COMP10003 Personal Project 2020 – Part III Part III: 20% of Subject Marks This project has three parts: 1. Design: A storyboard of a proposed system – 10% 2. Design II: An outline and code fragment (this part) – 10% 3. Implementation: A basic prototype of around 50 lines of code – 20% All submissions are to be submitted to the LMS. Please ensure that your submissions include your name and student number. Part 3: Implementation – Deadline Wednesday 17th June 2020, 5pm The implementation is worth 20% of the marks for this subject. There are two main elements to submit: Program code: A working fragment of code, ideally of fifty lines, but up to an absolute maximum of 100. The code should include: the definition and use of functions; the use of lists, and the use of loops. It should be well-commented and use variable names that comply with the Python standard for naming variables. Testing and Development Report: A narrative description of the testing done with the code, and comments on its completeness. This is a maximum of one page of A4, with text no smaller than 11 point. There are no penalties for the code being partial or incomplete. What is important is to show an awareness of the level of development of the code, report how it was developed, and the level of testing that has been done on what is presented in the report. Marking scheme for the Outline: Presentation (15%): tidily organised, formatted and laid-out presentation for the submission as a whole. Code (60%): The example code considering: Use of programming and structures: does the code include definition and use of functions, loops, lists and other structures as appropriate. Good practice: is the code well-designed and uses loops, lists etc. to avoid multiple variable names and reduce the unique lines of code where appropriate. Readability: is the code well-commented, and laid out? Are function and variable names readable and meaningful Functionality: is the code reliable and effective for the intended purpose of the program Documentation (25%): The testing and development report, considering: Quality of testing: is the reported testing plan systematic and thorough, reflected in good-quality code that has few or no bugs Quality of development: is there a clear report of the method used to develop the code, that is consistent with the code as presented? Is there use of a clear design and development cycle? Awareness of completeness: does the report clearly and accurately report what is complete or incomplete, and of any unresolved bugs or issues in the code