辅导案例-CSSE2310-Assignment 3

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The University of Queensland
School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
CSSE2310 - Semester 2 2020
Assignment 3 (v1.0)
Marks: 46
Weighting: 33% of your overall assignment mark
Due: 23:59 30 October, 2020
Student conduct
This is an individual assignment. You should feel free to discuss general aspects of C programming and
the assignment specification with fellow students, including on Piazza. In general, questions like “How should
the program behave if 〈this happens〉?” would be safe, if they are seeking clarification on the specification.
You must not actively help (or seek help from) other students with the actual design and coding of your
assignment solution. It is cheating to look at another student’s assignment code and it is cheating to
allow your code to be seen or shared in printed or electronic form by others. All submitted code
will be subject to automated checks for plagiarism and collusion. If we detect plagiarism or collusion, formal
misconduct proceedings will be initiated against you, and those you cheated with. That’s right, if you share
your code with a friend, both of you are in trouble.
You may use code provided to you by the CSSE2310 teaching staff in this semester.
Uploading or otherwise providing the assignment specification to a third party including online
tutorial and contract cheating websites is considered misconduct. The university is aware of these
sites and they cooperate with us in misconduct investigations.
The course coordinator reserves the right to conduct interviews with students about their
submissions, for the purposes of establishing genuine authorship. If you write your own code,
you have nothing to fear from this process.
In short - Don’t risk it! If you’re having trouble, seek help early from a member of the teaching staff.
Don’t be tempted to copy another student’s code or to use an online cheating service. You should read and
understand the statements on student misconduct in the course profile and on the school web-site:
Your task is to write two programs (rpsserver and rpsclient) that allow a rock/paper/scissors tournament
to be played between an arbitrary number of game clients.
The rpsserver acts as a game matchmaker, and listens for connections from clients - rpsclient. The
server introduces clients to each other, these clients then play a series of games (a ‘match’) against each other.
After each game, and the players report the result of that game back to the server.
Your programs will use network sockets for communication, and the pthreads library for multi-threading.
No additional processes may be created, and pipes are not to be used for inter-process communication. Your
programs are not to create or read any files from the filesystem.
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The rpsserver program will take no arguments.
Upon starting, it will listen on an ephemeral port (its command port), and print that port number to stdout.
Note: You should fflush(stdout) to ensure immediate output of the port number.
The server listens for messages on the command port (see Message Table below for details). Possible messages
• Match request (MR) - a connecting client is requesting to be matched with an opponent.
• Match result (RESULT) - players report the result of their match back to the server
Match Request
When a client connects to the server, it should send a match request in order to be matched up with an opponent.
If a client connects and does not send a match request as its first message (or sends an invalid request), the
server should close that connection.
Upon receiving a match request, the server chooses an opponent from those waiting and sends a MATCH
message to each of them. The MATCH message identifies the match number, opponent name, and opponent
port number. Match identifiers issued by the server should start from 1 and increment for each new match it
coordinates. Note that match identifiers can potentially be negative.
Players should be paired up for matches in the order that they connect to a server. The server will only
send a match message once enough players are available to play a match.
If rpsserver receives a match request from a client that has the same name as a client already playing, it
should reply with a BADNAME message and close that connection. A client is considered to be playing from the
time they first send a (succesful) match request, up until they send a result message at the end of the match
they requested.
An example of this interaction is as follows:
1. Barney sends a match request (and will be kept waiting since there aren’t enough players yet)
2. Barney (another one) sends a match request (and will be rejected with a BADNAME message since another
client with that name is already playing)
3. Wilma sends a match request
4. rpsserver sends MATCH messages to Barney and Wilma
5. Pebbles sends a match request (and will be kept waiting since there aren’t enough players yet)
6. Dino sends a match request
7. rpsserver sends MATCH messages to Pebbles and Dino
8. . . .
9. Barney and Wilma finish their match and send RESULT messages
10. Barney sends a match request (and will be kept waiting since there aren’t enough players yet)
11. . . .
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Match Result
Once clients have finished their match, they should each send a RESULT message back to the server. This
message should be sent using the same connection over which the initial MATCH message was received.
Once both player’s messages are received, the server should close the connections to the players and cross-
check the received messages for correctness. A result message pair is valid if:
• both messages are RESULT messages
• their IDs match the one given to the players in the initial match request the server sent
• the match results are the same
If the messages are invalid, the server should ignore the result of that match. Otherwise, updates its stored
set of results. The connections to both players are then closed.
Handling SIGHUP
Upon receiving SIGUP, the server should output (to stdout), the match outcomes (win, lose, tie) of all clients
who have played a match. This output should be sorted in lexicographic order (i.e. the order used by strcmp())
by client name. The output is terminated by a new line containing three - characters terminated with a newline
character. An example output is as follows:
Barney 2 5 1
Betty 7 5 0
Fred 10 2 0
Wilma 7 3 1
SIGHUP must not terminate the server. It should keep handling match requests until terminated with
rpsserver Errors
The following error messages should be sent to stderr.
