ELEC5618 Software Quality Engineering School of Electrical and Information Engineering Practice Examination Consider the following system: A system manages information about patients in a hospital. There are two types of users: medical personnel and patients. The system must allow both types of users to update patient information. It must have persistent storage (information is retained from session to session). New patients must be inserted in the system. Each patient has a unique ID, first name and last name. The status of a patient must be either in-patient (checked in to the hospital) or out-patient (not checked in to the hospital). Each patient in the system has attached a treatment that can be updated at any time by the medical personnel. This system applies to Questions 1 to 4. Make any assumptions that you believe are needed to complete the questions. Explain these assumptions in your answers. Question 1 Write two functional requirements for the system regarding a desired listing functionality (list patient records) that would be included in the category Functional suitability of the standard ISO/IEC 25010:2011, for the subclass Functional completeness. Question 2 Describe two test cases using the usual template for test specification that could be used to test the system. (Hint: The template includes the items Test Case Title, Type of Test, Purpose, Prerequisite, Test Data/Input Data/Entry Criteria, Steps, Output, Exit Criteria, Recommendations and Notes, Issue and Questions). Question 3 The functionality for entering patient data is to be tested using a Finite State Machine (FSM). Entering a field prompts a transition in this FSM. The data required is the patient unique ID, the first name and the last name. The last two can be entered in any order but only after the unique ID has been entered. Create the derived FSM and specify the transitions as a transitionmatrix. Question 4 With respect to the previous FSM, the probability of entering the first name first is twice that of entering the last name. Derive the Markov Chain from the previous FSM. Page 1 of 2 ELEC5618 Software Quality Engineering Practice Examination Question 5 Explain the difference between quality planning, assurance andcontrol. Question 6 Describe each of the stages of the People Capability Maturity Model: Initial, Repeatable, Defined, Managed and Optimized. Question 7 Describe the type of errors that are detected when static flow analysis is performed on the code. Question 8 Consider a function inside a navigational system for a car that receives the current speed as a parameter and returns an estimation of the gas consumption of the vehicle. It applies different esti- mations for the following speed ranges (in km/h): 10-30, 30-50, 50-80, 80-120. What values would you choose to write black-box tests for such function based on the technique of input equivalence partition? Question 9 Calculate the cyclomatic complexity of the following function by drawing a graph of program flow and list the independent paths. void traverse_objects(Item set[]) { int i,j,acc; acc = 0; for (i = 0; i < set.length; i++) { Item it = set[i]; if (it.field1 != 0) { acc += it.field1; } if (it.double == 1) { acc += it.field1; } } } Question 10 What kind of functionality is provided by a test management tool in the area of reporting? Page 2 of 2