辅导案例-CSCE 478/878 -Assignment 3

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Introduction to Machine Learning
CSCE 478/878

Programming Assignment 3

Fall 2020

Naïve Bayes Classifier and Logistic Regression

Basic Info

You will work in teams of maximum two students from the previous assignment.

The programming code will be graded on both implementation and correctness.

This assignment doesn’t require a written report.

Assignment Goals

This assignment is intended to build the following skills:
1. Text classicization using Naïve Bayes Classifier
2. Multi-class classification using Logistic Regression (Softmax Regression)

Assignment Instructions

Note: you are not allowed to use any Scikit-Learn library for building Naïve Bayes
and Logistic Regression models. However, for text preprocessing and feature extraction
you may use Scikit-Learn and NLTK libraries as specified in this document.

i. The code should be written in a Jupyter notebook. Use the following naming
ii. The Jupyter notebook should be submitted via webhandin.
Score Distribution

Naïve Bayes
Part A (Model Code): 478 (30 pts) & 878 (35 pts)
Part B (Exploratory Data Analysis): 478 & 878 (5 pts)
Part C (Feature Extraction): 478 & 878 (15 pts)
Pert D (Model Evaluation): 478 (10 pts) & 878 (20 pts)
Extra credit (BONUS) tasks for both 478 & 878: 15 pts

Logistic Regression
Part A (Model Code): 478 (45 pts) & 878 (40 pts)
Part B (Exploratory Data Analysis): 478 & 878 (10 pts)
Pert C (Model Evaluation): 478 (15 pts) & 878 (25 pts)
Extra credit (BONUS) tasks for both 478 & 878: 20 pts

Total: 478 (130 pts) & 878 (150 pts)


Naïve Bayes Classifier

Dataset: You will use the UCI SMS Spam Collection Data Set (from the
“SMSSpamCollection.csv” file) that contains a set of SMS labeled messages.

URL: https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/sms+spam+collection

Part A: Model Code (478: 30 pts & 878: 35 pts)

Design a Multinomial Naïve Bayes classifier for performing binary classification on
the SMS Spam collection dataset. Implement the following methods for the
Multinomial_NB model class. The model uses one hyperparameter “alpha” which
represents the Additive or Laplace smoothing parameter (0 for no smoothing).

1. Implement a Multinomial_NB model class. It should have the following
methods. [25 pts]

__init__(self, alpha=1.0)

Initialization function to instantiate the class.


fit(self, X, Y)
X : ndarray
A numpy array with rows representing data samples and columns
representing numerical features.

Y : ndarray
A 1D numpy array with labels corresponding to each row of the feature
matrix X.

No return value necessary.

predict(self, X)

This method performs classification on an array of test vectors X. Use the
predict_log_proba() to generate log probabilities for avoiding overflow.

X : ndarray
A numpy array containing samples to be used for prediction. Its rows
represent data samples and columns represent numerical features.

1D array of predictions for each row in X.
The 1D array should be designed as a column vector.

This method returns log-probability estimates for the test matrix X.

d) [5 pts]
predict_log_proba(self, X)

This method returns log-probability estimates for the test matrix X.

X : ndarray
A numpy array containing samples to be used for prediction. Its rows
represent data samples and columns represent numerical features.

A numpy array that contains log-probability of the samples (unnormalized
log posteriors) for each class in the model. The number rows are equal to
the rows in X and number of columns are equal to the number of classes.

e) [Extra Credit for 478 and Mandatory for 878] [5 pts]

predict_proba(self, X)

This method returns probability estimates for the test matrix X.

X : ndarray
A numpy array containing samples to be used for prediction. Its
rows represent data samples and columns represent numerical

A numpy array that contains probability of the samples
(unnormalized posterior) for each class in the model. The number
rows are equal to the rows in X and number of columns are equal
to the number of classes.

