
# #
# #
# #
Percent used: 0.000000

Notice that the exit is positioned on the Sorth wall, and in column 2 (counting from 0). Also
note that the PercentUsed() function returned 0.0. This is because currently, there are no
cars on the road (i.e. in the internal part of the grid).

ENGGEN 131, Semester Two, 2020 - 7 - C Programming Project
Task Four: “Send in the cars” (10 marks)

Now it’s time to add cars to the road.

Cars will be added one at a time, one after another. The first car added will be car ‘A’, the
second car added will be car ‘B’ and so on. Cars are either oriented horizontally or vertically on
the grid, and can be various sizes (i.e. each car may occupy a different number of places on the
grid). The minimum size of a car is 2 (or else it isn’t possible to see which way it is oriented!).
When a car is added, its location on the grid is specified with a row and column position – this
row and column position represents the left-most or upper-most part of the car. The size of a car
is specified by an integer – the magnitude of the integer represents the length of the car. If the
size is a positive integer, then the car is oriented horizontally. If the size is a negative integer,
then the car is oriented vertically.

The prototype declaration of this function is as follows:

void AddCar(int road[NUM_ROWS][NUM_COLS],
int row, int col, int size)
The function takes four inputs:

 The two-dimensional array representing the road
 The row and column position of the location of the car (remember, for a vertical car this
is the upper-most part and for a horizontal car this is the left-most part)
 The size of the car (either positive or negative, representing a horizontal or vertical
orientation for the car, respectively)

For example, the following code adds two cars to the road by calling the AddCar() function

InitialiseRoad(road, 'E', 3);
AddCar(road, 3, 1, 2);
AddCar(road, 2, 4, -4);
printf("Percent used: %f\n", PercentUsed(road));

and this code would produce the following output:

# #
# B #
# B #
# B #
# #
Percent used: 16.666667
ENGGEN 131, Semester Two, 2020 - 8 - C Programming Project
Note how the cars are labelled with letters based on the order they were added to the road. The
first car added to the road is car ‘A’, and is represented by that symbol when the road is printed.
Likewise, the second car is car ‘B’ and is represented by that symbol.

Handling collisions
Collisions are not good! When implementing the AddCar() function, you must perform error
checking to prevent collisions. If the AddCar() function is called and it would add a car to the
grid that would collide (i.e. intersect) with an existing car on the grid, then the new car must not
be added – in essence, in such a case the function call will have no effect.

For example, consider the following code which attempts to add four cars to the road:

InitialiseRoad(road, 'E', 3);
AddCar(road, 3, 1, 2);
AddCar(road, 2, 4, -4);
AddCar(road, 5, 3, 3);
AddCar(road, 6, 3, 3);
printf("Percent used: %f\n", PercentUsed(road));

In this case, the output would be the following:

# #
# B #
# B #
# B #
# CCC #
Percent used: 25.000000

Notice that in the code above, the third call to AddCar() attempts to add a horizontal car
starting at location (5, 3) and with length 3. This would cause a collision with car ‘B’ and so it is
not added to the road. Therefore, the fourth function call to AddCar() in the code – which
places a horizontal car of size 3 at location (6, 3) – actually generates the car labelled ‘C’.

In a similar fashion, if the AddCar() function is called and it would place a car outside the
grid, or overlapping or intersecting with a wall or the exit, then it must not be added. Only if the
car can be added to the internal part of the grid, and without colliding with another car, should it
be added.

Given the way the cars are labelled, you can assume there will be no more than 26 cars on the
road at any one time. You can also assume that the minimum size for a car will be specified as 2
(either “2” for a horizontal car or “-2” for a vertical car).
ENGGEN 131, Semester Two, 2020 - 9 - C Programming Project

Task Five: “Dude, where is my car?” (10 marks)

Ultimately, we want to be able to move the cars on the road. To help with this, it will be useful
to have a way to easily locate the position of any car. We will do this with a function called

For this task, you must define the FindCar() function.

The prototype declaration of this function is as follows:

void FindCar(int road[NUM_ROWS][NUM_COLS], char move,
int *rowStart, int *colStart, int *rowEnd, int *colEnd)

The function takes six inputs:

 The two-dimensional array representing the road
 The letter representing the car being searched for (e.g. ‘A’ or ‘C’)
 Four pointer variables which will be used to store the result of the function call

The FindCar() function will locate the specified car, and it will store the location of the left-
most or upper-most part of the car in rowStart and colStart, and it will store the location
of the right-most or lower-most part of the car in rowEnd and colEnd.

