辅导案例-COSC 2123-Assignment 2

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Algorithms and Analysis
COSC 2123
Assignment 2: Algorithm Design & Complexity Analysis
Assessment Type Individual Assignment. Submit online via Canvas → Assign-
ments → Assignment 2. Clarifications/updates/FAQ can be
found in Canvas Announcements and Discussion → Assign-
ment 2 General Discussion.
Due Date Week 12, 11:59pm, 18th of Oct, 2020
Marks 30
• If you are asked to develop an algorithm, you need to describe it in words first, say a
paragraph, and then provide an unambiguous pseudo code. The description must
include enough details to understand how the algorithm runs and what the com-
plexity is. All algorithm descriptions and pseudo codes required in this assignment
are at most half a page in length.
• Standard array operations such as sorting, linear search, binary search, sum,
max/min elements, can be used straight away and no further details are required.
However, if some modification is needed, you have to provide a full description.
If you are not clear if certain operations are standard or not, post it to Canvas
Discussion Forum or drop us an email at [email protected].
• Questions marked with ‘*’ or ‘**’ can be slightly or significantly more challenging.
• In the submission (your PDF file), you will be required to certify that the submitted
solution represents your own work only by agreeing to the following statement:
I certify that this is all my own original work. If I took any parts from
elsewhere, then they were non-essential parts of the assignment, and they
are clearly attributed in my submission. I will show that I agree to this
honour code by typing “Yes":
Problem 1 [3 marks] Determine if the following statements are true or false. In either
case, provide a formal proof using the definitions of the big-O, big-Omega, and big-Theta
notations. For instance, to formally prove that f (n) ∈O(g(n)) or f (n) ∉O(g(n)), we need to
demonstrate the existence of a constant c and a sufficient large n0 such that f (n)≤ cg(n)
for all n≥ n0, or showing that there are no such values.
a) [1 mark] 10000n2 ∈O(n4).
b) [1 mark*] 2nn2 ∈Ω(3n).
c) [1 mark]
3n2+4n ∈Θ(n).
Problem 2. [3 marks] Consider the following recursive algorithm.
Algorithm Mystery(n)
if n=1 then
Execute Task A; // Requires Θ(1) operations
Execute Task B; //Requires 2n operations
end if
Let C(n) be the complexity of Mystery(n). Use the method of backward substitution
(introduced in Week 3’s lecture) to determine C(n) in three steps.
a) [1 mark] Write the recurrence relation for C(n) including the initial condition.
b) [1 mark] Write at least two substitution steps for C(n) and identify the pattern.
c) [1 mark] Determine the complexity class of the algorithm in terms of Θ(·).
Note that there is the so-called Master Theorem, which can deal with a general recur-
rence relation of the type T(n)= aT(n/b)+O(nc), where a,b, c are constants (see Levitin’s
textbook Chapter 5). However, here it is required that you present the method of back-
ward substitution to understand how a proof of the Master Theorem should work.
Problem 3 [2 marks] Let A be an integer array of length n. Design a divide and conquer
algorithm (description and pseudo code) to find the index of an element of the mini-
mum value in the array. If there are several such elements, your algorithm must return
the index of the rightmost element. For instance, if A = {0,2,4,5,2,0,3,10}, then the
algorithm should return 5, which is the index of the second 0.
Problem 4 [4 marks] After graduating from RMIT with distinction, you flew to Mas-
sachusetts to join Boston Dynamics, a famous robotics company. You are immediately
tasked with developing a set of algorithms for a librarian robot that can put newly ar-
rived books to the main book shelf (of a sufficient capacity) while maintaining an alpha-
betical order. Your first goal is to design an algorithm that minimises Ccmp, the number
of comparisons of two books’ labels in the alphabetical order, and Cmov, the number of
book movements (one movement is counted whenever a book is moved from one location
to another) in the worst case. Suppose there are n books on the main shelf, which have
already been sorted in an ascending alphabetical order. The m newly arrived books are
carried into the library on a portable shelf.
a) [2 marks*] Scenario 1: The newly arrived books have also been sorted in an ascend-
ing alphabetical order and you are allowed to use a temporary shelf of an infinite
capacity. Design an algorithm (description + pseudo code) for the robot to ar-
range the new books onto the main shelf using Ccmp =Θ(n+m) label comparisons
and Cmov = Θ(n+m) book movements in the worst case. Explain why your algo-
rithm has the stated worst case complexity (ignoring the constant and choosing
the dominant term in your analysis).