Exit code Condition Message
1 Incorrect number of arguments Usage: rpsserver
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The rpsclient program takes 3 arguments:
./rpsclient client_name num_matches serverport
• client_name is a string comprised strictly of alphanumeric characters ([a-z][A-Z][0-9]). No spaces or
other special characters are permitted in client names. Further, the following strings (without quotes) are
reserved and may not be used as player names:
– “TIE”
If rpsclient is started with an invalid name, then it should exit with the appropriate error message and
code (see below).
• num_matches is a positive non-zero integer indicating how many matches the client wishes to play
• serverport identifies the command port of the server (running on localhost - use IP address
or getaddrinfo("localhost", ...)).
Upon starting, the rpsclient should create and listen on an ephemeral port. It should then proceed to complete
the number of matches specified on its command line. For each match, the client should:
• Connect to the server command port with a match request message, and wait for a response from the
• Once a match message is received, connect to the opponent identified in that message, and play the match.
A match is the best of 5 games, or (after 5 games and still having a tie) until one player has the lead (up
to 20 games). For example, if the first five games are tied, then the winner of the next game wins the
match. If 20 games are played without breaking the tie, the result is a tie.
• At the end of a match, each player sends its result back to the server’s command port via a RESULT
message. Note that the client should not create a new server connection to send the result. It should use
the one it created at the start of the match to receive its opponent’s information.
• Wait for 50 milliseconds before attempting to play a new match (hint, the usleep() function is helpful
If the client is unable to create a connection to the server at any point in time, it should exit with an
“Invalid port” error (see the “Errors” section below). If it receives invalid input from its opponent, that match
is considered to be an error.
Once the client has completed the number of matches specified on its command line, it should output a list
of the results of all of its matches, in the order they were played. Each line of output has the following form:
match_id opponent result
where result is from this player’s point of view. For example:
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1 Barney LOST
4 Wilma TIE
6 Barney ERROR
7 Betty WIN
means that this player
• lost against Barney in match 1,
• tied with Wilma in match 4,
• had match 6 against Barney end in an error (e.g. Barney quit unexpectedly or sent invalid messages),
• won against Betty in match 7
Example match results
The following examples aim to clarify the logic around math results, the 5/20 game min/max limit, and tied
• Player 1 wins 5 games - Player 1 wins the match
• Player 1 wins 2 games, Player 2 wins 3 games - Player 2 wins the match
• Player 1 wins 2 games, Player 2 wins 2 games, game 5 is a tie, Player 1 wins game 6 - Player 1 wins the
• Player 1 wins 2 games, Player 2 wins 2 games, games 5-20 are ties - Match result is a tie
rpsclient Errors
The following error messages should be sent to stderr.
Exit code Condition Message
0 Player completed matches succesfully
1 Incorrect number of arguments Usage: rpsclient name matches port
2 Invalid name Invalid name
3 Invalid match count (e.g. non-integer
Invalid match count
4 Invalid port number (e.g. non-integer
argument, or unable to connect)
Invalid port number
Move Generation
Player agents issue pseudo-random moves. Upon agent startup (not the beginning of each match), agents are
to initialise their random number seed using srand() with the following algorithm
char* agent_name;
int seed=0;
for(int i=0; iseed+=agent_name[i];
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Moves by each agent are then generated randomly as follows.
int move_val = rand() % 3;
As with Assignment 2, it is critical that you initialise and generate random numbers in exactly
this manner so that your results can be auto-marked.
Rock-Paper-Scissors Rules
Move values are interpreted as follows:
Move value Move
In game play, the following defines the winner of each game
• PAPER beats ROCK
If two players make the same move, the game result is a tie.
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Direction Format Detail
player → server MR:: Agent is requesting a match, their opponent
should connect on port
e.g. MR:fred:57854 (“Hi, I’m fred. I’d like to play.
I’m listening on port 57584”)
server → player BADNAME Your name is already in use. Please go away and
come back with a new name.
server → player MATCH::: Server telling agent it has been paired with opponent
, who is listening on port .
is a unique decimal integer identifier for
the match, which must sent back with the match
result message.
e.g. MATCH:37:Wilma:43765
(“Your opponent in match 37 is Wilma, listening on
port 43765”)
player → player MOVE: A player’s move
player → server RESULT:: Inform the server of match result.
=match ID (decimal)
=winner name, or
=TIE (for a tied match)
=ERROR (e.g. if the opponent disconnected
e.g. MR:34:Barney (Barney won match 34)
e.g. MR:14:ERROR (Match 14 ended with some error)
e.g. MR:76:TIE (Match 76 was a tie)
You must follow version 2.0.4 of the CSSE2310/COMP7306 C programming style guide available on the course
BlackBoard site.
