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SWEN30006 Software Modelling and Design
Project 1: Robomail Revision
School of Computing and Information Systems
University of Melbourne
Semester 2, 2019
You and your team of independent Software Contractors have been hired by Robotic Mailing Solutions Inc.
(RMS) to provide some much needed assistance in delivering the latest version of their product Automail
to market. Automail is an automated mail sorting and delivery system designed to operate in large build-
ings that have dedicated mail rooms. It offers end to end receipt and delivery of mail items within the
building, and can be tweaked to fit many different installation environments. The system consists of two
key components:
1. Delivery Robots (see Figure 1) which take mail items from the mail room and deliver them through-
out the building. Each robot can hold one item in its “hands” and one item in its “tube” (a backpack-
like container attached to each robot). If a robot is holding two items (i.e., one in its hands and one
it its tube) it will always deliver the item in its hands first. An installation of Automail can manage
a team of delivery robots of any reasonable size (including zero!).
2. A Mail Pool subsystem which holds mail items after their arrival at the building’s mail room. The
mail pool decides the order in which mail items should be delivered.
The hardware of this system has beenwell tested, and the current software seems to perform reasonably
well but is not well documented. Currently, the robots offered by RMS are only able to move up or down
one floor in a building in one step. However, RMS recently developed a new capability for their robots
which allows them to go into an ‘overdrive’ mode. This ‘overdrive’ mode allows the robots to move twice
as fast (i.e., two floors up or down in one step) to deliver packages. However, due to the increased load
on the robotic hardware when using overdrive, there are two limitations placed on the robots when they
use the overdrive mode:
Figure 1: Artistic representation of one of our robots
1. A robot using overdrive mode can only deliver one package. That is, it can carry a package in its
hands for delivery, but can not store an additional package in its tube.
2. Once a robot has delivered an item using overdrive, it needs to ‘cool down’ for 5 steps before it can
return to the mail room.
Because of these limitations RMS only wants to use the overdrive system to deliver packages of a very
high priority. Other packages should be delivered as normal.
Your task is to update the simulation software maintained by RMS to show how the overdrive ability
could be incorporated into the robot management system. In doing this you should apply your software
engineering and patterns knowledge to refactor and extend the system to support this new behaviour.
Note that the overdrive behaviour described in this document is just one possible use of this functionality.
When designing your solution you should consider that RMS may want to incorporate or trial other uses
of the overdrive ability in the future.
The behaviour of the system when delivering packages without a very high priority should not change.
Additionally, RMS expect the behaviour of the system to remain exactly the same when the overdrive
ability is turned off, or if no very high priority packages arrive.
RMS would also like you to add some statistics tracking to the software so that they can see how the
overdrive ability is being used. This will help them to understand the wear and tear that their robots are
going to go through. For now, RMS would like you to record:
1. The number of packages delivered normally (i.e., not using overdrive)
2. The number of packages delivered using overdrive
3. The total weight of the packages delivered normally (i.e., not using overdrive)
4. The total weight of the packages delivered using overdrive
When the simulation ends you should print this information to the console.
As with the overdrive behaviour, you should apply software engineering and patterns knowledge to sup-
port this statistics tracking. Your design should consider that RMS may want to track additional statistical
information relating to robot performance in the future.
Once you have made your changes, your revised system will be benchmarked against the original
system to provide feedback on your results to RMS.
Other useful information
• The mailroom is on the ground floor (floor 0).
• All mail items are stamped with their time of arrival.
• Some mail items are priority mail items, and carry a priority from 10 (low) to 100 (high).
• Priority mail items arrive at the mailpool and are registered one at a time, so timestamps are unique
for priority items. Normal (non-priority) mail items arrive at the mailpool in batches, so all items
in a normal batch receive the same timestamp.
• The mailpool is responsible for giving mail items to the robots for delivery.
• A Delivery Robot carries at most two items, but it can be sent to deliver mail if it is only carrying
one item.
• All mail items have a weight. Delivery robots can carry items of any weight, and place items of any
weight in their tube.
