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ENGNX627 Lab 3: Visual Odometry
1 Overview
This lab has two parts:
• Gather a dataset.
• Implement a visual odometry algorithm.
The first part should be completed quickly, since the second part is difficult,
and will require that you work on it consistently over time. For this lab, you
need to submit your code and a report on wattle.
2 Instructions
2.1 Provided code
The code for the pibot simulator is hosted on the CECS’s teaching gitlab here.
Update your copy of the simulator by downloading it over the previous version,
or by using git pull. If you are having trouble using GIT, have a look at the
end of the lab 1 instructions, or watch some tutorial videos online.
For this lab, some skeleton code has been provided to help you create your
solutions. You can download this in a folder called lab3visualodometry.zip
from the course wattle page.
2.1.1 Recommended Directory Layout
You should have a directory ENGNX627 code from the previous lab. The provided
code is designed to work when put in the following directory structure.
ENGNX627 code
engn4627 pibot simulator
visual odometry.m
2.2 Data Collection
When implementing complex algorithms such as visual odometry, we would like
to be able to use quick and repeatable tests to evaluate any changes in the code.
This is where datasets come in handy. In this context, a dataset is a collection of
input data for an algorithm with timestamps. In the particular case of our visual
odometry system, this means we need to record velocity inputs and landmark
measurements with timestamps for both.
Task Write a script that records data from your robot for a set period of time.
Note that, for the script to make sense, you will need to send velocity commands
via the script as well. Ultimately, this data recording structure should sit on
top of your line following algorithm from the previous lab. This task will not
be assessed, and you are only encouraged to complete it to make the imple-
mentation and testing of visual odometry easier.
Here are some hints to get you on your way. The tic and toc commands
can be used as follows.
start_time = tic;
elapsed_time = toc(start_time);
This is an easy way to measure the time from the start of your dataset and
provides timestamps that are easy to understand. MATLAB has nice structures
other than the standard arrays, such as the cell array. MATLAB also lets you
define data structures on the fly. Other useful tools are the save and load
commands Have a look here for more information:
cell arrays
saving and loading
2.3 Visual Odometry
The second (and biggest) task of this lab is to implement and run the non-
linear odometry observer discussed in the lectures. You need to implement the
algorithm and then test it. To test the algorithm, you will have your robot
follow some of the line paths from lab 2, and estimate its position using the
odometry observer. Then you can compare this to the ‘blind’ odometry estimate
(uncorrected kinematics integration) from lab 1.
You have been provided a script called visual odometry.m to get you started.
You must ensure your solution runs from this script. This script should both
follow a line on the ground as in lab 2, as well as estimate the robot pose and
landmark positions using the odomety observer discussed in the lectures.
Task Develop the script visual odometry.m so that, when run, the robot
follows a line on the ground and performs visual odometry to estimate its pose
and the positions of landmarks over time.
Task Test the visual odometry observer by driving on some of the lines. You
will need to tune the gain values in the algorithm to get good results.
Here are some hints.
• The first thing you should do is record some datasets of the robot driving
the course and measuring landmarks. You could also consider recording
some simple motion datasets (drive in a straight line / turn in place).
If you write another script to use the datasets with your observer then
debugging will be a lot easier. This will also help you tune your observer’s
• Try to create visualisations of your algorithm as soon as possible, since
these will help in understanding how changes to your algorithm affect
things. They will also be useful for your report!
• Before you start writing code, make a short plan of how you will implement
the algorithm. You don’t have to stick to this plan once you start coding,
but it can help you foresee some challenges coming up.
3 What to hand in
3.1 Lab Code
For this lab, you need to submit a zip folder containing the functions you im-
plemented. The folder needs to be titled u1234567 engnX627 Lab3 code.zip,
where u1234567 is replaced with your university id. It should contain the com-
pleted solutions to the tasks in this lab, as well as any functions you have written
that these scripts rely on. The directory structure must be
u1234567 engnX627 Lab3 code.zip
visual odometry.m
3.2 Lab Report
You also need to submit a lab report addressing the questions below. The
report must titled u1234567 engnX627 Lab2report.pdf, where u1234567 is re-
placed with your university id, and must be in the pdf format. The answers to
these questions in the report must not exceed 3 pages in length. Your lab
report should include figures, tables, diagrams, and equations where they are
helpful in answering questions. The lab report must not contain large blocks of
code that you have copied from MATLAB.
Question 1 Consider the provided line floor course.jpg. Place the land-
marks around the line so that they will all be seen by the robot as it drives
along. Follow the line and collect a dataset.
Part a. Describe your dataset collection procedure. For example, you may
describe; how you chose the timestamp for velocity commands and images? Did
you decide to record any other data? etc.
Part b. Using the integrated robot position, and the measurements of the
landmarks, generate a map of the trajectory and the landmarks. This map
should be a plot featuring the robot’s trajectory, and every measured landmark
position. It should have a similar form to Figure 1, although the path driven
by the robot is likely to be rather noisy, and the landmark positions may also
be less consistent. Explain the sources of error in the map. Note that if there
was no error, then all the landmark measurements should coincide exactly.
Part c. Finally, describe how the error changes for different landmark posi-
tions. Did some landmarks have very consistent estimates? Were there some
landmarks with peculiar distributions? Why?
Figure 1: An example of what the map of points for question 1 might look like.
Question 2 Place the landmarks in whatever positions you like, follow the
line, and run the visual odometry algorithm. Plot the computed robot trajectory
and map. Explain how you chose the gains of the algorithm ki. Explain why
you placed the landmarks where you did. What placement of landmarks yields
the best results in your implementation?
Question 3 Repeat the procedure for quesiton 2, and record the landmark
estimates over time. Compare the estimated positions of the landmarks to the
ground truth landmark positions and compute the Root Mean Square Error
√√√√ 1
‖pˆi − pi‖2,
where pˆi and pi are the estimated and true positions of the i
th landmark, re-
spectively. Also compute and compare the aligned RMSE as discussed in the
aRMSE = min
√√√√ 1
‖R>S (pˆi − xS)− pi‖2,
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of RMSE and aligned RMSE. Give
examples of where you would use one instead of the other.
Bonus Question (+1 pages) Place the landmarks in a grid around the full
space of the floor. Drive along the course line and map the landmarks using
your visual odometry system. Now, drive your robot in any pattern you like
around the room, and again use your visual odometry to construct a map of
the landmarks. Find a trajectoy for the robot to drive that improves your
map result as measured by aligned RMSE between the true and estimated map
points. Discuss how you optimised the trajectory of your robot, and show the
final result of your map.



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