辅导案例-COMP2700 2020

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COMP2700 2020 Semester 2 - ASSIGNMENT 1

COMP2700 2020 SEMESTER 2 -
Version 2020-09-09, 2020-09-03, 2020-08-29

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Sunday, September 30th, 2020 - 11:55pm AET.
SUBMISSION PROCEDURE: See Wattle page for the course
The main objective of this assignment is for the students to understand the security mechanisms in Unix-like
operating systems and their interplay with software security, in particular:
- to learn practical access control mechanisms in Unix operating system, such as files and folder
permissions and SUID programs, and how application security is affected by them;
- to learn how software vulnerabilities can be exploited to circumvent security mechanisms in both
applications and operating systems.
This assignment is structured similarly to 'Capture the Flag' (CTF) challenges commonly used for cyber security
training and education. The CTF challenges are embedded in a virtual machine (VM), containing an installation
of Ubuntu 18.04 (64 bit) operating system. To do this assignment, you will need to download the Assignment 1
VM image (comp2700-assignment1.ova) for this assignment, available from the following link:
If you wish to use the RSCS Linux VDI virtual desktop (linuxvdi.anu.edu.au) to run your VM, you can also find
this VM image in
in the VDI virtual desktop. (See the Lab 1 manual for instructions to access linuxvdi virtual desktop).
You need to install this assignment VM in order to do this assignment.
User accounts: There are two users in the VM: admin2700 and alice. For this assignment, you will solve all
challenges using the user 'alice'. The password for 'alice' is 'alice123'. The password for admin2700 will not be
provided. The intention is for you to solve the challenges without using the root account or using the
admin2700 account.

COMP2700 2020 Semester 2 - ASSIGNMENT 1

There are 6 (six) CTF challenges in this assignment. Each challenge asks you to discover a 'flag' embedded in
the challenge. Each flag is a string that takes the form 'flag{some_texts}' where some_texts are texts
containing English words, possibly with one or more symbols (_, or punctuation symbols), unique to each
challenge problem. For example, some of the flags could be something like 'flag{you_win!}'. To discover the
flags you will need to find vulnerabilities in the (SUID) programs associated with the challenges, and exploit
them to print the flags. The challenges are designed so that each challenge has a unique vulnerability
exploitable using one or more methods we cover in this course.
You will be required to write a report documenting your exploitation process for each of these challenges and
produce necessary artefacts for the assessor to replicate exactly your exploitation process. Details of the
report requirements will be posted in a separate document.
There are specific rules for solving the challenges, but the following is a list of rules that applies to all
challenges: You are not allowed to use any of the following methods to solve the challenges:
- Logging in as the root user to solve the challenges.
- Changing the system configurations of the Assignment 1 VM in any way in order to solve the
challenges, e.g., by modifying the VM disks offline and give 'alice' extra privileges.
- Accessing the virtual disk of the Assignment 1 VM directly to obtain the flags, e.g., by mounting the
disks in a different VM to obtain the flags.
If it is determined that your solution for a challenge uses any of the above methods, you will receive no marks
for that challenge.
Below are a brief overview of the CTF challenges. Each challenge comes with a set of files (binary/source of
programs or data). Not all details about these files will be provided here, so you will need to examine these
files closely to learn more information about the challenges, e.g., the permissions and the owners of those
files, how the program for each challenge works etc.
Total marks: 10
Location of the challenge files in the VM: /ctf/path/
Description: There is an SUID program called 'display' in this challenge, that allows a user to display files in a
certain directory. The user specifies the name of the file, and the program will append a path prefix to the file
name before displaying its content.
There are only two subdirectories of interests in this case: /ctf/path/admin2700 and /ctf/path/alice. Access
control is done via a check on the real user id of the process running this program; if the real uid is the same as
the uid for the admin2700 user, then the program will use the prefix /ctf/path/admin2700 to add to the file
name; otherwise it uses the prefix /ctf/path/alice/.
The program attempts to sanitise the input file to filter special characters (double dots) to deter an easy
exploit using path traversal attack.
COMP2700 2020 Semester 2 - ASSIGNMENT 1

Your task: Find the flag embedded in embedded in /ctf/path/admin2700/. Your exploit must be related to path
traversal vulnerability in the program, so exploits such as buffer overflow (if it is applicable) are not allowed.

Total marks: 10
Location of the challenge: /ctf/shell/
Description: There is an SUID program called 'shellwrapper' in this challenge. The program when run presents
several menus, e.g., to check the weather, or to read or write notes to a file (mynotes.txt).
Your task: Find the flag contained in the file 'flag.txt' in this directory. Use only the shell command injection
exploit for this challenge.

Total marks: 16
Location of the challenge: /ctf/message/
Description: This challenge contains an application to send and receive messages between users in a system. A
user needs to create an account first. After an account is created, a file with the same name as the user (with
extension .inbox) is created. Users can also import the content of another inbox. To import an inbox, name the
inbox file as 'import.inbox' and put it in the home directory of the user.
Your task: There is a flag embedded in one of the inboxes in the directory of this challenge. Find that flag. You
are allowed to exploit only a weakness related to how file system in Linux works. That is there is an issue in
how the program reads/writes to files. Use that weakness to read other users' inbox to find the flag.
Important Note: The location of the flag will be changed during the assessment, e.g., it may be hidden in an
inbox of a user different from the inbox where the flag is currently located in the Assignment 1 VM. So make
sure that your artefact submission (e.g., attack scripts) for this challenge can handle this -- see also 'Submission
Requirements' below.