• The system generates a measure of the effectiveness of the system in delivering all mail items, taking
into account time to deliver and priority. You do not need to be concerned about the detail of how
this measure is calculated.
• If a priority mail item has a priority of over 50, it is considered to have a very high priority. These
are the mail items that should be delivered using the overdrive ability (if the overdrive ability is
• A robot using the overdrive ability will move two floors each step, unless it is only one floor away
from its destination. Then it will move just one floor each step. So, a robot using overdrive to deliver
a package from the mail room (which is on floor 0) to floor 9, it would go to floors 2, 4, 6, 8, then 9.
The Sample Package
You have been provided with an Eclipse project export representing the current system, including an ex-
ample configuration file. This export includes the full software simulation for the Automail product, which
will allow you to implement your approach to supporting the delivery robot’s new overdrive functionality.
To begin:
1. Import the project zip file as you did for Workshop 1.
2. Try running by right clicking on the project and selecting Run as... Java Application.
3. You should see an output similar to that in Figure 2 showing you the current performance of the
Automail system.
This simulation should be used as a starting point. Please carefully study the sample package and
ensure that you are confident you understand how it is set up and functions before continuing. If you have
any questions, please make use of the discussion board or ask your tutor directly as soon as possible; it is
assumed that you will be comfortable with the package provided.
Figure 2: Sample output
Note: By default, the simulation will run without a fixed seed, meaning the results will be
random on every run. In order to have a consistent test outcome, you need to specify the seed.
You can do this in the configuration file or by editing the Run Configurations (Arguments tab)
under Eclipse and adding an argument. Any integer value will be accepted, e.g. 11111 or
Project Deliverables
As discussed above, and in order for the users of Automail to have confidence that changes have been
made in a controlled manner, you are required to preserve the Automail simulation’s existing behaviour.
Your extended design and implementation must account for the following:
• Preserve the behaviour of the system for configurations where the overdrive ability is disabled and
statistical logging is turned off (i.e., Overdrive=false;Statistics=false).
(Preserve = identical output. We will use a file comparison tool to check this.)
• Add overdrive behaviour to deal with delivering very high priority mail items.
• Add statistics tracking to show the total weight and number of packages delivered with and without
the overdrive behaviour.
In support of your updated and extended design, you need to also provide the following:
1. A domain class diagram for the robot mail delivery domain, as reflected in the revised simulation.
There is no reason you can’t be guided by your design class diagram, but be very careful that you
end up with a description of the problem space, without reference to this particular solution.
2. A static design model (design class diagram) for your submitted system of all changed and
directly related components, complete with (for the changed components) visibility modifiers,
attributes, associations, and public (at least) methods. You should refer to this model in report. You
may use a tool to reverse engineer a design class model from your implementation as a basis for your
submission. However, your diagram must contain all relevant associations and dependencies (few
if any tools do this automatically), and be well laid-out/readable. You should not expect to receive
any marks for a diagram that is reverse engineered and submitted unchanged.
3. A dynamic design model (design sequence diagram) illustrating how a very high priority mail
item is assigned to a robot for delivery, how that robot uses the overdrive ability to deliver the item,
and how that robot returns to the mail room. You should self-assess your dynamic model on the
basis of how useful it would be in explaining how the system works to a hypothetical new team
member. Too little detail and it will have little value, too much detail and it won’t add much value
over reading the code. The choice of detail level is yours. Again, you should refer to this model in
your report.
4. A brief report, describing the changes you havemadewith reference to your diagrams, and providing
a rationale for these changes using design patterns and principles. Note that to do this well, you
should be able to talk about other reasonable options you considered, and why you did not choose
these options. Around 2-4 pages should be enough to provide a concise rationale.
Your submitted implementation must be consistent with your design models, and should include all
appropriate comments, visibility modifiers, and code structure. As such, your submitted DCD and DSD
must be consistent with your submitted implementation.
Hints There are three required tasks here – diagram, code, and report – which are interrelated. You
should work on these tasks as a team, not separately. Every teammembers needs to be able to demonstrate
their understanding of and contributions to all of the deliverables.
