STUDENT STUDENT - PRODUCT ASSESSMENT TASK PRODUCT ASSESSMENT TASK Section A - Assessment Information Task Number 4 of 4 Task Name AT4 – Management Plan National unit/s code BSBWHS501 National unit/s title Ensure a safe workplace National qualification code ICT50118 National qualification title Diploma of Information Technology RMIT Program code C5395 RMIT Course code OHTH5872C Duration and/or due date: This project will be handed out in week 2 and you will have the semester to complete it The Project is due in Week 15, Sunday night at 11:59 pm Task Instructions [AT5 – Management Plan] [ 4 of 4 ] [ 11/12/2019 ] Student product assessment task © Content is subject to copyright, RMIT University FINAL APPROVED – STUDENT PRODUCT ASSESSMENT TASK TEMPLATE – June 2019_Version 2.0 Page of 1 5 STUDENT Summary and Purpose of Assessment This product assessment task is the fourth of four assessment tasks students need to complete satisfactorily, in order to be deemed competent for this unit. This assessment will allow students to demonstrate their ability to create a WHS Management plan that will encompass all the learning over the semester. You will be given a template that will be used in class to complete the task. Assessment Instructions What The students are required to complete a WHS Management plan that will encompass all assessment tasks. The students will be given a template for the WHS plan that they will need to complete using resources and notes given in class time. The template covers all aspects of WHS and will be added to as topics are covered in class. The students will have a portfolio of WHS work that can be used when applying to prospective employers. Where Students will be provided some class time to work on this assessment, however, it is expected that the majority of this assessment will be completed outside of class. The practical observation will take place during class time. How Students will be assessed against the criteria as listed in the marking guide in Section B of this task and how well they answer the questions asked by the assessor. To achieve a satisfactory result students will need to address all criteria satisfactorily. There are 2 parts to this task, you will be required to complete: Part 1: Add in the Assessment tasks for Hazards, Database and Presentation (AT1, AT3 and AT4) Part 2: Complete all sections in the Management plan Part 1: Add Assessment tasks As you complete an assessment task you will need to add it into the relevant section of the management plan. Make sure that all the relevant information is included in each section such as extra file location and bibliography if needed. Part 2: Management plan Using the template provided, Management Plan, you will need to complete all sections of the plan. You will need to be able to research and answer the following areas: • WHS Policy • Responsibilities of relevant people • Consultation and communication arrangements • WHS Risk assessment • WHS Issue Resolution • Incident Reporting • WHS Training and Induction • Risk Management • Purchasing • Record Keeping [AT5 – Management Plan] [ 4 of 4 ] [ 11/12/2019 ] Student product assessment task © Content is subject to copyright, RMIT University FINAL APPROVED – STUDENT PRODUCT ASSESSMENT TASK TEMPLATE – June 2019_Version 2.0 Page of 2 5 STUDENT Section B – Marking Guide Below is a checklist for how this assessment task will be judged as satisfactory or not satisfactory. Conditions for assessment • Students must complete the task within the maximum allowed duration • This is an individual task that students must complete with minimal support from others (allowed support would be questions related to the location of equipment needed) • Students are required to make arrangements with the assessor at least one week prior to the assessment due date if they feel they require special allowance or allowable adjustment to this task • As part of the assessment, the student will need to submit all sections • Please ensure students full and correct name is written on the student version of this assessment task (do not use nicknames or abbreviations) • Students will be assessed as satisfactory or not satisfactory • In certain circumstances you may be eligible for an assessment adjustment (e.g. a disability or long- term medical or mental health condition; an unavoidable employment, family, cultural, religious or elite sporting commitment known in advance; other unexpected circumstance outside their control). • Equitable Assessment Arrangement must be applied for at least four weeks before your first assessment task. • Extension of Time must be applied for at least one working day before the assessment due date. • Special Consideration must be applied for within five working days after the assessment due date. • See the RMIT Website for more information and how to apply. Instructions on submitting your project/portfolio/report • Students must submit all documents listed in the instructions and marking criteria. You will assess the documentation they provide. You will have to contact them if any information is missing and they will have 24 hours to provide the missing documentation for assessment. • All documents must meet the criteria to the standard described in the marking guide in Section B to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment. • Students must submit the assessment via Canvas (and not via other means without prior permission from you). • Each page of their assessment should include a footer with Surname, First Name, Student Number and Assessment Task Name, and page numbers. • Students are to name their documents with: Surname, First Name, Student Number and Assessment Task Name (e.g. Smith, John S123456 Management plan). • Students are to use the document format: .docx or .doc. MAC users must comply with this requirement Equipment/resources students must supply: Equipment/resources to be provided by RMIT or the workplace: • Computer and relevant software • Microsoft Word • Onsite computer and internet access • Canvas and classroom resources Key Criteria that must be demonstrated The students will use a template to complete an OHS management plan that will cover all the topics during the semester. The students will need to complete all sections and use the other assessment tasks in the relevant sections as well. The document will allow students to develop policy, define responsibilities, research and document some case studies as well as other areas of OHS. Criteria for Assessment Satisfactory Comment [AT5 – Management Plan] [ 4 of 4 ] [ 11/12/2019 ] Student product assessment task © Content is subject to copyright, RMIT University FINAL APPROVED – STUDENT PRODUCT ASSESSMENT TASK TEMPLATE – June 2019_Version 2.0 Page of 3 5 STUDENT Y N 1 The template has been used and is filled in appropriately in all sections 2 The relevant tasks have been incorporated into the Management plan – ie Hazard Identification, Management system and Presentation Management plan sections to be completed: 3 WHS Policy has been completed 4 Responsibilities of relevant people filled in 5 Consultation and communication arrangements included 6 WHS Issue Resolution included 7 Authoritative sources included 8 Incident Reporting included 9 WHS Training and Induction added in 10 Risk Management added 11 Purchasing 12 Record Keeping Management system document included 13 Important documents and contacts included 14 Various Case Studies completed [AT5 – Management Plan] [ 4 of 4 ] [ 11/12/2019 ] Student product assessment task © Content is subject to copyright, RMIT University FINAL APPROVED – STUDENT PRODUCT ASSESSMENT TASK TEMPLATE – June 2019_Version 2.0 Page of 4 5 STUDENT Section C – Feedback to Student Has the student successfully completed the task? Yes No Feedback to student: Assessor Name Date [AT5 – Management Plan] [ 4 of 4 ] [ 11/12/2019 ] Student product assessment task © Content is subject to copyright, RMIT University FINAL APPROVED – STUDENT PRODUCT ASSESSMENT TASK TEMPLATE – June 2019_Version 2.0 Page of 5 5