辅导案例-59PM-Assignment 2

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CS377, Fall 2020
Assignment 2
Due: Monday October 12, 2020, at 11:59PM sharp [Late submissions: see syllabus for policy]. Start early!
General Instructions
Ready for some SQL fun? This assignment will help you think of different ways of writing SQL queries and update
statements that perform various interesting operations on a Music database.
Download the starter zip folder from the A2 directory on Canvas. You’ll find the following:
• The database schema (artistschema/artistdb.SQL). Execute the lines in artistdb.SQL in your postgres
instance. This script will create the schema and populate its tables from a public Google storage bucket.
• A test dataset (see files in tablesfolder/). A copy of these data files gets loaded automatically into the
corresponding tables when you run the commands in artistdb.SQL; this is a local copy of the folder for your
• Expected answers for some of the queries (in expected-answers/), based on the provided test dataset. Note
that these answers were produced on a GCP PostgreSQL instance. There may be minor differences in the
ordering of strings, if you run your queries on a different platform or operating system (i.e., on your laptop).
• Sample answer file (q13 example.sql); you must follow this style when writing your answers.
You are allowed to work with a partner for this assignment. You must declare your team (whether it is a team
of one or of two students) and submit your query answers on Canvas. Once you have submitted your files, be sure to
check that you have submitted the correct version; new or missing files will not be accepted after the due date, unless
your group has a grace token remaining.
In this assignment, we will work with a music industry database. What follows is a brief description of the meaning
of the attributes in the schema; to fully understand this database, read these descriptions, and have a look over the
actual schema definition found in artistdb.SQL.
• Artist(artist id, name, birthdate, nationality)
A tuple in this relation represents an artist. An artist is considered a musician, a band, or a songwriter, with
a given name. Names are stored in a single text attribute - for example, ‘Justin Timberlake’, ‘Chris Martin’,
‘Coldplay’, ‘Metallica’, ‘Guns ”n Roses’ (notice how apostrophes are represented using double quotes in SQL),
etc. The birthdate for a band is the date when it was formed. A band’s nationality is considered based on where
it was formed, regardless of the nationalities of its members.
• Role(artist id, role)
A tuple in this relation represents whether an artist is a ‘Musician’ (solo artist), ‘Band’, or a ‘Songwriter’ (no
space!!). An artist can fulfill multiple roles.
• WasInBand(artist id, band id, start year, end year)
A tuple in this relation represents whether an artist belonged to a band, and during which timeframe. An artist
can appear in different bands at different timeframes; also, an artist can belong to the same band for several
distinct (non-overlapping) timeframes. An end year of 2020 indicates that the artist is still an active member
of this band.
• Album(album id, title, artist id, genre id, year, sales)
A tuple in this relation represents that album album id, with title title, performed by artist id, belongs to genre
genre id, and was launched sometime during year, with total revenue of sales amount of $. You can assume an
album is only categorized as one (dominating) genre, even if there may be influences from other genres.
• Genre(genre id, genre)
A tuple in this relation represents a musical genre (e.g., ‘pop’, ‘rock’, ‘heavy metal’, etc.).
• Song(song id, title, songwriter id)
A tuple in this relation represents that the song titled title was written by the Artist with the ID songwriter id.
If a band’s song was composed by multiple members, then the songwriter id is considered the artist id of the
• BelongsToAlbum(song id, album id, track no)
A tuple in this relation represents the fact that a song song id is included in the album album id. A song that is
the product of a collaboration between two musicians is only included in one album (the main artist’s album).
A song can feature in more than one album by different artists, only if it is a cover song.
• RecordLabel(label id, label name, country)
A tuple in this relation represents a record label, and the country it is based in.
• ProducedBy(album id, label id)
A tuple in this relation represents that the album album id was produced by record label.
• Collaboration(song id, artist1, artist2)
A tuple in this relation represents a collaboration between artists with IDs artist1 and artist2 on song song id.
Artist1 is the ‘main artist’ (the only one of the two who has this song included in their album), while Artist2 is
the guest artist (for example, for the song ‘One’ by U2 featuring Mary J. Blige, U2 would be the main artist,
Mary J. Blige would be the guest artist). A collaboration refers strictly to musicians and bands, and not to
songwriters (a songwriter’s authorship of a song does not count in this relation, and is instead represented in
the Song relation). An artist cannot collaborate with themselves.
The schema definition uses four types of integrity constraints:
• Every table has a primary key (“PRIMARY KEY”).
• Some tables use foreign key constraints (“REFERENCES”).
• Some tables define other keys (“UNIQUE”).
• Some attributes must be present (“NOT NULL”).
Your work on this assignment must work on any database instance (including ones with empty tables) that satisfies
these integrity constraints, so make sure you read and understand them.
Warmup: Getting to know the schema
To get familiar with the schema, ask yourself questions like these (but don’t hand in your answers):
• Can two different artists have the same name in the Artist table?
Yes, as long as the artist id is different. Although copyright rules generally prevent this from happening, so we
won’t be testing such cases.
• Can there be two different albums with the same title released in different years? In the same year?
Yes and yes. In fact, the same artist could (due to lack of inspiration perhaps) name two of their own albums
using the same title. The album id will be different though.
• Can an artist work on an album both as a musician and a song writer? Yes, absolutely.
• If several members of a band write a song, the songwriter is considered the band. This means that once a member
leaves a band, he/she can do a cover of basically their own song. In this case, which one is the songwriter id
for this cover song? What about the album id for this song? In this case, the songwriter id will be the original
songwriter - the band. The album id will be the new solo album of the artist that left the band.
• Can someone not be signed for a record label? What does that mean in the above schema? That means that the
artist/band is either an indie artist, or an independent song writer.