Algorithm ArrangingBooksScenario1(A,B,C,n,m)
//A, B, and C represent the arrays of book labels for the main, the portable, and the
temporary shelves
b) [2 mark*] Scenario 2: There is no temporary shelf to use in the library and the
number of newly arrived books, m, is a small constant compared to n, for instance,
m = 10. Design an algorithm (description + pseudo code) for the robot to ar-
range the new books onto the main shelf using Ccmp =Θ(log(n)) label comparisons
in the worst case. What is the number of book movements Cmov incurred in the
worst-case of your algorithm and why?
Algorithm ArrangingBooksScenario2(A,B,n,m)
//A and B represent the arrays of book labels for the main and the portable shelves
Problem 5 [4 marks] Two years later, to broaden your experience, you leave Boston
Dynamics to join Storj Labs, which is developing a fast, safe, and affordable decentralised
object storage network. Your very first task at Storj is to contribute to the design of a
peer-to-peer (P2P) computer network. According to the description handed to you by
the project leader, there are N = 2k computers and each computer node is labelled by a
sequence of k bits 0 and 1, referred to as the nodeID, determined as follows. The N nodes
can be arranged as leaves of a full rooted binary tree. One traverses the tree from the
root to the leaves and label the edges linking the current node with the left child and
the right child by 0 and 1, respectively. The nodeID of each leaf is obtained by collecting
the edge labels going from the root to the node (see Fig. 1 for an example when N = 8).
Moreover, to be space-efficient, each computer node maintains a set of nodeIDs and IP
0 0
0 0
000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111
Sender Receiver
Figure 1: Example of how the nodeIDs are created for N = 8 nodes. The sender 000
sends a message to its neighbour 011, which forwards it to its neighbour 110, which
then forwards it to its neighbour 101, which turns out to be the receiver. The message
takes three hops to reach the destination. You need to design an algorithm for a general
N = 2k, and not just N = 8. This is just a toy example.
addresses of only k= log2(N) other nodes, referred to as the neighbourSet. Each node can
only send a message to one of its neighbours and not the other nodes in the network.
a) [2 marks*] Your first task is to design a simple policy to assign the set of neigh-
bours for each of the N node AND a strategy to pick a neighbour that plays a
role of the next hop to relay the message message to the destination target_nodeID.
In particular, you need to implement (description and pseudo code) Algorithm
pickANeighbour() to complete Algorithm sendToNextHop(), which plays the
role of a so-called distributed1 algorithm that handles the relay of the message in
the P2P network. You need to show that your algorithm always terminates after a
finite number of calls2 to sendToNextHop(). In other words, you must show that
a message always takes a finite number of hops to be delivered. How many hops
are needed in the worst case using the big-O notation?
Algorithm pickANeighbour(neighbourSet,target_nodeID)
return neighbour_nodeID;
b) [2 marks**] After the company’s demo has run successfully, you are assigned the
second task, which is the same as your first task except that now there is an extra
requirement that each message, regardless of the sender and the intended receiver,
always takes at most k = log2(N) hops to reach the target. Provide the description
1A distributed algorithm is an algorithm that runs locally at each computer node while still guarantee
a network-wide operation such as message transmission.
2An example when the algorithm cannot terminate: if each of the four nodes 000, 001, 010, 011, has
the other three as its only neighbours, then there is no way for 000 to send a message to 100, for instance,
regardless of how the function pickANeighbour() is designed.
Algorithm sendToNextHop(nodeID,neighbourSet,target_nodeID,message)
if nodeID= target_nodeID then
Read(message); // If the message is intended for the current node then read it
neighbour_nodeID :=pickANeighbour(neighbourSet,target_nodeID);
forwardToNeighbour(neighbour_nodeID,target_nodeID,message); //Forward the
message to the chosen neighbour
end if
and the pseudo code and explain why your design of the neighbour sets and pick-
ANeighbour() achieves that goal. Hint: greedy.