Total marks: 18
Location of the challenge: /ctf/fortune/
Description: This challenge uses a wrapper program to call a shell script that prints a line (containing cryptic
messages from fortune cookies) from a text file ('fortunes.txt'). This is supposed to be a random line, but
something appears broken. It always prints the same message. There is a flag embedded in one of the fortune
cookies. Can you find it? This problem uses the `$RANDOM` function in shell to generate random numbers. See
for details of the use of $RANDOM function in shell.
COMP2700 2020 Semester 2 - ASSIGNMENT 1

Your task: Find the flag embedded in one of the cookies. You are allowed only to use exploits related to the
shell commands and shell environments.
Important notes: The line where the secret is embedded may be changed by the assessor during the
assessment process. So you need to write a script to test all possibilities where the flag could be hidden.

Total marks: 22
Location of the challenge: /ctf/numbers/
Description: The program is a simple loop, where a random number is generated in each iteration. The user
needs to guess the random number in order to win the game, i.e., causing the program to print the flag
(embedded in the file 'flag.txt'). Despite the use of random numbers, the solution does not depend on
predicting the random number sequence. Look somewhere else. The stack perhaps?
Your Task: Find the flag. Use only stack-based exploits (stack-based buffer overflow, etc) to solve this
challenge. Solutions that rely on predicting the sequence of random numbers generated by rand() do not
count and will receive no marks.
Total marks: 24
Location of the challenge: /ctf/logcat/
Description: This challenge contains a `logcat' program that prints either a system log (`system.log`) or a user
log (`user.log`) depending on whether the real uid of the process executing the program is admin2700 (1000)
or not. There is a flag embedded in `system.log`. The challenge is to capture that flag running the program as
`alice`. There is an exploitable format string vulnerability somewhere in the code.
Your Task: Find the flag embedded in system.log. Use only format-string related exploits.
Important notes: The location of the flag in system.log may be changed during the assessment, so make sure
your attack scripts can handle this change.

You must submit a report detailing the exploitation process you attempt for each challenge. In addition to your
report, you should provide necessary artefacts (programs, scripts, or other data file) necessary for the assessor
to reproduce your exploits.
The requirements for the report and the marking rubrics will be provided in a separate document.
The artefact submission will be used for the assessor to judge whether your exploits actually work. It is used as
an additional check to make sure you actually did successfully recover the flags (and not simply because you
obtained them via other means, e.g., via root access, or copying someone else's solutions).
A submission without a report will receive 0 (zero) mark automatically irrespective of the artefacts submitted.
COMP2700 2020 Semester 2 - ASSIGNMENT 1

A submission without the artefact component will still be considered, but a penalty of up to 10% (of possible
marks) for each challenge for which the artefact submission is missing, if the assessor judges that the exploit is
not reproducible.
There are no specific formats for the artefact submission, but the following must be adhered to:
- The artefact must allow the assessor to reproduce your exploits in a fresh installation of the
Assignment 1 VM, with possibly some modifications to the locations of the flags (as mentioned in the
descriptions of some challenges above).
- The artefact must not rely on software packages or any other data not already installed in the
unmodified VM.
- The artefact does not require internet connection. During the assessment, all network access will be
- You must include a README file (separate from the report), in the artefact submission, with clear and
concise instructions on how to reproduce your exploits using the artefact.
All the CTF challenges in this assignment can be solved by simple shell scripts, so it is recommended that you
write shell scripts to automate your exploits as part of your artefact submission. Some tips and tricks will be
provided in the Discussion forum for Assignment 1 on Teams.

Submissions of the solutions must be done through the Wattle site for this course. Unless explicitly approved
by the lecturer, the only submission method that is allowed is through Wattle. In particular, unsolicited email
submissions will be ignored.
Put your report and your artefact submission in a compressed zip file, and name it according to your first
name, last name and your ANU ID. For example, if your name is John Doe, and your ANU ID is u1234567, then
name your zip file John_Doe_u1234567.zip.
The submission site and the submission procedure will be provided separately on Wattle page of the course.
- The submission deadline is Wednesday, September 30th, 2020 - 11:55pm (AET).
- Multiple submissions are allowed. You can submit as many times as you want before the deadline.
But only the latest submission will be graded.
- No late submissions are allowed without a prior approval from the course convenor.

Details of the assessment rubrics for your report will be provided in a separate document.
Your artefact will be used to reproduce your exploits. Each solution to a CTF Challenge will be tested in a fresh
installation of the Assignment 1 VM to ensure no interference from other solutions. A non-reproducible exploit
for a challenge carries a penalty of up to 10% of the possible marks for that challenge -- even if the report
correctly identifies the issues in the challenge. The exact amount of penalty will be at the discretion of the
assessor. Generally the assessor has limited time budget, so exploits that demand an unreasonable amount of
COMP2700 2020 Semester 2 - ASSIGNMENT 1

work on the assessor to reproduce will be viewed unfavourably. So make sure you automate your exploits as
much as possible.
For CTF Challenge #3 (My Messenger), CTF Challenge #4 (Fortune Cookies) and CTF Challenge #6 (Logcat),
during the assessment, the assessor may change the location of the flag to test the robustness of your
solution; see the descriptions of these challenges above for more details.

As a deterrence to academic misconduct, the assessor reserves the right to conduct (random or targeted) oral
interviews with students to further assess students' work. An unsatisfactory outcome of an interview with a
student may lead to mark reduction and/or further investigations into academic misconduct.




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