辅导案例-FIT1033-Assignment 3
FIT1033 Foundations of 3D S1 2020 Page 1 of 2 Assignment 3: Crafting an Architectural Interior [30%] BRIEF This assignment involves the design and creation of a futuristic or historic interior environment that features stylised textures. While the inspiration for the 3D modelling of your scene may draw from real or fictional references, the textures in your scene should be stylized either through painting, flat colours or filtering photographs. A small selection of photographic images will be available to use from a texture library on Moodle, these images must be mapped and edited to detail the surfaces of the models in your scene. Using Adobe Photoshop or equivalent programs to prepare and edit your textures in this assignment is also highly recommended. Textures downloaded from the internet are strictly forbidden. Once your scene is modelled and textured, you will export it to Unity and add a dynamic lighting and a first person camera. ENVRIONMENT DESIGN What defines a historic theme or a future theme is quite flexible, but it generally entails imagining a something different from everyday experience (i.e. the present). Choosing either setting for your interior entails different challenges – your selection of visual references will guide your concept. Your interior space will likely include a range of objects that add visual interest and hint at something about the kind of people that might inhabit it . Careful consideration for both material design and lighting will be important criteria in this assignment. DELIVERABLES Submissions for this assignment should contain the following (three items): (a) A Maya project folder with scene files This should contain at least three progressively saved scene files showing the progression of your work. You are also required to submit all exported textures created for this assignment; these will be held in the sourceimages folder of your project. Do not include your PSD texture files or original photographs. (b) A Unity 3D Windows Build Importing your scene into Unity and exporting your scene as an interactive build: note, the build is not the Unity project file (you don’t need to submit this) (c) Documentation as a PDF document Your documentation should follow the same guidelines as in previous Foundations of 3D assignments, but take care to detail sourcing and editing of your original textures (your digital photos), research references, and your 3D modelling and digital production process. Submission is via Moodle. ALL submitted items must be named in a clear and logical way and compressed into a single .zip file, which should be named with the assessment number, and your name. The maximum total file-size for this submission is 500MB. Submissions above this limit will not be accepted. FIT1033 Foundations of 3D S1 2020 Page 2 of 2 ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Your submission will be graded on the following criteria: ➢ Quality of 3D scene modelling and geometry (20%) ❖ Complete scene modelling of architecture, infrastructure and associated set dressing ❖ Clean and Efficient Geometry ❖ Use of modelling tools & techniques ➢ Quality of UV mapping and textures (20%) ❖ Consideration of PBR materials (albedo/metal/roughness) ❖ Application of PBR texturing techniques ❖ Understanding and application of UV mapping procedures ➢ Presentation and composition of your environment (20%) ❖ Understanding real-time lighting techniques ❖ Application of 1st person camera controller and collisions in Unity ❖ Visual impact of your final Unity Build ➢ Written and Visual documentation (40%) ❖ Coverage of 3D process (including: research, environment design, modelling, UV unwrapping, material design and application, Unity setup, real-time lighting, etc.) ❖ Use of images/screenshots and other resources to illustrate process ❖ Explanation of decision making process ❖ Example of original textures and reference images LATE PENALTIES Any submission received after the due date without a prior arranged extension will receive a 10% reduction to their final mark per day late for a maximum of three days (30% reduction in total). Submissions received in excess of 3 days after the due date without a prior arranged extension will maintain a 30% penalty. DUE DATE 3:00PM, Monday Week 14