Part B: Exploratory Data Analysis (478 & 878: 5 pts)

2. Read in the “SMSSpamCollection.csv” as a pandas data frame.
3. Use the techniques from the first recitation to summarize each of the variables in
the dataset in terms of mean, standard deviation, and quartiles. [3 pts]

4. Generate a bar plot to display the class distribution. You may use “seaborn”s
barplot function. [2 pts]

Part C: Feature Extraction (478 & 878: 15 pts)

5. Normalize the “text” by performing stemming and lemmatization. You should do
experimentation with both stemming and lemmatization and see whether
stemming/lemmatization or a combination of both improves the accuracy of
classification. Finally use the best performing normalization. For text
normalization you may use the NLTK library. [4 pts]

6. Generate word clouds for both the spam and ham emails. You may use the NLTK
library. [2 pts]
7. Remove the stop words from the text and convert the text content into numerical
feature vectors. Note that for the multinomial Naïve Bayes classifier you need to
count word occurrences as feature values. You may use Scikit-Learn’s
CountVectorizer object for text preprocessing and feature vectorization. [3 pts]
8. Create data or feature matrix X and the target vector Y. The number of columns
in X is equal to the number of features. [2 pts]
9. Shuffle the rows of your data. You can use def = df.sample(frac=1) as an
idiomatic way to shuffle the data in Pandas without losing column names.
[2 pts]
10. Partition the data into train and test set (80%-20%). Use the “Partition” function
from your previous assignment. [2 pts]

Part D: Model Evaluation (478: 60 pts & 878: 70 pts)

11. Model selection via Hyper-parameter tuning: Use the kFold function from the
previous assignment to evaluate the performance of your model for the following
values of the hyperparameter alpha = [0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0].
Determine the best model (model selection) based on the overall performance
(lowest average error). For the error_function of the kFold function argument use
the “F1 Score” function from previous assignment.
[5 pts]

12. [Extra Credit for 478 and Mandatory for 878]: Generate the Receiver
Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve and compute the area under curve (AUC)
score. You may reuse the functions from previous assignment.
[10 pts]

13. Evaluate your model on the test data and report the following performance
measures. You may reuse the functions from your previous assignment.
a. Precision
b. Recall
c. F1 score
d. Confusion matrix
e. Accuracy

[5 pts]

14. [Extra Credit for both 478 & 878] Implement the Multivariate Bernoulli
Naïve Bayes model. The hyperparameter should be the Additive or Laplace
smoothing parameter alpha. Using cross-validation determine the best model.
Evaluate your model on test data as specified in the previous question.
[15 pts]

Logistic Regression: Multi-Class Classification

Dataset: You will use the Iris dataset for multi-class classification.

URL: https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.datasets.load_iris.html

Part A: Model Code (478 & 878 45 pts)

Design a Softmax Regression classifier for performing multi-class classification on the
Iris dataset.

15. Implement the following function to convert the vector of class indices into a
matrix containing a one-hot vector for each instance. [5 pts]


Y : ndarray
1D array containing data with “int” type that represents class indices/labels.

Y_one_hot : ndarray
A matrix containing a one-hot vector for the Y of each instance. The
number of rows is equal to the number of rows in Y. The number of
columns is equal to the number of unique class indices/labels in Y (i.e., the
number of classes).

16. Implement the following function that computes the softmax score or the
normalized exponential of the score of a feature. [5 pts]


score : ndarray
Score of a sample belonging to various classes.

Y_proba : ndarray
Probability of a sample belonging to various classes.

17. Implement the following function to compute the cross-entropy loss. [5 pts]

cross_entropy_loss(Y_one_hot, Y_proba)

Y_one_hot : ndarray
A matrix containing a one-hot vector of class indices/labels for each

Y_proba : ndarray
Probability of a sample belonging to various classes.

cost : float

18. Implement a Softmax_Regression model class. It should have the following
three methods. Note the that “fit” method should implement the batch gradient
descent algorithm. Also, use 1st order derivative of the loss in the gradient
[30 pts]

fit(self, X, Y, learning_rate=0.01, epochs=1000, tol=None, regularizer=None,
lambd=0.0, early_stopping=False, validation_fraction=0.1, **kwargs)

X : ndarray
A numpy array with rows representing data samples and columns
representing features.