Problem 6 [8 marks]
Thanks to your great achievements at Boston Dynamics, Storj, and numerous other
high-profile companies, you have been selected to join a much more ambitious mission:
Oil Extraction on Mars! Initial explorations have indicated a vast amount of oil reserves
in a particular area on Mars. Successful extractions would allow us to fuel our vehicles,
generate electricity, and build up another civilization outside the planet Earth. There
are n deep wells of oil located on a narrow strip of land, the reserves of which have
been estimated thanks to the exploration team (see Fig. 2). Denote by A the array of
n elements where A[i], i = 1,2, . . . ,n, is the estimation of the i-th well (in millions of
barrels). Due to the lack of equipments as well as the peculiar geological condition on
Mars, some wells are marked as "non-extractable" and the corresponding element A[i]
is set to be ‘X’. Moreover, extracting two adjacent wells are prohibitive as it may cause
instability and collapses of wellbores. The question that faces your team is: which wells
should be drilled to maximise the total amount of oil extracted? This is the task you, the
only computer scientist in the team, are assigned, and you are of course well equipped to
do it (or so everyone thinks!).
1 3 X 6 10 7 6 X 5 2
Figure 2: A toy example of an array of oil wells. The number inside each well indicates
the estimated reserve. The wells labelled by ’X’ are non-extractable. A valid selection of
well includes wells {1,4,6,9}, which amounts to 19 millions barrels.
a) [1 mark] Design a brute-force algorithm (detailed description + unambiguous
pseudo code) to find the best wells to drill, given the input A and n. Determine
the time complexity of your algorithm (big-O notation) in terms of n.
b) [2 marks] Design a greedy algorithm (detailed description + unambiguous pseudo
code) to find the best wells to drill, given the input A and n. Demonstrate on the
toy example in Fig. 2. Determine the time complexity of your algorithm (big-O
notation) in terms of n?
1 3 X 6 10 7 6 X 5 2
5 2 1 4 X 3 5 4 1 5
Figure 3: A toy example of two arrays of oil wells. The number inside each well indicates
the estimated reserve. The wells labelled by ’X’ are non-extractable. A valid selection
includes wells {1,4,6,9} in the top array and wells {2,7,10} in the bottom one, which
amounts to 31 millions barrels.
c) [2 marks*] Design a (bottom-up) dynamic programming algorithm (explain in de-
tail the recurrence and backtrace, and provide an unambiguous pseudo
code) to find the best wells to drill, given the input A and n. Demonstrate the re-
currence and the backtrace on the toy example in Fig. 2. Determine the space
and time complexity of your algorithm (big-O notation) in terms of n.
d) [3 marks**] In several newly discovered sites there are even two parallel arrays of n
wells each, the reserves of which are represented by A and B. That means more
oils can be extracted by your team, which is fantastic. However, your task is now
even more challenging (your boss thinks otherwise, of course!), as there is a new
technical requirement that horizontally or vertically adjacent wells cannot be both
drilled. Design a (bottom-up) dynamic programming algorithm (explain in detail
the recurrence and backtrace, the pseudo code is needed only for the backtrace
part) to find the best wells to drill, given the input A, B, and n. Demonstrate the
recurrence and the backtrace on the toy example in Fig. 3.
Problem 7 [6 marks] While you team were celebrating the huge success achieved with
the oil project, a string of bad luck struck. First, the radars and the whole telecom unit
were struck by lightning and heavily damaged. Then, a mysterious virus silently wiped
out every single piece of software in all the computers. You and your fellow telecom
engineer are now facing an immense task: to find a way to transmit a 100-page technical
report detailing the exploration and extraction success back to Earth, so that the CEO
can call for more investments and send up a reinforcement team with better equipments
and of course, virus-free computers. Besides, you’ve got to admit that after spending two
years on Mars, you start to miss your folks and friends and wish to come home. Anyway,
your colleague has just built up a makeshift transmitter, which can transmit binary bits
at a very low rate. Forget about the sweet NBN speed of 100Mbps, the transmitter can
only perform long-range transmission reliably at a horrifying speed of 1 bit/sec!!! You
must find a way to compress the text as much as you can.
