根据文档信息实现一个MiChef的食品交付服务系统。主要实现文档要求的三个类:Customer class,Meal class,Delivery class。按照文档要求不得使用流和除数组外的其他数据结构。作业分为三个阶段。第一阶段创建客户类并构造函数获取客户对象的所有细节,描述为所有客户实例变量的标签和值;第二阶段为创建膳食类并构造函数获取膳食对象的所有细节,描述为所有膳食实例变量的标签和值;第三阶段实现一个交付类,实施向交付对象添加膳食、日期等细节的方法。
COSC1284 – Programming Techniques
Assignment 1 (2019 S2)
COSC1284 Programming Techniques
Semester 2 (2019)
Assignment 1
Due: 16th August, 2019 (Friday) 11:59 pm AESTi.e. end of week 4Late submissions accepted until21st August, 2019 with penalty11:59 pm AEST
Assignment Type: Individual (Group work is not permitted)Total Marks: 8 marks (8%)
Background information
For this assignment you need to write an object-oriented console application in the Javaprogramming language which adheres to the following object-oriented programming principles:
a) Follow good object-oriented principles such as encapsulation, composition & cohesion.
b) Set the visibility of all instance variables to private.
c) Use getter and setter methods only where needed and appropriate with consideration given toscope (visibility).
d) Only use static attributes and methods when there is a good reason to do so, such as reducingcode repetition whilst still maintaining good object oriented design.
e) Encapsulate both the data for a class and the methods that work with and/or manipulate the datawithin the same class.
f) Use superclass methods to retrieve and/or manipulate superclass properties from within subclassmethods. Avoid accessing variables directly.
For this assignment you need to write a console application in the Java programming languagewhich simulates a food delivery service called MiChef.
The staff at MiChef will need to be able to log the details for deliveries that are available forMiChef's customers.
Assignment 1 – Getting Started
This assignment is divided up into a few stages, each of which tackles concepts discussed duringthe course, as shown below:•
Stage 1 - Customer class (Classes & String Processing) (2 marks)•
Stage 2 - Meal class (Arrays) (4 marks)•
Stage 3 - Delivery class (Composition) (2 marks)
The assignment is designed to increase in complexity with earlier stages being easy and the laterstages becoming increasingly more difficult. In addition, the specification will be more prescriptivein the earlier stages. The later stages of the assignment are less prescriptive and will require youto be more independent and to resolve design issues on your own.
• You are not permitted to use streams from Java 1.8.
• Marking of the assignment will be done using Java 1.8.
• You must use an array to store any collections of data in your program.
• You must not use ArrayLists, Maps or any other data structures within the Java API or from 3rd partylibraries.
Marking Penalties
• Failing to comply with the above restrictions will incur a 50% marking penalty.
• Code that is submitted with compilation errors will incur a 50% marking penalty.
• Code that produces a runtime error and causes the program to crash will incur a 25% markingpenalty.
• Throughout this specification, if the signature of method is shown, then you must implement themethod with the exact signature as shown.
While the scenario described is based upon the concept of a meal delivery service, thespecification for this task is intended to represent a simplified version of such a system and it is notmeant to be a verbatim simulation of any such meal delivery service.
Stage 1 - Customer (Design / Implementation) (2 marks)
Some specific instructions are given below to get you started with the basics, but you will need touse the knowledge and skills you are developing in the course to further develop these classesand solve any problems you encounter as required.
You need to make sure that any modifications/changes you make adhere to good object-orientedconcepts and design.
A) Create the Customer Class
The Customer class represents a single customer.
The following attributes should be defined in your Customer class.
You should NOT define any additional instance variables unless strictly necessary.
B) Constructor
public Customer(String firstName, String lastName,
String streetNumber, String streetName, String suburb, String postcode)
The constructor is responsible for initialising the object into a valid state at the time ofconstruction.
You should NOT have a default constructor.
You should NOT modify the definition of this constructor.
Business Rules:
1. Attributes are not permitted to have an empty string assigned to its value nor can they beassigned null values.
2. The postcode must be exactly four characters, consists only of numeric characters and the firstcharacter must be a digit from 1 - 8.
3. If any of the above rules are violated, then the value of the relevant attribute should be set to"N/A"
C) Implement a method for getting all the details of a Customer object
public String getDetails()
This method should build and return a string. The returned string should be formatted in ahuman readable format as shown below. This method should not do the actual printing.
The description must include labels and values for all the instance variables as shown in theexamples below. Note these are just a couple of sample outputs.
