辅导案例-IFN657-Assignment 1

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IFN657 Assignment 1 1
IFN657 Assignment 1
Total weight: 20%
Due date: 25 September 2020 Week 10
This assessment is individual work to be submitted via Blackboard. While you
can discuss the assessment with your tutors and peers, your submissions must
be your own original work.
The objective of this assessment is to gain practical experience with memory
corruption security vulnerabilities through buffer overflow and format string
attacks. This understanding is to be demonstrated by crafting simple exploits
and describing the principles underpinning the exploitation.
The vulnerable C programs can be found in the appendices, which must not be
modified. They should be compiled and executed in a Linux environment as
you did in the tutorials. In addition, you can use 32-bit binaries and turn off the
stack protections as in the tutorials. Note that, although you can use gdb to
help analyse the memory and instructions, your exploitation must work under
the normal shell (not inside gdb).
Buffer Overflow Tasks (12%)
The C program bo.c (in Appendix A takes a password from users, but never
lets any user log in.
Task 1 1%. Point out the statement in the program that has a buffer overflow
vulnerability and explain why it may cause a buffer overflow attack.
Task 2 4%. Figure out a password to make the program output “You are
logged in!”, without modifying the return address. Explain in detail how the
password works.
Task 3 4%. Figure out a password to make the program output “You are
logged in!”, by modifying the return address. Explain in detail how the
password works.
Task 4 1%. Explain how you can fix the buffer overflow vulnerability in the
IFN657 Assignment 1 2
Task 5 2%. Figure out a way to defeat ASLR Address Space Layout
Randomisation) and still complete Task 3. Explain your answer. To turn on
ASLR, you must run the following command and compile the program without
the option 'no-pie'.
echo 2 | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space
gcc -w -m32 -g -fno-stack-protector -z execstack -o bo bo.c
Format String Tasks (8%)
The C program fs.c (in Appendix B is a slightly modified version of the
previous program, which also never lets any user log in.
Task 6 1%. Point out the statement in the program that has a format string
vulnerability and explain why it may cause a format string attack.
Task 7 1%. Figure out a password to reveal the contents on the current stack
frame in hexadecimal format with width 8 (for example, 804c014 should be
displayed as 0804c014. Explain in detail how the password works.
Task 8 1%. Figure out a password to launch a simple DoS Denial of Service)
attack. Explain in detail how the password works.
Task 9 4%. Figure out a password to make the program output “You are
logged in!”. Explain in detail how the password works.
Task 10 1%. Explain how you can fix the format string vulnerability in the
Please submit your assignment via the IFN657 Blackboard web site under the
Assessment section. You should only submit one PDF document with no more
than 10 pages in length, excluding the appendix. It is recommended to use A4
page size with 2cm in margins on all sides; 12-point Times New Roman or 11
point Arial font or something equivalent, and in single space.
The body text consists of your direct answers to questions in each task
followed by the overall analysis of each task and the description of how you
went about completing each task. It should be self-contained and
understandable without reading the appendix. To help your explanation, you
may draw a stack graph (like those in lectures) to show the stack memory
such as the addresses of return address, calling stack pointer, and the local
IFN657 Assignment 1 3
variables. Exploit code should be included wherever they are used in any task.
They can be either placed in the body text or in the appendix (in which case
they should be clearly marked and referenced in your answers). In addition to
exploit code, screenshots are used as evidence of successful exploitation and
must be clearly visible and easy to read. If gdb is used to craft program inputs
for exploiting the vulnerabilities, use screenshots to show how you use gdb to
find out the stack information.
Appendix A: bo.c for Buffer Overflow Tasks

char getPasswd()
int trigger = 'F';
char passwd[100];
return (char)trigger;

void login()
printf("You are logged in!\n");

void main()
printf("Please enter password: ");
if (getPasswd() == 'T')
printf("The password is incorrect.\n");
Appendix B: fs.c for Format String Tasks

char passwd[100];

IFN657 Assignment 1 4
char getPasswd()
int trigger = 'F';
int *t = &trigger;
fgets(passwd, sizeof(passwd), stdin);
printf("Password is ");
return (char)(*t);

void main()
printf("Please enter password: ");
if (getPasswd() == 'T')
printf("You are logged in!\n");
printf("The password is incorrect.\n");




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