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Introduction to computer systems, networks and security
Frequently Asked Questions
Assignment 1
2019 - Semester 2
1. Related to the subroutine to Swap Names in the memory.
Answer: All the names in the memory must be of the same length, when coding
for the swapping task.
2. Related to “A Simple Calculator- Addition.
Answer: You may write codes implementing a simple addition process of
two numbers. Assume both operands to be positive numbers.
■ Result1 = operand1 + operand2
3. Related to “A Simple Calculator- Subtraction”.
Answer: You may write codes implementing a simple subtraction process
involving two numbers. Assume both operands to be positive numbers.
■ Result1 = operand1 - operand2
4. Related to “A Simple Calculator- Multiplication”.
Answer: You may write codes implementing a simple multiplication process
involving two numbers. Assume both operands to be positive numbers.
■ Result1 = operand1 x operand2
You may additionally add codes to resolve complications like: operands being
“0”, or being negative, but it is not mandatory.
5. Related to “A Simple Calculator- Division”.
Answer: You may write codes implementing a simple division process
involving two numbers. Here, “operand1” is greater than “operand2”
■ Result1 = operand1 / operand2
You may additionally add codes to resolve complications like: display remainders,
or Operand1 smaller than operand2 etc. but it is not mandatory.
Also you may avoid the operation if the operand2 =0, to avoid divide by "0" error.
6. “Simplification using Boolean Laws and K-map: compare and contrast”, how
do we do that?
Answer: In case of incomplete simplifications using Boolean Identities, where
it doesn’t match your k-map simplifications, you can implement two sets of
simplified circuits to prove that they are producing the same result.
7. How do we have to document our assignment? What do we write in pdf
document regarding Boolean Algebra part and MARIE programs​?
Answer: The goal of the documentation is mainly to help the person doing the
marking to understand what you have done. For example, if you have test
cases that require manual input, you might need to describe this in your
documentation. Another example is that you can explain in the report what
can be expected as output once the code is run. Of course, comments in the
code are required and if some things that you want to explain is in the
comments, you can just refer to the comments in this part of the report. In
general, please keep the report concise and short. The task description is
deliberately vague on this point. The idea is that you need to think about what to
achieve with your documentation and there are always different ways to do it.
8. In regards to submitting assignment 1, What does it mean by MARIE assembly
files? Is there a way to create MARIE assembly files with proper extensions?
Can I submit my code in txt/pdf/word documents?
Answer: You should use the "Download" option from the "File" menu of the
MARIE simulator. It downloads the code as a “.MAS” or “.mas” file, and that's
what you need to upload together with your PDF in a zip archive.
9. Wrong File Uploaded to the Moodle i.e. Wrong Submission, and re-uploaded
the actual assignment report after the deadline?
Answer: Avoid wrong file uploads and take precautions when submitting your
assignment. If you have wrong submission, please communicate with your
tutor and lecturer.
10. Having completed the “logisim” circuits, I realise the assignment submission
requires only 2 logism files (one for the inefficient circuit, and one for the
simplified one), but for the inefficient circuits I've made 2 files due to their
complexity, making it a total 3 logism files. Can I still submit all three, or do I
need to recreate only two files?
Answer: You need to submit the circuits for Z1 and Z2 (for any task) in a
single file. You cannot split Z1 and Z2 over multiple files.
11. Is it required to add comments for all the tasks in MARIE?
Answer: Yes. You need to include sufficient comments that the person
marking your assignment can directly understand the code (e.g. what is this
subroutine for, what is the string starting with this label, etc.).
12. In the Task 1.1, it stated, “combine the terms for single rows into larger term”.
Do we need to simplify it as well? What should we include in our explanation ?
Answer: In task 1.1 there is no simplification required. Just very briefly explain
the steps you did and which Boolean operators you have used.
13. In the Task 1.3, what do I do when my ​Boolean simplification is not
matching with the equation that I have got from Kmap ​?
Answer: ​Incase you find simplified equation using Boolean identities is
not matching Kmap derived simplified one, then we would like to advise
that you submit two separate files for optimized circuits- one for
Boolean and one for Kmap. These two sets of Z1 and Z2 circuits
should prove that both the circuits are conforming to the truth table. So
now, the students who are in this situation, will submit 3 files, (i)
unsimplified, (ii) Simplified-Boolean, (ii) Simplified-Kmap.
14. Am I allowed to include hand-written K-maps or Boolean expressions in the
assignment submission ?
Answer: No​ handwritten component or sketches are to be submitted in
this assignment (like, kmap, Boolean expressions, logic-circuits etc.).



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