Your submission must include all source and any other required files (in particular you must submit a Make-
file). Do not submit compiled files (eg .o, compiled programs) or rules or map files. You may not create any
subdirectories in your submission. Such subdirectories will be removed prior to marking.
Your program must compile with the make command. Your program must be compiled under gcc with
at least the following switches: -pedantic -Wall -pthread -std=gnu99. You are not permitted to disable
warnings or use pragmas to hide them.
If any errors result from the make command (i.e. an executable cannot be created), then you will receive
0 marks for functionality (see below). Any code without academic merit will be removed from your program
before compilation is attempted (and if compilation fails, you will receive 0 marks for functionality). Your
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program must not invoke other programs or use non-standard headers/libraries.
The marking tests will run make in a clean SVN checkout of your repository, and will expect to find the
following two programs
• rpsserver
• rpsclient
Your assignment submission must be commited to your subversion repository under
Note: sXXXXXXX is your moss/UQ login ID.
Your submission will be assessed by the contents of your SVN repository at the due date/time.
Any subversion commits after the due date will be ignored. You must ensure that all files needed to compile
and use your assignment (including a makefile) are committed and not just sitting in your working directory.
Do not commit compiled files or binaries. You are strongly encouraged to check out a clean copy for testing
purposes. The late submission policy in the CSSE2310 Electronic Course Profile applies. Be familiar with it!
Marks will be awarded for functionality and style.
Functionality (42 marks)
Provided your code compiles (see above), you will earn functionality marks based on the number of features
your program correctly implements, as outlined below. Partial marks will be awarded for partially meeting
the functionality requirements. Not all features are of equal difficulty. If your program does not allow
a feature to be tested then you will receive 0 marks for that feature, even if you claim to have
implemented it. For example, if your program can never open a file, we can not determine if your program can
detect hits correctly. The markers will make no alterations to your code (other than to remove code without
academic merit).
Marks will be assigned in the following categories. Your server and player programs will be tested indepen-
dently, so even if your server doesn’t work you can still get marks for the player.
rpsserver (22 marks)
1. Program correctly handles invalid command lines [1 mark]
2. Coordinate a single match between two clients [4 total]
• Correctly handle SIGHUP and required match result output (2 marks)
• Correctly detect duplicate player name and send BADNAME message (2 marks)
• Sub category marks to be advised
3. Coordinate multiple matches between two clients [5 total]
• Correctly handle SIGHUP and required match result output (2 marks)
• sub-category marks to be advised
4. Coordinate multiple matches between multiple clients [12 total]
• Correctly handle SIGHUP and required match result output (4 marks)
• sub-category marks to be advised
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rpsclient (20 marks)
• Program correctly handles invalid command line arguments (1 marks)
• Program correctly handles early termination by opponent (2 marks)
• Program correctly handles BADNAME message from server (1 marks)
• Program correctly plays a single match against one other opponent (4 marks)
• Program correctly plays a multiple matches against one other opponent (4 marks)
• Program correctly plays a multiple matches against multiple other opponents (4 marks)
• Program correctly outputs result of all played matches upon exit (4 marks)
• sub-category marks to be advised
Style (4 marks)
For this assignment, style will be auto-marked only.
Style marks will be calculated as follows: Let
• A be the number of style violations detected by style.sh plus the number of compilation warnings.
Your style mark is simply:
• an automatic mark (MA = 4× 0.8A), as reported by the style.sh tool on moss
The number of compilation warnings will be the total number of distinct warning lines reported during the
compilation process described above. The number of style guide violations refers to the number of violations of
version 2.0.4 of the CSSE2310 C Programming Style Guide.
A maximum of 5 violations will be penalised for each broad guideline area. The broad guideline areas are
Naming, Comments, Braces, Whitespace, Indentation, Line Length and Overall. For naming violations, the
penalty will be one violation per offending name (not per use of the name).
To satisfy layout related guidelines, you may wish to consider the indent(1) tool. Your style mark can
never be more than your functionality mark - this prevents the submission of well styled programs which don’t
meet at least a minimum level of required functionality.
You are encouraged to use the style.sh tool installed on moss to style check your code before submission.
Total mark
• F be the functionality mark for your assignment.
• S be the style mark for your assignment.
Your total mark for the assignment will be:
M = F + min{F, S}
In other words, you can’t get more marks for style than you do for functionality. Pretty code that doesn’t work
will not be rewarded!
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Late Penalties
Late penalties will apply as outlined in the course profile.
Specification Updates
Any errors or omissions discovered in the assignment specification will be added here, and new versions released
with adequate time for students to respond prior to due date. Potential specification errors or omissions can be
discussed on Piazza or emailed to [email protected].
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