辅导案例-CSE 4/560

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CSE 4/560 Project 2: Company DB - SQL Query
Due 23:59 04/21/2020 EST
April 17, 2020
This is an individual project for writing SQL queries. There is 14 problems
with 25 points in total. Please note that academic integrity is strictly
implemented and any violation will lead to a F grade in this course.
1 Project Setup
1.1 MySQL
This project ONLY use MySQL (version 8.0.13) as the canonical database. To
download MySQL community server, please go to https://downloads.mysql.
1.2 Database: Employees
Follow the steps below to install the project database
1. Download the GitHub Repository: https://github.com/datacharmer/
2. Launch command line console, change the working directory to your down-
loaded repository
3. Type following command:
mysql < employees.sql
mysql -u YOUR MY SQL USER NAME -p < employees.sql
This will initialize your database.
4. To verify installation, run following commands:
mysql -t < test employees md5.sql
mysql -u YOUR MY SQL USER NAME -p < test employees md5.sql
2 Problem Statements
For each problem, write a SQL query to find the information described in the
statements. Only following MySQL functions are allowed during constructing
SQL Queries:
Answer Format: Each problem can only have ONE SQL query. The query
can be arbitrary complex, such as nested query etc. Write the query in a file with
letter q followed by the problem number and .sql extension. e.g., the answer
query for problem 1 is written in q1.sql as file name.
2.1 Problem 1, 1 point
Find all employees’ employee number, birth date, gender. Sort the result by
employee number. The result of query is similar to following table:
emp_no birth_date gender
10001 1953-09-02 M
10002 1964-06-02 F
10003 1959-12-03 M
2.2 Problem 2, 1 point
Find all female employees and sort the result by employee number. The result
of query is similar to following table:
emp_no birth_date first_name last_name gender hire_date
10002 1964-06-02 Bezalel Simmel F 1985-11-21
10006 1953-04-20 Anneke Preusig F 1989-06-02
2.3 Problem 3, 1 point
Find all employees’ last name with their salaries in different periods. Sort the
result by last name, salary, from date, then to date. The result of query is
similar to following table:
last_name salary from_date to_date
Aamodt 39537 1991-05-28 1992-05-27
Aamodt 39548 1986-12-31 1987-12-31
Acton 39202 1994-10-10 1995-10-10
Acton 39581 1993-10-10 1994-10-10
2.4 Problem 4, 1 point
Find all employees’ current department and the start date with their employee
number and sort the result by employee number. The result of query is similar
to following table:
emp_no dept_name from_date
10001 Development 1986-06-26
10002 Sales 1996-08-03
10003 Production 1995-12-03
2.5 Problem 5, 1 point
List the number of employees in each department. Sort the result by department
name. The result of query is similar to following table:
dept_name noe
Customer Service 23580
Development 85707
2.6 Problem 6, 2 points
List pairs of employee (e1, e2) which satisfies ALL following conditions:
1. Both e1 and e2’s current department number is d001.
2. The year of birthdate for e1 and e2 is 1955.
3. The e1’s employee number is less than e2.
Sort the result by e1 then e2. The result of query is similar to following table:
e1 e2
10239 10367
10239 11251
10367 11251
10367 11554
2.7 Problem 7, 2 points
For each department, list out the manager who stayed the longest time in the
department. The list needs to exclude the current manager. Sort the result by
employ number. The result of query is similar to following table:
emp_no dept_name
110022 Marketing
110085 Finance
2.8 Problem 8, 2 points
Find out departments which has changed its manager more than once then list
out the name of the departments and the number of changes. Sort the result
by department name. The result of query is similar to following table:
dept_name cnt
Customer Service 3
2.9 Problem 9, 2 points
For each employee, find out how many times the title has been changed without
chaning of the salary. e.g. An employee promoted from Engineer to Sr. Engineer
with salaries remains 10k. Sort the result by employ number. The result of query
is similar to following table:
emp_no cnt
10004 1
10005 1
10007 1
10009 2
2.10 Problem 10, 2 points
Find out those pairs of employees (eH , eL) which satisfy ALL following condi-
1. Both eH and eL born in 1965
2. eH ’s current salary is higher than eL’s current salary
3. eH ’s hiring date is greater than eL, which means eH is a newer employee
than eL.
Sort the result by employee number of eH then employee number of el.
Result is shown as table below:
h_empno h_salary h_date l_empno l_salary l_date
10095 80955 1986-07-15 13499 58029 1985-11-25
10095 80955 1986-07-15 14104 61757 1986-01-02
10095 80955 1986-07-15 17206 55078 1986-02-25
10095 80955 1986-07-15 18617 66957 1986-06-28
• h empno : eH ’s employee number
• h salary : eH ’s current salary
• h date : eH ’s hire date
• l empno : eL’s employee number
• l salary : eL’s current salary
• l date : eL’s hire date
2.11 Problem 11, 2 points
Find the employee with highest current salary in each department. Note that
MAX function is not allowed. Sort the result by department name. Result is
shown as table below:
dept_name emp_no salary
Customer Service 18006 144866
Development 13386 144434
2.12 Problem 12, 2 points
Calculate the percentage of number of employees’ current salary is above the
department current avarage. Sort the result by department name. The result
is shown as following:
dept_name above_avg_pect
Customer Service 44.4988
Development 46.6018
As the figure shows, there are 51.9825 % employees in Development department
has their current salary above the average of current salary in Development
2.13 Problem 13, 3 points
Assuming a title is a node and a promotion is an edge between nodes. e.g.