Y : ndarray
A 1D numpy array with labels corresponding to each row of the feature
matrix X.

learning_rate : float
It provides the step size for parameter update.

epochs : int
The maximum number of passes over the training data for updating the
weight vector.

tol : float or None
The stopping criterion. If it is not None, the iterations will stop when
(error > previous_error - tol). If it is None, the number of iterations will
be set by the “epochs”.

regularizer : string
The string value could be one of the following: l1, l2, None.
If it’s set to None, the cost function without the regularization term will
be used for computing the gradient and updating the weight vector.
However, if it’s set to l1 or l2, the appropriate regularized cost function
needs to be used for computing the gradient and updating the weight

Note: you may define two helper functions for computing the regularized
cost for “l1” and “l2” regularizers.

lambd : float
It provides the regularization coefficient. It is used only when the
“regularizer” is set to l1 or l2.

early_stopping : Boolean, default=False
Whether to use early stopping to terminate training when validation score
is not improving. If set to True, it will automatically set aside a fraction
of training data as validation and terminate training when validation
score is not improving.

validation_fraction : float, default=0.1
The proportion of training data to set aside as validation set for early
stopping. Must be between 0 and 1. Only used if early_stopping is True.


Note: the “fit” method should use a weight matrix “Theta_hat” that contains the
parameters for the model (features and bias terms). The “Theta_hat” should be a
matrix with dimension: no. of features (including bias) x no. of classes

Finally, it should update the model parameter “Theta” to be used in “predict”
method as follows.
self.Theta = Theta_hat

predict(self, X)

X : ndarray
A numpy array containing samples to be used for prediction. Its rows
represent data samples and columns represent features.

1D array of predicted class labels for each row in X.

Note: the “predict” method uses the self.Theta to make predictions.


It’s a standard python initialization function so we can instantiate the
class. Just “pass” this.

Part B: Exploratory Data Analysis (478 & 878: 10 pts)

19. Read the Iris data using the sklearn.datasets.load_iris method.
20. Use the techniques from the second recitation to summarize each of the variables
in the dataset in terms of mean, standard deviation, and quartiles.
[3 pts]
21. Shuffle the rows of your data. You can use def = df.sample(frac=1) as an
idiomatic way to shuffle the data in Pandas without losing column names.
[2 pts]
22. Generate pair plots using the seaborn package (see second recitation notebook).
This will be used to identify and report the redundant features, if there is any.
[2 pts]
23. Scale the features. [1 pts]
24. Partition the data into train and test set. Use the “Partition” function from your
previous assignment. [2 pts]

Part C: Model Evaluation (478: 15 pts & 878: 25 pts)

25. Model selection via Hyper-parameter tuning: Use the kFold function from
previous assignment to evaluate the performance of your model over each
combination of parameters from the following sets. You can increase the range of
values, if needed and also for more experimentation.
[10 pts]
a. lambd = [0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001]
b. tol = [0.001, 0.0001, 0.00001, 0.000001, 0.0000001]
c. learning_rate = [0.1, 0.01, 0.001]
d. regularizer = [l1, l2]
e. Store the returned dictionary for each and present it in the notebook.
f. Determine the best model (model selection) based on the overall
performance (lowest average error). For the error_function of the kFold
function argument use accuracy.

26. Evaluate your model on the test data and report the accuracy and confusion
matrix. [5 pts]

27. [Extra Credit for 478 and Mandatory for 878] Implement early stopping in
the “fit” method of the Softmax_Regression model. You will have to use the
following two parameters of the model: early_stopping and validation_fraction.
Also note that when training the model using early stopping it should generate an
early stopping curve. [10 pts]

28. [Extra Credit for both 478 & 878] Implement the Stochastic Gradient Descent
Logistic Regression algorithm. Using cross-validation determine the best model.
Evaluate your model on test data and report the accuracy and confusion matrix.
[20 pts]




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