Sample output for a customer with VALID data
Name:Henry Cavill
Address: 83 Dalgliesh
StreetSouth Yarra 3141
Name: Matthew Broderick
Address: 42 Pride AvenueElwood 3184
Sample output for a customer with INVALID data
(empty street name and a post code that contains letters, or the first character is a 0 or 9.)
Name: Angelina Jolie
Address: 83 N/A
South Yarra N/A
D)Implement a toString method
public String toString()
This method should override the Object.toString() method. It should build a string and returnit to the calling method. The returned string should be formatted in a pre-defined formatdesigned to be read and processed by a computer.
Format for the toString method is a colon separated list of the instance variables as shownbelow:
Sample output for a customer with VALID data.
Henry:Cavill:83:Dalgliesh Street:South Yarra:3141
Matthew:Broderick:42:Pride Avenue:Elwood:3184
Sample output for a customer with INVALID data(empty street name and a post code that contains letters, or the first character is a 0 or 9.)
Angelina:Jolie:83:N/A:South Yarra:N/A
E) Write a class to test your customer class
Write a class called TestCustomer that has two methods called ‘testValid' and 'testInvalid'.
In these methods you should FULLY test all the business rules of the class. The test data inthis class should be hard coded and not provided by user input.
In the 'testValid()' method:
• Create the following customers and write statements to print out the getDetails and thetoString results for each customer:
Matthew:Broderick:42:Pride Avenue:Elwood:1184Rowan:Atkinson:91:Sebastian Street:Carlton:2053Jeremy:Irons:19:John Close:Essendon:3040Whoopi:Goldberg:57:Elaine Court:St Albans:4021James:Jones:11:Earl Road:Melbourne:5000Henry:Cavill:83:Dalgliesh Street:South Yarra:6141Angelina:Jolie:11:Smith Street:Toorak:7142Matt:Bomer:42:Staton Street:South Yarra:8141
Note: Post codes do not match actual suburbs, but used for testingpurposes to validate business rules.
In the 'testInvalid()' method
Create the following customers and write statements to print out the getDetails() and thetoString() results for each customer:
• Create a customer with all the attributes set to an empty string;
• Create a customer with a postcode that has alphabetical characters;
• Create a customer with a postcode that is less than 4 characters;
• Create a customer with a postcode that is more than 4 characters;
• Create a customer with a postcode that has a first character ‘0’;
• Create a customer with a postcode that has a first character ‘9’.
In the main method of your program:
• Instantiate the TestCustomer class and call both methods.
• Examine the results of the printing to ensure your class is working correctly and displaying thecorrect output.
For example, the toString() results for the invalid data should be:
Rowan:Atkinson:91:Sebastian Street:Carlton:N/A
Jeremy:Irons:19:John Close:Essendon:N/A
Whoopi:Goldberg:57:Elaine Court:St Albans:N/A
James:Jones:11:Earl Road:Melbourne:N/A
Angelina:Jolie:83:Smith Street:Toorak:N/A
Backup your program once the testing is complete.
Stage 2 - Meal (Design / Implementation) (4 marks)
In this section of the assignment we will list your requirements, but it will be up to you to makedecisions and to design an actual solution.
A) Create the Meal Class
The Meal class represents a single meal and has the following attributes:Name, meal category, list of basic ingredients, list of additional ingredients, cost persingle serve
B) Constructor
public Meal(String name, MealCategory category, String[] ingredients, double cost)
The constructor is responsible for initialising the object into a valid state at the time ofconstruction.
You should NOT have a default constructor.
You should NOT modify the definition of this constructor.
Business Rules:
1. Attributes are not permitted to have an empty string values. Values will be changed to "N/A" ifan empty string is passed into the constructor.
2. A meal must have a minimum of two ingredients.
3. If any of the ingredients are duplicated, the ingredients list is set to null.
4. If the ingredients list contains null values, the null values are removed.
5. Each array must only be large enough to accommodate the number of items it holds.
6. The minimum cost for a meal is $5.00 and an invalid value will be set to -1.00.
7. The meal category should be a fixed list of possible categories available: INDIAN,VIETNAMESE, CHINESE, KOREAN, JAPANESE, EUROPEAN, & MIDDLE EASTERN.
C) Implement a method for adding ingredients
public boolean addIngredient(String ingredient)
You should NOT modify the definition of this method.
Business Rules:
1. Added ingredients can only be added to the additional ingredient list and not the basicingredient list.
2. There cannot be duplicate ingredients across either of the two lists.
The add ingredient method should add the ingredient to the list of additional ingredients andadd 50 cents to the cost of the meal.