And promotion from Engineer to Senior Engineer means their is a path from
Node ’Engineer’ to Node ’Senior Engineer’. Find out pairs of node of source
and destination (src, dst) which there is no such path in the database. Sort the
result by src then dst. The result is shown as following:
src dst
Assistant Engineer Assistant Engineer
Engineer Assistant Engineer
The result table shows that there is no path from Assistant Engineer to Assistant
Engineer and neither Engineer to Assistant Engineer. That means there is no
one have been from Engineer and be promoted/demoted to Assistant Engineer
(no matter how many times of promotion/demotion) in the database.
2.14 Problem 14, 3 points
Continued from problem 13, assumeing we treat the years from beginning of a
title until promotion as the distance between nodes. e.g. An employee started as
an Assistant Engineer from 1950-01-01 to 1955-12-31 then be promoted to En-
gineer on 1955-12-31. Then there is an edge between node ”Assistant Engineer”
to ”Engineer” with distance 6.
Calculate the average distance of all possible pair of titles and ordered by
source node. To simplify the problem, there is no need to consider months and
date when calculating the distance. Only year is required for calculating the
distance. Besides, we can assume the distances of any given pair is less than
Sort the result by src then dst. The expected result is shown as follow:
src dst years
Assistant Engineer Engineer 7.7926
Assistant Engineer Manager 20.5266
Engineer Manager 12.7340
As the table shows, the average distance between node ”Assistant Engineer” and
node ”Engineer” is 7.7926. We add it with the distance between ”Engineer”
to ”Manager”, which is 12.7340, to find out the distance between ”Assistant
Engineer” to ”Manager” is 20.5266.
3 Offline Grader
Before downloading and using the offline grader, please pay attention to follow-
ing points:
1. The grader strictly compares the EXACTLY same result and order men-
tioned in each problem statement.
2. The grader checks DB state on start, make sure the DB state is same as
the state which is immediately after importing the employees database.
3. The grader takes the query run time into account, you might get partial
or no point if the query is running too slow.
4. The score is unofficial, we will run the grader with your submission after
project due date as the official score.
The grader only supports Windows and Mac operating system. After down-
loading the zip file, follow the instructions according to the platform.
3.1 Windows
1. Make sure mysql server is running on localhost.
2. Decompress the zip file, the result is a directory named proj2-grader-win
3. Edit the proj2.cfg, set the user and password for the mysql server connec-
4. Launch a console such as cmd or powershell, change the working directory
to proj2-grader-win
5. Execute proj2 test.exe from console, the result should be a pass on initial
state verification and failed on all questions.
6. Write your answer in the files in quiz directory, each question has one file.
e.g., writing the answer for problem 1 in q1.sql
7. Run proj2 test.exe again, grader will show the scores.
3.2 Mac OS X
1. Make sure Python 3 is installed at /usr/local/bin/python3
2. Make sure mysql server is running on localhost.
3. Decompress the zip file, the result is a directory named proj2 test.app
4. Launch a console, change the working directory to proj2 test.app/Contents/Resources.
5. Edit the proj2.cfg, set the user and password for the mysql server connec-
6. Change the working directory to proj2 test.app/Contents/MacOS
7. Execute proj2 test from console, the result should be a pass on initial state
verification and failed on all questions.
8. Write your answer in the files in proj2 test.app/Contents/Resources/quiz
directory, each question has one file. e.g., writing the answer for problem
1 in q1.sql
9. Run proj2 test again, grader will show the scores.
4 Submission
Failure to comply with the submission specifications will incur penalties for
EACH violation.
• What to submit: A zip file has to be submitted through the ‘submit cse460’
(if you are CSE460 student) or ‘submit cse560’ (if you are CSE560 stu-
dent) submit script by 04/21/2020 11:59PM EST. Only zip extension will
be accepted, please don’t use any other compression methods such as tar
or 7zip. You can submit multiple times, note that only the last submission
will be kept on the server.
• Zip file naming: Use ubit proj2 (NO SPACE!) for the filename, for exam-
ple: jsmith proj2.zip, where jsmith is the ubit of submitter. The project
is an INDIVIDUAL project, so everyone needs to submit ONE zip file.
• Sub-structure of zip file: On unzipping the zip file, there should be a folder
named with your ubit ubit proj2, under the folder ubit proj2, there should
be 14 SQL files, starting from q1.sql, q2.sql ... ,q14.sql which correspond
to SQL query for each problem.



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