SQL Statements (10 points each)
After understanding the schema, you will now write SQL statements to perform queries and changes to the recording
artist database. Write your SQL statement(s) for each question in separate files named q1.sql, q2.sql, . . . etc., and
submit each file on Canvas. You are encouraged to use views to make your queries more readable. However, each file
should be entirely self-contained, and not depend on any other files; each will be run separately on a fresh database
instance, and so (for example) any views you create in q1.sql will not be accessible in q5.sql. In fact, you should drop
any views you create, at the end of each sql file. Each of your files must begin with the line SET search path
TO artistdb; Failure to do so will cause your query to raise an error, leading you to get a 0 for that question.
For questions which ask you to make a query (“Report ...”), your output must match exactly the specifications in
the question: attribute names and order, the order of the tuples, and how to treat duplicates.
We will be testing your code using PostgreSQL 9.6 (the version available on your Google Cloud Platform instance).
You can also download PostgreSQL on your laptop and test your queries, but make sure you’re using version 9.6 or
newer. It is your responsibility to make sure your code runs with no errors before the deadline!
1. Born to be wild. Report all artists and their nationalities who were born in the same year as the release of
the first album by Steppenwolf. Your query should return an empty table if no such artist is found. To extract
a year from a timestamp type, use the Extract function, e.g.: Extract (year from birthdate)
name Name of artist
nationality Nationality of artist
Order by Name ascending
Duplicates? No duplicates
2. It takes two flints to make a fire. Write a query to determine if there is a correlation between artist
collaborations and better album sales. Identify all artists whose average album sales for albums that they had
guest collaborators on, is higher than any albums for which they did not have any guest collaborators.
artists Artist names
avg collab sales Average sales for albums with collaborators
Order by Artist name ascending
Duplicates? No duplicates
3. Show me the money. Report the total sales for each record label, for each year, ordered first alphabetically
by label name, then by year in chronological order. For each record label, do not report years with 0 revenue, if
no album was produced by this record label that year.
record label Name of record label
year Year in which the record label did produce at least one album
total sales Total sales for this year
Order by Record label name ascending, then year descending
Duplicates? No duplicates
4. The wind of change. As artists evolve, their music evolves as well (for the better or worse, depending on who
you ask). Similarly, song writers sometimes explore writing songs in a genre outside of what one would expect.
Write a query to report all artists who released albums belonging to at least 3 different genres, as well as song
writers who wrote songs for albums categorized in at least 3 genres. An artist can appear in both capacities in
the results, if they explored at least 3 genres in each capacity. Remember that a song is considered to be in the
same genre as the album it is part of.
artist Name of the artist
capacity ‘Musician/band’, or ‘song writer’
genres Number of genres that this artist explored
Order by Musicians/bands first, then songwriters. Number of genres descending, artist name ascending.
Duplicates? No duplicates
5. Be yourself. While many artists have dedicated song writers, some artists prefer to write their own music, to
better express their beliefs, views, and personality. Write a query to find all the artists that released at least one
album in which they exclusively wrote their own music.
artist name Name of the artist that writes their own music
album name Album name
Order by Artist name ascending, then album name ascending
Duplicates? No duplicates
6. Due South. Many artists or bands start out in their home country, then after gaining international success,
decide to move in order to sign with large record labels. Find all Canadian artists (nationality is ‘Canada’) who
released their first album as an indie artist (if multiple albums in their first year, at least one has to be indie),
and later on got signed by a record label based in ‘America’ at any point in their career.
artist name Name of the Canadian indie artist signed later in their career by an American label
Order by Artist name ascending
Duplicates? No duplicates
7. Cover me! A lot of popular songs are brought back many decades later, through the interpretation of another
musician or band, as cover songs. Find all the songs that have been covered at least once, and the names of the
artists that produced a cover, including the original artist.
song name Name of the song being covered
year Year when the song was first released or covered
artist name Name of the artist that covered the song (including original artist)
Order by Song name ascending, then year ascending, then artist name ascending
Duplicates? No duplicates
8. Let’s get the band back together! Bands sometimes split on good terms when artists wish to go to solo
careers. Other times tensions between members breaks up even the most successful band. Regardless, as time
goes by, bands sometimes re-unite, even after decades of inactivity.
Let’s say that the band ‘AC/DC’ decided to get back together last year, in 2019, for one last hurrah. While
the new album is still in production (and hence the title and songs are not yet known), we know for sure that
its members are now yet again active in the band. Write a query to represent this in the current schema, by
inserting new timeframes for all members of AC/DC, for the interval of 2019-2020.
9. Quid pro quo, eh? Justin Bieber is suing the artist who wrote and performed the song titled ‘Close Your
Eyes’, claiming that they both had actually collaborated on that song. More specifically, Bieber claims that he
should be officially acknowledged as a guest artist on that song, even though there are no public records verifying
the collaboration. To avoid bad publicity, the other artist agreed to settle by listing Bieber as a guest artist
on their song, ‘Close Your Eyes’, but they had one condition: Justin Bieber must first list the other artist as a
guest collaborator as well on one of Bieber’s hit songs, ‘Never Say Never’.
It is your job now to make sure the database tables reflect these ridiculous settlement terms.
10. Some things you just can’t ‘unhear’.. For mysterious reasons, the record music industry’s governing council
decided that Michael Jackson’s ‘Thriller’ album must be purged entirely from the database. In fact, they decreed
that any trace of the album ever having existed must also be removed from the database. Perform SQL commands
to do the following:
• Remove the album ‘Thriller’ and all its songs.
• Remove extra information about the album: which record label produced it, collaborations on its songs.
Your commands should do nothing if the given artist is not found or no such album by the artist exists in the




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