To help understand the task, you can start by putting together your domain model; you can use this
project spec and a reverse engineered static design model for the existing system as a basis for this. You
can then narrow down which parts of the system you need to understand in detail, and look at the static
design and code for those parts. While you are doing this, you should be considering options for the
changes you will require to refactor and extend the system: keep track of serious options for your report.
When it comes to making changes, separate out the refactoring and extension. Be careful about the
changes you make: reordering operations (especially those involving generation of random numbers) will
change the behaviour of the system and therefore the output. If you make such changes and proceed
without detecting the problem, recovering may require substantial backtracking on the changes you’ve
made or even reapplying them to the original system. As such we would recommend that you only make
refactoring changes that are required to support improving the design.
You do not need to understand or even read all the code provided; you only need to understand the
parts you are changing and those they depend on. So, for example, you really don’t need to pay any
attention to the MailGenerator.
Testing Your Solution We will be testing your application programmatically, so we need to be able to
build and run your program without using an integrated development environment. The entry point must
remain as “swen30006.automail.Simulation.main()”. You must not change the names of properties in the
provided property file or require the presence of additional properties.
Note Your program must run on the University lab computers. It is your responsibility to
ensure you have tested in this environment before your submit your project.
Marking Criteria
This project will account for 12 marks out of the total 100 available for this subject. It will be assessed
against the following rubric:
• H1 [10-12] Preserves original behaviour and implements new capability appropriately. Good ex-
tended or extendable design/implementation with generally consistent, clear, and helpful diagrams.
Clear design rationale in terms of patterns. Few if any minor errors or omissions (no major ones).
• H2B-H2A [8.5-9.5] Preserves original behaviour with at most minor variations in output and imple-
ments new capability appropriately. Extended or extendable design/implementation with generally
consistent, clear, and helpful diagrams. Fairly clear design rationale in terms of patterns. Few errors
or omissions.
• P-H3 [6-8] Similar behaviour to original and implements new capability appropriately. Reasonable
design/implementation with generally consistent and clear diagrams. Fairly clear design rationale
with some reference to patterns. Some errors or omissions.
• F+ [2.5-5.5] Plausible implementation and reasonable design with related diagrams. Plausible at-
tempt at design rationale with some reference to patterns. Includes errors and/or omissions.
• F [0-2.5] No plausible implementation. Design diagrams and design rationale provided but not
particularly plausible/coherent.
Note: Your implementation must not violate the principle of the simulation by using informa-
tion that would not be available in the system being simulated. For example, it would not be
appropriate to use information about mail items which have not yet been delivered to the mail
pool. It would also not be appropriate to violate the implied physical limitations, for example
by having the robots teleport.
We also reserve the right to award or deduct marks for clever or very poor code quality on a case by
case basis outside of the prescribed marking scheme.
Further, we expect to see good variable names, well commented functions, inline comments for com-
plicated code. We also expect good object oriented design principles and functional decomposition.
For UML diagrams you are expected to use UML 2+ notation.
On Plagiarism: We take plagiarism very seriously in this subject. You are not permitted to
submit the work of others under your own name. This is a group project. More information
can be found here: https://academichonesty.unimelb.edu.au/advice.html.
Detailed submission instructions will be posted on the LMS. You should submit all items shown in the
checklist below. You must include your group number in all of your pdf submissions, and as a comment in
all changed or new source code files provided as part of your submission.
Submission Checklist
1. Your complete updated source code package reflecting your new design and implementation (all
Java source with top-level folder called “swen30006”).
2. Design Analysis Report (pdf).
3. Static Domain Model (pdf or png).
4. Static Design Model reflecting your new design and implementation (pdf or png).
5. Dynamic Design Diagram reflecting your new design and implementation (pdf or png).
Submission Date
This project is due at 11:59p.m. on Friday September 13. Any late submissions will incur a 1 mark
penalty per day unless you have supporting documents. If you have any issues with submission, please
email Charlotte at [email protected] before the submission deadline.
SWEN30006 Software Modelling and Design—SEM 1 2019 ©University of Melbourne 2019



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