For example, consider the code below:

int rowA, colA, rowB, colB;

InitialiseRoad(road, 'E', 3);
AddCar(road, 3, 1, 2);
AddCar(road, 2, 4, -4);
AddCar(road, 5, 3, 3);
AddCar(road, 6, 3, 3);
printf("Percent used: %f\n", PercentUsed(road));

FindCar(road, 'A', &rowA, &colA, &rowB, &colB);
printf("Car A is at: (%d, %d) - (%d, %d)\n", rowA, colA,
rowB, colB);

FindCar(road, 'B', &rowA, &colA, &rowB, &colB);
printf("Car B is at: (%d, %d) - (%d, %d)\n", rowA, colA,
rowB, colB);

FindCar(road, 'C', &rowA, &colA, &rowB, &colB);
printf("Car C is at: (%d, %d) - (%d, %d)\n", rowA, colA,
ENGGEN 131, Semester Two, 2020 - 10 - C Programming Project
rowB, colB);
The output produced by this code would be:

# #
# B #
# B #
# B #
# CCC #
Percent used: 25.000000
Car A is at: (3, 1) - (3, 2)
Car B is at: (2, 4) - (5, 4)
Car C is at: (6, 3) - (6, 5)

Notice that the last three lines of output show the locations of the three cars. In each case, the
first coordinate shown is the upper-most or left-most part of the car, and the second coordinate is
the right-most or lower-most part.

Here is one more example. Consider the code below:

int rowA, colA, rowB, colB;

InitialiseRoad(road, 'E', 3);
AddCar(road, 1, 1, 6);
AddCar(road, 2, 1, 6);
AddCar(road, 3, 1, 6);
AddCar(road, 4, 1, 6);
printf("Percent used: %f\n", PercentUsed(road));

FindCar(road, 'A', &rowA, &colA, &rowB, &colB);
printf("Car A is at: (%d, %d) - (%d, %d)\n", rowA, colA,
rowB, colB);

FindCar(road, 'B', &rowA, &colA, &rowB, &colB);
printf("Car B is at: (%d, %d) - (%d, %d)\n", rowA, colA,
rowB, colB);

FindCar(road, 'C', &rowA, &colA, &rowB, &colB);
printf("Car C is at: (%d, %d) - (%d, %d)\n", rowA, colA,
rowB, colB);

FindCar(road, 'D', &rowA, &colA, &rowB, &colB);
printf("Car D is at: (%d, %d) - (%d, %d)\n", rowA, colA,
rowB, colB);
ENGGEN 131, Semester Two, 2020 - 11 - C Programming Project

This time, the output would be as follows:

# #
# #
Percent used: 66.666667
Car A is at: (1, 1) - (1, 6)
Car B is at: (2, 1) - (2, 6)
Car C is at: (3, 1) - (3, 6)
Car D is at: (4, 1) - (4, 6)

ENGGEN 131, Semester Two, 2020 - 12 - C Programming Project
Task Six: “Where do you think you’re going?” (10 marks)

Now, finally, we are ready to drive! If only there wasn’t so much traffic!

For this task, you will write a function called MoveCar(). This function is responsible for
updating the position of a car that moves. All cars follow a very simple set of three rules when
they move:

1) Cars always move left or up if they can. That is, a horizontal car will always move to the
left if there is space to its left, and a vertical car will always move up if there is space
above it.
2) If a car can’t move left or up, then it moves right or down, as long as there is space.
3) Cars always move as far as they possibly can. That is, when a car moves, it moves as
many spaces as possible until it hits a wall or another car.

The prototype declaration of this function is as follows:

int MoveCar(int road[NUM_ROWS][NUM_COLS],
int r0, int c0, int r1, int c1)

The function takes five inputs (and returns one output):

 The two-dimensional array representing the road
 Four integer values representing the position of the car to move – these values will be the
result returned by the FindCar() function. That is, the first two values specify the
location of the upper-most or left-most part of the car, and the second two values specify
the location of the right-most or lower-most part of the car.