The addition of the ingredient should not be permitted if the ingredient already exists in eitherthe basic ingredient list or the custom ingredient list.
D) Implement a method for adding ingredients
public boolean removeIngredient(String ingredient)
You should NOT modify the definition of this method.
The remove ingredient method should remove an ingredient from either ingredient list andonly reduce the cost of the meal by 50 cents if the ingredient being removed is from the list ofadditional ingredients.
You must ensure that no business rules are violated as a result of these operations andreturn an appropriate value from the method depending on the success or failure of theoperation.
E) Implement a method for getting all the details of a Meal object
public String getDetails()
You should NOT modify the definition of this method.
This method should build and return a string. The returned string should be formatted in ahuman readable format as shown below. This method should not do the actual printing.
The description must include labels and values for all the instance variables as shown in theexamples below. Note these are just a couple of sample outputs.
Sample output for a Meal WITHOUT additions
Name: Salmon Soba
Ingredients: Atlantic Salmon, Singapore Noodles, Capsicum, Broccoli
Cost: $23.50
Sample output for a Meal WITH additions
Name: Shakshouka
Ingredients: Eggs, Tomatoes, Onions, Preserved Lemon, Garlic
Additions: Chilli
Cost: $35.50
Sample output for a Meal WITH invalid data less than 2 ingredients and costs less than$5.00
Name: Congee
Category: CHINESE
Ingredients: N/A
Additions: Chilli
Cost: $-1.00
D)Implement a toString method
public String toString()
This method should build a string and return it to the calling method. The returned stringshould be formatted in a pre-defined format designed to be read and processed by a computer.
Format for the toString() method is a colon separated list of the instance variables as shown below:
Sample output for a meal WITHOUT additions.
Salmon Soba:VIETNAMESE:Atlantic Salmon, Singapore Noodles, Capsicum,Brocolli:None:23.50
Sample output for a meal WITH additions.
Shakshouka:MIDDLE_EASTERN:Eggs, Tomatoes, Onions, Preserved Lemon,Garlic:Chilli:17.25
Sample output for a Meal WITH invalid data less than 2 ingredients, cost less that
E) Write a class to test your meal class
Write a class called TestMeal that has five methods. This class should have a main methodso that it can be run independently:
• testPassInstantiation
• testFailInstantiation
• testFailAddIngredient
• testPassAddIngredient
• testFailRemoveIngredient
In these methods you should FULLY test all the business rules of the class.Test for every scenario you can think of and becareful to always allow for 'null' values.The test data in this class should be hard coded and not provided by user input.
In this section of the assignment you are expected to design your own data to make sure thatyou fully test this class.
Examine the results of the printing to ensure your class is working correctly and displayingthe correct output.Backup your program once the testing is complete.
Stage 3 - Delivery (Design / Implementation) (2 marks)
At this stage of the assignment you must make all the design and implementation decisions.
You should think carefully about how to make use of all the object-oriented concepts you havelearned so far in the course.
The basic requirements of this class are as follows:
A) Creation of a Delivery Class
public Delivery(Customer customer)
The constructor is responsible for initialising the object into a valid state at the time ofconstruction.
You should NOT have a default constructor.
You should NOT modify the definition of this constructor.
This class should create an object that represents a delivery that consists of a singlecustomer and one or more meal objects.
B) Implement a method for adding meals to a delivery object
public void addMeal(Meal meal)
Once the construction process has finished, you should be able to add meals to the delivery.
C) Implement a method for setting the date of a delivery object
public boolean setDeliveryDate(int day, int month, int year)
There must be a mechanism by which you can tell if the delivery object is ready to bedelivered.
The delivery should have a mechanism by which to set the day of the week on which themeal will be delivered.
The delivery should also have the actual date on which the meal will be delivered.For example: The meal will be delivered on Wednesday, 24th July 2019.You must use the provided DateTime class for working with dates.
D) Implement a method for getting all the details of a delivery object
public String getDetails()
E) Implement a toString method
public String toString()
F) Write a test class to fully test the Delivery class
In addition to hard coded data, you should also have a method that prompts the user forinputs so the class can be tested dynamically.
Coding Style
Your program should demonstrate appropriate coding style, which includes:
• Formatting
Indentation levels of 3 or 4 spaces used to indent or a single tab provided the tab space isnot too large - you can set up your IDE/editor to automatically replace tabs with levels of 3or 4 spaces.
A new level of indentation added for each new class/method/ control structure used.
