辅导案例-CPSC 2150-Assignment 3

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CPSC 2150 – Algorithms and Data Structure II
Assignment 3: Binary Trees
______ _Total - 100 Marks______________
"Good design adds value faster than it adds cost."
- Thomas C. Gale
Learning Outcomes
• Design, implement and analyze the tree-based algorithms in terms of time and space
• Design and implement the operations of binary search tree and expression trees.
• Write recursive solutions to non-trivial problems, such as binary search tree traversals.
• Develop C++ code based on the existing constraints.
• Chapter 7 of the text book
This is a practice on design, implement and analyzing problems using binary search trees. The main
function of your test program (testBST.cpp) should be compatible with the following main function.
By compatible it means the number of parameters of each function should match. The type of
parameters is determined by your design and implementation. This makes some constraints in
your design, which is likely to occur in the real world.
int main() {
// declaration of your variables ...
n1 = getInput(); // it is a non-negative integer that can be read from user or
// can be generated randomly by computer
list1 = genData(n1); //generates a list of n1 random numbers [-n1, n1]
cout << "The List1: ";
printList(list1); //prints elements of the given list

n2 = getInput();
list2 = genData(n2); //generates a list of n2 random numbers [-n2, n2]

bst1 = makeBST(list1);
cout << "In-order traversal of bst1 is: ";

remove(list1[n1/2], bst1); // removes list1[n1/2] from corresponding tree (bst1)

cout << "In-order traversal of bst1 after deleting " <printBT(bst1);

bst2 = makeBST(list2);
cout << "In-order traversal of bst2 is: ";

bst3 = mergeBST(bst1, bst2);
cout << "In_order traversal of bst3 is: ";

cout << "The height of bst1 is " << height(bst1) << endl;
cout << "The height of bst2 is " << height(bst2) << endl;
cout << "The height of merged tree is " << height(bst3) << endl;

string infix = getExpression(); // read infix expression from input

bt4 = infixExprTree(infix);
cout << "In-order traversal of bt4 is: ";

cout << "The postfix expression is " << InfixPostfixExpr(infix) << endl;

return 0;

Exercise 1: BST class (BST.h)
[25 marks] Provide an appropriate data structure and necessary methods to build a binary search
tree which enables you to complete the rest of this assignment. Define your class with the generic
Exercise 2: Binary Search Tree (testBST.cpp)
a. [5 marks] Write a function named genData that given an integer n, generates a list of n random
integers in the interval [-n, n] (square bracket means inclusive).
b. [5 marks] Write a function named makeBST that given a list of data, generates a binary search
c. [5 marks] Write a function named printBT() that given a binary tree, prints the tree’s elements
using an in-order traversal.
d. [5 marks] Write a function named height() that finds the height of the binary tree which has
been passed as its parameter.
e. [5 marks] Write a function named remove() to delete a given key from a given BST. It removes
at most one node.
f. [17 marks] Write an efficient function (time and space efficient) named mergeBST() which,
given two binary search trees, merges them into one binary search tree. The original BSTs must
remain unchanged.
[3 bonus marks] if your algorithm avoids ending up with an unbalanced BST.
Exercise 3: Expression Trees
Only binary operations +, -, * and / with priority and parentheses are allowed in an infix expression.
Also, to keep it simple, use 1-digit numbers in your expressions. Implement your expression trees
as explained in the lecture.
a. [7 marks] Write a function named infixExprTree() that given an infix expression, generates its
corresponding expression tree.
b. [7 marks] Write a function named InfixPostfixExpr() that receives an infix expression and
transforms it into a postfix expression.
Hint- Make the expression tree of the infix expression and then apply the post-order traversal
on the tree.
Exercise 4: Time and Space Complexity (answers.pdf)
a. [16 marks] Calculate the time complexity of your function in two previous exercises; i.e.
genData(), makeBST(), printBT(), height(), remove(), mergeBST(), InfixPostfixExpr() and
b. [3 marks] Calculate the space complexity of mergeBST.
Submit a zip file named StudentNumber-Asgn3.zip including all related files such as answers.pdf
and testBST.cpp, BST.h and make file by the due date. For example, if your student number is
10023449, the submitted file must be named as 10023449-Asgn3.zip.




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