辅导案例-COMP 2034 -Assignment 2

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COMP 2034
Software Development

Python Programming Assignment 2

The University of South Australia
May 2020

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Graduate Qualities

Specifications and Requirements

Submission Requirements

Extensions and Late Submissions

Academic Misconduct

Sample Output

Marking Criteria

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This document describes the second programming assignment for COMP 2034 Software
Development course.

The assignment is intended to provide you with the opportunity to put into practice what
you have learnt in the course by applying your knowledge and skills in Object-Oriented
Programming with Python programming language. The task is to develop a program with
multiple modules which allows users to play the game of Rock-Paper-Scissors or the game of
In-between against the computer and maintains information on players. Player information
will be stored in a text file that will be read in when the program commences. Once the
application has read the initial player data, it should allow the user to interactively query
and manipulate the player information as well as play games against the computer.

This assignment is an individual task that will require an individual submission. Each
student is required to submit your work via learnonline before Monday 15 June 2020,
10am (swot-vac week).

You will also be required to present your work to your supervisor during your allocated
Zoom session held in the swot-vac week of the study period. Important: You must attend
your allocated session (schedule to be announced on week 12) in order to have your
assignment marked.

This document is a specification of the required end product that will be generated by
implementing the assignment. Like many specifications, it is written in English and hence
will contain some imperfectly specified parts. Please make sure you seek clarification if you
are not clear on any aspect of this assignment.

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Graduate Qualities

By undertaking this assessment, you will progress in developing the qualities of a University
of South Australia graduate. The Graduate qualities being assessed by this assignment are:

• The ability to demonstrate and apply a body of knowledge (GQ1) gained from the
lectures, practicals, and readings. This is demonstrated in your ability to apply
programming theory to a practical situation.
• The ability to effectively problem solve (GQ3) using Python and Object-Oriented
Programming concepts to complete the programming problem. Effective problem
solving is demonstrated by the ability to understand what is required, utilise the
relevant information from lectures, the text book and practical work, write Python
code, and evaluate the effectiveness of the code by testing it.
• The use of communication skills (GQ6) by producing source code that has been
properly formatted; and by writing adequate, concise and clear comments.
Communicating with others through demonstrating and explaining the program
code to the instructor.

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Specifications and Requirements

Your solution MUST adhere to the specifications and requirements described in this

It is recommended that you develop this assignment in stages and make back-ups of your
code regularly not only for development purpose, but also as an evidence of original work.

Your program must be developed using multiple Python modules, with the number and
names of all the files strictly adhering to the specifications below.

Your program must be developed with six Python files, three of them provided, and three of
them newly written by yourself. These files must be:
• assignment2.py - This file contains the main part of your program to import the
other modules and run. It allows the user to interactively query and manipulate the
player information and play games. (PROVIDED)
• player.py - This file contains Player class definition to store a single player
• leaderboard.py - This file contains LeaderBoard class definition to manage
players on a leader board.
• game.py - This file contains Game class definition which is the base class of other
game classes. (PROVIDED)
• rpsgame.py - This file contains RockPaperScissors class definition which
implements a Rock-Paper-Scissors game. (PROVIDED)
• inbetweengame.py - This file contains Inbetween class definition which
implements an In-between game.

Three files (assignment2.py, game.py, rpsgame.py) will be provided on the course
website along with this document and they must be used without any modification. To
solve this assignment, you must create and write three additional files player.py,
leaderboard.py, and inbetweengame.py.

Program Behaviour
When your run the program assignment2.py, it will create an instance object of the
LeaderBoard class you define and call the load() method which should load in player
information from a file called players.txt (provided on the course website). If the
program has loaded the data successfully, the following message will be displayed:
Players info successfully loaded.
Or if the program fails to load the players info, the following message will be displayed:
ERROR: Cannot load players info.

Your program will enter the command mode after the player information has been loaded
from the file. In the command mode, the program reads user input for a command with the
following prompt shown on the screen:
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Please enter a command [list, add, remove, play, winner,

The program will allow the user to enter commands and process these commands until the
‘quit’ command is entered.