To see the MoveCar() function in action, consider the following example which places two
cars on the road, then prints the road, then moves car ‘B’, then prints the road again:

int rowA, colA, rowB, colB;
int result;

InitialiseRoad(road, 'E', 3);
AddCar(road, 3, 1, 2);
AddCar(road, 3, 4, -3);

// Move car B:
FindCar(road, 'B', &rowA, &colA, &rowB, &colB);
result = MoveCar(road, rowA, colA, rowB, colB);
printf("Result = %d\n", result);


ENGGEN 131, Semester Two, 2020 - 13 - C Programming Project
The output produced by the code above is as follows:

# #
# #
# B #
# B #
# #
Result = 0
# B #
# B #
# #
# #
# #

Notice that in this case, the car labelled ‘B’ has moved as far upwards on the grid as possible – in
accordance with the rules laid out previously. If the car labelled ‘B’ was moved again, it would
move all the way down to the bottom of the grid, as follows:

# #
# #
# B #
# B #
# B #

Basically, and summarizing the previous rules, cars move as far as possible (and will move left
or up if there is space to do so, otherwise down or right).

Notice also that the MoveCar() function returns an output value. In the example above it
returned the output value 0. The goal is to try to move a car so that it reaches the exit location.
If the MoveCar() function is called, and the car that is moved reaches the exit location, then
the function should return 1. In this case, if the road is printed again, there will be a car
immediately next to the exit.

ENGGEN 131, Semester Two, 2020 - 14 - C Programming Project
To illustrate this, consider the following code:

int rowA, colA, rowB, colB;
int result;

InitialiseRoad(road, 'E', 3);
AddCar(road, 3, 1, 2);

// Move car A:
FindCar(road, 'A', &rowA, &colA, &rowB, &colB);
result = MoveCar(road, rowA, colA, rowB, colB);
printf("Result = %d\n", result);


This time, the output is as follows:

# #
# #
# #
# #
# #
Result = 1
# #
# #
# #
# #
# #

The car labelled ‘A’ is moved, and it moves towards the right (because it wasn’t possible to
move to the left). When it hits the wall, it has actually reached the exit position – and for this
reason, the MoveCar() function returns the value 1.

Basically, the MoveCar() function returns 1 only if the car that is moved travels towards the
exit position and reaches the exit. In all other cases, the MoveCar() function returns 0.

ENGGEN 131, Semester Two, 2020 - 15 - C Programming Project
Task Seven: “Nothing is constant” (10 marks)

Actually, you may already be finished!

You should have implemented all of the previous functions so that they work correctly on any
sized rectangular grid.

If you modify the constant definitions:

#define NUM_ROWS 8
#define NUM_COLS 8

to different values other than 8, then the simulation should still work exactly as described. For
this final task, you should check that this is indeed the case.

For example, consider the following constant definitions:

#define NUM_ROWS 7
#define NUM_COLS 18

and the code below which creates a road and adds three cars, and then prints the road:

InitialiseRoad(road, 'S', 6);
AddCar(road, 2, 6, -3);
AddCar(road, 4, 14, -2);
AddCar(road, 5, 3, 9);

This would produce the following output:

# #
# A #
# A #
# A B #

In this case, in order for car ‘A’ to be able to reach the exit, car ‘B’ must be moved first,
followed by car ‘C’. The following sequence of moves would be required in order to have car
‘A’ reach the exit:

B, C, C, A, A

Note, cars ‘C’ and ‘A’ need to be moved twice. The first time car ‘C’ is moved, it would move
to the left. Likewise, the first time that car ‘A’ is moved, it would be move up.
ENGGEN 131, Semester Two, 2020 - 16 - C Programming Project
Resource files

You should begin by downloading the resource file from Canvas: “Project2Resources.zip”.

Inside this archive you will find two source files:

 project2.c
 traffic_simulation.c

You should begin with “project2.c”. This program contains a very simple main() function
which does the following:

int road[NUM_ROWS][NUM_COLS];

/* Simple test code for Tasks 1 and 2 */
InitialiseRoad(road, 'E', 3);

If you compile and run this program, you will see the following output:

C:\MyFiles\Project2Resources> project2
Define the InitialiseRoad() function
Define the PrintRoad() function

If you examine the source file, you will see that the InitialiseRoad() and PrintRoad()
functions have been defined, but both definitions are incorrect. You should correctly implement
these two functions so that the output produced is as follows:

C:\MyFiles\Project2Resources> project2
# #
# #
# O
# #
# #
# #

When you have finished all of the tasks, you should place your function definitions into the
“traffic_simulation.c” file. This program provides a more complete main() function, which
gets input from the user and allows you to move the cars around the road. This will provide a
more robust program with which to test your function definitions.

That’s it - good luck!




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