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COMP3506/7505 Homework Task 3
Due Fri 13 Sep 2019, 5:00pm
10 marks total
In this problem set we will working with trees! If you’re feeling intreegued, keep on reading :)
Support File Overview
You have been supplied with a set of tree-based data structures, as follows:
• Tree.java contains a simple tree ADT
• StandardTree.java contains a non-binary tree implementation of the Tree ADT (that is,
each node in a StandardTree can have as many or as few children as needed)
• BinaryTree.java contains a binary tree implementation of the Tree ADT (this is not an
implementation of a proper binary tree)
• TreeIterator.java contains an unimplemented iterator for any tree implementing the Tree
ADT (this is similar to an iterator over a list as described in lectures, but will instead perform
a preorder traversal over a tree - without using recursion!)
Standard tree example
Binary tree example
3 4
6 7
Your Task
1. (3 marks) Implement the TreeIterator class, so that a preorder traversal of any tree im-
plementing the Tree ADT can be performed using this iterator. At a minimum, you will
need to implement the next and hasNext methods as per their specifications in the Iterator
interface (https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/Iterator.html).
2. (2 marks) Implement the isBST method as per its Javadoc specification. The method should
return whether a given binary tree is a binary search tree or not. You may write one or more
private helper methods as a part of your solution.
3. (2 marks) In the Javadoc comments for each of the isBST, hasNext, and next methods, state
(in big-O notation) and briefly explain the worst-case time complexity of a single call to
each of these methods. If the amortised time complexity of any of these methods differ, also
provide that and explain why it differs.
4. (3 marks) Trees have a variety of practical applications. For this question, you will be
required to model a practical scenario that makes use of trees, as follows:
• Write another class (in a separate Java file) that models your chosen practical scenario
and implements/extends/utilises one of the given tree ADTs or CDTs. Your implemen-
tation should introduce or override at least two methods. Each of these methods should
have non-trivial functionality and be documented appropriately.
• In the Javadoc comment for this class, explain why a tree is a useful data structure to
model your chosen scenario.
• In the file MyTreeTest.java, write at least two realistic JUnit tests that demonstrate
the usage of this data structure and its methods.
Example scenarios include the book or file system examples described in lectures. This
cannot be another theoretical tree-based data structure (eg. an AVL tree) or a theoretical
algorithm that uses trees (eg. heapsort), unless you model a practical scenario where this
data structure/algorithm is used. You must come up with an example that was not presented
in lectures (these examples will receive no marks). Talk to a tutor if you are unsure about
whether your implementation is classed as a practical scenario.
• You may not modify Tree.java or StandardTree.java. You may also not modify
BinaryTree.java, apart from implementing isBST and any necessary helper methods.
• Your TreeIterator solution should not use recursion (that’s why it’s called an iterator!)
• You may not use any constructs from the JCF, apart from those that are already imported
in the base code. The only exception to this is question 4, where you are free to use any
constructs from the JCF.
• Your implementation should only use basic Java programming constructs and not other
libraries, apart from those that are already imported.
Failure to adhere to these constraints will result in no marks for this exercise.
Submission and Marking
Submit the following files as a part of your submission. Do not submit any other files or directories.
To preserve anonymity, please do not include your name in any submitted files (it is okay to include
your student number).
• TreeIterator.java - which should contain your solution to questions 1 and 3
• BinaryTree.java - which should contain your solution to questions 2 and 3
• An appropriately-named Java file containing your answer to question 4
• MyTreeTest.java - which should contain the JUnit tests you wrote for question 4
Questions 1 and 2 will be marked by an automated test suite with timeouts present on each of the
tests. A sample test suite has been provided in TreeTest.java. This test suite is not comprehen-
sive - there is no guarantee that passing these will ensure passing the tests used during marking.
It is recommended, but not required, that you write your own tests for your algorithms. Marks
may be deducted for poor coding style and/or inefficient algorithms.
Questions 3 and 4 will be manually marked by a tutor. Any asymptotic bounds should be as
tight and simple as possible. Explanations do not have to be formal. Clearly define all variables.
Your analysis should focus on the algorithms you have written - you do not need to analyse the
underlying data structures but you must state any assumptions about these for full marks in Q3.
Late Submissions and Extensions
Late submissions will not be accepted. It is your responsibility to ensure you have submitted your
work well in advance of the deadline (taking into account the possibility of computer or internet
issues). See the ECP for information about extensions.
Academic Misconduct
Students are reminded of the University’s policy on student misconduct, including plagiarism. See
the course profile and the School web page:



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