The following commands must be supported:

Command Description
list Displays the leader board (a list of all players and their
details) by calling the display() method of the
LeaderBoard object.
add Prompts to input a name for a new player to add, and calls
the addPlayer() method of the LeaderBoard object
to add the player with the provided name. Depending on
the return value from the addPlayer() method, the
following messages are displayed on the screen with the
player’s NAME :
- returned True: "Successfully added player NAME. "
- returned False: "Player NAME already exists. "
remove Prompts to input the player’s name to remove then calls
the removePlayer() method of the LeaderBoard
object to remove the player with the given name.
Depending on the return value, the following messages
are displayed on the screen with the player’s NAME :
- returned True: "Successfully removed player NAME. "
- returned False: "No such player found."
play Asks to input the player’s name who will play the game,
and checks the player’s points by calling the
getPlayerPoints() method of the LeaderBoard
object. If the player is not found (i.e. the return value is
negative), an error message “No such player found.” is
displayed to the screen, otherwise asks for the amount of
points to bid, then asks to choose which game to play. The
chosen game will be played by creating an instance of
either RockPaperScissors or Inbetween class,
then calling its play() method which will return the
result of the game (1: win, 0: tie, -1: lose). After playing
the game, the returned results and the points bid will be
passed on to calling the recordGamePlay() method of
the LeaderBoard object to update the player
winner Prints the details of the winning player who has the
highest number of points by calling the getWinner()
method of the LeaderBoard object.
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quit Causes the program to quit, displaying a message “Thank
you for playing!”. Upon quitting, the program will call the
save() method of the LeaderBoard object which will
save the player information to a file named output.txt
which is in the same format as the input players.txt
file. Upon successfully saving the information the program
will show a message, “Players info successfully saved.” If it
fails saving the information, the program will show a
message, “ERROR: Cannot save players info.”

After performing each command, the program returns to command mode, prompting the
user to input next command.

Class Specifications
Below are detailed specifications of the three classes you must define in three files:
player.py, leaderboard.py, and inbetweengame.py.

• Player class
The Player class stores the information for each player. This class must be defined in the
player.py file, and must have the following public data attributes:

Data Attributes
A string, name of the player which may include white spaces.
An integer, number of games played
An integer, number of games won
An integer, number of games lost
An integer, number of games tied
An integer, current points

The Player class must have an initialiser method that takes the name of the player as a
parameter, and initialises the name data attribute, as well as sets the rest of the attributes
to 0, except the current points which must be initialised to 100.

The Player class must also have a string conversion method that returns a string
describing the player object including the name, the number of games played, winning rate,
and the current points remaining. For example, for a player named "John Doe" who has
won 4 games out of 7 games and has 75 remaining points, it must return a string in the
following format:
"John Doe has 75 points and a winning rate of 57.1%."

Note the winning rate should show 1 digit under the decimal point. If the player did not play
any games, the string must be in the following format:
"John Doe has 100 points, and never played a game."

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• LeaderBoard class
The LeaderBoard class manages a list of players (i.e., instance objects of the Player
class). The LeaderBoard class must be defined in the leaderboard.py file, and must
have only one private (i.e. hidden) data attribute which is the list of players.

The LeaderBoard class must define eight public methods, load(), save(),
display(), addPlayer(), removePlayer(), getPlayerPoints(),
getWinner(), and recordGamePlay(), as well as two private methods,
__findPlayer() and __sortPlayers(). Below are detailed specifications of each

- load()
This method loads in the player information from a file named players.txt (provided on
the course website together with this document). It reads in the file and creates a list of
instances of the Player class you defined, and updates the list of players data attribute
with the loaded information. In the players.txt file, each player is described in two
lines of text. The name of the player (which may include white spaces) is stored in the first
line. The very next line contains the number of games played, games won, games lost,
games tied, and the current remaining points, all stored in one line and separated by the
space character. Below is a sample content of the players.txt file with three players:
John Doe
5 4 0 1 70
Lisa Smith
16 13 2 1 105
Andrew Whittaker
7 0 7 0 55

You must use the input file players.txt provided on the course website. You are not
supposed to create it yourself or edit the provided input file. You may assume that all data
in this file is in the correct format. Note there could be empty lines at the end of the file
which should be ignored.