Indentation should return to the previous level of at the end of a class/method/controlstructure (before the closing brace if one is being used). Going back to the previous level ofindentation at the end of a class/method/control structure (before the closing brace if one isbeing used)
Block braces should be aligned and positioned consistently in relation to the method/controlstructure they are opening/closing.
Lines of code not exceeding 80 characters in length - lines which will exceed this limit aresplit into two or more segments where required (this is a guideline - it's ok to stray beyondthis by a small amount occasionally, but try to avoid doing so by more than 5-6 charactersor doing so on a consistent basis).
Expressions are well spaced out and source is spaced out into logically related segments
• Good Coding Conventions
Identifiers themselves should be meaningful without being overly explicit (long) – youshould avoid using abbreviations in identifiers as much as possible (an exception to thisrule is a “generic” loop counter used in a for-loop).
Use of appropriate identifiers wherever possible to improve code readability.
All identifiers should adhere to the naming conventions discussed in the course notes suchas ‘camel case’ for variables, and all upper case for constants etc.
Complex expressions are assigned to meaningful variable names prior to being used toenhance code readability and debugging.
Note: the examples provided below do not reflect actual comments you should have in yourassignment, but are used for demonstration purposes only.
Class Level commenting
Each file in your program should have a comment at the top listing your name, studentnumber and a brief description of the contents of the file (generally stating the purpose ofthe class)
* <h1>Menu</h1>
* <p><b>This class provides a user interface to allow the user * to use different
examples of algorithms for sorting and
* filtering data.</b></p>
* <p><b>References: https://www.baeldung.com/java</b></p>
* @author Student Name (s1234567)
* @version 1.0
* @since 2019-05-16
Method Level commenting
All methods should be commented using Java docs.
* <p>This method enables the the insertion of indentation
* levels into a string.</p>
* <p>The method builds a string with tab characters equal to
* the value provided.</p>
* @param level This provides number of indents required.
* @return String This returns a string with the specified
* number of tab characters.
Complex methods should have an algorithm as a multi-line comment. You don't need to specify test cases for every algorithm, only if it is appropriate.
* <b>This demonstrates how to calculate the sum of all
* numbers from zero up to a given value.</b>
* <p>This method uses iteration to perform the calculation.
* Negative numbers are not supported.</p>
* <pre>
* ALGORITHM - Iterative sum
* DEFINE the upper bound
* DEFINE container for storing the result
* IF the upper bound less than zero
* REPEAT upper bound number of times
* ADD upper bound to the current result
* </pre>
* @param upperBound This provides the upper bound of the
* numbers being processed.
* @return int This sum of all the numbers between zero and
* the upper bound.
Code block commenting
Methods that contain multiple logic or code blocks should either be refactored into smaller discrete methods or provide inline commenting to identify and explain each logic or code block.
/* calculate the total value of the room rental
* prior to applying surcharge.*/
int standardRate = 200;
int numberOfNights = 4;
int totalBeforeSurcharge = standardRate * numberOfNights;
Commented out code
Any incomplete or non-functional code should be removed from your implementation prior to your final submission.
Code that is not being used in your final implementation will attract marking penalties.
Examples of bad commenting
An example of a bad comment and/or coding style:
// declare an int value for storing the basic nightly rate for a room
int standardRoomRate = 200;
// declare and assign an initial account balance.
double x = 500.0;
What to Submit?
You should export your entire eclipse project to a zip archive and submit the resulting zip file - dothis from within eclipse while it is running, not by trying to copy or move files around in the eclipseworkspace directly, as you may corrupt your entire workspace if you do something wrong.
All students are also advised to check the contents of their zip files by opening them and viewingthe files contained within before submitting to make sure they have done it correctly and that thecorrect (latest) version of the source code file is present to avoid any unpleasant surprises later.
You should also download a copy of your submission from Canvas after submission, so that youcan double check that you have submitted the correct version.
Technical issues that result in the loss of your work or submitting an incorrect version WILL NOTbe considered a basis for extensions or re-marking.
We are obliged to accept each submission in the form it is sent to us in, so make sure you submitthe correct final version of your program!
The name of both your Eclipse project and your zip archive should be your student numberfollowed by an underscore, then append A1.
For example:
Project Name: s123456_A1
Zip Archive: s123456_A1.zip
Your submission will be penalised heavily if you fail to meet any of the above guidelines.
Please note if you make multiple submissions, canvas will change the name of the file you submit.That is OK and you should not worry about the name change.
Please refer to the extensions document for information on valid extension requests.