The Huffman algorithm miraculously pops into your head and you decide immedi-
ately to use it to compress the English letters in the report. To test it out, you first try a
sample string of letters whose probabilities of appearance are given in Table 4. As all the
software libraries have been erased, you need to build a priority queue using a min-heap
from the scratch, apart from the Huffman trees/codes.
Letter A G H I L M O R T
Probability 0.08 0.2 0.15 0.02 0.1 0.35 0.05 0.01 0.04
Figure 4: Probabilities of appearance/frequencies of different letters in a string.
a) [1 mark] Construct a min-heap using the bottom-up heap construction to represent
the probabilities in Table 4. You may use, e.g. “A: 0.08”, for the corresponding
node in the heap. Describe (draw) all the steps required (use two-head arrows to
indicate an exchange between two nodes). Let us remind you that a min-heap is
the same as a max-heap, except that the key stored at a parent node is required to
be smaller than the keys stored at its two children nodes.
b) [1 mark] Illustrate (draw) the process of dequeuing the two letters of the smallest
probabilities from the heap one by one (i.e. dequeue -> repair -> dequeue -> repair).
c) [1 mark] Illustrate (draw) the process of enqueuing the new element (i.e. enqueue
-> repair), which results from the combination of probabilities of the two dequeued
elements earlier. For example, if ‘A:0.08’ and ‘G:0.2’ were dequeued, then the new
element ‘AG:0.28’ would be enqueued.
d) [2 marks] Provide a complete construction of the Huffman trees together with the
codes for all letters. All intermediate steps need to be provided. When con-
structing the trees, the following rule applies: for every node from the root, the
probability of its left child must be smaller than or equal to that of its right child.
e) [1 mark] Suppose the report is 100,000 character long and the characters follow the
same frequencies as in Table 4 (pretending that there are no other characters). [0.5
mark] How long would it take to transmit the report back to Earth using your codes
at the speed of 1 bit/sec? Explain your answer. [0.5 mark] If you use fixed-length
codes instead of Huffman’s, how long would it take? Explain your answer.
1 Submission
The final submission (via Canvas) will consist of:
• Your solutions to all questions in a PDF file of font size 12pt and your agreement
to the honour code (see the first page).
Late Submission Penalty: Late submissions will incur a 10% penalty on the total
marks of the corresponding assessment task per day or part of day late, i.e, 3 marks per
day. Submissions that are late by 5 days or more are not accepted and will be awarded
zero, unless Special Consideration has been granted. Granted Special Considerations
with new due date set after the results have been released (typically 2 weeks after the
deadline) will automatically result in an equivalent assessment in the form of a
practical test, assessing the same knowledge and skills of the assignment (location and
time to be arranged by the coordinator). Please ensure your submission is correct and
up-to-date, re-submissions after the due date and time will be considered as late sub-
missions. The core teaching servers and Canvas can be slow, so please do double check
ensure you have your assignments done and submitted a little before the submission
deadline to avoid submitting late.
Assessment declaration: By submitting this assessment, you agree to the assess-
ment declaration - https://www.rmit.edu.au/students/student-essentials/ assessment-and-
2 Plagiarism Policy
University Policy on Academic Honesty and Plagiarism: You are reminded that all sub-
mitted work in this subject is to be the work of you alone. It should not be shared with
other students. Multiple automated similarity checking software will be used to compare
submissions. It is University policy that cheating by students in any form is not permit-
ted, and that work submitted for assessment purposes must be the independent work of
the student(s) concerned. Plagiarism of any form will result in zero marks being given
for this assessment, and can result in disciplinary action.
For more details, please see the policy at
3 Getting Help
There are multiple venues to get help. There are weekly consultation hours (see Can-
vas for time and location details). We will also be posting common questions on Canvas
and we encourage you to check and participate in the discussion forum on Canvas. Al-
though we encourage participation in the forums, please refrain from posting solutions
or suggestions leading to solutions.




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