After loading the data, the load() method must call the __sortPlayers() method to
keep the player list in the order of their points. It should not print any message onto the
screen, but must return True if the data has been successfully loaded, or False if there is
any error.

- save()
This method saves the player information to the output.txt file which should have the
same format as the input players.txt file. It should not print any message onto the
screen, but must return True if the data has been successfully saved, or False if there is
any error.

- display()
This method shows the leader board onto the screen in the format as described below:
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• The player name field is displayed under the “Player Name” heading, and should be 30
characters wide, left justified.

• The number of games played is displayed under the “P” heading, and should be 2
characters wide, right justified.

• The number of games won is displayed under the “W” heading, and should be 2
characters wide, right justified.

• The number of games lost is displayed under the “L” heading, and should be 2
characters wide, right justified.

• The number of games tied is displayed under the “T” heading, and should be 2
characters wide, right justified.

• The winning rate is displayed under the “W-Rate” heading, and should be 6 characters
wide, right justified, showing 1 digit under the decimal point with a percent sign (%) at
the end (Hint: 100.0% has 6 characters). Note that the winning rate is not part of the
information stored in the Player structure, but should be calculated based on number
of games played and number of games won. If the number of games played is zero,
the winning rate is treated as zero percent.

• The points is displayed under the “Points” heading, and should be 6 characters wide,
right justified.

• Each of the field should be separated by a single empty space character.

Below is an example of how the output should look like:
| Player Name P W L T W-Rate Points |
| John Doe 5 4 0 1 80.0% 70 |
| Lisa Smith 16 13 2 1 81.3% 105 |
| Andrew Whittaker 7 0 7 0 0.0% 55 |

When there is no player (i.e. all players removed), it should show a “No player to display.”
message as below:
| Player Name P W L T W-Rate Points |
| No player to display. |

- addPlayer()
This method takes the name of a new player to add as a parameter, creates an instance
object of the Player class with the provided name, and adds that object to the player list
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data attribute. Before creating a new player, the method should call the
__findPlayer() method to check if there is already a player with the same name, in
which case the method should not add a new player but simply return False. After adding
a new player, it should also call the __sortPlayers() method to sort the list of players.
The method must return True after successfully adding a player.

- removePlayer()
This method takes the name of a player as a parameter, and removes the player with the
provided name. It should use the __findPlayer() to first identify the Player object to
remove from the player list data attribute. If there is no player with the provided name, the
method must return False, or otherwise return True after the player was successfully

- getPlayerPoints()
This method takes the name of a player as a parameter, and returns the current points of
the player with the provided name. If there is no such player with the provided name, it
must return -1.

- getWinner()
This method returns a Player object that has the highest number of points. If there is no
players in the player list, it must return None.

- recordGamePlay()
This method updates the player information based on the provided game play results. It
takes three parameters: the name of a player, number of points bid, and the result of a
game play. The result of a game play will be 1 in case the player won the game, -1 if the
player lost, and 0 if it was a tie. The number of games played, won, lost, tied, and the
current point data attributes of the player must be updated accordingly. For winning, the
points will be increased by the amount of bid, while the points will be reduced by the
amount of bid if lost. If it was a tie game, no changes to the points are made. It must call the
__sortPlayers() method to keep the player list in the order of their points.

- __findPlayer()
This method takes the name of a player as a parameter, finds the player with the provided
name from the list of players, and returns the Player object. If there is not such a player
with the provided name, it must return None.

- __sortPlayers()
This method updates the list of players by sorting it in the order of the remaining points.

• Inbetween class
The Inbetween class implements the game of In-between defined in
inbetweengame.py module, extending (i.e. inheriting) the base class Game defined in
the game.py module provided on the course website together with this document. The
Inbetween class must override the play() method of the base class.
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- play()
This method lets the user play a single round of the game of In-between.

First of all, it must print the following message on the screen:
Let's play In-between!

Next, two random numbers between 1 to 10 (inclusive) are generated. If the debugMode
property inherited from the superclass is set to True, it should print the two numbers that
are generated.

Then the user is asked to choose a number between 1 to 10 (inclusive) with a prompt
"Choose a number (1-10): ". If the user input is not within the range, the
program must ask again.

