COMPX322-20A Assignment Three Due Date: Friday June 12th, 5pm Using and Combining Web Services For this coursework you are to implement a web page that uses several different APIs and web services to provide information to travellers to New Zealand. This will consist of: • HTML without in-line formatting, and with well-formed open and closing tags for HTML elements • Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) • JavaScript and PHP to issue the requests to the APIs and handle returned data • DHTML so that all data is displayed without page reload • Use of AJAX, fetch and cURL (as described) to obtain data from the following APIs: - leaflet for the map − mapquest for geocoding - sunrise-sunset for sunrise and sunset times - openweathermap for weather • Use of objects to store data IMPORTANT: For each of the API requests you will need to follow the instructions on which methods to use for the access and which data types to use for the returned data – these are part of the assessment requirements. Application description • the application will be implemented in the form of a dynamic web page • when the page loads it displays a map showing a town in New Zealand (it doesn’t matter which the default town is). • the user can enter the name of a town that they are interested in and the map will update to show this town • in addition the sunrise and sunset times for the town are displayed as well as current weather information • the application keeps track of towns the user has viewed and provides a list of these which can be clicked to redisplay the relevant map For example, if the user enters “Queenstown” as the town they are interested in, the web page may display something like: The ‘Queenstown’ label under recent searches will provide a shortcut for this town during a browsing session. Each time the user searches for a new town the map will display the new result, along with new sunset/sunrise and weather info and it should be added to this list. This is implemented through the use of an object which you must create to store the town details (name, lon, lat), this ensures that when a user clicks on one of the links the geocode from the object is used, there is no need to request it again from the API. (note: sunrise/sunset and weather information should be retrieved dynamically each time.) What you need to do: For each of the web service requests you should follow the instructions below MAP Use the leaflet map to display the selected town (you will need to use geocoding to get the required longitude and latitude). Details of how to use the leaflet map can be found here: https://leafletjs.com/examples/quick-start/ GEOCODE Use the mapquest API for geocoding, you will need to register for an API key to use the service. You should ensure that the towns it looks for are in New Zealand, without requiring the user to enter ‘NZ’ as part of their search term. Details of how to use the geocode API can be found here: https://developer.mapquest.com/documentation/geocoding-api/ Requests to this API must be made using fetch in your JavaScript (no PHP required), data must be returned in JSON format. SUNRISE/SUNSET Use the sunrise-sunset API for getting this information. Details of how to use the API can be found here: https://sunrise-sunset.org/api Requests to this API must be made using fetch in your JavaScript to a PHP script which uses cURL, data must be returned in JSON format. NOTE: All times are in UTC and summer time adjustments are not included in the returned data, you will need to perform the necessary adjustments before displaying the data WEATHER Use the openweathermap API for this information. You will need to register for an API key. Details of how to use the API can be found here: https://openweathermap.org/current#geo Requests to this API must be made using an AJAX request from your JavaScript to a PHP script which uses cURL, data must be returned in XML format. https://sunrise-sunset.org/api What to submit and how All of your material for this assignment must be submitted electronically using Moodle. Assuming that all parts of your application are within a directory called compx322assn3 within your course_html directory. Compress this folder using gzip/zip etc. to create a comp333assn3.zip or comp322assn3.tar.xz file. In the COMP322 Moodle site, you will see a link Assignment 3 to the submission page. This link allows you to upload your zip file. You can do this as many times as you want up to the submission deadline for the assignment. When you submit a file Moodle will ask you to confirm that what you have submitted is your own work, and will provide you with a ‘receipt’ that establishes that you have indeed submitted something. How your work will be assessed The assignment will be marked out of 50 as follows: • Application meets minimum functional requirements 25 marks • Fetch requests used to request geocoding data in JSON format 5 marks • Fetch and cURL requests used to request and retrieve Sunset/Sunrise information in JSON format 5 marks • AJAX and cURL requests used to request weather information in XML format 5 marks • JavaScript object is used to store town information 5 marks • HTML and CSS are used for appropriate design and layout 3 marks • Code is well structured and is commented appropriately 2 marks Optional Extras There are lots of ways you can enhance this to make it more interesting. Start by using additional features and data from the APIs above, then try and find additional relevant APIs and see how you can include that data as well.