辅导案例-QBUS6860-Assignment 10
The University of Sydney Page 1 QBUS6860 Visual Data Analytics Weekly Assignment 10 Dr Demetris Christodoulou Discipline of Accounting MEAFA Research Group http://sydney.edu.au/business/research/meafa The University of Sydney Page 2 Weekly Assignment 10 o You Weekly Assignment 10 is concerned with analyzing the graph objective “How capital investment determines sales revenue” o To complete the graph objective you are required to analyse how company performance in terms of sales revenue is determined by capital investment for manufacturing companies that operate in the industry of Semiconductors & Related Devices o The analysis must be done irrespective of company or financial year. That is, we are interested in understanding the typical or average relation between sales revenue and capital investment across all firms and years. o There is no need to do research on this topic. o You can get the dataset capital_investment.csv in Canvas under Datasets used in lectures and assignments. The University of Sydney Page 3 Weekly Assignment 10 o The dataset contains information about capital investment and related transactions. This is real data concerning real companies that was obtained from an archival commercial database. The dataset contains the following variables (financials are in millions of US$): – id: the company identifier – fyear: the financial year when the financials are reported – sales: the sales revenue flow for the financial year – ppe: the accumulated stock of capital investment as measured by property, plant and equipment assets – capx: the added capital expenditure flow for that financial year that increases ppe – dep: the depreciation expense flow for that financial year that decreases ppe – other: contains other transactions and accounting adjustments that may increase or decrease ppe for that financial year The University of Sydney Page 4 Weekly Assignment 10 o With respect to the data generating process, it is important to note that the following accounting relation holds at any given point in tiem, for every company and financial year t: o From this relation, it is important to know that ppe is a ‘stock’ variable that accumulates over time, whereas capx, dep and other are periodic ‘flow’ variables that measure the increase or decrease in the capital ppe from one year t-1 to the next year t o The graph objective is defined as “How capital investment determines sales revenue”. Note the direction of the relation described – given the level of capital investment there will be more or less sales revenue PPEt−1 +CAPXt −DEPt +Othert = PPEt The University of Sydney Page 5 Weekly Assignment 10 o You are required to assume the role of a consultant to one of these companies and adopt an exploratory type of approach in order to discover how sales revenue is determined by capital investment. o You are required to produce suitable EDA and VDA output with convincing arguments that will be presented to one of these companies and could provide a sufficient answer to this graph objective. o You are required to produce specific recommendations of how a company in the industry of Semiconductors & Related Devices can boost its sales revenue using capital investment. You must be specific in your recommendations. Any generic statements will not be accepted. You need to inform exactly what needs to change and by how much in order to improve company performance and by which specific amount. The University of Sydney Page 6 Weekly Assignment 10 o You are free to manage the data using any software and you are also free to use Stata to perform EDA. You can include any Stata output in your report that may help you support your arguments o However, you must produce a high-quality static data graph (i.e. not interactive) produced using Tableau, that would be attached on the report and presented to a company for drawing fast and accurate conclusions. o You are required to submit a Word file report documenting your data management, data choices, EDA, VDA and any lessons and specific recommendations learned from solving the graph objective that could be presented to a company for decision making