If the user chose the number that is in-between the two numbers (exclusive) that computer
generated, the user wins. If the number that user chose is equal to one of the two numbers
computer generated, the game is a tie. Otherwise, the payer loses the game. The program
must show the result of the game as one of the followings:
Computer chose 7 and 8, you chose 3.
You lose!

Computer chose 3 and 8, you chose 4.
You win!

Computer chose 2 and 9, you chose 2.

Finally, the method must return 1 if the user won the game, -1 if the user lost, and 0 if tied.

Hint: Please refer to the RockPaperScissors class defined in rpsgame.py module
provided on the course website together with this document to learn what is expected as a
subclass of the Game class.

Screen Format
Please refer to the ‘Sample Output’ section at the end of this document to ensure that your
program is behaving correctly and that you have the correct output messages.

General and Structural Requirements
Your solution must adhere to the following requirements:
• Your solution must be based on the Python modules and other files provided on the
course website together with this document.
• Supplied files assignment2.py, game.py, rpsgame.py, and players.txt
must not be modified.
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• Each class you define must be organised into appropriate modules as described in
the specification, including player.py, leaderboard.py, and
• Use appropriate and well-constructed while, for and if statements as necessary.
(You may lose marks if you unnecessarily embed if statements in another if
statement. Rather use logical operators (i.e., and, or, not) or elif statements for
combing multiple conditions.)
• User inputs should be validated and asked again if invalid (out of range or not among
the provided options) with messages displayed as shown in sample outputs.
• Define and use classes and objects appropriately. All of the classes outlined in the
specification must be implemented and used as specified. If more classes, functions,
or methods are added, they should be fully implemented and used in your solution.
• Output must strictly adhere to the assignment specifications. If you are not sure
about these details, you should check with the 'Sample Output' section at the end of
this document or post a message to the discussion forum.
• Make appropriate comments. You are to provide comments to describe: your
personal details at the beginning of each .py file you wrote, all variable and data
attribute definitions, all functions and methods definitions and every significant
section of code.
• Use meaningful variable, data attribute, function, method, and class names (no
single letter identifier names, except for index variable accessing array elements).
• Your code must run on Python 3.8 IDLE environment.

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Submission Requirements

You are required to do the following in order to submit your work and have it marked.

This assignment is an individual task that will require an individual submission. You are
required to submit an electronic copy of your program source code (.py files) via learnonline
before Monday 15 June 2020, 10am (swot-vac week). No further changes can be made to
your assignment passed the deadline.

You are also required to present your assignment to a supervisor for marking during your
allocated Zoom session held during the swot-vac week of the study period (details to be
announced on Week 12). The supervisor will mark your work using the marking criteria
included in this document.

Assignments submitted to learnonline, but not demonstrated during your allocated session,
will NOT be marked. Likewise, assignments that have been demonstrated during the
practical session, but have not been submitted via learnonline, will NOT be marked.
Assignments are submitted to learnonline in order to check for plagiarism.

All students must follow the submission instructions below:
You must submit three .py files of your work with exactly following the names as required:

The files you submit must include the following comments including your own student
details at the very beginning of each file:
# File: filename.py
# Author: Steve Jobs
# Student ID: 12345678
# Email ID: jobst007
# This is my own work as defined by
# the University's Academic Misconduct Policy.

Assignments that do not contain these details may not be marked, unless the student can
prove the file is his/her own work through presenting the progress of development with a
group of backup files. It is expected that students will make copies and back-ups of all
assignments in various stages and be able to provide these if required.

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Extensions and Late Submissions

There will be no extensions/late submissions for this course without one of the following
1. A medical certificate is provided that has the timing and duration of the illness and
an opinion on how much the student’s ability to perform has been compromised by
the illness. Please note if this information is not provided the medical certificate
WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Late assessment items will not be accepted unless a
medical certificate is presented to the Course Coordinator. The certificate must be
produced as soon as possible and must cover the dates during which the assessment
was to be attempted. In the case where you have a valid medical certificate, the due
date will be extended by the number of days stated on the certificate up to five
working days.
2. A Learning and Teaching Unit councillor contacts the Course Coordinator on your
behalf requesting an extension. Normally you would use this if you have events
outside your control adversely affecting your course work.
3. Unexpected work commitments. In this case, you will need to attach a letter from
your work supervisor with your application stating the impact on your ability to
complete your assessment.
4. Military obligations with proof.
Applications for extensions must be lodged with the Course Coordinator before the due
date of the assignment.
Note: Equipment failure, loss of data, ‘Heavy work commitments’ or late starting of the
course are not sufficient grounds for an extension.

