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COM1003 JaYa PURgUaPPLQg ± SePeVWeU 2
A Fitness actiYit\ tracker data e[plorer
Submission and deadline
You can already upload your code via the submission link provided on MOLE.
The deadline for submission is 3 pm on Friday 22 May.
Where and how to submit
Please, follow carefully this guidance:
- Upload your Java source code as a compressed zip archive to MOLE (.tgz, and .rar files will not be accepted).
- The zip file should be named according to your CICS username, e.g. if your username is aca19xxx, your file
should be named aca19xxx.zip. The zip file VhoXld XncomSUeVV inWo a foldeU called µaVVignmenW2020¶
containing your source code, with a sub-foldeU called µaVVignmenW2020/codeSUoYided¶ (oU
µaVVignmenW2020\codeSUoYided¶ on WindoZV) conWaining Whe SUoYided claVVeV, and similarly the other
subpackages (gui, handoutquestions and dataloading). To create a zip file on Windows, navigate to your Eclipse
ZoUkVSace, When inWo Whe µVUc¶ foldeU. RighW click Whe foldeU µaVVignmenW2020¶ and VelecW µSend To...¶ When VelecW
µComSUeVVed (]iSSed) FoldeU¶.
- Do not upload the dataset.

To double-check that your submission conforms to the above, once you unzip your submission file (aca19xxx.zip),
the file structure should look like the one in the image:

Submission checklist
It is imperative that you adhere precisely to the required program structure outlined in this assignment. You have
already been provided with a substantial number of Java files and empty versions of the classes that you need to
submit. If you do not adhere to the guidance provided, your code may not be compatible with the marking system
and will be returned to you and you will risk your final mark.
- Keep as your main class the class Assignment.java that has been provided to you.
- Ensure that all your classes are part of the package assignment2020, and sub-packages
assignment2020.* (assignment2020.dataloading, assignment2020.handoutquestions
and assignment2020.gui). Your classes need to import the classes in the code provided to you in package
assignment2020.codeprovided and its sub-packages assignment2020.codeprovided.*.
- Ensure that your submission has the following classes, with exact matches to filenames and in the package
location that has been already provided to you:
o DataLoader.java (assignment2020.dataloading)
o FitnessQuestions.java (assignment2020.handoutquestions)
o GUIPanel.java (assignment2020.gui)
o GUIPlotPanel.java (assignment2020.gui)
- Also ensure that your submission has all the classes in the package assignment2020.codeprovided
and sub-packages assignment2020.codeprovided.* unaltered.

Late work
Late work will be penalised according to standard University procedure (a penalty of 5% per day late; work will be
awarded a mark of zero if more than 5 days late). Be aware that sometimes MOLE is slow or unavailable, so make
sure you upload your code well in advance of the deadline.
Marking and feedback
Your submission will be marked out of 100, and marks will be awarded as follows:

x Correct outputs (50%), evaluated on the basic tests supplied, and more strenuous hidden tests covering the
correctness of the whole assignment. Tests will cover the correctness in loading the data from the provided text
files (section ³FiWneVV tracker activity daWa´), the amount of correct answers to Q1-Q20 questions (section “The
questions´), and GUI operating as expected providing the correct data visualisations (section “The GUI´).
x Sensible and efficient programming practices (25%), encompassing well designed algorithms, data
structures and data manipulation strategies, sensible use of the Java API, and good use of exceptions. You
should strive to make your code robust, such that it can behave sensibly even when there are errors in the input
x Good programming style (25%). Remember that readability is of paramount importance. This means
choosing good names for classes, variables and methods, taking care with line breaks, using documentation
when required (but not excessively), using indentation adequately and consistently (4 characters per indent is
the recommendation). As a last check before handing in, ask yourself whether your code is readable by someone
marking it, and try viewing your source files with a different editor to ensure that your indentation will display
If you have any questions about the assignment, please, first check the list of Frequently Asked Questions in the
Assignment section. If your question is not answered there, please, use the COM1003 forum to post your questions.
The lecturer and demonstrators will be available to answer questions about the assignment in the Tuesday and Friday
virtual labs.

Maria-Cruz Villa-Uriol, 21st April 2020



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