Academic Misconduct

Students are reminded that they should be aware of the academic misconduct guidelines
available from the University of South Australia website.

Deliberate academic misconduct such as plagiarism is subject to penalties. Information
about Academic integrity can be found in Section 9 of the Assessment policies and
procedures manual at:

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Sample Output

Sample Output 1:

Players info successfully loaded.

Please enter a command [list, add, remove, play, winner,
quit]: list
| Player Name P W L T W-Rate Points |
| Lisa Smith 16 13 2 1 81.2% 105 |
| John Doe 5 4 0 1 80.0% 70 |
| Andrew Whittaker 7 0 7 0 0.0% 55 |

Please enter a command [list, add, remove, play, winner,
quit]: add
Name: Steve Jobs
Successfully added player Steve Jobs.

Please enter a command [list, add, remove, play, winner,
quit]: list
| Player Name P W L T W-Rate Points |
| Lisa Smith 16 13 2 1 81.2% 105 |
| Steve Jobs 0 0 0 0 0.0% 100 |
| John Doe 5 4 0 1 80.0% 70 |
| Andrew Whittaker 7 0 7 0 0.0% 55 |

Please enter a command [list, add, remove, play, winner,
quit]: add
Name: John Doe
Player John Doe already exists.

Please enter a command [list, add, remove, play, winner,
quit]: remove
Name: Bill Gates
No such player found.

Please enter a command [list, add, remove, play, winner,
quit]: remove
Name: John Doe
Successfully removed player John Doe.

Please enter a command [list, add, remove, play, winner,
quit]: list
- 16 -
| Player Name P W L T W-Rate Points |
| Lisa Smith 16 13 2 1 81.2% 105 |
| Steve Jobs 0 0 0 0 0.0% 100 |
| Andrew Whittaker 7 0 7 0 0.0% 55 |

Please enter a command [list, add, remove, play, winner,
quit]: play
Name: John Doe
No such player found.

Please enter a command [list, add, remove, play, winner,
quit]: play
Name: Steve Jobs
How many points to bid (1-100)? 0
How many points to bid (1-100)? 30
Which game ([r]Rock-Paper-Scissors, [i]In-between)? i
Let's play In-between!
DEBUG: 5 - 7
Choose a number (1-10): 0
Choose a number (1-10): 12
Choose a number (1-10): 6
Computer chose 5 and 7, you chose 6.
You win!
You now have 130 points.

Please enter a command [list, add, remove, play, winner,
quit]: list
| Player Name P W L T W-Rate Points |
| Steve Jobs 1 1 0 0 100.0% 130 |
| Lisa Smith 16 13 2 1 81.2% 105 |
| Andrew Whittaker 7 0 7 0 0.0% 55 |

Please enter a command [list, add, remove, play, winner,
quit]: winner
Steve Jobs has 130 points and a winning rate of 100.0%.

Please enter a command [list, add, remove, play, winner,
quit]: play
Name: Lisa Smith
How many points to bid (1-105)? 120
How many points to bid (1-105)? 50
Which game ([r]Rock-Paper-Scissors, [i]In-between)? i
Let's play In-between!
DEBUG: 1 - 3
Choose a number (1-10): 3
- 17 -
Computer chose 1 and 3, you chose 3.
No changes to your points.

Please enter a command [list, add, remove, play, winner,
quit]: list
| Player Name P W L T W-Rate Points |
| Steve Jobs 1 1 0 0 100.0% 130 |
| Lisa Smith 17 13 2 2 76.5% 105 |
| Andrew Whittaker 7 0 7 0 0.0% 55 |

Please enter a command [list, add, remove, play, winner,
quit]: play
Name: Steve Jobs
How many points to bid (1-130)? 130
Which game ([r]Rock-Paper-Scissors, [i]In-between)? i
Let's play In-between!
DEBUG: 2 - 6
Choose a number (1-10): 9
Computer chose 2 and 6, you chose 9.
You lose!
Oh no! You ran out of points!

Please enter a command [list, add, remove, play, winner,
quit]: list
| Player Name P W L T W-Rate Points |
| Lisa Smith 17 13 2 2 76.5% 105 |
| Andrew Whittaker 7 0 7 0 0.0% 55 |
| Steve Jobs 2 1 1 0 50.0% 0 |

Please enter a command [list, add, remove, play, winner,
quit]: play
Name: Steve Jobs
Not enough points to play.

Please enter a command [list, add, remove, play, winner,
quit]: winner
Lisa Smith has 105 points and a winning rate of 76.5%.

Please enter a command [list, add, remove, play, winner,
quit]: quit
Thank you for playing!

Players info successfully saved.

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Sample Output 2 (in case players.txt is not available):

ERROR: Cannot load players info.

Please enter a command [list, add, remove, play, winner,
quit]: list
| Player Name P W L T W-Rate Points |
| No player to display. |

Please enter a command [list, add, remove, play, winner,
quit]: winner
There is no winner.

Please enter a command [list, add, remove, play, winner,
quit]: add
Name: Bill Gates
Successfully added player Bill Gates.

Please enter a command [list, add, remove, play, winner,
quit]: list
| Player Name P W L T W-Rate Points |
| Bill Gates 0 0 0 0 0.0% 100 |

Please enter a command [list, add, remove, play, winner,
quit]: winner
Bill Gates has 100 points, and never played a game.

Please enter a command [list, add, remove, play, winner,
quit]: quit
Thank you for playing!

Players info successfully saved.

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Marking Criteria

This assignment is worth 20% of your grade. Marking will follow a demo similar to the
scenarios shown in the Sample Output section.
Category Mark

Produces correct results
Proper error message shown when cannot load data from player.txt. / 0.5
Proper success message shown after loading data from player.txt. / 0.5
list command prints a leader board. / 0.5
The leader board is printed in a correct format as specified. / 0.5
add command successfully adds a new player initialised with 100 points. / 0.5
add command properly fails if the player already exists. / 0.5
remove command successfully removes an existing player. / 0.5
remove command properly fails if the player does not exist. / 0.5
play command properly fails if the player does not exist. / 0.5
play command properly fails if the player has no points to play. / 0.5
play command asks for bidding with correct range of points available. / 0.5
Game of In-between correctly behaves as expected with the game logic. / 0.5
Game of In-between asks again if the user’s choice is not between 1 to 10. / 0.5
Game of In-between prints output in a correct format as specified. / 0.5
The leader board is properly updated and sorted based on the results. / 0.5
winner command prints correct output in proper format. / 0.5
winner command prints no winner message when no players available. / 0.5
The leader board displays correct message when there is no player. / 0.5
quit command shows output of confirming the player info being saved. / 0.5
The player information is saved into output.txt in correct format. / 0.5
Sub-Total / 10

Adheres to specifications
Uses the provided files without any modification. / 1
Class definitions organised into python modules as specified: player.py,
leaderboard.py, and inbetweengame.py.
/ 1
Player class defines all of the specified methods. / 0.5
LeaderBoard class defines all of the specified methods. / 1
Inbetween class defines all of the specified methods. / 0.5
Proper use of classes and objects practising data encapsulation,
inheritance and polymorphism, as specified.
/ 1
Appropriate and well-constructed while, for, and if statements. / 1
Sub-Total / 6

Coding style
Comment at the beginning of each file with student details. / 0.5
Comment on code with sufficient details. (e.g., when defining a variable,
function, or method, and for each significant section of code)
/ 0.5
- 20 -
Naming identifiers must use camelCase or under_score style. / 0.5
Meaningful names. (e.g., no single letter variable names, except for index) / 0.5
Sub-Total / 2

Demonstration - Explain the code answering questions asked by the supervisor.
Question 1 / 1
Question 2 / 1
Sub-Total / 2
Total / 20

- The end -




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